Driver Distracted By Cell Phone, Hits Hwy 29 Building

January 9, 2011

An elderly Colorado man not was injured in a car versus building accident Sunday morning in Bluff Springs that was blamed on a cell phone.

Jack Ray McAllister, 73, of Littleton, Colorado, blamed the 7:50 a.m. accident on his cell phone; he told the Florida Highway Patrol that he was distracted when his phone rang. While looking for the phone, he failed to negotiate a curve as he traveled northbound on Highway 29 at Bluff Springs Road.

His Chevrolet Malibu  struck  a support pillar of an old brick and wooden gas pump awning, sending one end of the awning crashing to the ground. The vehicle continued a short distance away from the building, coming to rest upright alongside Highway 29.

McAllister was not  injured.

McAllister  was charged with careless driving by the FHP. The Century and McDavid stations of Escambia Fire Rescue, Escambia County EMS and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office also responded to the call.

Pictured: A car versus building accident Sunday morning in Bluff Springs. photos, click to enlarge.


32 Responses to “Driver Distracted By Cell Phone, Hits Hwy 29 Building”

  1. Katrina on January 13th, 2011 3:27 pm

    You guys/gals crack me up….my daily humor.

    Katrina for David making me laugh!

  2. Disabled and struggling parent on January 12th, 2011 3:11 am

    I dislike improper word usage and redundancies, Gembeaux. For this reason, I will refrain from being redundant and responding to any more of your pedantic postings.

  3. commonsence on January 11th, 2011 8:19 pm

    This is a problem that can’t be solved by Law Enforcement,
    because they use Cell Phones more than regular drivers, and all
    there call are not for business purpose in there line of work.
    What did they do before the Cell phone?
    We need more Enforcement of Hands Free use of the Cell Phone.
    For Driver’s and Law Enforcement Officers.

  4. David Huie Green on January 11th, 2011 2:21 pm

    “the only posts that are worthy are those like “worried resident” whose eloquent statement shows concern for the man in the story.”

    No reason to expect “worthy posts” in what is basically just printed conversation in which nobody ever interrupts anyone else and nobody is forced to listen to the rants–or in my case, the deep wisdom. Everybody can read whatever interests them, ignore what doesn‘t.

    Once it’s established that the gentleman is okay, there can be related discussion such as the dangers of texting while driving, the dangers of NOT having your cell phone in your hand while driving such that you have to hunt for it when it rings while you’re negotiating a double curve, effects on historic Bluff Springs architecture, damage to small businesses here, the benefits of having firefighters ready and willing to help, even the function of catalytic converters on automobiles.

    Paul Harvey would have said there was more to the story than just the story itself. Everything relates to everything else. It’s worth considering.

    David thinking about asbestos shingles

  5. Gembeaux on January 11th, 2011 8:53 am

    I sincerely apologize to DHG – those remarks were indeed intended for “Disabled and Struggling”. And, yes, evaluations of terms like “hot water heater” are grammar, more specifically, the area of grammar studies known as useage. It’s simply more understandable in casual conversation than “warm water re-heater”.

    As far as ” people sticking their noses into other people’s business “, isn’t what most of this is?

    Personally, the only posts that are worthy are those like “worried resident” whose eloquent statement shows concern for the man in the story. As for me, I am truly thankful because except for God’s grace, that could be me!

  6. David Huie Green on January 10th, 2011 10:44 pm


    You’ve confused me even worse than my normal state. Please be specific with your gripe so I can see my sins and/or errors.

    David for clarity

  7. David Huie Green on January 10th, 2011 10:39 pm

    “David Huie Green=You seem intelligent and educated. Why fuss with those who may not have your experience or level of education? If a person is not willing to learn, you do not like a savior trying to teach them. You look much worse…like you are better than everyone else who has a comment.”

    It’s all a ruse. Actually I am quite stupid.

    And trust me, I couldn’t look much worse than I actually do. Nonetheless, this is entertaining and I mean well. You seldom know for sure anyone is unwilling to learn. Better to give them a chance. Even if some don’t, some might.

    Bad as I am, I actually AM better than some–at least in some particulars, worse than others in other particulars. Frightening, isn’t it?

