Prison Time For McDavid Man For Sexual Battery Of Runaway, 14

January 24, 2011

A 19-year old McDavid man has been convicted of sexual battery of a 14-year old girl. Arron Mack,  of Railroad Street, McDavid, was sentenced to 18 months in prison followed by 18 months probation. Once released from prison, he will be required to register as a sex offender,  be forbidden to have unsupervised contact with any minor and enter a sex offender counseling program.

In July, 2010, the victim’s stepfather told Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies that the 14-year old, who had been reported as a runaway, was at Mack’s residence on Railroad Street. When deputies arrived at the residence, they found Mack and the teen girl.

According to the Sheriff’s Office arrest report, Mack admitted to having sexual relations multiple times with the 14-year old. He admitted that he had picked up the Pensacola girl at the Winn Dixie on Nine Mile Road because he knew the victim’s mother would not allow the two to be together. The young girl corroborated Mack’s story, according to the report.

According to Escambia County Clerk of the Circuit Court records, the court found that the 14-year old was a willing participant in the incidents.

When deputies contacted the victim’s mother in July, she advised that she wanted to pursue criminal charges against Mack. The mother stated that she had retrieved her daughter from Mack at the McDavid Mini Mart the week prior and had forbidden him from having any contact with her daughter.


45 Responses to “Prison Time For McDavid Man For Sexual Battery Of Runaway, 14”

  1. Just An Old Soldier on January 28th, 2011 1:22 pm

    Looks like he’s going to be “restrained” for at least 36 months.

    Mental illness and mental disability does not absolve individual criminal conduct. It’s not an excuse, it’s not a legal defense.

    The criminal conduct of this young man with this young girl will get him into the system, and I hope get him the attention he needs to improve his condition. Hopefully the parents of the girl are getting her the attention she needs to improve her condition as well.

    At the very least, he is now a known felon, and can be recognized as such in the future. Let us hope that he does not continue the conduct that earned him a stay behind bars.

    Lord, have mercy on us all.

  2. PolythenePam on January 27th, 2011 7:29 pm

    Oh no ya’ll just made it more complicated. If the young man is mentally disabled then he can’t be responsible for his actions. He doesn’t belong in jail but a facility to watch over his actions for the rest of his life as he is mentally not capable of understanding the repercussions of his actions. I still say …. our children are our only monuments to our lives. Now you say this girl has been raised to think so little of herself that she would engage in sexual activity with someonewho is mentally deficient. And yes it IS the parents fault, was she raised by wolves? Why does she want to get away from them so bad. There’s alot more going on here than anyone knows……..

  3. FED UP on January 27th, 2011 1:08 pm

    I agree David Green and will add: A mentally ill, unrestrained man who
    takes advantage of a child by hiding and molesting her.

    I’m a much relieved.

  4. David Huie Green on January 27th, 2011 7:07 am

    We feel relieved to learn an unrestrained mentally ill person is loose among us. Thank you.

  5. rolltidegirl on January 27th, 2011 12:17 am

    I know this young man, he has a mental illness. In his mind he is no older than the girl. Everyone should know the facts before you judge.

  6. Just An Old Soldier on January 26th, 2011 7:41 pm

    Back to the point of the story – this is a young man, age of 19 – legal adult for almost two years, that aided in the delequency of a minor child, age 14, that was reported as a runaway by her legal guardians.

    Her willingness to engage in sexual activity is not the point – she is an unliberated minor and CANNOT give consent.

    I am reminded of a case of a High School Teacher (age 25), and his Student. They fell in love with each other. What did they do? The man refrained from sexual activity with the girl (she was 16 at the time). They went to the same Church. The girl graduated when she was 18. After that, they began to date with the consent of her parents. They married, and to my knowledge they are married still today. They knew the rules, and followed them. That was about 30 years ago. A very DIFFERENT story than this youngman and his underaged “lover”.

    There’s a reason why some young people are called “jail bait”. Legal Consent figures into that.

  7. David Huie Green on January 26th, 2011 5:29 pm

    “To David: You seem to be pretty knowledgeable about law. I heard of a law in Florida that if a sixteen year old has sex with a person up to the age of 23, there is nothing that can be done because no law is broken.
    Is this still true? “

    It isn’t so much a matter of knowing the answer as knowing how to ask the question. This is much easier since Senator Gore invented the Internet. People store information there/here for their own convenience and it’s available to everybody.

