North Escambia Schools To Receive iPads, Apple Computers

January 12, 2011

New Apple Ipads and desktop computers are headed to several North Escambia area elementary schools.

Bratt will receive four iPads and nine Apple basic desktop computers. Molino Park Elementary will receive 22 Apple iPads, and there will be 12 Apple basic desktops will be headed to Jim Allen Elementary.

The computers are part of a $426,623.50 purchase of just over 450 Apple computers, iPads and iPods for schools across the county for student instruction use.


12 Responses to “North Escambia Schools To Receive iPads, Apple Computers”

  1. hmmm... on January 21st, 2011 12:21 pm

    Ok, technology is here, it is coming, and it is updating every single minute so regardless of your feelings about technology it is here to stay. So, we might as well help our students be prepared for what will be coming their way in the future.

    As far as funding, if you know anything about education you will realize that many times money is set aside through donations, grants, and other programs for specific purchases. You may want to do some additional research before you start slamming the school district for their purchases they make.

    Also, iPads function like laptops. So consider how a laptop will benefit a classroom and that will answer the question, “Why does a school need an iPad?”

  2. Anonymous on January 14th, 2011 4:24 pm

    Big Frank and Candys have the right of it. The future is in technology. If our children are not properly educated then they alone lose. I’m not sure but I believe MPE received more IPADs than Bratt based on standings, numbers and classification. If I read the article right they didn’t receive the desktops Jim Allen did. I agree with prayer and some paddling but I can say the teachers at Molino Park are very passionate about educating their students. Every teacher in that school goes above and beyond their job for their students. Most of them live, work ,play and are raising their families in this community. They and I only want the best for our schools.

  3. Big Frank on January 13th, 2011 6:24 pm

    To: Me
    While I also would love to see the Bible, prayer, proper paddling and well paid teachers that have a passion to teach ,,( not just show up for a pay check) back in schools ! I also would like to see our children keep up with the rest of the world technologicly ! In todays world computers are used every were and in everyday life of most households ! If we don’t provide the needed equipment to do that they’ll not be ready for the world they’ll be facing when they get out in to the job market! I feel we have given to many job to non Americans and that needs to stop! Education is the door to the future of our country and it’s future leaders!
    And yes I do know there are really good teachers that do have that passion to teach, they need to be well paid ! The others I mentioned ,, get rid of them they do more damage than good!

  4. CandysVinceGill-NoMore on January 12th, 2011 6:37 pm

    excuse me people, what do you have against progress, all these things will help your children or grandchildren, i bet your parents wondered why you listened to differant music and the way you dressed, are you your parents now? i want all my kids and yours to have all the advantages they can get, if they did not spend the money here they might use it for pay raises for the school board or for conventions in las vegas or miami or new york or some place else that costs alot to go to..

  5. Dixie Chick on January 12th, 2011 4:46 pm

    That would be great to do that. Thank Congress for it. I think they should get pay for performance just like they want for teachers and include the superentindent, supervisors and school board in that!

  6. William on January 12th, 2011 12:59 pm

    >>yet we can buy ipads! and flat screen televisions for our lunchrooms
    (cough cough northview)

    The new flat screen televisions in the lunchroom were purchased by various clubs and organizations within the school — the students paid for them. They were not purchased with tax money. They are waiting for the district to install electrical plugs; that’s why they have not been used yet.

  7. observer on January 12th, 2011 12:50 pm

    1. Why does a school need a iPad?

    2. iPad, computer…if schools are going to have them…why did Bratt just get 4 iPads and 9 computers and Molino Park get 22 iPads and 12 computers?

    Hmmmm…..I agree and from what I’ve seen they have not even used the televisions since they where installed. Waste of money if you ask me… btw, if you haven’t seen them they are huge flat screen televisions.

  8. hmmm on January 12th, 2011 11:09 am

    this is so absurd!
    the schools complain that we have no money
    to purchase things like paper, or new text books
    yet we can buy ipads! and flat screen televisions for our lunchrooms
    (cough cough northview)
    that we dont need!

  9. meemee on January 12th, 2011 7:40 am

    me i like your comment but the teacher doesnt suppose to raise ourchilren

  10. YELLER HAMMER on January 12th, 2011 7:32 am

    In responce to ” me ” amen.

  11. CandysVinceGill-NoMore on January 12th, 2011 6:05 am

    i think that’s great for bratt elementary, the closest thing i had to a computer in school was 10 fingers and 10 toes…

  12. me on January 12th, 2011 4:20 am

    Sounds costly. Need to go back to the days of prayer in school , paddling as needed and good ole fashion teachers actually teaching.