Boy, 12, Accidently Shot Saturday Morning In Molino

February 5, 2011

A 12-year boy was accidentally shot Saturday morning in Molino.

Deputies said the boy was target practicing when the gun misfired. He was transported by LifeFlight to Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola. His condition was not available.

The incident happened on Gulsby Lane off Molino Road about 10 a.m.  Reports indicate the  child was apparently shot in the abdomen with a .22 caliber weapon.

The shooting  is under investigation by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.  Foul play is not suspected.

Further details were not available.

Pictured above: Deputies investigate an accidental shooting involving a 12-year old in Molino Saturday morning. photo, click to enlarge.


50 Responses to “Boy, 12, Accidently Shot Saturday Morning In Molino”

  1. Optimistic on March 2nd, 2011 2:11 pm

    What’s the latest news on this child?

  2. Tasha on March 2nd, 2011 10:09 am

    lets hope his parents are ok case that can be realy stressful

  3. Tasha on March 2nd, 2011 10:07 am

    that is not rite thats why you dont let little kids play with guns

  4. art on February 9th, 2011 3:16 pm

    i dont get why some folks are bound and determined to call me a liberal and accuse me of being desirous of a nanny state. i am a protective parent who will no way in you know where allow the kiddos whom God has blessed me with to use firearms. period. doesnt make me a lunatic, doesnt make me an idiot, doesnt mean a hill of beans what the gun laws say. in my home…no guns.

  5. Just An Old Soldier on February 9th, 2011 10:34 am

    Chickens cackle…and canines howl.

    Glad to know that Florida has strict gun laws in place for minors.

    Glad to hear that the boy is alright after this ACCIDENT.

    Glad some people understand that you can’t legislate guarantees of safety in any and all situations.

    Sad some people still cling to the Nanny State and use this to advocate (hence – howl and cackle) for even STRICTER laws (as if the current ones aren’t strick enough already). This is probably due to poor education, or low self worth/lack of confidence. Or perhaps they are just Liberals, and suffer from a complete delusion about this world and the things of it. Silly liberals, let the adults manage without you as you’ve caused so much societal harm already.

  6. Kyle Fields on February 9th, 2011 9:32 am

    You must be mistaken, Molino is the country, I mean look at us,

    Open space,
    we’re the country alright.

    As for the topic,
    I knew the boy who got shot.
    He was one of my close young friends.

  7. Jerry on February 9th, 2011 9:05 am

    @David. I would say both. First while the kid was target practicing it misfired, then when the adult was attempting to clear the misfire there was an unintentional discharge of the misfired bullet.

  8. David Huie Green on February 8th, 2011 5:18 pm

    did the gun misfire or did it fire unintentionally?

  9. Jerry on February 8th, 2011 7:53 am

    Art, I will answer you question in one word, ABSOLUTELY! It is far better to train someone in the safe and proper use of firearms than not. Accidents, while preventable are going to happen.

    To the poster that stated that an adult was clearing the jam/misfire when the weapon fired and the bullet ricocheted and struck the youth. My question is, how stupid can that adult be. When you are clearing a jam/misfire, common sense tells you that the weapon is to always, and I mean always to be pointed down range. Not at the ground in front of you, not behind you, not skyward, but down range, Had that weapon been pointed down range, this accident would never have happened. Have I stressed down range enough?

  10. art on February 8th, 2011 7:11 am

    jerry says that if trained properly accidents like this are preventable. d willis says the gun misfired. stop and smell the coffee perking people! guns are dangerous…they kill people…is it really worth taking the chance of something like this happening to your precious child and letting them use guns, even though they are trained and supervised by other trained adults?

  11. lol on February 8th, 2011 2:16 am

    Lol @ molino_girls comment. Molino isn’t country…

  12. RHONDA CURRIE on February 7th, 2011 6:33 pm

    Thank you for letting me know the child is ok. Still praying for this child and his family !!!

  13. Jerry on February 7th, 2011 4:32 pm

    Bob, the kid was shot with a 22 caliber rifle. As far as I know the Remington Model 700 does not come in a 22 caliber.

    @nudo, misfires generally are the result of ammo and not the gun nor the shooter.

  14. interested reader on February 7th, 2011 1:41 pm

    Glad to see that the boy is doing ok. Our God is a good God. Our prayers can do miraculous things. Please keep on praying for him and his family.

