New Numbers Show Over 24,000 In Area Unemployed

January 22, 2011

The latest job numbers released Friday show about 24,000 people out of work in the North Escambia area.

Escambia County’s unemployment dropped slightly — from 11.5  percent in November  to 11.2 percent in December. That represented 524 people no longer seeking employment, for a total Escambia County unemployment of 15,761 people. One year ago, unemployment in Escambia County was 11.1 percent.

Santa Rosa County also recorded drop in unemployment— from 10.3 percent in November to 9.7 percent in December. Santa Rosa County gained 453 jobs during the period, with a total of 6,902 persons still unemployed. The year-ago unemployment rate in Santa Rosa County was 10.0 percent.

The unemployment rate in Escambia County, Ala., increased slightly — 10.5 percent to 10.6 percent — between November and December, representing 1,522 unemployed. Last year’s unemployment rate for the same period in Escambia County was 12.5 percent.

Florida’s unemployment rate in December remained unchanged from November at 12 percent and remained 0.2 percentage points higher than the year before.

The report did show continued job growth in the state, a sign some economists say shows the seeds of recovery are germinating , despite the fact that 1.1 million jobless Floridians were actively looking for work. That figure, however, doesn’t take into account the under employed and those who have just stopped trying to find work.

Some sectors saw a little good news. Health care services and private education accounted for nearly 35,000 new jobs year over year, and the tourism industry also rebounded a bit, adding 33,000 jobs from the year before. Tourism officials are hoping that with the summer oil scare over, and with a particularly brutal winter up north and improving consumer confidence around the country, increased visitors may help blunt the state’s economic slump. Whether that would be enough to put a significant number of people to work, especially for any length of time, remains another question.

The dismal housing sector is the elephant in the unemployment line. Florida’s construction continued to contract in 2010, with construction employment dropping by 20,000 workers.

Alabama’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, at 9.1 percent in December, was up slightly from November’s rate of 9.0 percent but was below the year-ago rate of 10.9 percent.

The national employment rate was 9.4 percent.


8 Responses to “New Numbers Show Over 24,000 In Area Unemployed”

  1. Just An Old Soldier on January 26th, 2011 7:46 pm

    I try to buy American, and if that is near impossible, I boycott anything made in China (except for Taiwan).

    I am tired of the Chinese trying to poison us with cheap goods to ruin our ability to manufacture, and their outright bold faced poisoning of us with their DANGEROUS PRODUCTS.

    I’d rather spend a few extra cents to have something that will last longer, employ an American, and won’t contribute to poor health.

  2. David Huie Green on January 23rd, 2011 2:40 pm

    “jane apparently you don’t understand that tourism is what florida relies on for a large percentage of jobs and state income…”

    I suspect she understands and understands “relies” means we depend on a fickle source of income. It’s like just growing cotton. If that is all you do, the cotton buyers set the price. If all you do is tourism, tourists can make or break you. Whereas, if you have a mixture of industries, if one hits a hard time, the others can pick up the slack.

    Even if China didn’t exist, our problems would.

    David for diversity
    of revenue sources

  3. Epps on January 23rd, 2011 7:34 am

    I would rather pay more from American made products than spend one penny on Chinese goods! Pay China back what we owe them and get the heck out of China- they are not our friends and time will prove that for sure!!!

    AMEN TO THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Dr. Kevin R.Linam on January 22nd, 2011 8:55 pm

    I would rather pay more from American made products than spend one penny on Chinese goods! Pay China back what we owe them and get the heck out of China- they are not our friends and time will prove that for sure!!!

  5. Sandra on January 22nd, 2011 5:04 pm

    Depending on tourism is Florida’s problem. If you want to make 4 bucks an hour plus tips pouring whiskey for some desperately in need of a tan yankee snowbird then thats fine, but when the bills come due it hardly equates to a living. We need and this country needs manufacturing jobs brought back here from China and all parts abroad that we have lost over the years.

  6. yea i said it on January 22nd, 2011 10:47 am

    jane apparently you don’t understand that tourism is what florida relies on for a large percentage of jobs and state income… but i’m with you on voting these guys out how bout we vote someone in whos not looking to further their political career and are mainly focused on the public well being. that would be a nice change

  7. yeah i said it on January 22nd, 2011 10:44 am

    jane apparently you don’t understand that tourism is what florida relies on for a large percentage of jobs and state income… but i’m with you on voting these guys out how bout we vote someone in whos not looking to further their political career and are mainly focused on the public well being thatd be a nice change

  8. Jane on January 22nd, 2011 9:59 am

    And apparently our county commissioners could care less! When are they going to wake up and realize this county needs jobs…not tourism! Vote these guys OUT !!!!