Teacher, Students Arrested On Drug Charges

January 27, 2011

A teacher at the Escambia (Ala.) Alternative School in Flomaton was arrested Wednesday on drug charges, as were two students in Atmore.

Jill A. Coulter, 54, of Cantonment, was charged with drug possession and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia after a K-9 search led to the discovery of marijuana in her vehicle in the school parking lot, according to the Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s Office. Deputies also located rolling papers.

Also Wednesday, drug searches led to the arrest of two students at Escambia County High School in Atmore. An 18-year old student, Tikeria Wiggins, was charged with with unlawful possession of a controlled substance (hydrocodone) and unlawful possession of marijuana. A juvenile student was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana.

Pictured: Jill A. Coulter.


38 Responses to “Teacher, Students Arrested On Drug Charges”

  1. collin allen on April 30th, 2011 1:45 pm

    teachers have students tested for drugs ,so should teachers and principles be tested as well . We have a drug proplem ,ang letting people go is not the answer .
    They need to be tested .

  2. COLLIN ALLEN on March 27th, 2011 4:34 am


  3. Peter Q Wolfe on February 3rd, 2011 7:25 am

    Personally the idea of medical marijuana not being legal is rather primitive and heavily traditional in a pseudo scientific prospective. We are in the modern era with canada having it, so should the United States of America. We also decriminalize marijuana at the bare minimum in all fifty states. The word “Drug” doesn’t apply when it the weed onto itself isn’t intrinsically too bad compared to alchol and tobacco and in fact is a healthier alternative. Moreover, we should actually decriminalize prostitution, and blue alchol laws in this state. Hell we need to abolish the death penalty cause it doesn’t save anybody any money at all. The appeals process deals with that and our prisons are over flooded cause in part puritanical dogmas of the past not present day situations or norms in society. For example, Alabama’s sex toy and gambling prohibitions are rather stupid. Come on people change something about this state like alternative energy plan for 2020 or something?

  4. Christopher Butts on January 31st, 2011 10:51 am

    I see the outcry of “SAVE OUR CHILDREN” has already begun. Even though the marijuana was in her purse, LOCKED in her car. The prescription medication that was “found to belong to Ms. Coulter” is most likely FAR more dangerous that a little bit of marijuana but it’s okay for her to bring that into the school or possess it for that matter. All that aside I’m sure there will be a witch hunt to make this woman into some kind of demon chasing children down the hall with bags of marijuana. There is no evidence what so ever that this woman ever introduced marijuana to ANY child. Still she’s demonized. If Ms. Coulter’s vehicle had contained several cases of beer, what would her charges have been?

    The fact is that ALL medications should be kept out of the reach of children, regardless of what that substance happens to be. Thats why they print those warnings on medications. People will demonize this woman for using a substance that has yet to cause a documented fatality in 5000 years of human consumption. Another fact, marijuana IS medicine and always has been. Almost every culture on this planet has held the cannabis (marijuana) plant as part of their pharmacopeia for longer than many people believe the earth has been in existence. Even in this country marijuana wasn’t deleted from the US pharmacopeia until 1942. Companies like Eli-Lilly continued to make cannabis based medications until the federal government forced them to stop production in the mid 40’s. For over 70 years the US government has brainwashed everyone concerning marijuana. its time to do a little research for yourself.

    Today there are 15 states as well as Washington DC that has re-established marijuana as a valuable medicine. The group “Alabamians for Compassionate care” will again be introducing the Michael Phillips Compassionate Care Act into the Alabama legislature in the 2011 session.

  5. FED UP on January 29th, 2011 2:10 pm

    Old Soldier your right again.
    I can’t believe people make just outrageous statements about can’t do anything
    or take anything just to justify their claim that stopping a drug in it’s tracks that
    would kill kids in this country can’t be done or the same could happen to
    necessary drugs being prescribed by their doctors. Talk about being
    My aunt has cancer and will die anyway soon, but she takes necessary pain
    meds to be able to cope, are you saying SHE should not get help with
    the pain. Your right lets just let her scream in pain until the day she goes.
    How about people with degenerative bone disease in their spine that
    is crushing their nerves and shooting pain all the way down their back, arms and
    legs. Should these people not have light pain relievers to help them through
    their days at the age of 70 or 75 or 80. Or should we let them have the pain and
    therefore the hopelessness and depression that comes with constant
    debilitating pain. Ok and now if I understand you I guess we should also
    dispense with sleeping tablets and add to their problems with sleepless nights
    since so many old people have ch’ronic insomnia.
    YES lets pull the plug on ALL DRUGS AND/INCLUDING the ones prescribed
    by doctors who have been educated in medical science because they want
    to help people get well and have better lives.
    Some of you have never had family in pain, never had kids with cancer, and
    never worked in nursing homes or hospitals, just because so many teens and adults abuse drugs doesn’t mean we don’t have uses
    that are necessary and humane for them.
    Why don’t we just revert to the old days someone said in a recent post and let them do without.
    Sure in this age of information and advanced science why don’t we just
    take them into surgery, give them a couple shots of whiskey and cut them
    open, or cut their leg off. Oh thats right we banned the sale of liqour too.
    How stupid!
    Somepeople need to get a grip on their thinking and think things through before
    they just spew garbage.

