12 Indicted On Federal Drug Charges; Most From North Escambia

February 24, 2011

A federal indictment has been returned charged 12 people with conspiring to obtain pseudoephedrine in order to manufacture methamphetamine. Most were residents of Molino or Cantonment.

The federal indictment charges that the suspects were involved in a conspiracy to possess and distribute pseudoephedrine for use in manufacturing methamphetamine.

Those arrested in the federal operation dubbed “Operation Blister Pack” were:

  • James Brown, 45, of Molino Road, Molino
  • Tonya Foster, 36, of Vaughn Street, Cantonment
  • Aaron Hendrickson, 36, of Hwy. 95A, Cantonment
  • Rebecca Jernigan, 36, of  Still Road, Century
  • Patricia Love, 29, of Eastman Lane, Cantonment
  • Raymond Love, 30, of Highway 29, Molino
  • William Neal, 29, of  Williams Ditch Road, Cantonment
  • Terra Palmer, 34, of Daylily Road, Cantonment
  • Matthew Ramsey, 38, of  Duxbury Avenue, Molino
  • William Robbins, 23, of Duxbury Avenue, Molino
  • Nicholas Scott, 31, of Rumford Road, Molino
  • Terry Wolfe, 47, of Robertsdale, Ala.

Ramsey and Wolfe are also charged with conspiring to manufacture the methamphetamine itself. In addition to the federal indictment, state drug charges were filed yesterday against other individuals alleged to have been involved in the organization.

The 12 arrests on federal charges were in addition to a half dozen arrests on state level charges as federal, state and local law enforcement conducted “Operation Blister Pack” Tuesday. For information about the arrests on state charges, click here.

Following their arrests, the federal defendants began to make their initial appearances Wedneday before United States Magistrate Judge Elizabeth M. Timothy. A trial date will be set in the near  future.

Each defendant faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted. Ramsey and Wolfe, who face the additional charge of conspiracy to manufacture methamphetamine, face up to life in prison
upon conviction.

This case results from a long-term investigation by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA). The case is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney David L. Goldberg.


104 Responses to “12 Indicted On Federal Drug Charges; Most From North Escambia”

  1. Just the Aunt on March 7th, 2011 8:23 pm

    Wow. Just was re-reading over some of the comments.
    Glad to know everyone commenting here has such a perfect life and has never had anyone in their family ever get in trouble for anything.
    While I do not like nor condone drug use or the manufacturing of drugs, I think some people on should be careful. Ever heard the expression”But there for the Grace of God go I”
    It could happen in your family, an addiction or something similar. And because of the right to free speach I can say this…….sometimes people are so quick to comdemn because they have something going on in their life that they want to hide.
    The bottom line here is if you do not like what is going on in your community, get involved, volunteer. We are not put here for our own selfish purposes, but to be a family, to help one another and to care about one another. Remember, God hates the sin, but loves the sinner. He also loves those who profess a love for him but sin in some way at every opportunity, an affair, stealing, lying, cheating, coveting, and the list goes on. No where in the bible does it say that God only hates those that make and distribute Meth. He treats every sin the same, it is a sin, PERIOD. Maybe we should take lessons from the good Book.

  2. Just the Aunt on March 7th, 2011 8:02 pm

    Wow! Ihave been reading all of the comments and am amazed at some of the people and their comments on here.
    Let me say that I am Raymond’s aunt. I have not seen him much most of his life because my husband’s military career kept us away.
    What I have to say is just this.
    For all of you who profess to be Christians and have no mercy for this group, shame on you. For all of you who are just bashing, shame on you as well.
    I am old, and what life has taught me is to never judge someone until you have walked in their shoes. You have no way of knowing why a person makes the choices that they do.
    That being said, I agree with Ray’s Mom, who is also my Sister. We would all rather see Ray in prison, hopefully getting clean and rehabilitated than dead. Which could happen at anytime either by the company he keeps or through drug use. Sad that his children will grow up with their parent(s) but sadder still that neither Ray or Trish will realize just what they have done with their lives until they too are old. And for the idiot that commented about osmosis, get a life. I am college educated and I know what it means, do you????

  3. shame shame shame on February 27th, 2011 12:53 am

    please please put them all away—-ramsey I hope you get what you deserve-you are a true piece of dirt-less then dirt- you are not even human-I hate you for what you did to that litttle animal-you are less the human-you are a sub human species-you need to be gone from this earth so you do not breed anymore.

