Sheriff’s Office Plans Neighborhood ‘Clean Sweeps’ Including Cantonment

January 8, 2011

The Sheriff’s Office and several county agencies will conduct “Operation Clean Sweep” events in the coming months, including one in Cantonment.

The focus of “Operation Clean Sweep” is to work with Neighborhood Watch groups, residents, churches and business owners to control and prevent the damaging effects of criminal activity through “Eradication, Enforcement and Education”. The Operation Task Force works closely with Escambia County Animal Control, Environmental Law Enforcement, the United States Military, Escambia County Roads and Bridges and Neighborhood Watch groups to clean up neighborhoods and educate citizens on preventive measures that could be implemented to minimize possible crimes.

Operation Clean Sweep events will be held as follows:

  • Warrington January 20, 2011
  • Lincoln Park February 17, 2011
  • Cantonment March 24, 2011
  • Brownsville April 28, 2011
  • Bellview May 19, 2011

For more information on future clean ups, or to volunteer, contact P.O.C. 1st Lt Tharp (850) 554-1384 or Deputy Wiggins (850) 554-1362. For more information on starting a Neighborhood Watch in your community, or to join an existing group, call David Craig (850) 436-9281 visit


22 Responses to “Sheriff’s Office Plans Neighborhood ‘Clean Sweeps’ Including Cantonment”

  1. CreamPuff on January 14th, 2011 12:52 pm

    Yes DHG

    Sick of Druggies, Sick of Thieves, and most of all Sick of the blantant
    crimes against our children of any kind. SICK of it. Even more SICK
    of the lax attitudes of our laws, lawmakers and judges.

    Even when they can give a sentence they slap their wittle hands.
    Time to take another tactic because we are losing the drug war and
    this litter is ALL OVER AMERICA. We are looking more and more
    like a third world country.

  2. David Huie Green on January 12th, 2011 8:20 pm

    you seem unhappy with the erring lambs

  3. CreamPuff on January 12th, 2011 8:34 am

    Oh and if they gave ANY sign or running or trouble while they were out working
    in the public, just shoot them down like the low life trouble maker they are.
    Can’t have trouble walking the streets anymore.


  4. CreamPuff on January 12th, 2011 8:29 am

    As for the prison work force. If I were the warden at any prison they
    would get up at 4 am, dress, eat and off to clean up the town, paint
    graffetti, eat at noon and more work till 5. Then back to prison to
    eat and go back to their cells. This would be the prettiest town in the
    United States. Less time for B.S. Less time for trouble.
    No need for expensive T.V.’s and NO need for us to pay for cable.
    Less time to think about trouble and too tired for any.
    Next time I bet the lazy butts would not want to go back……


  5. David Huie Green on January 12th, 2011 7:02 am

    methinks they mean cleaning out criminals, inmates would not function well in that regard

  6. Disabled and struggling parent on January 12th, 2011 3:13 am

    Why not put some of the inmate work crews to cleaning up these yards and lots? It would certainly save the taxpayers a lot of money.

  7. Deputy DOG on January 11th, 2011 10:39 pm

    Sounds like election time is near. What are they really achieving having deputies pick up trash. The answer is nothing. If the residents that live there won’t clean up their own yards then why should the tax payer be picking up the tab. Venture a guess how much in man-hours this is costing the taxpayer. Keep deputies doing law enforcement not code enforcement. If they want their yards picked up do it themselves.

  8. Splat on January 11th, 2011 4:23 pm

    One of the major news stories today was an arrest in the Bellview area…you know the ‘gangster’?!!

