Escambia Deputy Arrested On Child Abuse Charges

February 25, 2011

A 40-year-old Escambia County sheriff’s deputy has been arrested for alleged child abuse in an incident involving her son.

Mildred Blanche Goodwin, a patrol deputy, was arrested Thursday afternoon and taken to the Escambia County Jail, where was booked on a charge of cruelty towards child-infliction of physical or mental injury. She was released from jail on $2,000 bond.

According to the arrest report, Goodwin and her 14-year old son were involved in an altercation whereas she was attempting to discipline her son.

Goodwin allegedly tried to strike her son in the leg with her department issued expandable baton. Her son, in an attempt to block the strike, received injuries to his right forearm and wrist.

“Our investigation revealed that Goodwin’s chosen discipline method was outside normal standards and met the statutory requirements for child abuse,” said Sheriff’s spokesman Deputy Chris Welborn.

Goodwin’s son did not require medical treatment for his injuries and refused to be transported to a medical facility.

Goodwin, hired as a deputy in November 2009, was placed on administrative leave, relieved of all law enforcement authority and had her department issued weapon, equipment and credentials confiscated.


78 Responses to “Escambia Deputy Arrested On Child Abuse Charges”

  1. Horrific on March 2nd, 2011 10:35 am

    TZ….talk about choosing your words.

    LOL David.

  2. David Huie Green on March 1st, 2011 6:58 pm

    “Clearly, as evidenced by all of these comments, Pensacola is full of inbred, child-beating morons. I know this will be hard for all of you gorillas to understand, but it IS POSSIBLE to raise a child without ever laying a finger on them. And if your best reason for beating your children is that your parents did it to you, then you have no reason at all. The real reason is that you sorry puds can’t control your anger, and you end up taking it out on children…..weak, sad, and sickening. Use your words now people”

    Everyone commenting here lives in Pensacola?
    Everyone commenting here is the result of incest?
    Everyone commenting here beats children?
    Everyone commenting here is a moron?
    Everyone commenting here is a gorilla?
    Gorillas beat their children? (I knew chimps sometimes eat them, didn’t know about the beatings, though.)
    Children can be raised without human contact?
    Everyone who uses corporeal punishment does it out of anger?

    David thinking
    there may be
    other explanations
    and philosophies

  3. TZ on March 1st, 2011 3:49 pm

    Clearly, as evidenced by all of these comments, Pensacola is full of inbred, child-beating morons. I know this will be hard for all of you gorillas to understand, but it IS POSSIBLE to raise a child without ever laying a finger on them. And if your best reason for beating your children is that your parents did it to you, then you have no reason at all. The real reason is that you sorry puds can’t control your anger, and you end up taking it out on children…..weak, sad, and sickening. Use your words now people…geez.

  4. robert on March 1st, 2011 12:53 pm

    i wore my share of stripes and bruises coming up!! the way i look at it if it was good enough for me it’s good enough for my three kids

  5. Horiffic on February 27th, 2011 6:40 pm

    I did not read any of these comments.
    I am only interest in my own on this one.
    If you don’t want to read mine thats ok with me.

    Obviously this womans parenting in this manor (spanking) should have been
    started at 2 and never stopped until the kid knew who was in charge.
    That being said I don’t think you should ever use anything more than your
    that out of control after 12 in any child leads to DEATH, OF YOUR CHILD
    OR SOMEONE ELSES, and we all know how many times we would like
    to see some young thug get tore up.


  6. Thoughtful on February 27th, 2011 4:03 pm

    “All hitting kept to an almost non-existent level”

    Is that like being a little bit pregnant?

  7. Kitty Moore on February 27th, 2011 12:16 pm

    @Thinker, I am soooo impressed with your credentials. Respectfully, you forgot to mention your background in history and theology. And your Partial Ophan degree from HKU, that blows me away. Beats the heckout of a teaching degree. If the State Attorney has any sense, he will call you as the expert child whatever person witness. After all, I am sure you fought a very tough system to get your honorable discharge.. And changing sheets at the nut house puts you just a couple of notches under Doctor. YOU DA MAN.And when your book proves to be true and of sound reason for a few centuries, I will read it. As far as the bible crontroversy,if the bible is not the word of God,and if we reject the plan of salvation through the blood of Jesus, we will need a plan “B”. (work on it) REMEMBER,,,, WE CAN ONLY BE TRUE ATHIESTS UNTIL WE DIE..