  15. nudo on February 7th, 2011 10:51 am

    Hey Bob maybe you should pay attention to what you read. I didn’t say anything negative.

  16. Bob on February 7th, 2011 8:29 am

    Hopefully this kid will fully recover.

    nudo, I reckon you should pay more attention to things :)

    Or maybe you’re a lawyer for Remington, considering the recent news about there model 700 bolt action firing without pulling the trigger

  17. T on February 7th, 2011 8:13 am

    D Willis, thats what people around here do, they JUDGE, they SPECULATE, they GOSSIP, they love DRAMA!
    WHY? you ask? Because THEY are soooooooo perfect! :)

  18. D.Willis II on February 6th, 2011 10:18 pm

    Stop speculating! The boy was with his aunt and uncle, the rifle mis fired. The well trained uncle took the gun from the boy. As the uncle was attempting to return the rifle to a safe position, the rifle went off and rickasheaded (sp) and hit the boy.

  19. Concerned citizen on February 6th, 2011 6:46 pm

    @ Rhonda… he is doing great …he is a strong boy. Keep the prayers going.

  20. Rhonda Currie on February 6th, 2011 4:28 pm

    Does anyone know if this child is ok ? an update if we can get one ?

  21. Jerry on February 6th, 2011 11:35 am

    I have been handling and around guns since I was about 5 years old. I shot my first deer at age 7. Had my dad and older brothers not trained me properly in how to handle a gun, this could have very easily happen to me. I was taught that you never ever point a weapon at someone or yourself unless you intend to use it, specially a weapon that has just misfired. When you do that you are just asking for trouble.

    Now don’t get me wrong, I am in not way blaming training on this accident, I do not know the kid nor his parents so I cannot and will not pass judgment, however trained properly accidents such as these are very preventable.

    Tougher guns laws and restrictions are nor the answer either. If you have small kids in the house, I do believe that there is a Florida law regarding keeping the guns under lock and key. When mine kids were growing up, all my guns were kept locked, but as they learned firearm safety they were allowed access to the weapons specially if they were home alone and needed them for protection.

  22. shae on February 6th, 2011 9:04 am

    Freakish accidents happen all the time. You can’t dictate how they happen or why and just because you’ve never heard of a gun mis-firing and hitting in the abdomen, or can’t see how such a thing can happen doesn’t mean it didn’t. That’s what makes it a freakish accident that can’t be explained. I pray the boy and his family are healed quickly from this and Please get that weapon fixed or destroy it so it doesn’t hurt someone else.

  23. nudo on February 5th, 2011 10:48 pm

    Well out of respect for this kid and his family I hope he’s okay..everyone keeps saying it was just a misfire. Misfires don’t hit you in the abdomen unless your handling the gun incorrectly. We don’t know if he was supervised or not. That’s another issue. Gun safety is the lesson to be learned. As far as misfires happen all the time…I have never seen or heard of all these misfires. Its usually the person using the gun that causes these misfires or dropping it. Anyway, know and pay attention to what your doing when shooting a gun…they are fun and safe if done correctly.

  24. #1mom on February 5th, 2011 10:17 pm

    Prayers for this child and parents! I have a 10yr old who just got a 4 10/22 rifle for Christmas. As someone who hates guns, I gave in. But….he is never to touch it without his Dad, and we are constantly teaching him how to always point down unless ready to shoot. and never to pull the thing back unless he is ready to shoot. But, that being said, you can teach them all the rules, and be right there beside them the whole time, and still they can get hurt. I hope everything is ok and that folks will stop arguing over something they really dont know the facts about.

  25. Bryan Bethea on February 5th, 2011 10:05 pm

    I consider myself to be fairly liberal and I always vote Democratic. However, I don’t believe in unnecessary gun restrictions and I have to say that this sounds like an accident. Just because the poor child was shot doesn’t mean there was something sinister or neglectful going on. Accidents happen! I pray that he recovers quickly and his family finds peace after a tragic day. I agree with a previous commenter that the nanny state can’t protect you and your children 24/7. Making mistakes and learning from them are the ways we grow as humans. Unfortunately some mistakes and accidents are more costly than others but they will never cease to happen no matter how diligent we are. It’s life folks!

