Woman Robbed At Gunpoint In Atmore Park

January 14, 2011

Atmore Police are investigating after a female reported she was robbed at gunpoint at a town park.

The unidentified female told police that she was sitting in her car at Tom Byne Park  just before 10 p.m. Thursday when three black males approached her. She said she attempted to drive away, but when one of the males brandished a firearm, she stopped her car.

“They demanded money, so the victim stated that she gave them her purse but told them she did not have any money in it, they then told her to exit her vehicle,” according to Atmore Police Chief Jason Dean.

Upon exiting the vehicle, the suspects demanded the victim’s cell phone and then fled the scene.

The victim drove to a nearby restaurant to call police. The incident is still under investigation by the Atmore Police Department.


37 Responses to “Woman Robbed At Gunpoint In Atmore Park”

  1. William on January 18th, 2011 8:14 am

    >>>why is this lady unnamed in this story? Is she hiding something? Arent most victims identified?

    It’s out policy NOT to identify the victims of most crimes.

  2. me on January 18th, 2011 7:55 am

    why is this lady unnamed in this story? Is she hiding something? Arent most victims identified?

  3. David Huie Green on January 17th, 2011 5:57 pm

    public parks for the public??


  4. Cottage Hill Girl on January 17th, 2011 4:00 pm

    There are too many comments for me to read them all, so if I repeat someone’s comments, please overlook them.
    I have been to the park many times at night. I go there to kill time, to cool off after a argument with the kids or my husband, to destress on my way home from work, etc. It is unacceptable to blame the woman for being in the park. She had every right to be there. Is that not the whole reason the park is there? It’s not her fault that a bunch of hoodlums decided to accost her.

    Me for taking back our parks

  5. CreamPuff on January 17th, 2011 8:17 am

    lol dhg

  6. David Huie Green on January 16th, 2011 9:19 am

    as busy as you are

  7. sara on January 15th, 2011 6:44 pm

    Is this all you people have to do? Go clean your house or cook a meatloaf?

  8. David Huie Green on January 15th, 2011 6:11 pm

    In fact they should try it often, just to verify, assuming they are comely

  9. puddin on January 15th, 2011 5:51 pm

    One more thing. For all you who are blaming the lady in question. A lady, of any age, should be able to walk down the street, totally naked, carrying thousands of dollars in cash, and not be harmed. A man to for that matter. If the police and the church are doing thier jobs, then men will stop acting like animals. I agree, read your Bible. Act right and grow up. Now someone be nice and offer that poor lady a coat.

  10. puddin on January 15th, 2011 5:45 pm

    Oh C’mon. Atmore PD is “investigating”? That PD is the main reason crime is on a very fast rise in Atmore. There must be a few good ones there, but the men I’ve dealt with (asking for their assistance) have been upstanding members of the good ol’ boy club. Beat your wife? Good for you, we’ll take her to jail for reporting it. Beat your kids, well that’s ok, we didn’t see it, so no problem. Those guys are a joke. I sure hope the next time a citizen of Atmore decides to use a public park that they take thier legally registered hand gun with them. And FYI, a great big heavy metal car will beat the heck out of a speeding bullet anytime. Next time, run the little poop over! Stand up and defend yourselves ladies. The men are to busy beating each other and thier families to do anything useful anymore.

  11. David Huie Green on January 15th, 2011 5:19 pm

    “Nothing to do with the story but, is it really faster to type @ instead of “at”?”

    Especially since @ actually means “at the rate of” rather than “at”?

    From Wikipedia, not that it is definitive:
    “in recent years its meaning has changed (or debatably it is increasingly used incorrectly) to also mean “at” in the sense of located at, especially in e-mail addresses.

    “Increasingly, @ is also used as a prefix to user names (e.g. “@username”) on social websites such as Bebo and Twitter to denote a link, attribution or indirect reference.”

    It makes them happy and that is all that matters.

    David for happiness

  12. eab on January 15th, 2011 1:57 pm

    While sitting in a car on a cold night in a park does not sound like the best judgment was used, a person should be able to do so without getting robbed. It seems as though most of the folks here have decided to blame the victim in this. we have a lot of folks here who seem to be Christians. Let’s read the scriptures on gossip.

    I have driven somewhere and parked at night just to be alone, think and clear my head. It had nothing to do with drugs.

    If we stop going out when and where we want to, we give the streets to the outlaws.

  13. Canoe on January 15th, 2011 8:36 am

    The park dosn’t get locked til 11 or 12 at night when it closes. The park is lit up around the walking trails and in a few other spots.

  14. CreamPuff on January 15th, 2011 7:35 am

    If your out at night right now with things things the way they are and so many
    armed desperate people out there, then your just looking for trouble.
    I don’t care what you thought you were doing out there lady.

    Ummmmmmmmmmm what is that saying…..oh yes “Stupid is as stupid does”.
    Even Forest Gump wouldn’t have been there.

  15. Jack on January 14th, 2011 11:03 pm

    Nothing to do with the story but, is it really faster to type @ instead of “at”?

  16. Sandra on January 14th, 2011 10:29 pm

    I think I’ll go sit there at night with my .45. I’m not scared of the big bad wolf.

  17. C W on January 14th, 2011 10:19 pm

    I heard this over the scanner. She drove to Subway and told the person there that she had been robbed, and then they called the cops. The whole thing sounds fishy to me too. Who goes to the park when its dark and 25 degrees outside?

