Escambia Accepts $1.84 Million BP Settlement

February 17, 2011

Escambia County has accepted $1,841,171 BP settlement for revenues lost in 2010.

The county commission approved the settlement Thursday night, while agreeing not to sue BP for any other revenue covered in the settlement agreement. The county is negotiating a second settlement with BP for about $400,000 to cover lost sales tax revenue.

The $1.84 million settlement will cover revenue lost by the county on toll fees during the 2010 fiscal year  from the Bob Sikes bridge, local option sales taxes, local option gas taxes, tipping fees, electric franchise fees and natural gas franchise fees.


2 Responses to “Escambia Accepts $1.84 Million BP Settlement”

  1. Jim W on February 17th, 2011 2:25 pm

    I have to agree with Horrific it’s the business people who are getting the shaft once again. The State will take the money and do what ever with it but you can rest assured they will not be paying any of the monies to the people who lost more than they did. And that is the business people. Notice it said lost revenue in the form of taxes. Well there has to be product sold to generate the taxes to include people going over the bridge to spend the money. Just saying the little guy gets it again. I am sure most of them do not have business interuption insurance to cover those losses as it is pretty spendy in the area fo Florida.

  2. Horrific on February 17th, 2011 11:47 am

    and there in lies the reason that the actual business owners who lost money and/or
    businesses because of the oil spill didn’t get their business monies.
    My husband and I said all along the ones who were going to get paid were
    the states.

    Now they will just waste the funds and it will never trickle down to the
    individuals who were really robed.

    The truth is tourism and sales would have never been the same this
    year anyway and that had nothing to do with BP or hardly, because
    that was just due to the bad economy brought on by banks and big
    business and letting stupid kids have bigger loans than they could
    possibly ever pay back, for bigger homes than they needed.

    The big money machine just never stops.