  4. MICHAEL WEAVER on February 26th, 2011 1:29 pm


  5. scott johnson on February 26th, 2011 11:00 am

    yea..matt ramsey the donkey dragger should b put away for life god bless

  6. Bill Golden on February 25th, 2011 11:57 pm

    Both of you have good points and make good cases. I don’t want to treat this as my own personal blog,but I do value your opinion. Keep me straight.

  7. scott johnson on February 25th, 2011 10:32 pm

    the wife defends her husband after burning down the house and then get arrested with ray a month later…lets u know about people posting on here. thanks

  8. Just another face. on February 25th, 2011 9:16 pm

    It makes me terribly sad to see this.

    William Robbins is an ex boyfriend of mine. First love, even. And then we grew apart. Now, after three years, this is the first I’ve heard about him. He’s 23 and has already ruined his life. He threw away a beautiful talent – he was quite the proficient guitarist and writer. I feel terrible for him, but he dug his own grave.

    Sometimes you wish that you could have had some sort of influence on people so they don’t turn out this way. But that’s just wishful thinking.

  9. Neighbor on February 25th, 2011 6:40 pm


    I never said these people prayed before they were busted but I would bet they are thinking about it now.
    I don’t want to see anyone burn in hell, so
    My prayer is
    “Dear Lord, be with ALL that are suffering from the effects of this sin,
    be with the families of those arrested and I pray you will give peace to the children of these people, the children, mothers, fathers, families and friends who will be left to suffer the embaresment and shame of the situation and Lord, I pray that the time in jail will give these people the time to look back and realize the mistakes they have made (and they don’t get out until they do) and their hearts will be softened to the forgiveness you have offered. I pray that they will realize they’re sinners, repent, and accept you ,Jesus, as their Lord and Savior.

  10. Jim W on February 25th, 2011 6:14 pm

    This is for those who try to justify what these people have done. A great quote from a very intellegent person.
    “People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.” – George Bernard Shaw

  11. omg on February 25th, 2011 3:06 pm

    ImaHURTIN,shout out back at ya!!!! You are very welcome! You couldn’t of put it in better words. lmbo!!!!!! =)

  12. make them squeal like a pig on February 25th, 2011 11:36 am

    Ok now hear this.
    Thanks to all the LEO’s and ALL the FEDERAL BOYS for ALL of these BUSTS.
    You and I and all of them know, however, that this was just the beginning.
    NOW make them squeal like the pigs they are and make them roll on every
    drug maker and druggie from here to pensacola.

    This is your chance to be a real hero and take them all down.

    Thanks again

  13. JoshBaker on February 25th, 2011 11:01 am

    Google Matt Ramsey’s Escambia Clerk of Court records he is an animal abuser, a theif, and a drug addict/dealer. LOCK HIM UP FOR LIFE!. It will do us all a favor. He is a eyesore in our community .

  14. itsjustme on February 25th, 2011 10:43 am

    @ Bill Golden

    If I may add..parents lead by exanple but at some point our children make their own conscious decision to do as taught or go down a different path

  15. Bill Golden on February 25th, 2011 10:14 am

    Well said, but parents lead.

  16. SomeonewhoDOESknowTerryWolfe on February 25th, 2011 9:34 am

    To: Bill Golden

    Her stepfather didn’t screw up her life, she did. She has been iving in the same house & on the same property where meth was being made. She was a witness to what was going on and that makes her just as guilty as the ones who got caught. You don’t live in a community all your life and not get to know the people.

  17. Bill Golden on February 25th, 2011 7:46 am

    That’s right Tina, let her know that every body else is to blame for what her poor old daddy is going through. If you cared even a little, you would tell her the truth. Since we are assuming that this is God working his will in there lives,perhaps God,, through his grace, wants to salvage the families of these degenerates. She needs to let daddy know that he has screwed her life up. It was daddy, not God that was making meth.

  18. itsjustme on February 25th, 2011 6:59 am

    Really? Lke I said I pray for the innocents in the tragedy. You pray for who you wish to pray for and I will do the same. I pray for the families left behind who are now trying to figure out where they went wrong or what they could have done differently. I pray for the children who will never have a mommy and daddy and I pray for the protection and safety of our LEO’s and for the communities that they may begin healing. I also pray for health of these inmates so that may live a long life in prison. These people made a conscious decision to do what they did. They chose to kill our children and ruin our communities and do you really think they that were praying to God? What would you ask for? Health and safety so that your product wouldn’t blow up in your face,perhaps prayed for more “customers” or to keep the police away? As I have said, God and all the prayer in the world will not get them out of jaul or prison. Rolling on their fellow co conspirators and saving them from themelves may lessen the term of time they’ll do. Believe me,knowing some of the agents that they are now dealing with,God and a christian life would have been the easier choice.

