Sinclair, Bright House Extend Talks – Again

January 15, 2011

WEAR TV 3 did not disappear from the cable television lineup in Century and Cantonment Friday night as negotiations continue between Bright House Networks and the Sinclair Broadcasting Group. But the contract extension agreed to on Friday only lasts another week.

The original contract between Bright House and Sinclair, owner of WEAR TV 3, expired on December 31. But hours before that deadline, both sides agreed to extend  it two weeks until midnight January 14 as contract talks continued.

Shortly before Friday’s deadline, both sides agreed to extend negotiations another week until January 21.

At issue is the fees that Bright House must pay Sinclair for the right to carry its broadcast stations such as WEAR. Nationwide, contract includes 33 Sinclair stations in 21 markets.

“We will continue to work diligently to reach a long term agreement and fair deal for our customers,” Bright House stated on their web site.


5 Responses to “Sinclair, Bright House Extend Talks – Again”

  1. anastasia on January 19th, 2011 10:41 pm

    If we lose Channel 3 then we are going back to DirectTV…some of the best shows are on channel 3 ! I really hope they work things out…

  2. cantonment on January 19th, 2011 3:40 pm

    Well i havent got Bright house to tell me anything other then that think feel very strong that they are going to work this out with chanel 3. If Bright house work things out and we customers dont have to pay more I will keep them other then that i will be changing cable companys,

  3. Highercost on January 17th, 2011 8:02 am

    You can bet in the end Bright House suscribers will pay more. This is about money. I’ sure Sinclair wants Bright House to carry it’s new station (Ch. 35) and that will cost Bright House more and there again, we the cusumer will pay more. I don’t think we should be bashing Bright House for standing up to Sinclair. We must take a stand on this and if it means we loose Ch 3 for not giving in, so be it. This will send a message to all station owners that they are charging to much now and we are watching far to many commericals.


  4. From Century on January 15th, 2011 10:16 pm

    i called Bright house2 weeks ago they told me they were loosing channel 3 i gave up a good deal with Direct TV to keep Bright House this is going to tick me off

  5. Didleysquat on January 15th, 2011 3:06 pm

    Either way, won’t bother me none!!