  8. Dale White on February 27th, 2011 9:55 am

    David, there is a difference between translating are pararphrasing. As for as the dark ages and the catholic hierarchy, they did not want people to know what the bible said. Otherwise they would be seen for what they were and the catholic church would have fell with the roman empire, or shortly thereafter. That is why they fought Martin Luther and James Wesley so hard……. Good point though……………………….. I’ll give you the last word.

  9. David Huie Green on February 27th, 2011 9:17 am

    “Can I call you David?”

    It certainly beats some of the other names I’ve been called.

    “Would you go to church and listen to a preacher that never opened his bible? Furthermore, we(including me and you) do not have a license to paraphrase the word of God.”

    I’ve sat under the preaching of somewhat strange people at one time or another.
    One maintained the scripture was being sarcastic and should be understood to mean the opposite of what was said.
    Another said it didn’t matter what the Word said, because he was called to do something contradictory.
    Another couldn’t read well enough to know what he was misreading–resulting in some interesting sermons.
    Another thought his job was to be God’s cheerleader rather than to feed the sheep.
    Most weren’t that bad, but there’ve been some doozies.

    And we understand every translation of the Bible is a form of paraphrase–an attempt to make it more understandable to its readers. Languages change over time and aren’t shared. I know people who believe only the King James translation is the Word of God. That’s similar to how the Catholic Church used to insist only the Latin Vulgate was the Word of God, and would kill any who tried to translate it into other languages. That implies all Chinese and Russians have to learn Elizabethan English in order to receive the Word of God. To me, that’s hiding His word and something He frowns upon.

    I could be wrong.

    “I was making the point that if the devils believe in God, we should believe too”

    Understanding–I hope–that we shouldn’t do it BECAUSE the devils do, rather that EVEN they do.

    David off on a theological tangent
    regarding concepts of proper discipline
    and authority as to how to use it

  10. Thinker on February 27th, 2011 9:03 am

    The bible has been translated, edited, and SOLD and PROMOTED by people in POWER through the centuries because it helps keep people confused frightened and easy to manipulate. How can anyone say it is the word of god after all that distortion?

    If I wrote a book today and in it, I wrote that it was okay to hit a child with a baton and that my book was divinely inspired, would anyone believe it? Think about that. I’m resting my case right here. You all are capable of seeing truth all by yourselves… without a book…didn’t anyone tell you?

  11. Little B on February 27th, 2011 1:23 am

    OBTW, I did not mean that you were a devil or that anyone that reads the bible is. I think you know that.

  12. Little B on February 27th, 2011 12:50 am

    DHG, you are going to pin me down. By referencing Hebrews 2-19, I was making the point that if the devils believe in God, we should believe too. I should have used Isaiah 55-11 to point out that God means what he says. I was making it to the Thinker who thinks highly of his thoughts. He made me think about Prov 15-2 when he said that the bible is contradictiory. I guess he pushed my button. But he has credentials out the ole guzzu, and alot to say.

  13. Dale White on February 26th, 2011 11:44 pm

    Mr. Green,
    Now that we are friends, Can I call you David? It is not you that I am after. Really, I respect your knowlege. It is those, like Sara, have little knowlege and tell me(and you) what the bible says when I know better. That is why I say”give me chapter and verse. I can still learn. Would you go to church and listen to a preacher that never opened his bible?Furthermore, we(including me and you) do not have a license to paraphase the word of God. Again, give me chapter and verse, so that I can read it for myself. People who don’t know the bible can sway people by acting like they do. And That is my point.

  14. David Huie Green on February 26th, 2011 11:25 pm

    “Satan knows the bible better than any of us. See James 2-19. Even David huey. I am glad you are paying attention”

    James 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

    I’m wondering if this David huey is supposed to be a devil or something. Interesting concept, those who have read the scriptures must be in league with the devil or they would be ignorant of it?

    David in confusing times

  15. David Huie Green on February 26th, 2011 11:05 pm

    “The question stands, let me rephrase it, are the words ”violence begets violence” in the bible? I know that you are smarter than I am [if you say so, ’twould be wrong of me to dispute you, dhg], and you are just dying to show the world that you are”

    I don’t know of any translation which uses that phrase. So I shall tentatively say, NO.

    I wasn’t aware you were looking for it as an exact quote from the Bible. Please try to find it in your heart to forgive my misunderstanding. When Sara said “Violence begets violence. All you so called Christians remember Jesus turned the other cheek.” you figure she thought she was quoting the Bible since she mentioned “so called Christians” immediately after–rather than calling it as she understood it.

    I don’t even particularly agree with her since it’s obvious the ability to respond violently stops much violence. That’s why criminals are said to prefer unarmed victims (also not in the Bible, therefore possibly not true). That’s why we arm our police, our soldiers, our missiles.