  19. STUMPKNOCKER on February 25th, 2011 6:36 am

    This is to the user (ME) Ref that dang donkey,it sounds like your down playing the dragging of the donkey.I saw photos of the animal and what Mr Ramsey did to the animal and it was sick.The donkey was not only dragged down hwy 29 but it was whipped with a bull whip when it could no longer get up and move.Yeah this is a fine person,he is a 4 time convected felon nice guy,just misunderstood.more like trash.Our community is safer with the likes of him and his buddies off the street.He is lucky that the men sitting in Frans did not get a hold of him that day,they were wanting to drag and bull whip him,now that would have been real entertainment

  20. shame shame shame on February 25th, 2011 2:00 am

    May they all rot in hell-they are adults and have made their own decisions about their lives. And they are affecting many other innocent people in our communities. It is because of them and others like them that we are not safe on our streets anymore. I am so sick of it. And ramsey-I hope someone drags you down a street. “Lets pray and forgive them”– pleeeeease!!!BS!!!!! They have made their own choices!! They will not change. They do not care enough to change. It’s not fair to the rest of us who work hard and just want to feel safe in our homes. Please get these people off the streets. Please………

  21. Tina on February 25th, 2011 1:13 am

    leeann knighten

    Hang in there Sweety. I know it seems bad, sometimes bad things happen to us we can’t control. I’m sorry for all the hurtful things this bunch has spouted out. They are adults with literally nothing better to do. You will be OK . God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. It makes us stronger. I was daddy’s girl too one time. Pray for your daddy everyday and let him know you love him and never mind these bitter old people. . Wishing you peace of mind. ;)

  22. D on February 24th, 2011 10:58 pm

    Personally, I would like to royally kick someone’s butt and knock some sense back into him… Geez! See I knew him way back before any of this started!

  23. got2saait on February 24th, 2011 9:41 pm

    Look at their pictures…multiply this thousands of times and you will know whats wrong with America…Molino and Cantonment is only a small area…what do you think is going on inside the bigger cities….dont be fooled. Look at the cost to the taxpayer…our America is going…and has gone to hell…satan is real…he loves to ruin lives and he has got another dozen…the dirty dozen here

  24. ImaHURTIN on February 24th, 2011 9:30 pm

    To “OMG” thanks for the compliment…….shout out to my dawg “OMG” what up :) :)

  25. Little B on February 24th, 2011 9:10 pm

    Next time you see a law enforcement officer, look him or her in the eye and tell them that you appreciate the job they are doing. It cannot be overstated, the harm that these meth people are doing to all of us. They are KILLING our children for a few dollars. Quit saying nice things about them. I just cannot believe some one just claimed to be their friend. I know their mothers love them, but they are BAD people.

  26. Bill Golden on February 24th, 2011 8:40 pm

    missyj, Did it take getting arrested for you to clean up? By giving your friends moral support, you are letting them know that what they are doing is ok. Try telling them that you don’t want any part of the evil that they do. If they are your friends, if they love you as you love them, they will listen. And if you really pray for them, hold their hands and pray with them. Otherwise, stop soliciting simpathy for a bunch of meth-heads.

  27. Kitty Moore on February 24th, 2011 8:09 pm

    I take prayer very seriously. I am offend at the way the word prayer is slung around. Maybe we should decide for ourselves who and what to pray for. These Meth-heads must not be praying people.
    Can you just imagine them saying,” Lord bless our meth lab and may our drugs be profitable”. No You Can’t. Or maybe,”Dear lord, as enter these cell, may we be good examples to our fellow inmates”. Maybe, just maybe, we should have taught them to pray 10 years ago. I am sorry, but I think something didn’t go right at home way back when. Only when they, themselves, give their heart to Jesus, will prayer work . And I pray that they do.

  28. missyj on February 24th, 2011 8:09 pm

    For the ones that think that once a meth head always a meth head I say ypu don’t know what you are talking about. I was arrested last may with a meth lab and have been clean for 3 months now. You don’t need rehab you just need to put your mind to it and have a good support system. As for these people, they are all my friends,especially terra. I am praying for hem that they might all use this to clean up their lives for their kids. I feel bad for them but everything happens for a reason. I hope they can clean up their lives now and when they do get out they don’t go back to doing the same thing again. It can be done.

  29. Bill Golden on February 24th, 2011 6:46 pm

    Elicia, All I can tell you is that the best way to protect your loved one from scrutiny, is to keep their names and faces from the news. We talk really bad about people who do really bad things. Whether online or at the water cooler. I am sorry for you pain, but I have to side with Sandra.

