Ernest Ward To Host Parent Awareness Night; Learn About Bullying, Drugs And More

February 22, 2011

Ernest Ward Middle School will host a Parent Awareness Night Thursday to give the community a chance to learn more about bullying, the newest illegal drugs, cyberbullying and the dangers associated with Facebook, Myspace and other social networks.

Speakers and topics for the event will include:

  • John Johnson, DEA Special Agent, U.S. Justice Department — Drug Information
  • Zack Ward, Escambia County Sheriff’s Investigator  — Facebook, Myspace, Cyberbullying, Computer Issues
  • James Gill, ECSO School Resource Officer — Bullying, School Concerns

All parents and community members are invited to attend the event at 6 p.m. Thursday in the school gymnasium.  Refreshments will be served.


8 Responses to “Ernest Ward To Host Parent Awareness Night; Learn About Bullying, Drugs And More”

  1. Kimberly on February 24th, 2011 9:31 pm

    I went to tonight’s presentation, and found it to be very informative. I really enjoyed, and appreciate it. Thanks to all involved in bringing it to our area.

  2. EWMS parent on February 24th, 2011 9:30 pm

    Great meeting, was very informative! Hopefully they’ll have another one next year.

    Wish more would have come, there was a number of people that didn’t because of ball practice…maybe if the schedule overlaps next year, they will make an exception to postphone that practice.

    ~this was information ALL parents should hear, no matter how ‘good’ they think their child may be…any child can be affected by any of these things!

  3. Annette Faircloth on February 24th, 2011 5:10 pm

    I think this is a wonderful thing that is happening, I so much wanted to attend this meeting tonight .; unfortunatley I have came down with a little bug.. bac to the issue at hand my son was bullied this year on the bus and at school . Profanity written on an 80.00 Carhart jacket and also name calling etc .. nothing I could do about the jacket without a name ,so I had to buy another one for him to wear for school .. Sad is’nt it I’m surekids will be kids but on the other hand you have to Respect others and thier Property!!! Kids just make better choices >> Life would be so much more Fun >> Staff and faculty wonderful job ! the only problem I have is some teachers do not E-mail back or call of course I take into concideration there are alot of kids but I would like to know how my child is doing also.. Please lets do another meeting like this so I will be able to attend……

  4. EWMS parent on February 23rd, 2011 9:54 pm

    My son was bullied pretty bad last year. We had great results after going to Mrs. Perry. Her & Officer Gill have been really good at getting to the bottom of the situations. Wasn’t resolved immediately, did take time, but things turned around for him.
    Kathy~maybe you should bring it to their attention again, let them know it hasn’t been resolved. If they don’t hear any more about it, how are they going to know it’s still happening? Hope it gets better for your child.

  5. Parent of 2 on February 23rd, 2011 8:21 pm

    Wow Kathy I have had just the opposite from the school. I agree with parent of 3 every time I have had a problem either Mrs. Perry, the officer, the dean has handled it. Maybe you should go back again!!

  6. Mom of 3 on February 23rd, 2011 10:48 am

    Kathy – I think maybe our kids ride the same bus! However, I can say that any issue that I have had has been addressed. I have taken them up with the dean.

  7. kathy brady on February 23rd, 2011 10:17 am

    my child is bulled. at school and on the bus, its affecting her at home. the high school kids fight everyday. they cuss the bus driver so bad i wish someone would help the bus driver with this. you can report the bulling to mrs perry and it just gets worse, iam very disapointed in the school systems. if any one reads this please write in thank you.

  8. PTA MOM on February 22nd, 2011 10:45 pm

    I hope that parents will take advantage of this and go.