    You just asked and I live to help as best I can. (I don’t even think the whole world is looking.)

    David to one seeking truth
    only in the Bible, if at all

  16. Little B on February 26th, 2011 10:49 pm

    Hey Thinker, I did not get all that, maybe you should rethink it. How can you be a partial orphan? Can my wife be partially pregnant too? Does the Bible really contradict itself anywhere? Satan knows the bible better than any of us.See James 2-19. Even David huey. I am glad you are paying attention.

  17. Dale White on February 26th, 2011 10:35 pm

    Mr. Green
    I see you have a bible.I appreciate you knowlege of it. Let me reiterate, Iwill not argue with the word of God. It will stand as the absolute authority .Ref. Hebrews 4-12. In Matthew 26, where Jesus was arrested. I think it was Peter who pulled out a sword and whacked a soldiers ear off. Here in this case, we are talking about a mother correcting a child, and use of phases that someone thinks to be biblical. The question stands, let me rephrase it, are the words”violence begets violence” in the bilble? I know that you are smarter than I am, and you are just dying to show the world that you are.

  18. lawful citzen on February 26th, 2011 7:54 pm

    Leave this woman alone, we can only wonder what the child was doing, Children are hard headed and bad to put it mildly. she should have taken her issued belt off and whipped his butt that she gave birth to. I am 46 years old and a child of what would be by todays standards an abusive parent, not once have my parents had to come get me out of jail, out a crack or meth house, off a street corner, or take care of my babies, because I would not work and take care of them. I have never defaulted on a loan and I have never had anything repo’ed that is because I had to attend school EVERY dang day or get my but beat,, and had to WORK in the family business until I was old enough to get a job outside the family, Then still help with the family business. Well I thank God for my then abusive parents for chestising me. I didn’t die from it, and I know how to be a respectful law abiding citizen, in the very same town I was raised.

  19. Thinker on February 26th, 2011 3:09 pm

    Partial orphan. Abused child. Runaway. US Army Honorable “Dischargee” Mental Health Technician. Correctional Officer, Juvenile Probation Officer. These are all labels that I earned at Hard Knocks University (and some real ones). Given these credentials, let me make these points:
    —All children are different. Some respond to being hit and some are destroyed by it.
    — Hitting a child DOES teach that hitting is right but adult brains ought to override this unintended lesson.
    —-The Bible is contradictory on the subject, as on many subjects. Study the atheist videos at Most of them know the Bible better than so-called “Christians”. They read it cover to cover and rejected it.
    —–Sara, you are brilliant.
    —-14 year olds WILL rebel and this is normal developmental behavior, but there ARE limits.
    —– Law enforcement is VERY stressful work and does make child rearing more difficult.
    —–The number of comments here says volumes about the confusion created by: 1. The Bible. 2. Psychologists out to make a buck with a book. 3. The Law. 4. The lack of education on parenting in our schools….and 5. Parents who don’t educate THEMSELVES on the subject, but rather repeat their family history or overgeneralize about kids and what they “need”.
    ——-My method was to teach my YOUNG children by example that a parent can hurt because we’re bigger and wiser (if not smarter). Then use that as a threat when needed later. All hitting kept to an almost non-existent level. If a teen is “out of control” the damage is done. You’ll need professional help or lots of patience, wisdom, luck and “Reality Therapy” (look up Reality Therapy – learn it.).

  20. David Huie Green on February 26th, 2011 3:02 pm

    “Is it not found in Proverbs 23: 13-14 to discipline children?”

    Proverbs 23:12 Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge. 13 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.

    Note: There’s more than one way to read that. For one thing, it describes it as instruction, not a run-mad-fit. Some do indeed strike not as instruction but as a means of letting off steam and using the children as punching bags. Methinks that was not the intent of the proverb.

    Also, there HAVE been cases of people being beaten to the point that they died. Assuming the Lord’s word to be correct, the beating must have been incorrect. There’s beatings and there’s whippings. Those who don’t know the difference might accidentally kill their children.

    “If you are going to use something from the Bible, give me the Chapter and Verse. I will not argue with the word of God.”

    “Violence begets violence, Is that in the bible? Chapter? Verse? Did Jesus turn the other cheek or say to turn other cheek?“

    Matthew 26:52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.

    So yes, Jesus taught that use of swords for violence would lead to death by the same and he handed himself over to his killers as he said he would.
    (John 10:11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.)
    and as he taught
    (Luke 6:29 And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also. )

    David for loving instruction

  21. Kitty Moore on February 26th, 2011 11:42 am

    Religion is the opiate to the masses,

    That is from Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. I’m gonna stick with the bible.

