Woman Found Not Guilty Of Throwing Teen Open House Party

January 28, 2011

A Century woman has been found not guilty on a charge that she threw an open house party with alcohol for minors last year.

Escambia County Judge Thomas Dannheisser found Jennifer Leigh Black, 40,  not guilty this week. Black was arrested after the parents of several teens told deputies that she threw the open house parties with alcohol. According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, some of the minors at one party were as young as 16.

Four deputies from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office raided a house at 4330 North Century Boulevard in September, 2010, after receiving complaints about a house party. When they arrived, several underage juveniles were stopped as they attempted to run out the backdoor while others were seen inside the house running from room to room trying to hide, the Sheriff’s Office report states.

Other juveniles were observed by deputies that appeared  to be under the influence of alcohol. Open alcoholic beverage containers were noted to be across the living room by deputies.

Deputies also raided a party at the Black’s residence back in February, 2010. At that party deputies found a “large number” of teenagers drinking and gathered around a bonfire in the backyard and inside a detached garage. Jennifer Black was not charged in connection with that incident, but her daughter, Alexis Black, now 19, was cited for a misdemeanor open house party offense for allowing minors alcohol. She was found guilty in March, 2010, and given a 30 day suspended jail term along with fines and costs of $473.


61 Responses to “Woman Found Not Guilty Of Throwing Teen Open House Party”

  1. to ms. jennifer :) on February 1st, 2011 12:45 am

    Ms. Jennifer was a great person and teacher. :) I’m happy everything happened for the best as for all of the people who are saying rude things, you obviously did not know her or her kids. They are such good people i love yall and miss yall.

  2. thank you lord on February 1st, 2011 12:39 am

    These people have been put through so much. I praise God for putting his hand upon them and helping them through this hard time. Jennifer is a great person, along with both of her kids..Alexis and Hunter. God always watches over his people even when others wish bad things on them. God is more powerful than all of you. And ALL OF YOU who judged her and her kids will have to answer for what you have done. I pray you all ask for forgiveness….cause karma is not always nice.

  3. NONE on January 31st, 2011 4:07 pm

    sorry, the “a” didn’t take when I typed parent below…I know i would have been hung out to dry if I didn’t correct it. I can spell……

  4. NONE on January 31st, 2011 1:18 pm

    well, since it DIDN’T happen and she wasn’t guilty (eventhough she was found hiding in the closet), looks like the kids will still have place to go hangout and do whatever….if i were a prent who still had school aged children, I would be scouting her neighborhood a little more closely and a lot more often….

  5. t2 on January 31st, 2011 11:04 am

    Pathetically, no lesson will have been learned from this. (Except maybe how to be more sneeky), Even if it is a close call for them. They would have to have an understanding of the “big picture”, to understand drinking underaged is not right and leads to bigger problems. Whether or not it was guilty or not, there should be some lesson learned. And from the comments I am doubting it. Lessons are learned if the person being taught has intelligence and maturity of some sort. My daughter is 18 and does not drink or do drugs, and yes I know. We have open communication and she communicates ALOT. She had one of those hard lessons, she lost her dad to alcohol. She saw it first hand at an early age. And unfortunantly, these kids will have to have a death to get through to them. It’s a sad thing.

  6. this is it on January 31st, 2011 5:21 am

    ha ha jennifer is NOT GUILTY you like that huh WELL I DO LOL ILY jenn and lexi

  7. Samantha on January 30th, 2011 3:48 pm

    Just curious…isn’t this the incident where the deputies found her hiding in the closet? I’m with David…it didn’t happen so I guess it doesn’t matter..but I am just wondering how someone can say that they are innocent when they were hiding out from the cops. If you have nothing to hide then why were you running? Seems to me that if you were the responsible adult that you say you are, you would stand up for your mistakes and admit that you were wrong. There again though, I guess if it never happened that would be impossible…….

  8. David Huie Green on January 30th, 2011 9:11 am

    but some don’t consider me dear

    David the mystified

  9. angie on January 30th, 2011 7:35 am

    I would like a Dear David section too… he has great insight to all!!

