Another North Escambia Resident Busted On Meth Charges

February 25, 2011

Another North Escambia resident has been arrested on an outstanding meth-related warrant, joining well over a dozen arrested earlier this week due a local, state and federal law enforcement operation.

Joseph Daniel Flowers, 31, of Molino Road, is facing charges of possession of methamphetamines with intent to sell, methamphetamine trafficking, possession of drug paraphernalia, and two counts possession of listed chemicals with intent to manufacture a controlled substance.

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies located an active methamphetamine lab inside a residence at 1115 Muscogee Road during the early morning hours of February 7, 2011. They discovered Matthew Michael Ramsey, 38, of Molino; Robert Edward Raines, 48, of Cantonment; and Flowers inside the residence with the meth lab. Flowers was transported to a Pensacola hospital for an untreated burn on his hand and warrants were issued for his arrest.

Raines and Ramsey were charged with possession of methamphetamines with intent to sell, trafficking in methamphetamine , possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of listed chemicals with the intent to manufacture a control substance. Raines was also charged with possession of marijuana under 20 grams.

Raines and Ramsey were released from jail on bond, but Ramsey was arrested Tuesday as local, state and federal officers rounded up drug suspects in the county. Ramsey is now facing federal charges of conspiracy to possess and distribute pseudoephedrine for use in manufacturing methamphetamine and conspiring to manufacture the methamphetamine.

For more on Tuesday’s drug arrests of numerous North Escambia residents on state charges, click here. For more information on the federal arrests, click here.


23 Responses to “Another North Escambia Resident Busted On Meth Charges”

  1. Jim W on February 27th, 2011 9:05 pm

    Horrific makes a good point here about when kids are little. Are you the parent in charge or is the child in charge? I think too many parents are allowing their children to be in charge. Notice I used the word allowinging. You need to stop allowing that to happen and there most likely would be a lot less problems in our society with kids and adults getting on drugs. They might actually grow up to be self respecting human beings. There is no drung in this world that can break the barrier with you if you don’t allow it to. A drug does not care about you or your lame excuse about your up bringing. How rich or how poor you are they will simply take you over and every thing about you. So don’t let it in your life in the first place and it can not thrive. It really is just that simple or other wise every one in the world would have a drug problem. Maybe in your world they do all have that problem but it is because you have chosen that world. The majority of us do not choose that world thank goodness. Enough excuses people.

  2. Horiffic on February 27th, 2011 6:58 pm

    Ok let me see if I can be MORE clear to all you great parents out there.

    If you think your good parents or your children are good parents.
    I challenge you to take a 5 year old from 5 neighborhoods in this
    town and set them down with some 5 year olds at the next
    menonite gathering.


    Your 5 year olds get everything they want. If you don’t buy it for them,
    their grandparents DO.
    I told a woman her child might not have so much problem if she
    took him off the cereal she was feeding him as it has way too much
    sugar and he was already a diabetic and had ADHD. I also told
    her he would do better if she took him off sodas.

    She told me he didn’t like milk and that that perticular cereal was
    the only one he liked. I got mad at that point and asked her who
    was in charge of her 5 year old and she said GOD.
    I said well then make him pay for the cereal. This is not a joke
    people ….this crap isn’t funny.

    And we wonder why they are drug addict by the time their 14.

  3. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 27th, 2011 11:54 am

    I agree with bjay, parents can only teach, lead, and pray. The children (adults) have to make their own decisions! This can’t be blamed on the parents, when their adult children does something!!

  4. commonsence on February 26th, 2011 8:53 pm

    Has Molino become the American (Columbia)?

  5. Voice of reason on February 26th, 2011 6:26 pm

    I agree with missyj…..make all drugs that contain “ephedirine” accessable by “prescription only” with liberal 6 – 12 month refills for those with allergies who really need and use this medicine for the proper purpose.

  6. David Huie Green on February 26th, 2011 1:56 pm

    “I grew up a Mennonite and my dad is in the church, but yet I got into this world. I got arrested last year for a meth lab. And my brother in law in Louisiana is also a Mennonite and he also got arrested last year for a meth lab.”

    Would I be wrong in guessing you and your brother-in-law are no longer considered active Mennonites within the Mennonite church?

    David thinking those excommunicated
    for TV antennae
    know they are serious
    about sins and
    violating church doctrine

  7. missyj on February 26th, 2011 1:53 pm

    Jim, I am not trying to paint a bad picture for the Mennonites, they are my family and they are good people. I am just trying to get it across to ya’ll that it can happen to different people from different walks of life. Meth is literally everywhere now and it needs to be taken off the streets. And again the only way it can be done is by taking sudefed off the market. All it takes is little peer pressure and a kid that gives in an you have a nother meth head. I was selling this crap to rich people in great neighbor hoods just as much as poor people in middle class neighborhoods. Ya’ll really have no clue how many people do it. I know soccor moms and Ceo’s of big company’s!!!!!

  8. Jim W on February 26th, 2011 1:17 pm

    MissyJ by the way I am not mennonite just in case ypour are wondering.

  9. Jim W on February 26th, 2011 1:17 pm

    MissyJ what you are saying here is not the norm it is the exception for the mennonite families. Having known many and the majority does do the right things as they were taught. You like some others who were young and trying to rebel might have done what you did but it is unusual for that to happen when you are raised bay a family that has as strong of a belief as the mennonite familys do. Just saying don’t paint the picture the way you did.