  9. Naysay on January 10th, 2011 1:39 pm

    To date their have been recent Clean Sweeps in Mayfair, Myrtle Grove and Englewood………….. If you think that they have swept Mayfair you are sadly mistaken. Unfortunately I have family that live there and have for some time now. The kind of family that can’t easily come visit my children. So l have no choice to visit them. Aparently the publisher of that comment hasn’t traveled down Aquamarine Rd and the ones branching off of it lately. If it got swept it certainly was by the blind eye of the law. Still feeling optamistic, then I invite you to come visit me one night when I happen to be there and around late night time lets take a walk down the streets and see how safe you feel. My guess is you wont make past the first couple of mailboxes. That is unless you are one of the ones in that neighborhood causing some of these problems

  10. CreamPuff on January 10th, 2011 8:45 am

    Didn’t they just have a murder in that area? Didn’t they just pick up the guys
    who they alleged did it? Didn’t they have a shooting in that area a couple of
    months ago at a bar ? Wasn’t there trouble at the Circle K across the road?


  11. David Huie Green on January 10th, 2011 7:08 am

    “if you saw a drug deal near there it’s because they put housing based on income on the next street.”

    But our government’s Great Society programs include the concept of low cost housing to destroy neighborhoods by concentrating the officially indigent. Besides, I didn’t see the deals there, just the results and arrests.

    David in a world of government success stories

  12. Everett on January 10th, 2011 3:59 am

    Didn’t know Bellview had high occurances of crime. Maybe they mean Michigan avenue from Mobile highway to Cresent Lake. May they think Montclair is part of Bellview.

    Smoke and Mirrors
    Dog and Pony

    We need to clean up the mess made daily by the vagrants at Pine forest and Interstate 10. They continue to throw their garbage and beer cans out under and around the overpass. What happened to the open public container law and the public intoxication laws. That exit (#2) is a primary food and fuel stop for folks entering our state. That is a fine first impression of florida for folks to see coming into our state. They remind me of the commercial capital one guys without the goat.

  13. Bobby M. on January 10th, 2011 1:39 am

    David if you saw a drug deal near there it’s because they put housing based on income on the next street. Last I checked drug dealing was unaccounted income. Don’t bring criminals to our neighborhood and you don’t have to “clean sweep”.

  14. David Huie Green on January 9th, 2011 3:29 pm

    “Bellview? Really Bellview? We don’t have murders and blatant drug deals happening in the street over here.”

    I can think of some parts which do.

    David who used to drive up Louisville

  15. K Gar on January 9th, 2011 1:35 pm

    Well so like the county to advertise when this will take place make sure the criminals are forewarned LOL will it ever end?

  16. Mary on January 9th, 2011 6:43 am

    when are they going to SWEEP Molino???? I am tired of people driving down the deadend rd next door to do thier THING. I walk down the road for excerise w/my dawgs & found crack pipes & used condoms amoung other things!

  17. David on January 9th, 2011 2:45 am

    The Clean Sweeps are planned as a permanent operation under Sheriff Morgan. As Private Joker suggests, long term results will require long term commitment. And “things” have taken place… To date their have been recent Clean Sweeps in Mayfair, Myrtle Grove and Englewood.

  18. Bobby M on January 9th, 2011 12:41 am

    Bellview? Really Bellview? We don’t have murders and blatant drug deals happening in the street over here.

  19. private joker on January 8th, 2011 11:17 pm

    Effective initiative with measurable positive effects? Big promise without anything taking place yet. Anytime an event like this takes place changes are made. The real measure of success is how the community maintains these positive changes. If I recall the last sheriff tried this and it worked until the new sheriff closed the Brownsville precinct and transferred officers assigned to it.

    This is a great start with short term benefits at best. I hope this will remain a long term project so the positive effects can remain long term.

    Good luck to those “boots on the ground” doing the work.

  20. David on January 8th, 2011 5:36 pm

    These are effective initiatives that have measurable positive effects. They are planned throughout the county on a rotating basis. All areas involved will be revisited. Rather than complain perhaps Old Bratt might considering joining the volunteers and helping to clean up the community.

  21. CreamPuff on January 8th, 2011 9:57 am

    Why not keep on going, how about the rest of County? Those are not the
    only areas that need cleaned up from crime. How about Florida Fish and
    Game where is their clean sweep. They know they have crime also?

  22. Old Bratt on January 8th, 2011 9:55 am

    Sounds like much to do about nothing. What we used to call a dog and pony show in the military.