  30. K williams on February 24th, 2011 5:46 pm

    job secruity for DOC

  31. Concerned parent on February 24th, 2011 5:32 pm

    Oh, and I also wanted to point out that there are plenty of other reasons for the sores, ranging from allergies to mosquitoes to MRSA to staph infections to acne to scratching a bite, etc. So don’t be so quick to judge just because someone has some sores on their faces and arms.

  32. Jim W on February 24th, 2011 5:04 pm

    This is for Sandra: I think some of these people have never seen the Constitution of the United States must less know wht it says about freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Yes we do have the right to complain when it is our youth dieing from this garbage and our tax dollars being spent to rehab or incarcerate them. I would say someone saying we don’t have the right probably is not a tax paying citizen then or have had their head stuck in the ground somewhere. People need to envoke some common sense once in awhile. Anyway good for you telling it the way it is. i could not agree more good job!

  33. David Huie Green on February 24th, 2011 4:56 pm

    never give up, Sandra

  34. omg on February 24th, 2011 4:50 pm

    ok well then I want to say to you, Sandra it’s *amendment* =), and to ImaHURTIN you are too funny lol!!! Gee Wiiiilliiiiesss Wazzzuppp!????

  35. Sandra on February 24th, 2011 4:25 pm

    I love how folks like to say that we dont have the right to judge people. Explain to me why i dont have the right to judge and complain about people who have been caught manufacturing drugs in my community. Tell me why I cant complain when my taxes have to foot the bill for their incarceration and supposed rehabilitation. Enlighten me as to why the first amendmend should only apply to those whose family has been caught and not those who have a vested interest in the well being of their community. We have the right to say whatever we like in this country. You also have the right to rebut and/or debate whatever statements that I make.

  36. Elicia on February 24th, 2011 3:37 pm

    Well first of all let me say “way to go ” the people that have been adle to overcome the power of addiction. And as far as the { christian} coments on here , we all need prayer no matter whats going on in our life .I would like to say that my thanks goes out to officers that brought all this relief to us family members ,you see i would rather see my son where his is than to face his death. Which is where they all were headed. But let me say that they have not put a dent in the problem in that area. I dont live anywhere near there but i get calls all the time from people i know there. I think some people that have posted comments on here do’nt have anything better to do but bash people that something meaningful to say. They (SANDRA) need to get a life or maybe sober up themselves. No one has the right to judge any of the family members of the people arrested. How does the saying go { sweep around your own door) .As far as someone saying that they deserve the death penalty,we have murderers that get less.So maybe you all would like to rethink that statement.I also know people with the F.D.L.E. and people that do other work with the courts, and i know that they have a hard and dangerous job to do . They put thier life in danger for us every day. I would like to say Thank You to each one you . You may have saved my son and daughter-in-laws life I also have friends that live in Cantonment and Molino with children soagain THANH YOU!!!!!! I love my son and his wife and i am in no way defending what they have done or were doing. So please Everyone dont missunderstand my pain. My pain is for my lost child, and my grandchildren that will be without mother and father for what looks like many years.I know that they made the choice to do what they did , but dont I as a mother have a right to Wish that they would have made a better one???? So those of you that do believe in prayer, please keep us all in yours. And as far as the rest of you we will remember to keep you in ours.

  37. neighbor on February 24th, 2011 2:20 pm

    To “itsjustme”,
    Prayer is the only thing that is going to get these people out of the situation they are in. You as a “Christian” should be praying for everyone concerned not “just the ones that want it”.
    God loves these people too and although they chose this life style he loves them enough to help them out of it any time they are ready.

  38. PolythenePam on February 24th, 2011 1:27 pm

    Now can the rest of us quit worrying so much about the copper in our heat and air units and wireing in our houses and our catalytic converters coming up missing if we turn our backs?
    Oh wait , I hope the feds are working on the crackheads too.

    Doubting we lost any commenters due to arrests, if they had owned computers they were probably pawned for drug money long ago…..

  39. David Huie Green on February 24th, 2011 1:18 pm

    “I think people who have nothing better to do than call names on a computer are just as “low life trash” as the people they are ridiculing.”

    Would that include you since you are doing it too?

