the road to the crown: Miss NHS Pageant Is Tonight

January 29, 2011

Today, it’s part six of our multi-part series “the road to the crown” as we follow 25 young ladies at Northview High School in their quest for the crown and the title of “Miss Northview High School” for 2011.

The pageant is tonight at 7:00, and will have the new Miss Northview High School and all the photos here Sunday morning.

To see a photo of each girl and read their biographical information click for part one, part two and part three of our series from this week. For behind the scenes photos from a recent practice, click here.

Pictured top: Participants in this year’s Miss Northview High School 2011 are: (front, L-R) Courtney Weaver, Tiffany Sutton, Ashley Mooney, Caitlyn Brown, Lauren McCall, Morgan Digmon, and Jessica Warner, (middle) Mallory Bell, Allie Bryan, Abby Odom, Mariah Albritton, Lauren Cloud, Brooke Tullis, Brittany Thompson, Ashley Cunningham, and Ariel Holland, (back) Sarah Killam, Rebekah Sepulveda, Lauryn Walker, Megan Ryan, Morgan Smith, Hayley Simpson, Tabitha Steege, Clarissa Ross, and Charleigh McPherson. photo, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “the road to the crown: Miss NHS Pageant Is Tonight”

  1. Shannon Smith on January 29th, 2011 11:42 am

    We are so proud of you. Keep a smile on that pretty face and never change for anyone. We love you!

  2. NONE on January 29th, 2011 11:18 am

    Congratulations to all of you girls for having the confidence to be in this program!

  3. Answer on January 29th, 2011 10:34 am

    Tickets will not be sold at the door and the tickets were on sale all week at Northview… Yesterday was the last day to purchase tickets

  4. Question on January 29th, 2011 9:20 am

    How can I get tickets?