Scott Inauguration: Exclusive Interview

January 3, 2011

Rick Scott will be sworn as Florida’s governor Tuesday During his campaign, he refused to sit down with any newspaper editorial board, but he did sit down for a one-on-one interview with on his campaign bus following a campaign stop in Molino.

Here are excerpts from our exclusive interview with the future governor and his North Escambia visit just days before the election:

Small Towns

The Town of Century’s primary focus over the past several years has been to improve economic conditions. Scott said he can help.

“My focus is to get people jobs. The real key is to get everybody a job and build businesses back in the state. Then our local communities like Century will have the tax base to grow,” Scott said.

North Escambia, Other Rural Communities

If elected, Scott said he won’t forget about small rural communities like those in North Escambia. He pledged to get out and talk to people all across the state to learn what issues are important to them.

“When I am governor, I will get out and see how these laws, these regulations impact them. I grew up with no money, so I know what it’s like when government passes things that cost you money.”

One such regulation, Scott said, is SB 550, legislation passed earlier this year to require septic tank inspections every five years to protect Florida springs.

“It doesn’t make any sense to me and I want it repealed. What is the state government involved in that? It makes no sense.”

The Right Thing For Florida

“We have the chance to change our country. If we do the right thing here in Florida, every state has to compete for us with jobs, for people. We can change the whole country with what we are doing,” he said. “We cannot allow this country to go down the path of high taxes and high regulation. This is our opportunity.”

Government has gotten too big at every level, from local to federal governments. The place to cut, Scott said, is at the state level. “We can be the number one state. The number one state for taking care of taxpayers, the number one state for job creation.”

700,000 Jobs In 7 Years

Scott’s plan includes the creation of 700,000 jobs in Florida during a seven year period.

“We are doing really well,” Scott said as he echoed his ongoing message of seven steps to 700,000 jobs. “I am going to make sure the state runs like a business. I am going to reduce regulation; I am going to work every day…I am going to run the state like you run a household or you run a business.”

Back To Work

“I believe in this country; I believe in the American dream,” said Scott, who grew up in public housing and worked since he was in second grade before building successful businesses. “I’ve lived the American dream, and I want that dream for all of Florida. That’s the dream that we all want, and we want to get the state back to work.”

Pictured top: Rick Scott addresses supporters at Fran’s Country Grill in Molino just days before being elected Florida’s governor. Pictured inset: Scott sits down for an exclusive one-on-one interview with on his campaign bus. photos, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Scott Inauguration: Exclusive Interview”

  1. Jane on January 3rd, 2011 8:15 am

    Let’s hope Governor Scott can keep in touch with the north end of Escambia County, which it seems is forgotten by our County Commissioners! Remember the new Commerce Park that should have brought jobs here? Now the county commissioners (Yes, I MEANT to leave off the capitals, as an insult!) want to build another useless business park! Don’t they think they should fill up the ones they have now in Escambia County first????