  10. ok? on January 29th, 2011 6:21 pm

    What is rediculous is for someone who was NOT at these so-called house parties to say she’s guilty of something. I’m grown, but I remember my teen years like it was yesterday. Just because we went to somoene’s house where there was alcohol didn’t mean the adult that lived there (but NOT there at the time of the party) bought it. Get a grip people. I know she’s responsible for what goes on in her house whether she’s there or not, but to be found guilty of a crime that she didn’t commit is another thing that’s rediculous.
    There are house parties in Molino all the time with no parental supervision because the parents, for the most part, don’t even LIVE there. So, before you pass judgement, ask yourself “where are my children”. Your children are your responsibility, not anyone else’s. Know who their friends are. Know their friend’s parents. Know the phone number and address of all their friends so you can check up on them. If they tell you they are going somewhere, check up on the story. If they went to the movies, ask for the ticket stub. If they are hanging out with friends, talk to the parents first to be sure that’s what’s going on. Don’t blame others for your children doing what they know good and well is WRONG. Be an example and punish them when they do wrong. Don’t hold them blameless and blame someone else for being a bad influence. The children in this case were just as much at fault for being there in the first place.

  11. cygie on January 29th, 2011 5:16 pm

    Agreed David. Not sure how “little” the children were, but children of God come in all ages.

    Millstones are also handy for angels to cast down upon Babylon. (Rev. 18:21)

  12. David Huie Green on January 29th, 2011 4:00 pm

    “Does not matter what happened, God’s forgiveness is all-encompassing. We are judged by God, not man. “

    Nonetheless, it’s good this didn’t happen because it would have involved endangering the lives of the children previously thought to be at the bash (which didn’t happen) and could have endangered the lives of any they met while driving home from the event (that didn’t happen).

    If it HAD happened (not that it did), it would matter because it would eventually lead to death and caring people should avoid leading others to their deaths, don’t you think?

    It’s good it didn’t happen because such activities can lead to death by alcohol poisoning, pregnancies which often result in unwanted children or abortions, sexually transmitted diseases including but not limited to AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhea. So more death, insanity and sterility could have happened if it had happened, therefore, good it didn’t happen.

    As to the theological aspect of the matter, the Lord offers forgiveness but people have to repent of sin to receive it. Thus, it is good there was no sin in this thing which did not happen. After all, if it HAD happened and children were offended or harmed, Jesus talks unforgivingly about millstones, necks and sea.

    David wishing the deputies hadn’t made it up,
    glad it wasn’t true and that all are well

  13. David Huie Green on January 29th, 2011 3:38 pm

    “Bluff Springs is still unbesmirched.
    Is that a word? I’m sure David can tell us – his vocabulary is outstanding”

    Researching your question, I found “unbesmirched” online in the thesaurus synonyms for “shiny”.

    Thesaurus words for “shiny”: aglow, beaming, beamy, bleached, blushing, bright, bright and sunny, buffed, burning, burnished, candescent, clean, cleanly, coruscating, dainty, dazzling, dirt-free, fair, fastidious, finished, flashing, flashy, flickering, flushing, fresh, fulgent, furbished, glace, glassy, glazed, gleaming, gleamy, glinting, glistening, glittering, glossy, glowing, illuminant, immaculate, incandescent, irradiative, kosher, lacquered, lambent, lamping, light as day, luciferous, lucific, luciform, luminant, luminative, luminiferous, luminificent, luminous, lustrous, nonpolluted, of cleanly habits, orient, polished, pure, radiant, ritually pure, rubbed, rutilant, rutilous, satiny, scintillating, sheeny, shellacked, shimmering, shimmery, shined, shining, silken, silky, sleek, slick, smut-free, smutless, sparkling, spotless, stainless, starbright, starlike, starry, streaming, suffused, sunny, sunshiny, sweet, tahar, tubbed, twinkling, unadulterated,

    unbesmirched, [see? There it is]

    unblemished, unblotted, undefiled, unmuddied, unpolluted, unsmirched, unsmudged, unsoiled, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untainted, untarnished, varnished, velvety, well-scrubbed, well-washed, white, whitened

    Most of these synonyms could also apply to Bluff Springs, center of the known universe.

    David sad some are unhappy
    glad all is well

  14. to cygie on January 29th, 2011 3:21 pm

    Amen! :) wonderful words…these people that say all the negative things about her & her children should read an go by what you wrote.

  15. cygie on January 29th, 2011 10:00 am

    I am a blood bought born again Christian. Does not matter what happened, God’s forgiveness is all-encompassing. We are judged by God, not man. The tongue is tiny, yet a mighty weapon (James 3) so learn to bridle it. If you have nothing good to say, be quiet!

  16. NONE on January 29th, 2011 8:18 am


  17. GRITS on January 28th, 2011 11:39 pm

    No matter how bad a day I’ve had or how mad I get with people for shooting EMS workers, I can always look until I find some of David’s posts and that fixes everything! I can’t help but laugh and my blood pressure goes down immediately.

