Exam Finds Bank Robbery Suspect Competent, Lawyer Disagrees

February 26, 2011

A psychiatric examination has found an Atmore bank robbery suspect competent to stand trial, but the attorney for Chad Floyd Jeter, 31, is asking a federal judge for an independent opinion.

jeterchadfloydbaldwin.jpgJeter was indicted on charges of bank robbery with a weapon and use of a firearm in furtherance of a crime in violence in connection with the May 19, 2009, armed robbery of the First National Bank & Trust in downtown Atmore.

In May, 2010, a psychiatric evaluation determined Jeter was not competent to stand trial. He was admitted to the Federal Medical Center in Butner, North Carolina for treatment and evaluation, with the examination determining recently that he was once again competent to stand trial.

This week, Chief Judge William H. Steele issued an order allowing Jeter’s lawyers to make arrangements for an independent psychiatric examination within 30 days.

“Defendant’s counsel continues to have a serious concern regarding whether Mr. Jeter has currently a sufficient present ability to consult with his counsel with a reasonable degree of rational understanding, as well as a sufficient present ability to have a rational and factual understanding of the proceedings against him,” Arthur Powell, Jeter’s attorney, wrote in a motion filed in federal court last week.

“Based on the previous psychiatric evaluations there is reasonable cause to believe that the Defendant may presently be suffering from a mental disease or defect that renders him mentally incompetent to the extent that he is unable to understand the nature and consequences of the proceedings or to assist in his own defense,” Powell stated.

Jeter allegedly robbed the Atmore bank using a .22 caliber rifle, taking about $6,289. If Jeter were to be convicted on the federal charges, he could face penalties up to life in prison and fines of a half million dollars.

Authorities in Levy County, Florida, dropped an attempted murder of police officer charge against Jeter after a psychological evaluation there found him to be incompetent to stand trial. Jeter was captured in Levy County after a manhunt that followed his escape from a police officer that he struck with a “ninja throwing star”.

Jeter reportedly drove up to the downtown Atmore bank in a white pickup with a camper shell, entered the bank dressed in a dark colored trench coat and the rifle. He ordered bank employees to fill a U.S. Army backpack with cash, while he stood with the rifle pointed at the floor. He reportedly threatened a teller with the rifle during the crime.

jetertruck.jpgWithin a few hours of the robbery, investigators identified Jeter as their suspect. Officials searched his trailer on Highway 31 near Canoe. Inside, they found troubling evidence that Jeter might be planning to attack a military base. He said in letters and notes that he was being watched by helicopters that circle his home. Police found maps with the locations of several military bases circled, including Pensacola NAS, Eglin Air Force Base, Whiting Field and Alabama’s Ft. Rucker. The notes indicated that he planned to kill military personnel and police. Military bases were alerted to the possible threat.

jeterbank.jpg Jeter’s burned out camper shell was found in the woods after the McDavid Station of Escambia Fire Rescue responded to a brush fire on a secluded section of Pine Barren Road near Breastworks Road early on the morning after the robbery.

While on routine patrol at 4:15 Eastern time the Thursday morning following the Tuesday robbery, an Inglis (Fla.) Police Department officer, Tim Swigget, located a blue GMC pickup trucked parked backed into a wooded area near a Yankeetown, Florida, neighborhood. Inside the vehicle that is nearly 400 miles from Atmore, he found Jeter sleeping. After the officer determined that Jeter is wanted for the bank robbery, Jeter attacked the officer with a Ninja star.

A manhunt involving several agencies and the U.S. Coast Guard followed after Jeter fled the scene. Jeter was taken into custody in a swampy area and transported to the Levy County Jail.

Pictured top: Chad Floyd Jeter’s booking photo taken mid-January at the Baldwin County Corrections Center. Pictured middle inset: Jeter’s truck at the First National Bank & Trust in Atmore. Pictured lower inset: Surveillance video of the bank robbery in progress. Pictured bottom: Jeter after being taken into custody last year  in Levy County, Florida. NorthEscambia.com files photos, click to enlarge.



8 Responses to “Exam Finds Bank Robbery Suspect Competent, Lawyer Disagrees”

  1. all fires should be looked at very hard on February 28th, 2011 11:00 am

    My mother always told me it’s the quiet ones you have to watch, it has always
    stood me in good steed to know that.

    EMD…my first thought was not John Boy, but the minute the picture came
    up my first thought was….LITTLE BOY LOST. The problem is that innocent
    look has probably got him this far……

    Another thing I have learned is YOU ARE WHO YOU RUN WITH.
    If this kid RAN with a bad crowd and you thought he was different,
    you were just HAD by a much smarter boy.

  2. danielsgirl on February 26th, 2011 2:56 pm

    i went to high school with chad. while we weren’t friends, and I didn’t know him well he was always polite to me on the occasion that we did talk in class. he did hang out with a not so upstanding crowd, but never seemed to be getting into trouble as much as the others in his group did. It’s sad that this is what his life turned out to be.

  3. EMD on February 26th, 2011 2:53 pm

    I can’t stand it any more. I have to ask. Is there anyone else out there besides me, who thinks that that the picture at the top of this article looks like John Boy Walton?

  4. C W on February 26th, 2011 9:25 am

    I went to school with this guy in elementary school (Bratt), he was a always a quiet kid and never did cause any trouble. I was shocked by the whole incident.

    I also went to middle school with a guy in East Brewton who was just arrested in Louisiana for burning a house down with an 88 year old lady in it.

    Ya just never know. : (

  5. Bystander on February 26th, 2011 7:58 am

    Is this where terrorist come from? Iam glad that it was nipped in the bud.

  6. Chad on February 26th, 2011 5:50 am

    What a shame!! – this young man use to work for me @ Alto Products. Smart Kid and a hard worker – never missed work and was always very polite, and very, very quite. Makes me wonder what happened!! VERY SAD!! seemed to have a bright future and now he has no future. God Bless him and his family.

  7. bojangles on February 26th, 2011 2:42 am

    dude is an idiot and needs to be in prison.if not prison a locked down psycho ward.

  8. Erin on February 26th, 2011 12:51 am

    It’s very sad that someone’s life has come to this. My heart is with this man’s mother and family. God bless you and help you.