  10. missyj on February 26th, 2011 9:48 am

    I would just like to say that I grew up a mennonite and my dad is in the church, but yet i got into this world. I got arrested last year for a meth lab. And my brother in law in louisianna is also a mennonite and he also got arrested last year for a meth lab. This just goes to show you how much of an epidemic this is. The only way to stop it is to take sudafed off the market. And to those of you who say it’s not fair just think of the lives it wll save. You can take sudafed pe and it will still work on you but you can’t make meth out it. Same thing with claritin D. I was cooking meth and I know that you can substitute everything else.

  11. bjay on February 25th, 2011 9:48 pm

    I dont believe its fair to blame all parents for the way their kids turned out. I know of some very good parents who have walked the walk and yet their child would still stray. Even some mennonites stray away from flock sometimes. I do believe that there is more of a chance for a kid to turn out bad if the parents are bad but every kid has to make a decision in their life at some point that will define who they are going to be. Sadly sometimes the parents are not the ones they choose to listen to. Sometimes the thoughts of a friend weighs heavier than those of a parent. I do however think that family needs help and I hope they get it with the help of florida’s department of corrections.

  12. Sandra on February 25th, 2011 3:12 pm

    Cant help but wonder why my taxes are sending some meth head to art class. Can this country get any more out of touch with priorities?

  13. EX User Who knows the truth............ on February 25th, 2011 1:08 pm

    I dont think this has to do with these offenders Parents, at all! I think you choose how you live. I can say this because I Used Dope. I never cooked it But, I smoked , snorted , as much dope as I could get my hands on every day. I was one of these hopeless addicts once. No one Defended me in any way shape or form. Thats How I Got clean. NO Excuses. My Momma and Daddy did not run to my rescue, I have been clean and sober now going on 3 years! It was my Choice. I choose to get help , and I got it because I wanted it.. I wanted to be free. I needed a better life, I have it now, and If they wanted it, they can too. This is not there First Rodeo! NO ONE IS MAKING THESE PEOPLE DO DOPE! OUR STATE TAXES PAID FOR REBECCA TO GET HELP! She just graduated from the ART program…. WTH???? And she stated she had turned her life over to Jesus not long ago..I know My Jesus Saves..I feel like she is Mocking My God! … It feels like they are Mocking the whole system.. And the system is letting them……I pray as a community we can forgive these people for what they have done, but they should ALL PAY, They broke the Law… END OF STORY….. PRISON…… Thats the only rehabilitation I see Left ……. Then maybe they will get clean in there!

  14. Jim W on February 25th, 2011 12:26 pm

    A parent can not just talk the talk they have to walk the walk. Not just say what they are going to do but do what they say. Monkey see monkey do. So if a parent leads a life of being a good person it is highly probable that the children will do the same. Enviroment, enviroment, it dictates what happens in peoples lives. Look around you see what you see in reading the news it is a daily tragedy.
    On the up side the part we rarely hear about are the parents and kids who are doing the right things in life. Whorah for all of those who are trying.

  15. Horrific on February 25th, 2011 11:14 am

    ANOTHER thing you all say it has nothing to do with the parents.
    THEN why is this whole family arrested. DID not one of these children
    SEE right from wrong and make a good choice.

    IT DOES depend on what the parents DO!
    Especially if they teach them whos in charge from the time they can walk and talk.
    It also makes a difference if the rule by example.
    You can’t take them to church and teach them every verse in the bible and think
    thats all you need to do.


  16. Horrific on February 25th, 2011 11:11 am

    What makes you think they moved up here so the cops wouldn’t bother them.
    Most of them have been here for years and years. THEIR NOT NEW TO THE

    Parents just need to do their job, instead of be part of the systems problems.

    You don’t see our Menonite neighbors children acting like this. You know
    why? BECAUSE they CARE about their children and where they are and
    who they are WITH and they tell them NO when they need to hear it.
    They don’t run the streets at night either, there is nothing for them to do
    but get into trouble. Their Children go to bed at night and get up early
    and go to school. NO drug sniffing dogs needed there!!!
    Wonder why that is??????

  17. David Huie Green on February 25th, 2011 10:28 am

    most are still wonderful people or the worse people would not be able to get by

  18. Dave on February 25th, 2011 9:42 am

    What in the world has happened to the northend of Escambia. It use to be where everyone would love to be able to live in the country where there was less traffic and the people were friendly. I recon the druggies figured they could move up there and wouldn”t be bothered by the Police…wrong. I sure do miss the good ole days.

  19. bama54 on February 25th, 2011 7:36 am

    This is a shame, I have voiced my opinion about Danny Flowers ever seen his mug shot his Danny has always been trouble, and now to see his children following his path just make me feel sad. I guess, if you’re raised by trouble you become trouble! Did the mother not have any influence in their up bring? Just a very sad state!!

  20. questions on February 25th, 2011 7:23 am

    he does not look happy…..

  21. itsjustme on February 25th, 2011 7:16 am

    Just another in a long list of more to come. Sing birdies sing….

  22. Jonny on February 25th, 2011 7:01 am

    Yes it is… all his kids were arrested… all in the

  23. bjay on February 25th, 2011 3:31 am

    is this joe flowers the son of the molino pharmacy robber?