  6. Just An Old Soldier on January 29th, 2011 11:56 am

    Again, the drug defenders (and likely abusers) jump!

    Drugs and children do not mix – there are some basic physiologic and developmental reasons for this, as their brains are still developing.

    There’s a reason why children cannot give legal consent, and why parents must make decisons for them.

    There’s a reason why these drugs are illegal. Not all drugs should be made illegal – are you proposing making aspirin illegal? Preposterous.

    Are you proposing that drugs given to patients under the supervision of their Doctor should be illegal? Again, preposterous and extreme. Nonsense.

    Don’t defend the indefensible! Children should not be given access to substances that will cause them great harm (that includes alcohol and tobacco), PERIOD.

    Proposing to make all drugs legal is equally preposterous – it’s a PUBLIC SAFETY ISSUE. In places where this has happened (like Belgium) they are now restricting use and possession of intoxicating drugs.

    While I object ot government intrusion into my life, I also object to an intoxicated individual intruding into my life, especially if they are behind the wheel of a car.

  7. art on January 28th, 2011 7:47 pm

    yes truth be told i am with you. either make all drugs illegal or make them all legal. a drug is a drug whether it is alcohol or heroin, tobacco or marijuana, why even caffeine can be considered a drug. so where do we draw the limit?

  8. Truth be told on January 28th, 2011 4:56 pm

    Make all drugs illegal including alcohol, cigarettes and prescription narcotics, then see how many of these so-called goody two shoes support drug testing!

    Silly hypocrites…

  9. southern by choice on January 28th, 2011 4:12 pm

    I agree with what you say. But as long as the Alabama Education Association is allowed to be run by the ones currently in charge, the chances of drug testing administrators and teachers is zero!! I don’t think it’s right, but unfortunately that’s the way it is right now.

  10. art on January 28th, 2011 1:52 pm

    this is why all teachers and administration should submit to random drug testing. if we are going to start drug testing in the public schools (for which taxpayers support) let it start at the top where the leadership begins, not with the students.

  11. southern by choice on January 28th, 2011 1:23 pm

    From what I’ve heard, the newly hired Flomaton police chief worked with the drug task force, and he’s set on making many “unannounced” visits to Flomaton schools. I think all schools should be visited by the drug dogs, and I don’t think the schools should be notified first!!

  12. FED UP on January 28th, 2011 1:05 pm

    Country Gal, good for you. I never understand why so many people think
    this is such an intrusion in their little kids lives when drugs are killing
    our country. Good for you for taking the drug tests yourself and for
    not telling your kid she doesn’t have to. I am sure nobody wants to
    take them but everyone should understand why this has become necessary.

    Sometimes we all have to do things in life that we don’t like, but thats just
    what grown ups do and we do a lot of things just to keep our kids safe that
    we don’t want and thats what parents are supposed to do.

    Kids need to learn that life sometimes isn’t just fun and games and there
    are rules and laws to live by and that THEY ARE NOT EXZEMPT.

  13. Atmore mom on January 28th, 2011 1:01 pm

    My kids came home and told me about this. They also told me that several other kids didn’t get caught because they went to the bathroom and flushed their stuff. Thanks to the teachers who allowed these students to leave their rooms when they were told not to. Some people are just too stupid to know any better.

  14. Dixie Chick on January 28th, 2011 12:43 pm

    I don’t think AEA is going to be supporting her in this. Just because you are a member does not mean they are going to defend you.

  15. Just An Old Soldier on January 28th, 2011 12:08 pm

    Stupid, stupid, stupid. What a shameful waste of a life. I hope the Teacher’s Union she belongs to fails at keeping her in her job.

  16. Dixie Chick on January 28th, 2011 11:31 am

    Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse!

  17. Dixie Chick on January 28th, 2011 11:30 am

    But they caught her without having to spend taxpayers’ money on drug test. Money the education system doesn’t have right now because everyone wants to take from education instead of finding someplace else to take from.Maybe if we spend more on educating then we wouldn’t have to spend so much on imprisonating! Is that spelled right? After all I’m from Alabama and don’t know how to spell!!

  18. Dixie Chick on January 28th, 2011 11:25 am

    Florida education ain’t much better!!! I know I used the word ain’t!

  19. Ms K on January 28th, 2011 11:10 am

    My daughter called me from and told me they were going to test her before this came out. Then she said the are testing everyone randomly. I asked her if she was on drugs. She said no, well time will tell. If you’re not using drugs, then u should have no worries. I think it’s great.