    So, type in “age of consent Florida” in the search bar, and hit Enter. The first website is a site.
    Click on it and it lists age of consent for lots of places, including Florida and cites Florida code, Title XLVI, Chapter 794
    For its source (always check your sources).
    Click on that and you find yourself at a site titled

    That’s good because you can see the means it’s a government site. It offers STATUTES.
    Click on that and it offers among others CRIMES.
    Click. Chapter 794 says SEXUAL BATTERY.
    Click. 794.05 mentions MINORS
    Click on it and read:

    Unlawful sexual activity with certain minors.

    (1) A person 24 years of age or older who engages in sexual activity with a person 16 or 17 years of age commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided —
    (2) The provisions of this section do not apply to a person 16 or 17 years of age who has had the disabilities of nonage removed under chapter 743.

    (and other stuff)

    Over 23, hands off if under age 18 unless declared legally adult.

    There’s more but remember sometimes irate fathers shoot people.

    David for the lead-free spirit of the law

  8. From the old school on January 26th, 2011 10:55 am

    To David: You seem to be pretty knowledgeable about law. I heard of a law in Florida that if a sixteen year old has sex with a person up to the age of 23, there is nothing that can be done because no law is broken.

    Is this still true? I know it was about 8 years ago as I was involved in a case about a situation like this. I work out of State now and have been out of touch with some of the laws. A sixteen year old had consentual priviledges, however, a fifteen year did not. Which I thought was pretty sad. A sixteen year old could have sex with a fifteen year old and carry a sexual offender tag the rest of his life, but a sixteen year old had sex with a 23 year old and there was no law against it.


  9. David Huie Green on January 26th, 2011 10:30 am

    well said

  10. Tru2d5 on January 26th, 2011 9:52 am

    It doesn’t matter that she consented. My 5 year old would consent to driving my car down the street, but that doesn’t make it legal. It is up to the ADULT to be RESPONSIBLE enough to make the right decision. Luckily, I am smart enough not to let my 5 year old chose to drive down the road… perhaps he should have been smart enough to call the girls mom and tell her to go pick up her daughter from the grocery store.

  11. molino jim on January 25th, 2011 8:03 pm

    odd that i keep seeing the word “love” in this and i find that hard to understand. if you “love” someone you wait.

  12. KillerB on January 25th, 2011 5:27 pm

    even if we could forget about the sex crime, aiding a runaway is also bad

  13. CreamPuff on January 25th, 2011 4:29 pm

    Jim W
    I sure your right all the way around

  14. Jim W on January 25th, 2011 3:15 pm

    He knew what he was doing and he knew if caught what the law would do. So let him do his time for the bad decision he made. She made a very bad decision as well but because she is so young she gets a pass. But I’m sure this young girl is not done having problems yet. We will hear about her at some other time. There is most likely some serious problems in her life for her to have done something like this. Now that she single handely helped ruin someone elses life she will probably do the same to her own. It is sad all the way around. Not even attempting to make excuses what so ever for either of them as I said as the older person he knew better and chose to do it anyway.

  15. CreamPuff on January 25th, 2011 9:51 am


    Your right on the money.
    How archic are some of these individuals who think a 14 year old girl
    has a brain in her head. That’s exactly why they need protection of
    parents, society and the LAW.

    They are completely stupid and some are too headstrong to listen to
    anything except thumping hormones.

    Once your an adult you if you still are head strong and too stupid to
    listen to the law or ANYTHING other than your thumping hormones than
    the little girls that these laws protect can’t trust you either and you
    WATCHED, because little girls are not on this earth for YOU to

  16. just wondering on January 25th, 2011 6:41 am

    not sure but if a lawyer takes a close looks at the old laws this guy may be free alot of the old laws has not been removed, in ala the old laws states when an inmate is released the state is to give them 25 dollars, a donkey and a gun.

  17. David Huie Green on January 25th, 2011 2:06 am

    “all of 4 yrs. but where do you draw the line at punishment for life because this is what this boy got”

    You elect legislators to consider how to make laws. They consider exactly how to word those laws in some fair and reasonable fashion. Sometimes they give some more consideration than others, but still, they are the ones you use to draw the lines for what is acceptable and what is not. And then you teach people where the lines are.

    Lots of folks don’t figure the laws apply to them because they get to break so many laws before they are ever caught and/or punished, but that’s part of life too.

    David for holding adults responsible
    for their own actions
    and those of their minor children

  18. OldMarine on January 24th, 2011 8:59 pm

    Imagine if it was a 35 YO School Teacher and her 14 YO Student.