    David just wondering
    who never calls any trash
    and has few unwritten thoughts

  40. Cantonmentmom on February 24th, 2011 12:48 pm

    @yes..she was on here back in December because she had been arrested on drug charges

  41. Cheryl on February 24th, 2011 12:17 pm

    This is in answer to what Alicia had to say. I appreciate what you said and the pain you feel. While I believe they all deserve to pay for what they have done and have been incredibly stupid, I believe also that their lives were spared by getting locked up. Terra is my daughter, in the past hard working, good mother, and raised in church. She has made awful decisions these last few years and my prayer for her has been that God would get her attention any way he could, but to spare her life. He has done that. Her three boys are safe and being raised in good homes with family. She will be old when she gets out of jail, I pray for her to have the strength to make this time count in her life and to face this with courage. As for judging the families that raised these people, you have no idea who we are. We did the best we knew how and cannot be held accountable for the decisions these ADULTS made.

  42. leeann knighten on February 24th, 2011 10:58 am

    look if you knew Terry Wolfe, you wouldn’t say this about my dad! This is very up seating, I love my dad very much he’s helped me threwout everything in my life! And for all yall ppl hating its a drug and people recover from it! Thank you, Leeann knighten

  43. yes on February 24th, 2011 9:51 am

    Terra Palmer
    why does her face look so familiar, has she been in trouble and on this
    site /pictures before, or does she hold a job in molino or somewhere?

  44. Motherofthree on February 24th, 2011 9:12 am

    This looks like a Faces of Meth add.

  45. life in MOLINO on February 24th, 2011 8:48 am

    As of late, you can walk around Grocery Outlet, and Family Dollar and look at the faces and tell if they are on meth with all the sores. I saw a married couple up there the other day and they are both eat up with sores all over their bodies. Makes me so sad to see people slowly dying because of this stuff ……
    AND THEY HAVE KIDS!!!!!!! :(

  46. easy there on February 24th, 2011 8:43 am

    “once a methhead always a meth head”-not true, people do recover from the addiction. I have been clean over 6 years and have no desire to ever use again. So while I am with most of you about being happy these people are off the streets. How about not making judgements on those of us who have chosen to better our lives.

  47. Wondering on February 24th, 2011 8:06 am

    I think people who have nothing better to do than call names on a computer are just as “low life trash” as the people they are ridiculing.

  48. jcellop on February 24th, 2011 8:00 am

    i feel NO mercy for these “alleged” criminals……totally ecstatic that they were finally caught!….i do, however, take exception to a few comments made on here…such as, “once a meth-head, always a meth-head”…….thanks to God and their family, i do have a close friend who actually did recover from their near-lethal, indepth meth addiction……very thankfully, their family/doctor got my friend into the VA hospital for withdrawal/treatment….took nearly a year of inpatient therapy…..that was probably 15-20 years ago…and, today, my friend is a very productive, hard-working, voting, drug-free member of society (even stopped smoking recently!)…so, a meth head is not ALWAYS hopeless…but, they do have to make a decision FOR THEMSELVES (hopefully, prior to arrest) that they would like to live…..if they get arrested, it wouldnt really be their decision to stop and i dont think that it is mentally quite the same, in the long run, as far as a successful recovery is concerned.

  49. Oversight on February 24th, 2011 5:27 am

    I guess it’s a good thing that the feds are taking this on because the new Gov. and his prison chief wants to give everyone a program and probation with no jail time, so the state can save money at our expense.

  50. Judge Bean on February 24th, 2011 5:23 am

    There’s no excuse – these people are TRASH if all this is true – and I would imagine they have a good case against them or we wouldn’t be seeing their mugs here along with the article.

    And the scary part……they probably have been a role model to someone…..so the cycle is hard to stop. I think we – the American public – are broken, and the extent is so great, we will never be fixed. It’s going to get worse – not better. Judgement Day is getting close.

  51. Sandra on February 24th, 2011 5:22 am

    I’m “wondering” when some more lowlife trash is going to come on here defending these losers.

  52. nudo on February 24th, 2011 5:20 am

    You see this and you think its good for the community there cleaning it up. But the reality is they will all be back at it soon doing the very same things but maybe a little smarter with hiding it next time. Our judicial system is broken, jails over populated and it cost to much to house and rehad them by today’s standards. So the cycle will just keep repeating itself. Will they ever get it right!!