    David for the people

  8. my2cents on January 10th, 2011 4:43 pm

    You can see it all in the comments of some. Go from reading an artical about someone hitting a building to how people talk in certain areas.


    ■K Gar=If you do not like the area you live in or around, GET OUT or HELP CLEAN IT UP!

    ■BLESS HIS HEART=Does not cover up the fact, he should have stopped and answered or searched for the phone. If it scares you taht bad when it rings, turn down the volume!

    ■dawn carter= Go on girl!

    ■Me=Remember your lack of intelligence on this matter! You may have an emergency where a fire fighter would make a difference, but since theere was no flame…they did not respond.

    ■Paul=How do you comminucate with your loved ones when you are not around land line? Do you use a cell phone? Have you NEVER drove and talked on one before? Think before you answer that.

    ■David Huie Green=You seem intelligent and educated. Why fuss with those who may not have your experience or level of education? If a person is not willing to learn, you do not like a savior trying to teach them. You look much worse…like you are better than everyone else who has a comment.

    ■GRITS=IF you are not another cover name for DHG, then why do you post others business on the website? How would you like yours told? Never know how knows you when you arepposting things. Keep it honest about the story, not the people.

    To those of who I missed, I too make mistake and YA’LL can believe I do

  9. Disabled and struggling parent on January 10th, 2011 1:03 pm

    Um, Gembeaux, perhaps you should try a little harder with reading comprehension. I was the one who was complaining about people’s mistakes (NOT grammar, that’s a completely different subject) not David. He was only responding to what I said. As for my thoughts not being original, of course, they are. They’re mine and I’ve felt this way since moving to this town, my mother’s hometown, in middle school (a lot longer ago than I would like to admit, lol).
    I see people’s typos and grammar mistakes here and, yes, honestly, they DO bother me. However, I don’t feel the need to point them out to everyone because A) most people in our area speak that way; B) most people don’t like to be corrected; and C) most people, myself included, would think that I was a pompous ass if I were to do so.

    Another pet peeve: people sticking their noses into other people’s business when they have NO CLUE what they are talking about! (Yes, I gave you one. I ended a sentence with a preposition. Does that make you feel better?)

  10. GRITS on January 10th, 2011 12:33 pm

    The sad truth is that Gembeaux and David Huie Green are one and the same. He argues with, insults and denigrates himself sometimes when he’s been off his medication for a few days… =D

  11. CreamPuff on January 10th, 2011 10:34 am


    Did you think your remark was Compassion and Grace?
    Just asking.

  12. Gembeaux on January 10th, 2011 9:36 am

    David Green ~ You sure are clever with your remarks concerning others’ grammar – but not one of those statements are original to you, you know! Hope your ego was fluffed as you typed. If the usage, as erroneous as it may be, is generally accepted, and you understand to what others are referring, then they’ve accurately communicated. Not everyone has the propensity for language that you feel you do, just as not everyone has exceptional math skills or even, or perhaps as some lack compassion and grace. I would say that if the way others speak offends you so deeply, then perhaps you should search inside yourself for what may be immature or lacking all together.

  13. Angi B. on January 10th, 2011 7:13 am

    Glad to hear that no one was hurt…

  14. David Huie Green on January 9th, 2011 9:57 pm

    “Is that the “cadillac” converter to which I’m so sick of hearing people refer? It’s sort of like the “hot” water heater. ”

    Nope. Catalytic converters break down (convert to something else by use of catalysts) unburned molecules in the exhaust stream to reduce air pollution. This generates quite a bit of heating, enough that when some cars pull off the side of the road onto dry grass they start a fire. They are also able to set spilled gasoline afire. If a fuel line broke or the fuel tank ruptured in a collision, it would be possible for gasoline to be spilled. In a worst case scenario, the fire would spread as a grass fire and go a quarter of a mile to reach my home from the wreck site.

    Fires don’t start every time there is a wreck but they DO start.
    [Once one of my brothers pulled a neighbor out of his newly wrecked car just before it went up in flames.]
    I can’t imagine people would prefer fire fighters wait until after ignition to head that way. They even have gloves, unlike Raymond that time.

