Robbery Suspect Shot, Killed By Victim; 2 Others Charged With Murder

January 10, 2011

Sheriff’s investigators said a robbery victim shot and killed one of his attackers early Sunday morning.

According to investigators, Eddie Llyod Peterson, 29, of Pensacola, was shot once at about 2:13 a.m. Sunday near the intersection of Mobile Highway and Massachusetts Avenue.

Peterson and two other men identified as 32-year-old Tavares Joeneeke Grimsley and 32-year-old Ortavious Devon Wilson, both of Pensacola, tried to rob the victim at gunpoint, but the victim shot back and killed Peterson.

The victim has been identified as Cornell Stallworth Jr., 25, of Pensacola.

Investigators arrested and charged Grimsley and Wilson with murder and robbery. They are being held without bond in the Escambia County Jail.


28 Responses to “Robbery Suspect Shot, Killed By Victim; 2 Others Charged With Murder”

  1. CreamPuff on January 12th, 2011 9:15 am

    Oh and if you don’t want to be collateral damage.
    Welllll during a war are you out in plain sight when there is gun fire?

    SO stay home at night.

  2. CreamPuff on January 12th, 2011 9:08 am

    Just Curious

    Are you kidding? You must be when you said, Most of the time it
    works just fine”.
    Most of the time It never works.
    You said it yourself, “They come out harder than they went in.”
    Everyone knows they learn even more bad things. They become meaner
    and smarter in ways most people don’t know about and don’t want to know.
    This system doesn’t work. Thats why nobody is afraid of it.
    If it’s soooooo bad, why do they repeat offend? Explain that one!
    As for the ones who are innocent, in war there is always collateral damage.
    Gangs, Drugs, Rapes, Robberies, and Murder.


  3. fedupcitizen on January 12th, 2011 1:19 am

    In the State Of Florida there is a little law called principle in the frist degree. if, while in the commision of a felony act, all parties envolved in the felony act, in any dregree, that had future knowledge that a felony was going to be committed, will be charged, as they themselves committed the felony. Example: if you and your friend are going to rob a bank, and your friend shoots someone, even if you did not know that was going to happen, you will still be charged, just as if you had pulled the trigger because it happened while you were committing a felony.

  4. Jim W on January 11th, 2011 1:46 pm

    Mr. Stallworth did what anyone else who had a weapon at the moment would have done. And, that is to protect himself from 3 thugs who were trying to inflict harm and take something that did not belong to them to include trying to take his life. I would and will do the same if confronted like that. I know that this will be a heavy burden on Mr. Stallworth but remind yourself you had to do it to protect yourself. I feel for the family and friends of the deceased but he did know exactly what he was doing by trying to harm someone. There are no exceptions he is responsible. If you are carring and you you pull it you beeter be responsible and be willing to pay the price on the other end. Just as the other two involved must pay their price you are as guilty as the guy who got killed intended or not. Maybe now that you will be in prision for the rest of your life or at least many years you will grow up and sober up and realize what you have done. Too sad someone has to defend themselves in this manner. But you have to do what you have to do if thugs are going to keep coming after you.

  5. K on January 11th, 2011 12:32 pm

    Criminals are no longer afraid of a prison sentence. Why would they be with the “Cupcake Prisons” we have now?! Most have the “give me 3 hots and a cot” mentality anyway.

  6. OMRBH on January 11th, 2011 2:20 am

    @ Stupid. That’s the way it works. Someone gets killed while you and your friends are committing a felony, you get charged. Choose your friends wisely!

  7. OMRBH on January 11th, 2011 2:17 am

    Thumbs up to what D.H. Green said!

  8. OMRBH on January 11th, 2011 2:15 am

    Thugs better wake up! This is Florida. More and more citizens are getting fed up and getting Concealed Weapons Permits to legally protect themselves and their families. More and more thugs are gonna get shot by law abiding citizens. That will keep the liberal judges from setting the thugs free AND will result in fewer thugs on the streets!

  9. David Huie Green on January 10th, 2011 11:24 pm

    “Why are they being charged for murder they didn’t kill him the victim did!”

    If a person is killed during the commision of a felony, those who committed the felony set up the conditions for the killing–beforehand, with malice aforethought–or something like that.

    It’s like shooting a gun into a crowd. You don’t intend to kill anyone in particular but can reasonably expect someone to die.

    This is murder. If you don’t want to be charged with murder, don’t set up the situation for people to die.