  53. itsjustme on February 24th, 2011 1:43 am


    Are you kidding me? Prayer isn’t going to stop the use and maufacture of illegal drugs. God didn’t nor did the families of these individuals make them the way they are. They made their own decisions to poison themselves and our communities with their poison. Pray for the innocent victims of this crime not the ones who committed them. I am a christian woman and believe in power of prayer and the almight God but I say pray for those that need and want the prayers. I for one doubt very much that anyone of the defendants here prayed to God before being arrested but are peaying to him now for an easy way out of a circumstance they caused. I know a few agents involved in this case and trust me God would definitely have been the better option and I like the agents …

  54. itsjustme on February 24th, 2011 1:24 am

    Gotta love the federal xharges. State charges are a joke and most of these people would be under court supervision and making and selling meth in another neighborhood…perhaps mine. Aga-n a job well done by all agencies involved.

  55. itsjustme on February 24th, 2011 1:15 am

    Great job to SRSO,ECSO and the DEA. Your hard work and sacrifice has once again paid off.

    It’s amazes me how these people look. You have to wonder if they are strubg out on their own product or if its the shock of the police knocking on your door at 0500 that makes you look like that. Hmmm

  56. Wondering on February 23rd, 2011 9:56 pm

    I wonder why people such as Sandra feel the need to bash people for their comments. I wonder if she feels better about herself by being hateful to others. Maybe she needs to find some class….it’s under C, honey.

  57. THE TRUTH on February 23rd, 2011 9:19 pm


  58. OMRBH on February 23rd, 2011 9:14 pm

    Life in prison? Why? That would be a waste of taxpayers money. Methheads are deadheads anyway. They don’t recover. Put them out of their misery quickly!

  59. 911 on February 23rd, 2011 8:55 pm

    It appalls me to no end that people will defend what fine, church-going, God-fearing people these folks are. Guess what? So was my very own brother…until he became a meth addict. When you watch a beautiful soul diminish into a shell of a person because of an addiction to this homemade poison, you get a sensation of joy when you see articles like this. Meth is a horrible drug and easy to manufacture by high school dropouts in the back room of a single wide. It’s by far the worst drug, in my opinion, and the more scumbags that are taken off the streets who manufacture and push this junk, the better our society is. Congrats, ECSO and feds on a job well done!

  60. ImaHURTIN on February 23rd, 2011 8:36 pm

    Well, Well, Well, Half of Molino community riding to the big house in the
    “paddy wagon” what a purty site fer the eyes :( lawd lawd lawd……… this is enough to keep the buzz at GeeWIllies going for a month lol

  61. Joe on February 23rd, 2011 8:19 pm

    Matt is a animal abusing-thief-meth-head look up his criminal record it don’t lie. Life in prison PLEASE!!!!!! He has brought so many people down over the years.

  62. WOW on February 23rd, 2011 7:25 pm

    Wow look what else you cann find when u patrol/investigate other places besides Ramar.St!!! Good job ECSO!!!! Stay safe and thank you!!!

  63. Bill Golden on February 23rd, 2011 7:09 pm

    This Elicia person says that all these arrestees have a terrible problem and need our prayers.How sad. Well, I say that we all have a problem. DRUGS in our community. CRIMINALS in our neighborhoods. We all have drug problems and we need to thank God that twelve of our drug problems are off the street.

  64. Cindy on February 23rd, 2011 6:52 pm

    It’s funny to say Patricia is the nice one …she’s the main one that needs to be locked up and put away for good and thats putting it very nicely

  65. Dale White on February 23rd, 2011 6:45 pm

    @Elicia, When the trail comes up and the jury is selected, both side will insist that the jurors do not know the defendants or their families. Yet you, or someone like you, condemn judgement in the name of God. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Therefore, I do ajudicate, where there are illegal drugs, there are bad people. Besides, going to church does not make you a christian any more than walking into a garage makes you an automobile.

  66. nomoc on February 23rd, 2011 6:15 pm

    that’s not the william robbins i know, the one i know is 83. i hate it when bad people give good people a bad name.

  67. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 23rd, 2011 6:08 pm


  68. Sandra on February 23rd, 2011 5:45 pm

    “Elicia” is still looking up the word osmosis. It’s under “O” sugar.

  69. T on February 23rd, 2011 5:32 pm

    What if you were raised by the perfect parent who took time every day to communicate, spent quality time with you, and instilled all the virtues you could into your child, and what if that child still rebelled and turned away.

    Would it be the parent’s fault? Of course not, we are all given free will.

    By the way the moral of the story is the perfect parent was God and the child was Adam. But Adam had free will and so do all these folks. You can serve selfish motives or you can serve the Lord. Choose you this day, who you will serve. THese folks have no-one to blame but themselves.

  70. sad on February 23rd, 2011 5:24 pm

    They forgot a few but I”m sure the “roller” will get them on the next go round!!??!!??

  71. Sandra on February 23rd, 2011 5:18 pm

    Well, apparently “Elicia” you cant get religion by osmosis. I hope he finds Jesus again in state prison.