  22. richard on February 26th, 2011 10:22 am

    Religion is the opiate to the masses, keeping people in line with fears of the big sky daddy punishing you. Maybe next time she should just pull out her gun and plug him a couple shots to his head. That will really teach him a lesson.

  23. bjay on February 26th, 2011 10:05 am

    I hope that was a minimal incident but to get on here and ASSUME that youknow what happened and start blaming the gov’t is ridiculous. As I stated earlier it was no big deal when I was growing up to get hit with whatever my parents could get their hands on. Im not against punishing your child but we dont know the story. Maybe there was a history of abuse. It doesnt have to be reported for there to be a history. Maybe the woman lost it and just went wild on the child. When you get hit in the back of leg with a paton ( I know through trainning) it hurts and it bruises but it doesnt break legs. Maybe thats why the boy didnt seek medical attention. Just because he didnt seek medical attention doesnt mean it wasnt a severe beating. Maybe the boy needed to get his butt whipped. Maybe it was a case of boy really messing up and mom trying to give a proper punishment. My point is WE DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! Let the system do its job and stop bashing the gov’t! Believe it or not when the bible was written and the verses on “spare the rod…..” were writtrn, There was prisons. They were there then and have been everyday since then. So bvlaming the gov’t for bad kids is just stupid. Kids are kids and there isnt anything you can do about it as a whole. Just do your parenting and hope it works.

  24. RE on February 26th, 2011 9:58 am

    Today’s headlines would be funny if it would not be so sad. Shooting/violence at a party at the Century Community Center and then this story. For the past 20 years children could no longer be spanked or held accountable by parents, school officials, and/or anybody in a position of authority.
    So why this huge increase in all types of crimes?

  25. Kitty Moore on February 26th, 2011 9:20 am

    Sara, Wow, you do have a brain. And for once, you’ve made a point. I think if you look at it. Many people use the bible as guide, especally when the diferrence between right or wrong, are not so well defined. Most of us wouldn’t use a baton.The woman is question here may not be religious at all. I don’t know, but I don’t think that she used a full two handed swing. Otherwise, there would be great injury. And we are not talking about a 4 year old.Let us all get the whole story. And where are all the first stone people? At this point, this drama can go either way.

  26. Splat on February 26th, 2011 9:08 am

    We don’t know all the details but it’s a shame the government had to get involved at all. If she were an abuser then there would have been signs long before age 14. The kid was probably out of control. And I heard he is also 50 pounds more than she is. Some kids just need a good butt whoopin…if you don’t have one of those kids, consider yourself lucky.

  27. Sara on February 26th, 2011 8:18 am

    People use religion to justify hitting their children with a police weapon, Sounds like what they do in the name of Allah to hit women in the Middle East.

  28. Dale White on February 26th, 2011 7:38 am

    @ SARA
    Violence begets violence, Is that in the bible? Chapter? Verse? Did Jesus turn the other cheek or say to turn other cheek? Is it not found in Proverbs 23: 13-14 to discipline children? Were you smoking dope when you were supposed to be in Sunday school.
    @Everyone Else
    If you are going to use something from the Bible, give me the Chapter and Verse. I will not argue with the word of God.

  29. hawghead on February 26th, 2011 6:55 am

    To Sara,

    Jesus said that we were to turn the other cheek when some hit us..The Bible speaks plenty on controlling your children. Remembe when Jesus came into the temple and the people had turned it into a flea market, he became angry and drove them out with a whip and a stick.

    Spare the rod, or in this case the baton, spoil the child.. I hope she got both cheeks with that thing…

  30. Ms K on February 26th, 2011 6:39 am

    The crazy part is, she could have used it on someone while on duty and this would have been justified. As u said it was department issued. They dont want her to use it on HER son, but I guarantee u, by the time he gets grown and disobeys the order of a fellow officer; they will use theirs on him. Guess what, IT WILL BE JUSTIFIED!

  31. art on February 26th, 2011 6:10 am

    strike a child out of anger you lose. you become a loser.

  32. Dale White on February 26th, 2011 12:12 am

    @Little B
    I found your bleeding heart.

  33. Sara on February 25th, 2011 11:53 pm

    Violence begets violence. All you so called Christians remember Jesus turned the other cheek. Hitting a child with a belt or paddle – Unbelievable!