    The judge said it didn’t happen, so that means it didn’t happen. End of story. Bluff Springs is still unbesmirched.

    Is that a word? I’m sure David can tell us – his vocabulary is outstanding!

  18. JW on January 28th, 2011 10:20 pm

    “the cops should have done a better job of evidence than just taking pictures of people its a shame yall was 4 days late on this story”?

    Sounds like a confession of guilt to me, see ya’ll at church.

  19. 06flstci on January 28th, 2011 9:35 pm

    Jim W… If you can read, Jennifer did not post the comments you refer to. The comments you refer to were made later by (IN YO FACE!!). I just love it when people miss read somethign and comment on it…. Just sayin

  20. jo on January 28th, 2011 8:59 pm

    while were on this subject…..does anyone know what being arrested for GENERIC STATUTE CODE means? A guy I know in Pensacola was arrested on this charge and i have no idea what he has done…help?! Also, i see where she was arrested on bad check charges…are there more charges against her? I feel like she is just trying to be friends with her kids and their friends…and we all know this can’t happen until are adults because until then, we have to be the parents first. Thats what we were put here for, to take care of our kids and look after them and keep them safe. If we dont, we have failed in that dept.

  21. JIM W on January 28th, 2011 8:55 pm

    Jennifer you can dance in a circle or jump up and down say what you want but this is not a funny matter. It appears you got very lucky with the system. Do you not think the law enforcement reads this stuff when it is posted. If there is a next time they will have the screws tightened down so tight you will not be able to wiggle out of it the way you just did. And by the way you just showed by making your statement the way you did how childish you really are. If this offends you then maybe it is time for you to take a good long hard look at yourself after all you are suppose to be an adult. You got lucky and you know it. The laws still stand and if your not careful one day they will bite you right where it hurts in the wallet and or some young person getting hurt and you being responsible for it.

  22. to concerned mom..& other people w/ no sense on January 28th, 2011 8:20 pm

    Your probably one of those parents that don’t know the truth about their own child. Just thought I would make that point..its so funny you people think your children do know wrong. you have no idea how many fields an houses they have been in drinking then rushing back home before curfew to act like nothing happened you people are BLIND an it still hasn’t stopped & never will. Teens will always find away to get around underage drinking.

  23. nudo on January 28th, 2011 6:55 pm

    This is also the same person who was arrested a few months ago for bounching checks.

  24. Bama on January 28th, 2011 6:07 pm

    to “Go Fly a Kite”, ain’t it funny when we point fingers we have more pointing back at us…

    to DHG, I too find David Huie Green’s post offensive…it’s as if he has deemed himself to be the “Northescambia.com judge”.

    Bama – for calling ‘em like I see ‘em…LOL!!!

  25. Mary on January 28th, 2011 5:59 pm

    I dont agree w/ the Judge’s decision but PARENTS HAVE TO HAVE OPEN CONVERSATIONS W/ THIER OWN KIDS! No way would my son be @ a house where there was drinking. & Yes i know all teenagers TRY alcohol..somehow..I honestly think my son would tell me if there was any kind of drinking going on while @ someone else’s house..especially if the parent was there. This woman is just sooo in the wrong..& it will happen again…I bet!

  26. concerned Mom on January 28th, 2011 5:17 pm

    No you misread my post. If you go down about 8 or so comments from Mrs. Black herself, she stated we who are posting “need to read the bible.” I dont feel she is in any shoes to preach. That was what i meant. I agree. Trust me i speak with some heart at saying if my kid was there, there would be a lawsuit against her for it. that is Child endangerment. I would not stop till my point was proven to her.
    I am sorry about the spelling but when you are mad you tend to just type. We are on the same side so dont judge me, i dont judge you.

  27. DHG on January 28th, 2011 5:09 pm

    Personally I find David H. Green’s comments overly opinionated, full of mistruths and annoying, but I am sure he is the same in person.

  28. go fly a kite on January 28th, 2011 4:19 pm

    My apologies. The third sentence should have read:
    It appears, from the police report, that SHE was trying to hide from the situation. Instead of :
    It appears, from the police report, that was was trying to hide from the situation. Sorry for the confusion! ;)
    And, I too agree that David ALWAYS has the best posts!