  72. Mad Momma...... on February 23rd, 2011 5:16 pm

    Well, I want to thank the LEO’s involved in this case, Good Work! I am so proud that someone is finally doing something about these people in our community. There are a few people in here involved with the DCF and FFN and are suppose to be parents! Well I don’t think they need to let any children around these people AT ALL.. They have been in Rehabilitation and they Clearly have chosen a life of Drugs and Being Criminals, and Fugitives over there Parental Rights and Responsibility’s. They have no business at all raising children, or being role models for children. Clearly they Need to GO TO PRISON! May be there children can find good homes, and loving families to raise them. To all the Accused…. Way to Go Guys!… Bet your Moms and Dads are so proud of you! How many chances do YOU NEED!

  73. David Huie Green on February 23rd, 2011 5:06 pm

    Patricia looks nice

    The rest of them don’t look much better than I do.

    I wonder if we just lost some commenters to this incident.

    David for good neighbors

  74. Elicia on February 23rd, 2011 5:06 pm

    As far as (the poorly raised souls) go I know for a fact that Raymond Love was raised in Church all his life from birth.as a matter of fact for your information (Sandra) he went to Cottage Hill Assembly of GOD ALL his years from birth to young adulthood , so you need to get your story straight. He was raised by one of the most upstanding christian women you could ever meet. I know this because she was my grandmother. I am not condoning what he and Trisha have been doing ,and yes we all have to pay for our mistakes in life.But we are not thier judge.I do feel great sorrow in my heart for thier children , you see they are my Grandchildren.You can talk to your children till (you are blue in the face) , that does not mean that they will listen to what you say.All we as parents or family members of thease people can do is give it to our maker and hope for the best. I think that we all agree that our community, town and state is in need of a LOT of PRAYERS. So instead of judging ,PLEASE try to remember all of the people involved have a terrible problem and need all of our prayers. Addiction is nothing to play with wheather it is a drug, alcohol, pills, food, cigarettes, sex, coffee, internet, lothes…………..I could go on and on. So what we need to do as a resident of this community is PRAY for our lost souls one and all…………..

  75. David Huie Green on February 23rd, 2011 5:01 pm

    “don’t you think an intervention would be better than life in prison ?”

    I thought prison WAS form of intervention

    David the confused

  76. Sandra on February 23rd, 2011 4:44 pm

    To “Me”. Having a family just means that you are still in control of enough brain cells to have sex. There are people on death row with “family” and they too are lowlife trash. Whats horrible is folks in my community making and selling drugs and if you dont think so then you are trash also…..family or no.

  77. Me Too on February 23rd, 2011 4:39 pm

    To “Know your neighbor”……”Everybody” is a very broad statement……..no, not everybody does drugs, but do you include yourself in that statement? ……hopefully they will get to all areas before it’s overwith…

  78. Jim W on February 23rd, 2011 4:38 pm

    This is for “Me” think about what you are saying here. No matter how much you like the man or feel sorry for the man he just keeps on putting himself in trouble. What part of that is justifiable? NONE! That is what part!!

  79. Me on February 23rd, 2011 4:33 pm

    Ramsey has served his time for dragging that dang donkey. Don’t give up on him yet don’t you think an intervention would be better than life in prison ?

    This is a person that has a family and calling him trash is horrible.

  80. Jim W on February 23rd, 2011 4:32 pm

    It appears these guys had themselves a little factory running at will. Making all the money they could without regard to the community or the police. Well it finally bit them right where it hurts and it is way beyond time that they got caught. We do not need this kind of garbage in our communities great job law enforcement keep up the good work. I don’t want to see all the bleeding hearts come out and try to explain this away for them for there is no excuse for what they were doing.
    I do not know if or who flipped for the law enforcement but it sure seems someone did by the number of people they caught. It’s like domino’s falling once it starts. Once again great job law enforcement.

  81. Know your neighbor on February 23rd, 2011 3:57 pm

    everybody does drugs…..why concentrated in such a small area?

  82. Sandra on February 23rd, 2011 3:50 pm

    I noticed that Patricia Love is in jail too. She is the one that chimed in on the trailer fire story stating how she left Raymond and she has the kids in a safe place. Now the truth comes out. Those kids need foster homes so that they dont continue down the road that is being taught to them.

  83. yourmom on February 23rd, 2011 3:43 pm

    Well, it is about time . They all deserve everything that awaits them. Just took a really long time . Way to go Escambia County!