  34. Little B on February 25th, 2011 11:07 pm

    Theresa, Thank you so much.
    Where are all the praying people? Do you think they are to busy praying for the meth makers? Isn’t anybody going to chime in and tell this woman that God is working in her life. Aren’t all the bleeding hearts watching this story with their hands folded? We did have one or two that supported us with a Psalm about disipline and children. I guess if Mildred was aNevermind, just nevermind . I will Pray about this. You all can join me if you want to.

  35. Lee on February 25th, 2011 10:44 pm

    She has been now been released on $2,000 bail. Looks like a real weak case.

  36. Teresa on February 25th, 2011 10:27 pm

    Forgot to add this is a Felony charge…This lady..a working mother…a deputy…if convicted will have a record that will take her right to vote, bear arms and make it almost impossible to get a decent job. It’s just not right. I hope this gets thrown out…We need to be worried about the kids living with all these meth heads..not over a mother trying to get her teenager to straighten up..o well she lost her job so now he wont be able to hang with his friends or get those new shoes..I bet thats going to feel like more of a punishment than that baton….LOL

  37. too funny on February 25th, 2011 10:21 pm

    she did the crime let her do the time just like everyone else.

  38. Teresa on February 25th, 2011 9:54 pm

    This woman doesn’t belong in jail. I have 3 boys 20,16 and 11. Im 5ft and 110 pounds. These boys were bigger than me in the 4th grade. Sometimes there a pain at that age. I feel its more of a crime not to discipline. The lady doesn’t have a history of “beating her kid” The boy said he wasn’t hurt. Its gotten to the point that the state comes in and claims abuse if you take there cell phone away…you know its mental and sociological abuse they will never overcome unless they sit on a couch with a tissue box …”Doc it all started with my mother”. Give me a break.

  39. EMD on February 25th, 2011 9:51 pm

    Dear Judge,

    If you are reading this, let this poor woman go. Having a child who will not do right is punishment enough. I believe she did not want to see someone she loves, someone she carried for around nine months, go wrong and ruin his life, while helping to make our society even worse than it is. Whoever called the law should be ashamed, and whoever passes these stupid laws with no leeway should also be ashamed. Sometimes the law is too blind and needs glasses. Good grief!!! If there were circumstances unknown to these readers that would justify the arrest and jailing of this women, then, and only then will I recant.

  40. Justsmart on February 25th, 2011 9:33 pm

    Typical Government running our business. I just tell people with kids I don’t want to be around them. They are not like kids used to be. I got plenty of whippings and I do believe that is why I turned out good.

  41. Dept. Mike on February 25th, 2011 9:21 pm

    Although you clearly see yourself as the “voice of reason”, I don’t agree with you on anyting. But I will give you this, YOU RAISE YOUR KIDS ANY WAY THAT YOU WANT TO. I just ask that we be fair with Ms.Goodwin.

  42. Little B on February 25th, 2011 9:01 pm

    Who is the lilly livered jerk that calls the law on a mother doing her job? Families have a hard enough time in this day and age without somebody imposing their ideals or intervention…… Is it that hard to stay out of other peoples’ business?…I believe this woman cares about the way her child conducts himself. She may even be taking prophylactic measures to keep him away from a life of crime. We may one day be asking her for advice on rearing children.

  43. mom who spanks on February 25th, 2011 8:47 pm

    the government had better get its nose out of parents business on raising children. this country is falling fast and the young people are getting so far out of control that one day we will wake up and there will be no turning back or no way to fix these problems. more parents need to take their children out to the “wood shed” and give them a good ole fashion butt burning whipping. she should have put a a hickory limb on that back side cause i can grant you it would have hurt a whole lot more than that baton!!!!!! let the mother out of jail !!!!!

  44. Voice of reason on February 25th, 2011 8:34 pm

    @dept. mike I agree, maybe the charges are premature?

    But certainly we can agree that this family needs an intervention?

  45. Old puppy on February 25th, 2011 8:10 pm

    Look here people… I am 5′5″ tall & weigh around 125 lbs. I was recently in an altercation with my step-son who is 15 years old, 6′1″ & about 180. We ended up rolling on the ground & coming to blows. I tried to hold him down till he calmed down, but wound up fighting to get him off me!!! I was arrested & charged with domestic violence & all I was doing was defending myself. DON’T JUDGE THIS LADY IF YOU DON’T KNOW THE FULL STORY IS ALL I’M ASKING.

  46. Bill Golden on February 25th, 2011 7:41 pm

    I agree with the most recent comments, although I never taze my kids. I guess that’s not lethal force either. Anyway, I have seen child abuse many times. This incident doesn’t fit the bill. I have seen good parents get in trouble for disciplining their children, even when done “properly”. I wasn’t there, but I hope Goodwin is dealt a fair hand. We need her using that baton on meth-heads. JUST BE FAIR.