  19. BEEN THERE 20 YEARS AGO, SO SAD on January 24th, 2011 7:57 pm


  20. closer look on January 24th, 2011 7:47 pm

    i don’t condone any of this behavior……but when do you stop holding the other party responsible……yes he was the older of the two…….all of 4 yrs. but where do you draw the line at punishment for life because this is what this boy got…..a life sentence of a sex offender…he was wrong but so is the young girl. and he should be punished

  21. hawghead on January 24th, 2011 7:41 pm

    The blame lies with the 18 yr. old boy, the 14 yr. old girl and her parents. A child learns in the home. So if someone says “my child didn’t learn that in my house”, then they had better get a grip on their childs life. Teenagers don’t just run away from home because they are bored……… Give me a break and stop blame shifting here. It all starts in the home……..

  22. AL on January 24th, 2011 7:19 pm

    It always amazes and saddens me the people who jump on board to beat up on a teenage girl. Was she willing? Yep, she even said so. Is she mature enough to make a decision that could result in any number of diseases, even life threatening ones, or a pregnancy? Nope.
    Comments that blame the victim are cowardly. If you are 19yrs old you are old enough to know a 14yr old is illegal – off limits- no touchy. Choose to ignore the laws in place to protect children, and you must pay the price.

  23. hawghead on January 24th, 2011 5:28 pm

    Stupid is as stupid does, that’s all I have to say about that……

  24. HOW SAD on January 24th, 2011 4:27 pm

    I don’t care if they think they are in love. That girl has problems at home and wants to grow up too fast and he took advantage of that situation. Yes, she probably needs to accept half the blame but he is the older party and knew better. Shame on him.

  25. Oversight on January 24th, 2011 4:25 pm

    closer look… How about letting your 13 year old daughter have sex with a 19 year old. I’m sure there are plenty of parents of 13 year old girls cringing at your nonchalant attitude towards underage girls and sexual intercourse. And by your own admission this comes from a corrections officer who is sworn to uphold the law? Society has changed since the antediluvian times of your great grandparents when no such laws existed. However, today this behavior has been deemed illegal in the effort to prevent and protect children from moral corruption.

  26. closer look on January 24th, 2011 3:55 pm

    my great grandmother was married at the age of 13 and my great grandfather was 0ver 18. should he be labeled a sex offender. they were married for over 70 yrs….. both parties should have been held accountable in this situation.. the 14 yr old knew what she was doing just as much as the 19 yr old. this boy should never be labeled a sex offender. this will stay with him for the rest of his life. i work at a prison and yea what a great idea to throw him in there with thugs that will more than likely influence him to do worse. and why shouldn’t he…hes already been labeled as the worse. now he does not have much chance at life. counseling for both and community service for both would be more appropriate. and mom what were you doing while your daughter was running away… had to have an idea she was heading for trouble….maybe counseling for you too.

  27. NONE on January 24th, 2011 2:28 pm

    I hate how women use men for their money…especially when the girl has been married several times and finally settles on a much older man who owns a home, boats,pools, beach houses etc and can give them the money they desire. Women like this are incapable of love…..

  28. Thinker on January 24th, 2011 2:28 pm

    If he has a rap sheet…if he has a sociopath’s attitude…okay…hit him with jail and a label. If he’s just a self-determining intelligent young man who knows now he was blinded by passion….community service – lecturing on the law to other teens or something like that might have been better. He surely should have known better…that’s not the face of an idiot. Again, what we don’t know is key, but as has been said: The law is the law. We’ve changed lots of them in past years.

  29. Dave on January 24th, 2011 2:14 pm

    Remember the woman who had a child by a teenager.She went to jail and the young man waited on her to be released.They wound up getting married a few years later. If this couple are truely in love and not just in heat, I would support there marriage in a few years.Sometimes the heart over rules the head.

  30. art on January 24th, 2011 1:37 pm

    the law is the law. control yourself. simple.

  31. Bill2 on January 24th, 2011 11:48 am

    At 19yrs old I knew 14 was a little girl and to keep my hands off them !

  32. concerned citizen on January 24th, 2011 11:36 am

    14 year old females are very immature, and incapable of making any rational decisions regarding relationships, or anything else for that matter.. If their parents do not teach and safeguard them, then society (the law) must intervene.. It is obvious that the 19 year old male is also very immature, but unfortunately for him, by law he is an adult, and must abide by the law, or suffer the consequences..