  84. Name (required) on February 23rd, 2011 3:38 pm

    It seems to me there are more then a few ‘frequent fliers’ on this list…

    … I KNOW I have seen some of these pictures before.


    Thank you for the great service you do for us! Great reporting!

    Glad our LEO’s are making some progress. Good job.

  85. Dave on February 23rd, 2011 3:37 pm

    Why don”t drug stores quit carrying pseudoephedrine ? That seems to be the key choice to make methamphetamine.

  86. JT on February 23rd, 2011 3:34 pm

    Went to school with Nick Scott…. Couldn’t have happened to a better person. Can only hope the rest of that Barrineau Park class gets busted for Meth too.

  87. do the crime do the time on February 23rd, 2011 3:33 pm

    to say it aint so yes it burnt and they found ten foil and tanks in his home

  88. do the crime do the time on February 23rd, 2011 3:31 pm

    You no it a shame that stuff like this happen.. What’s bad is that some of the crazy people have KIDS what do they not care about them. They should be on the top of there list not the DRUGS i just cant be live people can do this to there baby’s. You no the neal, williams ,the loves, palmer, brown, jernigan and foster just got busted less the 6 months ago what were they thinking STUPID in my book…well they need to throw the book to all them is what i think

  89. Alice Alexander on February 23rd, 2011 3:27 pm

    My prayers are with all of these families. Father, be with them and protect them,
    watch after the children that are left without a mother or father.

  90. Say it aint so! on February 23rd, 2011 3:26 pm

    Didnt James Brown’s trailer catch on fire a few weeks ago as well with a possible meth lab in it?

  91. Say it aint so! on February 23rd, 2011 3:25 pm

    They all definitely look like meth head material to me!!!

  92. lil bit on February 23rd, 2011 3:24 pm

    What a nice looking group…not……first class meth heads u can tell from the pics glad these bums and losers are off the street but the question is for how long!?!?!?!?! I say lock them up and throw away the key for good!!!

  93. Lock Em Up on February 23rd, 2011 3:23 pm


    And to think their family was defending them! I hope they lock all these people up for a LONG time!

  94. Lock Em Up on February 23rd, 2011 3:22 pm

    Is Ray & Patricia Love not the ones who Mobile Home burned down a couple months ago…and they had no insurance?

  95. 2 Cents on February 23rd, 2011 3:19 pm

    Wow double Wow. Glad for this stuff to get off the streets. Only can pray people will learn from these mistakes! And these people, if they do see the light off day again change there lives!

  96. ME on February 23rd, 2011 3:16 pm

    what a FINE lookin bunch of people…real high class citizens living among us

  97. SickOfItAll on February 23rd, 2011 3:15 pm

    Ramsey is trash!

  98. Sandra on February 23rd, 2011 3:08 pm

    Nice Mugshots! Every one of em could have come straight out of the movie “Deliverance”. I hear banjos playin.

  99. Sandra on February 23rd, 2011 3:04 pm

    It makes me sick to my stomach that so many people in my adopted community are manufacturing and aiding in the manufacture of the poison that finds its way into our schools. The sad thing is that these lowlife cockroaches will get a slap on the wrist and be out making this stuff again. My thanks to law enforcement for capturing and holding these poorly raised souls accountable and here’s an early “thanks for nothing” to the judges that will surely set them loose. Anybody that defends the actions of these criminal degenerates is a sorry lowlife in my book too.

  100. curious on February 23rd, 2011 3:03 pm

    Thanks William. You always keep us well informed.

  101. William on February 23rd, 2011 2:53 pm

    >>wonder why the flowers boy isn’t named here.

    Because he was not indicted on federal charges. He is facing state charges. Here is another story now with about a half dozen people arrested on state charges:


  102. curious on February 23rd, 2011 2:52 pm

    wonder why the flowers boy isn’t named here. He was the third person with ramsey and raines last week and is shown in the booking log on the sherrif depts website with drug charges and lives at the house they raided yesterday?

  103. SickOfItAll on February 23rd, 2011 2:49 pm

    I hope Ramsey gets the book thrown at him. He is always involved in this stuff. Look up his record he is also a thief, a animal abuser, and a has a terrible arrest record. It’s in black and white look it up Escambia County Clerk of Court google search. There is no takeing up for him. If fu do then you support the crimes he commits.

  104. JoshBaker on February 23rd, 2011 2:41 pm

    So Matt Ramsey AGAIN I don’t get why was even out on bail from last week. Now let’s hear what good guy he is. Hey judge ever heard of life in prison because that’s what I would give him. He is spreading this poison all over our community.