    And, like I said, there are other benefits in having trained people on hand.

    David for rapid, comptetent responses
    with plenty of back-up

  15. Clinton Curly Brooks on January 9th, 2011 7:14 pm


  16. Old Bratt on January 9th, 2011 6:28 pm

    I too hate it when those poles jump out in front of me. Oh well, happens to the best of us. Glad no one was hurt.

  17. Disabled and struggling parent on January 9th, 2011 6:04 pm


    Is that the “cadillac” converter to which I’m so sick of hearing people refer? It’s sort of like the “hot” water heater. WHY oh why would you need to heat HOT water? It’s already hot. If anything, it would be a COLD water heater.

    Or how about someone’s PIN number? That would be a Personal Identification Number….number, right? Or the VIN number. Vehicle identification number number…..hmmm, interesting.

  18. dawn carter on January 9th, 2011 4:36 pm

    yall fuss about the fire department being there but if they werent there and something happiend then yall fuss causethey were not there make up yalls freaken mind the fire department are there for a reason yall should be happy that they are on scene who care about the taxes you would not care about taxes if your hurt or your house is on fire you would not care.

  19. CJ on January 9th, 2011 4:29 pm

    REPLY TO :How many fire trucks and ambulances did the tax payers have to pay for this time. Seems every time we have a fender bender there are a half dozen EMERGENCY vihicles on the scene whether they are needed are not. If there ain’t no fire or potential for a fire what are the fire trucks doing there???

    Fire fiqhters are also trained as first responders which mean they help they attend to the injured until the ambulance is there to take over !!

  20. David Huie Green on January 9th, 2011 4:05 pm

    after the first stone is thrown, though, others can join in?

    David without a rock

  21. north end resident on January 9th, 2011 3:59 pm


  22. David Huie Green on January 9th, 2011 3:33 pm

    ” If there ain’t no fire or potential for a fire what are the fire trucks doing there???”

    traffic control, manpower, EMT training and first aid equipment. There’s lots of reasons to appreciate the fire departments.

    For that matter, not that it matters, there is still a potential for a fire when there has been a collision involving a vehicle with catalytic converter and gas tank and electrical system.

    David the appreciative

  23. Paul on January 9th, 2011 3:30 pm

    A cell phone/texting in the car is as dangerous as being intoxicated, it was proven right here and on numerous other wrecks, there should be laws with Harsh penalties for tryin to drive while playing with phones or any other distraction, people are dying from this and it needs to stop. I’m tired of hearing it was an accident or everybody else does it.

  24. Me on January 9th, 2011 3:24 pm

    How many fire trucks and ambulances did the tax payers have to pay for this time. Seems every time we have a fender bender there are a half dozen EMERGENCY vihicles on the scene whether they are needed are not. If there ain’t no fire or potential for a fire what are the fire trucks doing there???

  25. David Huie Green on January 9th, 2011 2:48 pm

    you say eyesore, I say landmark

  26. BLESS HIS HEART on January 9th, 2011 2:29 pm


  27. Dave on January 9th, 2011 1:25 pm

    If he does this while looking for a phone,can you imagin what he would do if he were to drive drunk? {not implying he drinks at all}

  28. K Gar on January 9th, 2011 1:09 pm

    You could call most of Century an eyesore, I suppose you’ll want to tear all that down too? That building is someones meager income, would you like to lose your income? Personally I think the phone was a scapegoat for someone who should have been paying closer attention to driving, he probably fell asleep, even after he hit the overhang he kept going and didnt stop.

  29. WORRIED RESIDENT on January 9th, 2011 11:29 am

    I’m glad no one was seriously injured.

  30. Just Me... on January 9th, 2011 11:28 am

    WOW Glad no one was hurt!!!!!! wonder why those speed limit signs are posted? LOL Just to annoy us? I think not!
    Could we get lucky and the building be repaired completely now and not be an eyesore or tore down completely? Probably not!

  31. Oak Grove Bud on January 9th, 2011 11:13 am

    Probably the roads fault….

  32. David Huie Green on January 9th, 2011 9:32 am

    think how long that stood there without anyone running into it