  47. Dept. Mike on February 25th, 2011 6:50 pm

    I have more questions than comments, I, myself would likely not use a baton. I have used them on others in my work. I don’t want to be silly, but the “voice of reason” just told me that the baton (which was used in this case) is used by military and law enforcement (Deputy Goodwin) to control people who wont obey commands (the 14 year old). My question is: Who decides what normal methods are? Why was there an altercation between a mother and son? Which party determined that she was trying him in the leg? What do the witnesses say? Anyway, since striking some one with a baton is not considered “deadly force” Why is it our business? She may be cleared of all charges since the child was not maimed.

  48. GO FIGURE on February 25th, 2011 6:33 pm


  49. stephen on February 25th, 2011 6:31 pm

    all of this would be not have happened had the mother tazed the child a few times earlier sometimes you have to get their attention..

  50. sweet t on February 25th, 2011 6:22 pm

    im sure most of us got a good whoopin at some point in our lives..Thats whats wrong with kids today..People are ready to put blame on a parent if their child is unruly,an even still blames parents when the children grow up and do wrong..But at the same time ready to lock you up if you touch them. ..leaving parents in this ladies situation..If she wanted to hurt the boy or was an abusive parent he would have signs of abuse way before he was14 yrs old.Now having said that,ive personally never hit my children with a but i have gotten after em with a stick..Then turn around an cry for doing it even though it didnt hurt them..i have 2 children.boy an girl..they are grown now, they love me ,i love them ,,more than life itself..They both have grown into wonderful adults..went to college.have their own children.Im very proud of them both..Sometimes they will sit around laughing and joking about (hey you remeber that time momma got mad at you an chased you with that stick)or (Hey remember when momma got mad cause you threw a fork and broke her favorite glass,,lol,,You caused her to have a Biplar even laugh with them,,Some kids never need the rod,,but there are others that need a lil of it,,if not when they get 14,,well thats about the age sassy an think they are grown..If This lady isnt or never has been an abusive parent..I think the justice system just did her wrong!!

  51. EMD on February 25th, 2011 6:15 pm

    No, Voice of reason. It wasn’t right. But, have you ever been stressed out and very angry and had something in your hand? Maybe not. But, many people who are NOT child abusers have. They may do something they never dreamed they’d do. I have a feeling a teenager was involved here. I know that those who have angelic teens will most likely not agree,. But, I am serious that there should be a law against “parent abuse by teens” and mental and emotional cruelty. When a spouse and a teen or teens are all acting crazy at the same time, they should all be arrested, if these other laws are for rea, ther should be a law for this too. Just saying what I feel. I know that feelings can be deceiving. Still, just saying. And I just bet there are many out there that feel the same way. Most will most likely not say anything.

  52. David Huie Green on February 25th, 2011 6:12 pm

    “When you talk to most prisoners they were physically and mentally abused as children and that is the only tools they learned to use in society”

    I read a while back that Dr. Sigmund Freud noticed his screwed up patients had bad childhoods so he decided bad parenting caused all their problems. Others checked other screwed up people and also discovered there were usually bad parenting situations, as they defined them.

    Decades later there finally arose a few with the brains to check on those others who did not seem screwed up. It turned out most of them also had what was defined as bad parenting.

    ALL PARENTS ARE BAD, some just think they are good. Or at least that is true if you define good/bad parenting a certain way.

    One person advised me I should spank my child with a paddle rather than my open hand on his sensitive rear end. He explained otherwise the child would associate the pain with me rather than the paddle.

    I explained my son wasn’t stupid, he knew he was being spanked because he had made me unhappy with his behavior. Further, I figured a paddle was a force multiplier and it would be possible to hit too hard and not know it.

    We were both convinced the other was doing it wrong. (And plenty believe you should never strike a child or say NO to him or do anything to correct him. Yes, I know; they are absolutely CERTAIN because some expert told them so-and experts are never wrong.) Yet somehow those children survived and haven’t made the arrest record, despite their abuse. Probably just a coincidence.

    David for happy coincidences
    and proper use of department equipment

  53. Voice of reason on February 25th, 2011 5:50 pm

    How anyone can come on here and try to justify striking a child with an expandable baton is beyond me.

    Have any of you researched “expandable batons”?

    They are used by the military and police to control people who refuse to obey commands.

    Not by parents on children!!!