  33. terri sanders on January 24th, 2011 10:58 am

    Very few 19 year old have any clue about what”love” is except it is somehow attached to his fly.Fewer 14 year olds know what “love” is except it gets her sweet attention from a male,something she craves.age long problemwomen give sex to get love men give love to get sex.He maybe an adult in years but he is still very much an immature boy who thinks with his fly open.They both have lost a lot.His life is going to be miserable the rest of his life becasue of this.Her life is going to be miserable the older she gets becasue she has set up a chain reaction of how to get love and thinks sex is what it is.Sad situation.Parents cannot always be blamed.Some of the worse acting kids come from good Christian families while some really decent kids are raised by low lifes.It is a lose lose situation for everyone.I bet the parents at one time had lofty dreams for these two.Our media sells sex from clothing to toothpaste.Kids are bombarded with sex on just about every TV show amd magazine cover.Then parents think it is okay to send their sweet daughter out on a date before she has matured enough to say no.And I am not blaming this girls parents at all.A will rebellious teenager is going to do what they want .It is a hard battle.counseling now for her will hopefully break this chain reaction she has started in her life.He is forced to couseling.Judge should have forced her into counciling also.Along with mom amd dad to learn how to better connect with their daughter.

  34. Just An Old Soldier on January 24th, 2011 10:43 am

    By law a minor child cannot give legal consent to anything. By law a person over the age of 18 is a legal adult.

    Adults cannot get consent of a minor to have sexual relations no matter how “willing” the child is to participate. Minors have no legal authority to give legal consent to anything unless they are liberated by the Courts and deemed adult.

  35. PolythenePam on January 24th, 2011 10:39 am

    Judges need to use some common sense this young man shouldn’t be in jail. That girl will fall in lust with someone else before she turns 18 and will they go to jail also? She is the one who needs to be watched better and shame on her parents for not instilling better behavior in her. Even more shame on her parents for allowing this to get so far out of control that a young mans life is ruined.

    Our children are our only monuments to our lives, this girl’s actions speaks volumes about her parents.

  36. Oversight on January 24th, 2011 10:35 am

    commonsence… Your post makes it sound like its okay for adults to have sex with children in your free love utopia which is disturbing. This is why our society has laws to protect children (yes, a 14 year old is a child and not a woman) from the likes of Nathan Mack. By the way, a 14 year old can’t give consent.

  37. interested reader on January 24th, 2011 10:29 am

    Please think for one minute that this was your 14 year old daughter. She is a minor. He is an adult. He is responsible for his actions and pays a high price. Hopefully she learns a valuable lesson. Sad story for all involved.

  38. Thinker on January 24th, 2011 10:26 am

    This won’t be the end of this girl’s behavior. Young “addiction” is powerful. I agree with everyone who says she should be held accountable for “contributing to her own delinquency” or “aiding and abetting a felon in the commission of a crime” or something to that effect.
    Being labeled a sex offender at his young age is totally wrong and abusive use of the law. Will this end here? I doubt it. They’ll be together again. Can we please grow up, as a society?

  39. David Huie Green on January 24th, 2011 9:43 am

    ” You broke the Law young man, you were beguiled by an evil woman.”

    Are you sure she was evil?

    Are you sure she was a woman?

    David wondering at the definition for a 14 year old

  40. interesting on January 24th, 2011 9:36 am

    It is not fair for one “willing” party to get off free, while the other “willing” party goes to prison. Doesnt matter the age when it was a situation like this.

  41. Cynical on January 24th, 2011 9:36 am

    “18 months in jail? It should have been 18 years!”

    I think you may be forgetting the Life Sentence as a registered sex offender, only able to acquire crap jobs, LEO’s and government dogging his every step, restricted movement, restricted as to where he can live or work.

    His life is over.

    Welcome to free America, kid.

  42. commonsence on January 24th, 2011 8:18 am

    I think it’s sad this young man has to go to jail for a crime comitted with such a small age difference. Even though the girl gave consent, he’s 19 and she is 14 two people can fall in love. This is why it should be done God’s way. When two people can not depart from each other, there should be a marriage.
    A Marriage Planned, a period of Courtship, get to know the Parents and they get to know you, let the community know of this New found love, Legal and Lawful, the Groom takes the Bride to HIS HOUSE (not mama’s house), and the guest list should have friends, relatives, and Jesus Invited. You broke the Law young man, you were beguiled by an evil woman. It will come to pass It’s sad you have to pay the price like this, but that’s why we have Laws that tell us:
    “Thou shall not”.

  43. JimD on January 24th, 2011 6:59 am

    I agree that he is the responsible one in this act (as the legal adult)…but let’s not forget the 14 year old girl ran away and called him to pick her up, she is not totally innocent in this action as well; it takes two in situations such as this. If she is going to start exploring adult situations, then she should take the adult consequences. She should also be taken to a Juvenal detention facility for a while. Maybe there she could learn some morality and self respect…looks like she is not getting any at home.

  44. WORRIED RESIDENT on January 24th, 2011 6:35 am

    18 months!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!

  45. Oversight on January 24th, 2011 6:18 am

    18 months in jail? It should have been 18 years!