    David for felony murder laws

  10. Stupid on January 10th, 2011 11:10 pm

    Why are they being charged for murder they didn’t kill him the victim did! Seems wrong to me I don’t care if they were trying to rob someone that’s false accusation. Don’t get me wrong they should be punished for the robbery but not for the murder because te didn’t do it.

  11. T on January 10th, 2011 9:46 pm

    I’m with Stallworth!
    If we all take a stand, stand our ground and protect what is ours, then there will be a lot less crud like Peterson, Grimsle and Wilson that we have to deal with.
    GO Stallworth :)

  12. hawghead on January 10th, 2011 7:05 pm

    No one ever said that thugs have brains…..

  13. Hawghead on January 10th, 2011 7:03 pm

    That’s smart, rob a guy with a gun……..

  14. concerned citizen on January 10th, 2011 4:57 pm

    Hoodlums and thugs, TAKE NOTICE!! The next time you are tempted to mug or rob a citizen, you’d better consider that you may wind up with more than you bargained for!! Hooray for Mr. Stallworth!!

  15. Dan on January 10th, 2011 3:16 pm

    Good shotting Stallworth !!!!
    Now that’s my definition of Gun Control (hitting your target)

    If more criminals started to fear their victims, we’d have less crime !!

  16. shae on January 10th, 2011 1:40 pm

    ……and just think, our new govenor wants to downsize our prison systems.

  17. Naysay on January 10th, 2011 1:23 pm

    Guess thats what happens when you clean the areas on both sides of it up and leave it be. All the thugs from truman arms and brownsville have now migrated to mayfair. Have family in that area. Never used to carry a side arm with me. Seems that I would be the full for not doing so now. Maybe one day Pensacola’s finest will set up shop in there and turn it into the neighborhood it used to be. Of course landlords in that area could do there part also. Instead of just filling a house they could actually do some background checks on the people they are renting to. Clean the yards make the tenanents do the same. Have some pride in your neighborhood and not just money in your pocket.

  18. Disabled and struggling parent on January 10th, 2011 1:06 pm

    Or if they really wanted to “clean up” they could shut down Truman Arms and clean out Montclair. The only problem is that when they chase them all out of those areas, they just move into the other neighborhoods that, so far anyway, are doing okay. All that happens when they do these “clean sweeps” is that the dealers and pimps and prostitutes and thugs simply move on to greener pastures.

  19. OldMarine on January 10th, 2011 12:49 pm

    Congrats on the superb marksmanship

    1 Dead Thug = GOOD
    3 Dead Thugs = Better

  20. Come on now... on January 10th, 2011 10:27 am

    That’s crazy…I used to live in that area with my parents before joining the military. It was actually a good neighborhood at one time.

  21. EMD on January 10th, 2011 10:18 am


    They are so angry because they have no Real Life. Without Jesus Christ they are dead while they are walking, for He is Life, and He is everything Good, for there is NO fault in Him. He does not ever change. That is why we always have to, until we are complete in Him. There IS NO other Way. And HE is the ONLY real Peace, Joy and Fulfillment.

  22. Dave on January 10th, 2011 9:40 am

    Good job Mr.Stallworth. One less thug with a long criminal record we don”t have to worry about.

  23. CreamPuff on January 10th, 2011 9:26 am


    :Lock them up and thow away the key.
    No second chance ENOUGH.

  24. Dave on January 10th, 2011 8:30 am

    Previous records on both. Can”t wait til the liberal Judges set them free. LEO doing their jobs.Judges aren”t. They should have never ben loose in the first place.

  25. VISITOR on January 10th, 2011 7:49 am

    Here we go again. This year is starting off like last year ended. And once again it involves 2 of Pensacola’s finest THUGS!!!! I have lived here all my life. Pensacola used to be a really nice town, now I don’t ever let my kids out side alone.

  26. Mary on January 10th, 2011 7:42 am

    Wasnt there a shooting in the same spot not too long ago? BAD BAD BAD area!!!! This is where the SWEEPS need to be… I wonder how much drug activity goes on inside that Club…What a BUST that would be! Oh and what about the motels on Highway 29?? Come on Escambia’s Finest!!!! get the street level punks 1st!!!

  27. Oversight on January 10th, 2011 6:30 am

    This will probably be the “first” of many more that’ll happen in Thugville. The details I speculate are just another drug deal and I don’t want to use the “gone bad” tag because all drug deals are just that: bad.

  28. mayday on January 10th, 2011 1:34 am

    So sad. Why are people so angry these days? They need to seek inner peace.