Century To Begin Work on $250,000 In Energy Efficiency Upgrades

February 27, 2011

Plans are being made to increase the energy efficiency of the Town of Century.

The town received a $250,000 energy efficiency grant ,with the majority being used to upgrade the climate control systems at the former Helicopter Technology building, the Century Town Hall and the Century Ag Building (community center) on West Highway 4.

The grant will also fund the installation of energy efficient lighting at all three buildings.

Last week, the town also awarded a contract to low-bidder Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. of Orlando to create a comprehensive energy savings plan. The plan, according to town consultant Debbie Nickles, will be based on a study of how the town might save energy — items like converting town vehicles to natural gas or other building upgrades.

Pictured: Century’s Ag Building on West Highway 4. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Century To Begin Work on $250,000 In Energy Efficiency Upgrades”

  1. Little B on February 28th, 2011 5:14 pm

    White elephant?
    From a business point of view, these assets owned by the Town of Century are an expense whoever granted the money. If you look at the income these upgrades will generate, you would definitely divert funds elsewhere. An empty building would be better sold or at least left alone, than to upgrade the lighting and climate control. It is like buying a new saddle for a dead horse. Borderline of stupid. These ventures are not solvent and should be liquidated. I cannot see how a dime of this money will go into Century’s economy.

  2. Kitty Moore on February 28th, 2011 7:52 am

    If I had to think of a bigger waste of money, it would take me a little while. After these wonderful prejects are done, what have we gained? Someone achieved a notable quest by procuring a grant. It can go on the list of things that they have done for Century come election time. I am surprised that anyone would give a grant for these things. It is not good Business thinking. For this to make sense, there has to be something crooked going on.

  3. Century girl on February 27th, 2011 11:10 pm

    How was it decided where the grant would be spent? An empty “Huge White Elephant”!!! Why??? Is the Grant for the Town to use on it’s OWN property or for the residents of Century? Just wondering. Hmmmmm

  4. Darius on February 27th, 2011 10:02 pm

    Because, there is a buck in it for somebody’s friend is Orlando. If local contractor got the job. They would hire local people, who in turn would spend thier earnings here. Instead the $250,000 will not even be felt. Some of it will go to consultants and some to coverting to a higher maintenance fuel system for city vehicles and upgrading a vacant building. Some may end up in somebody’s pocket at city hall. Local expertise could easily do this work. But you will never notice anyting.

  5. FL Electrical Contractor on February 27th, 2011 1:55 pm

    Why don’t we get a chance to bid on projects like these. We should be able to compete with outside contractors. We live in the same community and never hear about these projects till after the fact or on North Escambia..

  6. FL Builder on February 27th, 2011 10:16 am

    Low bids are always not the best
    Hire a local licensed contractor

  7. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 27th, 2011 7:57 am

    Good for Century!!

  8. nudo on February 27th, 2011 7:34 am

    Really. Since they found the grant only makes since that they win the low bid contract. Sounds leggit to me.