  26. friend from spanish fort on February 5th, 2011 10:01 pm

    I cant believe some of the things being said. my daughter and i have known this boy since they were in kindergarten. i for one am scared to death of guns and do not allow them in my house. i do however understand how many people have grown up with them and i hold no hard feelings nor judgment towards them. this boy was under adult supervision and it was an accident. he didnt shoot his foot off, it was a mis-fire. it happens. people need to quit judging and throwing information out there that isnt true.

  27. RHONDA CURRIE on February 5th, 2011 9:50 pm


  28. molino_girl on February 5th, 2011 9:35 pm

    @buckeye…in case you didnt know molino is country. and in the country you learn to shoot a bb gun when you are 5.

  29. jim on February 5th, 2011 9:19 pm

    sorry you feel that way mike, actually there are good laws on the books right here in Florida. people just won’t obey the law. what do you want to bet that child was not supervised by an adult.. what do you want to bet that the gun wasn’t kept in the proper manners prescribed by law, around children.. anti gun folks think that more laws are the answer, when only law abiding folks are going to be the only ones that obey the laws.. did you know that according to the FBI studies every 13 seconds a gun is used to protect or save a life. guns don’t kill, people do. understand the NRA protects your 2nd amend rights also

  30. William on February 5th, 2011 8:44 pm

    >>>Can we get the name of the boy?

    We generally, as a matter of policy, do not name underage accident victims.

  31. Mike on February 5th, 2011 8:43 pm

    Tougher gun regulations regarding children are needed, they probably would not have helped in this case but for every incident that happens on “accident” there are numerous others where a responsible parent is involved. Just last month a man was acquitted after allowing his child to fire an Uzi and killing himself evern though several people initially stopped him and warned him that the kick would be too strong. He was determined that his son should have that experience and for what? Our nation’s gun laws particularly at gun shows offer so many loopholes that unintended consequences occur but things will never get stopped just like big tobacco because the gun lobby is too powerful. It doesn’t care that people are getting hurt, it just cares about its billions in sales. Only change will come from within and ordinary NRA members will have to say to themselves are there any circumstances whatsoever that we can self regulate ourselves!

  32. Name Unknown on February 5th, 2011 8:37 pm

    Can we get the name of the boy?

  33. think it through on February 5th, 2011 8:25 pm

    Accidents and misfires can happen, even with proper supervision. No need for more needless government intrusion because of this.

  34. your friend on February 5th, 2011 8:08 pm

    dude i will see you when you better hope you get better

  35. familiar on February 5th, 2011 8:04 pm

    this kid has lots of experience with hunting and safe gun handling. It was not his gun. It was a misfire. There was strict, experienced adult supervision and parent consent.

  36. Willene Bryan on February 5th, 2011 6:17 pm

    I pray this little boy will be OK. And I also pray for the family that they know the good Lord is watching over them all.

  37. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 5th, 2011 5:38 pm

    My prayers are with the child and his parents/family. Whether or not they were there, I’m sure they are in a tremendous amount of pain.

  38. Buckeye on February 5th, 2011 5:13 pm

    “just an old soldier” I can only assume your talking about me in your post when saying “And the people and using this to howl and cackle for greater restrictions on guns? I hope they can get their heads straightened out one day, and see the error of their ways.

    Accidents can happen, people make mistakes, the Nanny State can’t be there to take care of you from cradle to grave, and there is a Second Amendment to our Constitution that guarantees our freedom to bear arms”

    My response is this. I hope this KID is an avid hunter when he grows up also. Im not “howling or crackeling” (whatever in the heck that is) about gun restrictions. I grew up in an army family and went hunting with my Dad all of my young life. My Dad made me carry an unloaded gun untill I was 16 to ensure I handled myself and the firearm the proper way. My whole family is in the NRA so dont preach to me about the 2nd amendment. Guns are only safe in the hands of responsible adults! I can speak only of who I know (i.e. friends and friends of friends) but more kids have been hurt or killed from gun accidents than adults. In case your wondering 4 kids and 1 adult. So this is not with out merit! as for figuring out the error of my way, My 17 year old kid has never been in a gun accident. I can tell you that under my idea no child would get shot legally. My way seems to work better for the kids in my opinnion.

  39. gogo on February 5th, 2011 4:54 pm

    Hope the kid is OK…he just grew up a notch with this…adult supervision or not ..he still got shot…dont know what the law says about kids and guns…I know he is under age..someone is responsible though.