  20. Gembeaux on January 28th, 2011 9:59 am

    LOL – Guess the teacher took the term “Alternative (School)” a bit too literally!

  21. me on January 28th, 2011 7:56 am

    the parents in Fl were all about not doing drug testing because apparently they don’t think their kids will ever be involved in something like that….well, you see, you never know. I bet that young lady’s parents never thought she was involved either, BUT GUESS WHAT? SHE WAS AND SHE WAS CAUGHT…HOPEFULLY SHE CAN GET SOME INTERVENTION BEFORE SHE MESSES UP HER LIFE ANYMORE. YES FOR DRUG TESTING FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS. THAT TEACHER HAD NO MORALS WHAT SO EVER…….JUST GOES TO SHOW YA THAT JUST BECAUSE THEY ATTENDED COLLEGE AND GOT A DEGREE….THEY AIN’T THE BRIGHTEST PEOPLE ON EARTH.

  22. molino jim on January 27th, 2011 10:23 pm


  23. Megan on January 27th, 2011 10:16 pm

    She was my math teacher! This is crazy and completely shocked me!

  24. eab on January 27th, 2011 9:42 pm

    I,too,support legalization of marijuana as opposed to spending a lot of precious resources to track down and prosecute otherwise productive citizens. I don’t smoke it myself and do not intend to start but if this that is what we are spending our money on, I guess we are in better shape financially than I thought.

    We need to get the government out of people’s homes and personal business.

    With that said,I do have to question the intelligence of someone who drives their vehicle to school while holding any kind of drug or contraband. I mean, how smart was that? For a schoolteacher?

  25. lawful citzen on January 27th, 2011 8:58 pm

    The teacher that was caught with drugs should be taken out of the school and never be allowed to teach in the system again.

    As for the student that was caught with the drugs, I wonder what her mama and daddy have to say about that. They have a tendancy to think that “everyone is picking on their children” so is the sniffing dog, the police and the school picking on her, oh, what about the car that had the pills and the weed in it, was it picking to.

  26. country_gal on January 27th, 2011 8:24 pm

    As a bus driver I am subject to random drug and alcohol testing which I have no problem with. I feel like the teachers and principals should also be tested. After all they are around our children for 8 hours each school day. They should be setting an example for our kids.

  27. Voice of reason on January 27th, 2011 6:54 pm

    I have no problem with a teacher smoking a little marijuana, provided she is not smoking it before or during work. It’s no different than having a couple beers or glass of wine after work, except one is legal and the other is not in most states for the time being. However she should have been smart enough to have left it home.

    I do however have an issue with minors using or possessing any type of drugs including including alcohol and cigarettes. Hopefully this little eye opener will be used more to educate rather than to punish. For some reason kids and surprisingly many adults seem to believe that prescription drugs are somehow safer than other drugs because they have been prescribed by a doctor, when in reality many are far more dangerous and addictive.

    The Voice of Reason keeping it real and supporting the legalization of medical marijuana as an alternative to prescription drugs…

  28. FHS Student on January 27th, 2011 5:22 pm

    They sent the dogs here randomly, if they would have enforced these policies regularly, then there most likely wouldn’t have been any trouble, jobs wouldn’t be lost, and kids wouldn’t be arrested and forced to have a record of this incident for the rest of their lives. I’m not saying that I agree that a teacher, or student, should have any drugs, but at least enforce it regularly so that they might have a chance at an easy life.

  29. brewtonchic on January 27th, 2011 5:21 pm

    I am all for drug testing of teachers and have mentioned it in various political discussions. However, there are some powerful political forces out there that we’re going to be up against.

  30. Dola on January 27th, 2011 3:51 pm

    Alabama public edjewkayshun at its best!!!!!!

  31. 357S@W on January 27th, 2011 1:58 pm


  32. FED UP on January 27th, 2011 1:21 pm

    Another College Graduate who ruined her life and couldn’t be trusted with
    children. She will get a slap on the wrist for this but her life and work will
    be ruined just the same.

  33. OldMarine on January 27th, 2011 10:43 am

    It is time for drug testing all of them.

    they work for us , we are the ones who pay them

  34. Former Educator on January 27th, 2011 10:18 am

    So that’s why all my students that were sent to the Alternative School made A’s while they were there.

  35. WORRIED RESIDENT on January 27th, 2011 9:42 am

    Stupid is as stupid does. This was really STUPID!!!!!!!! Who wants to hire a teacher with a drug arrest? Like I said stupid!!!!!

  36. uh oh on January 27th, 2011 9:33 am

    they should have randoms, but i don’t think they do

  37. hey! on January 27th, 2011 8:28 am

    Does the teachers have to take random drug testing, like most jobs do?

    I hope so!!!

  38. gott2sayit on January 27th, 2011 5:10 am