  54. Dale White on February 25th, 2011 5:35 pm

    This is one case where we all don’t know the whole story. I know that some kids think that they are abused when there are disiplined. They cry to thier friend who tells their mom and she calls the law. Then, good parents have to defend thierselves. Mildred’s mistake may be that she let the child’s billigerence go for too long. But that’s not my call, and not my business. Not yours either.

  55. Susie on February 25th, 2011 5:32 pm

    I have two kids, 14 & 10, and sometimes they will try me, and get on my last nerve, but come on….a department issued EXPANDABLE BATON!!!!!! “Department Issued” is for when you’re on duty, when you’re in danger, or you’re defending yourself…not when you’re disciplining your child. She should’ve left the police officer at the police station, and let Momma WHOOP THAT BUTT!!!! That’s what a belt is for!!!!!! My daughter is a head and a half taller than me, and TRIED to act alot taller,but she found out real quick that Momma is 10 feet tall and has a Big Thick Belt,and isn’t afraid to use it no matter where we’re at!!!!!!!!!!!! If more parents took this attitude, believe it or not, kids now adays might have more respect, and manners, towards their parents and other adults. Just saying……………

  56. just concerned on February 25th, 2011 5:01 pm

    Personally, I don’t think it matters how old the child is. Batons shouldn’t be used in any case on a child. She was given that obviously for her job, not to use at home on her child. I know sometimes parents can get very frustrated with kids and the stupid stuff they do, but that doesn’t mean you get the baton out to whoop them with. I’m sure the mom didn’t mean for any of this to happen and was trying to discipline her child and obviously the child felt violated.

  57. William on February 25th, 2011 4:29 pm

    Child was 14 — Age just added to story.

  58. Name (required) on February 25th, 2011 4:26 pm

    For the multiple posters who ask about the child’s age…

    “According to the arrest report, Goodwin and her 14-year old son were involved in an altercation whereas she was attempting to discipline her son.”

    It is right there in the story…

  59. Sandra on February 25th, 2011 3:08 pm

    Hey Mildred…when you read the words “spare the rod” next time dont take it literally.

  60. art on February 25th, 2011 3:03 pm

    doesnt say how old this kid is and so my question is how does he refuse medical treatment if he is a minor? kids need and crave guidance, they become spoiled as a result of someone not wanting to take the time to discipline, yes it takes time and patience to parent and expect good behaviour in return. kids want to be heard understood and get frustrated when their parents are too wrapped up in the burden of just trying to make it through another day to listen. don’t expect to yell and cuss at your kids and they somehow exhibit respect,,,that is a two way street. and when you go to strike your child out of anger…you have lost, you officially become a great big fat loser. might as well brand a big “L” in your forehead.

  61. Sara on February 25th, 2011 2:45 pm

    When you hit a child it teaches them that it is alright for a bigger person to hit a smaller person; all it does is relieve anger from the parent in a quick way. To take the time to talk it out and make some long term consequences is just too hard for our instant gratification society. I guess this country was born out of violence and it is all that most know how to handle crisis. When you talk to most prisoners they were physically and mentally abused as children and that is the only tools they learned to use in society. As far as spare the rod – didn’t the sheep herders of the Bible use the rod to “guide” the sheep not to beat them.

  62. Caraway Bandit on February 25th, 2011 2:21 pm

    Wasnt there a story the other day about three kids involved in a fight and a deputy getting punched? Not allowing people to discipline their kids is exactly why stuff like that happens.

  63. Susan Langston on February 25th, 2011 1:37 pm

    So how did the authorities find out?? The child probably called them to report her. Using a baton can be harsh depending on how hard you swing it, but it could’t have been too bad to not require medical treatment. Parents have no rights anymore.

    I got whipped with a belt if I misbehaved and I turned out fine. And no, I hardly ever spanked my child but did if she needed it.

  64. Dee on February 25th, 2011 1:32 pm

    Spare the rod and spoil the child…….. That is why we have students at school out of control, kids on the street out of control and kids killing their parents…. All do to the government telling us what we can and cant do to our kids… In which I know there are special cases out there where a child is abused. Thats all I have to say.

  65. Cynical on February 25th, 2011 1:26 pm

    It is difficult to justify this level of action against a minor unless it was a defensive strike.

    It is hard to picture a “trained deputy” losing her temper to the described point, so I am waiting for the rest of the story.

    Meanwhile, this family is deprived of both mom and income from mom’s job. I bet the kid is re-examining the usefulness of having “won” the argument.

  66. EMD on February 25th, 2011 1:13 pm

    Just Concerned:

    I’m glad you were a good kid, and listened. Many do not, and are very rebellious and disrespectful.

    I say what Atmore said.