  18. concern&wondering on January 14th, 2011 10:18 pm

    JimD & Dave I don’t think it had northing 2 do with drugs .I think she was creeping.You will be surprise of the creep spots in Atmore.

  19. wonder on January 14th, 2011 10:16 pm

    The park did have a gate at one time that was suppose to be closed at a certain time at night. I thought that the park turned those lights off at a certain time.

  20. molino jim on January 14th, 2011 9:57 pm


  21. gott2sayit on January 14th, 2011 7:44 pm

    Right on Dave…I agree…it was in the 20 degree range last nite…thats cold….I am sure she was there….sitting…waiting….for the 3 stooges that showed up…not right to me either…..but you never really know do we..cars do accelerate fast to GETAWAY

  22. K Gar on January 14th, 2011 7:14 pm

    What was she doing at the park in the cold that late? Lets see, maybe she was driving and pulled in there to return a phone call as opposed to talking and driving into buildings. Or maybe she just wanted to have a minute of peace and quiet away from all her usual routine. Who knows? Interesting how somepeople immediately focus on the terrible thiefs and the poor woman,and others focus on the idea she is some how guilty for being there at that hour. Thats the same mentality that thinks when a woman is raped she is somehow asking for it. Hmmmmmmmmm just an observation.

  23. David Huie Green on January 14th, 2011 6:39 pm

    “Contradiction – States that she was sitting in her car at park. Then in the same paragraph, states she stopped the car when a weapon was brandished. I’m confused.”

    Please consider:

    “she was sitting in her car at Tom Byne Park just before 10 p.m. Thursday when three black males approached her. She said she attempted to drive away, but when one of the males brandished a firearm, she stopped her car.”

    Was sitting, started to move, stopped.

    David for being elsewhere at 10 PM
    lest I be robbed

  24. David Huie Green on January 14th, 2011 6:35 pm

    GPS on cell phones. Use it

  25. nf on January 14th, 2011 6:18 pm

    Um, I thought the park is supposed to be “closed” after sundown. Hum………

  26. Mary on January 14th, 2011 6:16 pm

    another “what was she doing alone in a park @ that time of nite?” In this world today ..you should never be alone especially @ nite. I think I agree w/ Dave!

  27. shae on January 14th, 2011 4:31 pm

    Contradiction – States that she was sitting in her car at park. Then in the same paragraph, states she stopped the car when a weapon was brandished. I’m confused.

  28. NENE on January 14th, 2011 3:52 pm

    Ok,why was this lady @ the park @ 10:00 PM. It’s too cold to excercise. She stated that she was sitting in her car. I know it’s not my business but why? Why was she @ the park that late and that cold? Why would robbers hang out in the park in the cold to see if someone may show up to rob. Their chances are slim to none. I can see if they were @ a gro store or some type of business. I’m thinking because of the robbery the other night @ the store, it was three men, this is a fake version of that story. I apologize if my thinking is wrong.

  29. Serious on January 14th, 2011 3:21 pm

    I meant to say:

    why would robbers be out at a park in that kind of weather?
    Me and a few friends go to the park to walk in the summer or warm weather but i dont know of anyone who goes there when it is this cold.If it happened i pray they get caught and very soon.

  30. Just sayin' too on January 14th, 2011 3:12 pm

    I have to say that is funny, Dave. And sad but possibly true.

  31. Dave on January 14th, 2011 3:04 pm

    Translation….They took the drugs and refused to pay for them.

  32. Serious on January 14th, 2011 2:59 pm

    This story sounds a lil fishy.Why would some one be out at a park in 30- degree weather? Not saying that its not true but,why would robbers be out a park in that kind of weather? Who do they think is going to come to the park? Me and a few friends go to the park to walk in the summer or warm weather but i do know of anyone who goes there when it is this cold.I hope they find out who did this because the robbers were really desperate to be out waiting in a park.Me personally i would have never stopped by car.They would have had to take their chances on shooting me in my car as i speeded away.

    Seriously,we all must be careful in the daylight and night time.Atmore crime is picking up daily.The kangoroo was just robbed,it could be the same group of people.

  33. atmore on January 14th, 2011 2:36 pm

    This is sad. Atmore has gone downhill and it’s only getting worse. I wonder if these 3 stooges were the same 3 that robbed the kangaroo the other night at gunpoint. I’m glad she wasn’t hurt. Everyone please start thinking before you go somewhere..alone…in the middle of the night, dont park somewhere where there is’nt alot of activity going on, don’t walk at the park alone, especially after dark. We all gotta watch out for ourselves cause aparently these idiots aren’t going to stop doing what they are doing. They are all the same, going around looking for a way to get money without getting off of their sorry behinds and working like most people have to! It makes me sick!

  34. aubrey king on January 14th, 2011 2:34 pm

    Miss print? she was sitting in her car.When one brandished a firearm she stopped her car.Strange tine to be in a park.

  35. Canoe on January 14th, 2011 2:29 pm

    OMG! Glad this lady got away and they didn’t harm her! I hope this people are caught before this happens to someone else.

  36. JimD on January 14th, 2011 2:21 pm

    How stupid was she to be sitting in her car, at 10PM at the park where no one was around. Was she waiting for her dealer to show up? Stupid is as stupid does…I suspect when the police continue to investigate this, there will be more to this than she is telling.

  37. brrrr on January 14th, 2011 2:09 pm

    Very scary! I hope they catch the idiots. I don’t think I’d be hanging out in any park after dark, anymore!