Alabama Joins Florida In Banning ‘Bath Salts’

February 23, 2011

Tuesday, Alabama joined Florida in making the synthetic drug  “bath salts” a controlled substance, making the possession, manufacture, or distribution of the substances illegal.

“The emergency rule is effective immediately,” said Alabama Health Officer Dr. Donald Williamson. “These powdered stimulants pose a serious health threat and have a great potential for abuse.”

“Attorney General Luther Strange said, “Alabama is working with the local law enforcement and local district attorneys to protect the public from the dangers of these synthetic substances. These substances are illegal drugs, and those who sell or make them will be prosecuted.”

The bath salts, often sold over the counter in convenience stores or online, create a methamphetamine-like high and sometimes violent behavior in users.

Attorney General Pam Bondi issued an emergency order in January making the bath salt chemicals illegal in Florida. The Escambia County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit seized about $13,000 worth — 164 bags — of the substances the day after the ruling.

Bath salts are also illegal in two 0ther states — Louisiana and North Dakota.


3 Responses to “Alabama Joins Florida In Banning ‘Bath Salts’”

  1. brande on February 24th, 2011 11:33 am

    I wanna know who’s the first idiot that snorted “bath salt” what would make people decide to snort bath products Whats next snorting comet or drinking bleach to get a fix “Lord help this world we live in”

  2. Jim W on February 23rd, 2011 12:50 pm

    Just anoter scam to get peoples money. I have never seen salt cost that much so it has to have shall we say a higher purpose.

  3. Angela on February 23rd, 2011 7:25 am

    So it is almost $80 a pack??? And there is someone out there that thinks these are really “salts”……. They were never intended for use as a bath salt, it was just candy wrapping trying to avoid the law. Sad thing is, they will find a new way to conceal it while they destroy lives and get rich. So sad.