  29. go fly a kite on January 28th, 2011 4:17 pm

    I’m not quite sure what the bible has to do with any of this?!? This woman obviously got VERY lucky! It appears, from the police report, that was was trying to hide from the situation. And, by the looks of her prior incident reports, she’s got a seriuos problem with trying to be the cool mom. I know darn good and well that if my child was there, whether I knew it or not, the would be in a ton of trouble! Maybe instead of referring to a bible, some of the commentors should refer to a dictionary. Not only for spelling, but also for sentence structure!

  30. Concerned Mom on January 28th, 2011 3:47 pm

    If there is one thing i have learned: 9 out of 10, The ones who preach are usually the ones trying to hide something or shadow truth with making someone feel guilty about “THE BIBLE”!!!!!

  31. Concerned Mom on January 28th, 2011 3:45 pm

    WAS SHE OR WAS SHE NOT FOUND WHILE ONE OF THEM WERE HAPPENING HIDING IN A CLOSET. I get it the kids must have tied her up and locked her in there. HERE IS JUST ANOTHER CASE OF BAD WALKING AWAY. BUT IF I HAD SOME KIDS AT MY HOUSE WHILE I WAS GONE GET IN MY BOOZE I WOULD BE IN JAIL SOMEWHERE FOR NOT SECURING IT. Wow this world is going to the toilet and this is the reason why. If we cant trust another audult to do right how can we set the good example for our kids. Dont worry she will be back and maby this next time we will have a judge with some common sense and kids.

  32. eab on January 28th, 2011 2:39 pm

    It seems that one of the most common words used in this discussion is “if”. Well, I’ll join in…

    “If” you folks are Christians and “if” you believe the Bible, read the verses (there are several ) about gossip.

  33. to art... on January 28th, 2011 2:07 pm

    Was you there to see the evidence?? No. The judge was laughing cuz there was no evidence

  34. art on January 28th, 2011 1:41 pm

    here we go again! another person who was found not guilty even though the evidence says otherwise. perverse.

  35. IN YO FACE!! on January 28th, 2011 1:27 pm


  36. jennifer black on January 28th, 2011 1:23 pm

    Thanks everyone. But I’m gone from there now. So move on to running someone else in the ground…. And for the so called Christians…..read your Bible.

  37. alexis on January 28th, 2011 1:18 pm

    It’s not that hard to be found NOT GUILTY if you tell the truth. No matter what you people always gonna hate..looks like the cops should have done a better job of evidence than just taking pictures of people its a shame yall was 4 days late on this story. Oh yea, can I say it one more time NOT GUILTY

  38. Dixie Chick on January 28th, 2011 11:17 am

    I get a laugh out of David’s comments also. Just don’t respond all time. Keep it up, David!! We need some humor.

  39. Bully on January 28th, 2011 10:53 am

    to David Huie Green:

    Love your logic and the drip of satire! Very few respond to it…

  40. Northview Mom on January 28th, 2011 10:34 am

    This is Crazy! My child was not one of the teens at her home but come on how does she get out of this? Everyone in this community has been well aware of her conduct with teens. I feel sorry for her children because they have been put threw so much for her actions. This is not justice because she will just keep doing what every adult knows is so wrong. Sometimes our justice system is a joke.

  41. Concerned parent on January 28th, 2011 10:31 am


    I love your sense of humor! I used to hear adults talk about people who had “plenty of book smarts but no walking around sense”. I’ve been accused of fitting into that category before, lol. It’s obvious though, that you have both and I really enjoy reading your posts. They are concise, humorous and well researched. Kudos!

  42. David Huie Green on January 28th, 2011 10:15 am

    “If she took keys and gave kids a safe place there she is doing better than most parents who have no control and has no clue where their teen is drinking at. As long as no one drives who cares? Teens are [going] to drink and if [they] have no place to go then there is no control. Shame for the parents who called the cops”
    (more or less)

    You’re using a mighty big IF there. If she were acting responsibly, it wouldn’t be as bad as it would be if she were not acting responsibly, letting them drink and then drive away. So to do it responsibly, not only would she have to take the keys of all drivers but monitor the drinking practices of all participants and check the blood alcohol content of those who imbibed.

    Shame on you for thinking parents should be ashamed for reporting illegal and potentially deadly activities.

    I’m just glad none of it happened–the judge said so.

    David the relieved

  43. Bob on January 28th, 2011 10:09 am

    Parents so quick to blame someone else. Had these kids stayed at home and had any kind of family life they would not have been there. Put the blame where it rightfully belongs. You know that is awfully hard to do.