  67. dad on February 25th, 2011 1:08 pm

    We don’t know the whole situation. Maybe she is trying to keep him out of jail in the future. Now she will never be able to discipline him again or he will just call the cops on her and cry abuse. He may be 16 and 6 feet tall. We just don’t know.

  68. Patriot on February 25th, 2011 12:43 pm

    She wasn’t given a bond because it is domestic violence. The statutes require “no bond”.

  69. just concerned. on February 25th, 2011 12:34 pm

    I understand evey child needs to be disciplined, but using a baton is uncalled for. There are better ways to discipline a child. My mom has always popped me with her hand or talked to me with a very stern voice and that’s all it took. I listened very never took using a baton or anything like that. I’m 17 years old, a good student, I’ve never did any drugs or drank any alcohol and I’m faithful in church.not saying I’m perfect because no one is. My point I’m fetid to get across is, she was able to raise me the right way without batons and belts.

  70. old puppy on February 25th, 2011 12:34 pm

    how old was the child??? if the child was small then this is uncalled for!!! if the child was a 6′ tall 15 ear old or older then maybe he was getting what he needed. more info is needed in this story. please??

  71. Jamie on February 25th, 2011 12:31 pm

    Stories like this drive me crazy! When we were growing up we got spankings and whoopings with anything that was laying around! We turned out fine! Kids now have no discipline at all most of the time, and we all wonder what happens to them to make them turn out the way they do. No one cared enough to pick up a belt and set them straight. I wonder when i see things like this, what my pawpaw would have to say. God rest his soul, but he wasn’t above setting a kid straight with a switch from the yard in front of the whole neighborhood!

    I’m sorry, but i don’t think Goodwin did anything wrong with trying to dicipline her kid. The way most of us were raised, this is normal =/

  72. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 25th, 2011 12:21 pm

    Sometimes children can just push you too far! I don’t advocate child abuse, but sometimes… Dealing with those inmates all day, makes it difficult to come home and be disrespected. I know, because I’ve worked with them. Thank GOD, I was not working directly with them, so my exposure was limited, but it’s an environment that makes your life hard. I’m not excusing what she did, I know she crossed the line!!

    Before any of you get on here saying she should be burned alive, remember you also complain when children are out of hand!!

    Just saying!

  73. Splat on February 25th, 2011 12:18 pm

    I wonder why no bond? and did the child contact authorities? I am withholding judgement as well until more facts come about.

  74. Jim W on February 25th, 2011 12:13 pm

    My, My how our society has changed and we ask our selves why it is we can not control our children. Not saying I agree whith the harshness of the parent but I will say when I was a kid I got my butt torn up if I did not do what I was told. Interestingly enough my parents not only trained me to have self respect but to respect others. Maybe that is why in growing up I did not get in trouble. Because I knew I would have to pay for it. People are always on here trying to defend the actions of people who have gone nuts from drugs and so on why don’t you try and defend a parent who is trying to teach her child disipline? Just saying.

  75. JohnMolino on February 25th, 2011 12:11 pm

    Wow. Just checked and she is being held on No Bond. Odd.

  76. JohnMolino on February 25th, 2011 12:08 pm

    I’m thinking the kid probably deserved it. What we don’t know is what the child did to deserve that strike. Imagine yourself as a police officer and finding out your child was involving himself in a crime,drug sales or other illegal activity…. I’m going to hold off judgment on this matter until more facts come to light… The deputy should not be held in jail. Hope she has bailed out by now.

  77. atmore on February 25th, 2011 12:01 pm

    I understand this case is extreme and shouldn’t have happend. I will say however…I have been around some kids that have made me want to do something about that severe!!!! I’m not a mean person but I can’t stand when a child disrespects an adult…I have seen a 12 year old cuss at his mom and she just says oh well there’s nothing I can do. I cant beat him, cant ground him, he doesnt listen to me. And when he was smaller he wasn’t that way. Kids get away with too much and parents cant discipline like they used to. If that had happend to me I woulda still got my butt tore up, but worse for trying to block the first hit! There would be a lot less crime if parents could discipline they way they used to. I have never been in trouble with the law and i’m a hard working citizen today! I hope this woman doesnt end up losing her job over this. She’s probably a great mom just tired of being walked all over.

  78. bjay on February 25th, 2011 11:58 am

    We dont seem to have a lot of “problem officers” here but some cities do. Maybe we should give all deputies some mandatory counciling to try to prevent some of the situations like this one. Having said that, when I was growing up I was punished with several items like a paton. It wasnt child abuse then it was good parenting. lol