  40. dnutjob on February 5th, 2011 4:35 pm

    Buckeye, they where target shooting with adult supervision, and I hope who ever took your brain away gives it back.

  41. Buckeye on February 5th, 2011 4:26 pm

    @ no name- Once again thats not what Im saying. I agree accidents do happen. Kids dont act the way adults do in situations where accidents can be avioded. This case sounds like it wouldnt have mattered if it was an adult or a kid but Its worse since it was a 12 year old kid. Im sure dad was there with the kid. BUT none the less a kid was shot! A 12 year old cant do anything in life but go to school and ride bikes. They are not trusted to drive, smoke, drink, have sex, or anything thats dangerous in life because their brains dont comprehend the magnitude of the situations yet! The only fact out of all of this is if this kid wasnt out target shooting in his yard, he wouldnt be shot. I pray for a speedy recovery for him and i hope there isnt any long term problems with him.

  42. Just An Old Soldier on February 5th, 2011 3:56 pm

    I pray that this young fellow gun enthusiast gets well soon.

    I remember when my pa took my two younger brothers and I to our first NRA Safe Hunter course…I was eleven and my brothers were younger. It was a good course and gave us training on weapons safety that has lasted a lifetime for us and our kids as well.

    My hope is that this young man is a Hunter for Life, and that he has a long life hunting in the field.

    And the people and using this to howl and cackle for greater restrictions on guns? I hope they can get their heads straightened out one day, and see the error of their ways.

    Accidents can happen, people make mistakes, the Nanny State can’t be there to take care of you from cradle to grave, and there is a Second Amendment to our Constitution that guarantees our freedom to bear arms.

  43. Name (required) on February 5th, 2011 3:38 pm

    Oh how quickly do some folks judge!

    Accidents happen, that is why the call them accidents!

  44. Ifish4 on February 5th, 2011 3:28 pm

    Buckeye, you need to read FL. Statute 790.22. Basically it’s against the law for anyone under 16 to use a BB gun without adult supervision, and anyone under 18 to use a firearm without adult supervision AND parental consent.

  45. Betsy Hasty on February 5th, 2011 3:04 pm

    I pray this child will be ok. My 7 & 12 yr olds know how to use a gun but know if mom & dad aren’t with them they aren’t allowed to touch it. With that being said Im willing to bet this child had the same rules. Guns misfire sometimes just like we fall down sometimes…no one is to blame…its just an accident!!! I am more trusting of a child who has rules than an adult who does as he pleases!!! This family is in my prayers!

  46. the Real Deal on February 5th, 2011 2:29 pm

    @ buckeye,,,guess there is no such thing as an accident.Maybe if more parents had there kids envolved in hunting and fishing and simply shooting guns or whatever keeps the kids attention .Maybe they wouldnt have to spend as much time HUNTING their kids,,and P.S 22 rifles are known for miss firing and when they do it can be very dangerous ,because it can very well go off unexpected ,and this could very well be the case here .I didnt see nothing in the article where it said Parents of 12 year old turned him loose with a gun and kid shoots himself,,,,,So why dont EVERYBODY look at it like this ,The kid had an accident an shot himself ,Hopefully the kid will have a speedy recovery ,,and put this down under his belt as a lesson learned ,”never trust a missfired bullet and never point a weapon at something you dont wanna shoot”,,,,,,,ONE more small note IF guns KILL ,I guess it is the FAULT of my pencil for failing in school,,,

  47. Buckeye on February 5th, 2011 1:33 pm

    Ill never understand why parents will let their kids have guns. Im not against guns but a 12 year old kid should not be playing with guns. It may be a situation where the parent was with the kid and there was no wrong doing but the fact remains the same. A 12 year old kid was shot. There should be a law where you have to be 16 to shoot guns. If you have to be 16 to drive, 18 to smoke , and 21 to drink then why should you be able to handle a weapon that kills at any age? I know some kids are very responsible and trained how to handle guns but their still KIDS! I hope and pray this kid recovers and I also hope his parents take the guns away.

  48. interested reader on February 5th, 2011 1:21 pm

    Prayers go out to this boy and his family. May God protect him and restore him to health.

  49. Mary on February 5th, 2011 11:26 am

    I hope there was an adult w/him! I sure hope he is AOK!

  50. JUDY MASEK on February 5th, 2011 11:24 am

    praise God!..prayers offered for the child and his family.