  44. You Who on January 28th, 2011 9:48 am

    Hello: I’m almost 50 years old and even back when I was a teen me and my friends could and would find a way’s to drink at home and keep our parents from knowing. Its part of growing up. I know there’s a lot of angels out there that never done this but for those of us that have, know what I’m talking about. I remember taking a beer or two out of the fridge and running to the back yard and me and a buddy would chug them down and my parents never knew. Imagine that. Believe or not there is a lot you don’t know about your teens and what they have and will do in the future. They wan’t tell you!!!

  45. nudo on January 28th, 2011 9:31 am

    Hey concerned parent…the police report posted on here when happened stated she was hiding in the closet.

  46. ProudArmyParent on January 28th, 2011 9:31 am

    Concerned parent, the first time this article was written it stated that her daughter told the police her mom was not home, but when the house was searched the mom was hiding in a closet. Hmmmmm! Seems mom was home and aware of everything that was going on in the house. This is not mom’s first encounter with the law!

  47. nudo on January 28th, 2011 9:27 am

    She was hidding in the closet when the cops came. So that she couldn’t see what was going on at the party. Brilliant idea.

  48. Concerned parent on January 28th, 2011 8:53 am

    I could see situations in which she would not be guilty of this. If she was not at the home and was arrested later. The article does not say that she was there. It says that she was arrested after they raided the party and fond underage kids drinking. She may have been arrested there or elsewhere, then or later.
    If she came home and found the party going on and then was proceeding to take the alcohol away from the minors and get them all home, she would not be guilty of throwing the party or providing the alcohol.
    Since I was not there and did not attend the trial, I can’t know the truth of the matter. I can only assume that the judge knows more than I do since he did hear everything.

  49. jay on January 28th, 2011 8:50 am

    If she took keys and gave kids a safe place there she is doing better than most parents who have no control and has no clue where there teen is drinking at. As long as no one drives who cares? Teens are to drink and if there have no place to go then there is no control. Shame for the parents who called the cops cause I bet they have no control of there own kids for them being there in the first place.

  50. dnutjob on January 28th, 2011 8:36 am

    Well, I didnt attend these proceedings so I can say a darn thing! There is always more than one side to a story.

  51. me on January 28th, 2011 7:46 am


  52. Me on January 28th, 2011 7:44 am

    NO WAY!! Not guilty, my booty!
    Just goes to show how our great United States of America is going down the drain. This makes me want to puke!

  53. girl from WH on January 28th, 2011 7:09 am

    Escambia County Judge Thomas Dannheisser,

    Just how did you find her not guilty? The testimony of 4 deputies from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office on what was found at the house that night and the behavior of the people there? Just who are you kidding??? ONLY YOURSELF!

  54. David Huie Green on January 28th, 2011 6:41 am

    “wondering who “voice of reason” was referring to with the comment, “…the man at the pearly gates…” ”

    Surely “voice of reason” wonders if the Lord. or Peter–depending on your religious beliefs, will grant salvation and admittance to eternal life in Heaven to anyone believing it did happen. Apparently it’s a deal breaker for salvation.

    After all no matter what DID happen, if the judge says it didn’t happen, legally it DIDN’T happen.

    David glad it didn’t happen
    and Bluff Springs is still unmarred

  55. Robert on January 28th, 2011 6:32 am

    Let he who is without sin…..

    Lots of stone casting going on here!!

  56. Carolyn Bramblett on January 28th, 2011 6:18 am

    I was wondering who “voice of reason” was referring to with the comment, “…the man at the pearly gates…”

  57. Sandra on January 28th, 2011 5:23 am

    I expected this. Our judicial system has become a joke with its revolving door for repeat offenders and probation for criminals. Oh well, a leopard cant change its spots. There’s always next time.

  58. Voice of reason on January 28th, 2011 5:05 am

    What part of NOT GUILTY do you people not understand?

    After hearing all the evidence, Judge Dannheisser , whom was appointed to this position by us Escambia County residents because of his knowledge of the law and ability to fairly pass judgment , determined that she was NOT GUILTY. Yet a few busy bodies who probably know little more than what was reported (or mis-reported) on this website purport to know more than the Judge.

    For your sakes, I hope the man at the pearly gates doesn’t pass judgement so quickly…..

  59. concerned mother/grandmother on January 28th, 2011 1:53 am

    What??? Was Perry Mason her attorney?

  60. bigbill1961 on January 28th, 2011 1:19 am

    Unbelievable. No accountability. Your Honor, you have no honor.

  61. AL on January 28th, 2011 12:14 am

    Not guilty?!?!?