Lawmakers Focus On School Cuts

January 26, 2011

Teacher layoffs. Few if any electives. School supplies that only last a school a few months.

Those are all scenarios that lawmakers are trying to avoid as they craft a budget for the state’s public schools while Florida faces a $3.6 billion shortfall and the possibility that state programs already cut to the bone will be cut even further. All the “low hanging fruit” in previous budgets was wiped out over the past few years as the downturn in the economy caused the state – and the public school system — immense budget pain.

“All that fruit is gone, at least in my judgment,” state Education Commissioner Eric Smith told a panel of House lawmakers Tuesday.

For the 2010-2011 budget, $18.2 billion covers teacher salaries, busing, instructional materials and a host of other expenses, including a school’s ability to simply keep the lights on. It means that for each student, a school receives $6,843.

While lawmakers faced economic difficulties last year, they had federal stimulus funds to help plug the holes riddling state coffers. Now, those funds have largely dried up, particularly for education. The education budget last year relied on $1.2 billion in non recurring federal funds, staff said Tuesday during a meeting of the House Appropriations subcommittee on PreK-12 Education. .

“We have a great challenge ahead of us and one we have to take very seriously,” said chairwoman Rep. Marti Coley, R-Marianna.

The State Board of Education approved a budget request for 2011-2012 of more than $19 billion, but Smith and his staff have also prepared a budget scenario for lawmakers that involves a 15-percent cut.

“It’s a starting point, certainly not an ending point,” Coley said referring to the 15-percent cut exercise.

Legislative leaders have indicated that cuts in education – one of the biggest budget drivers – are inevitable. Senate President Mike Haridopolos, R-Merritt Island, has said he will not sign on to a budget that includes tax increases, meaning something will have to be cut if the state wants to create a balanced budget, a constitutional requirement. His education budget chief, Sen. David Simmons, R-Altamonte, has also noted that it will be a tough road ahead.

Darwin Boothe, a lobbyist for Seminole County School District, said the school district, and a few others, may not have to make any layoffs even if the Legislature makes minor cuts because of reserves the local school board put away in case of emergency.

However, Boothe noted that many districts dipped into those reserves this past year to help individual schools meet a constitutional requirement capping classrooms at a certain number of students. Reserves may not be available to blunt losses in state funds for the upcoming school year.

In 2002, voters approved a constitutional amendment that capped classroom sizes at 18 students in a classroom in lower grades, 22 in the middle grades and 25 students in core subject high school classrooms. The state has struggled to pay for the constitutional mandate, making it, in turn, difficult for schools to meet the requirement.

Boothe said he and other Florida school officials believe that the funding can be held at the status quo if the state continues to withhold funding from some of its long-term goals that can go without immediate funding. For example, though lawmakers in the past have wanted to put money toward purchasing environmental lands, they have not been able to fully fund that recently because lawmakers chose to prioritize other budget items.

If the school budget has to be cut, Boothe said schools will react accordingly, but lawmakers need to be aware of the practical impact of what the cuts may do.

“When you cut, you may not have the system you want at the end of the day,” he said.

By Kathleen Haughney
The News Service Florida


5 Responses to “Lawmakers Focus On School Cuts”

  1. David Huie Green on January 26th, 2011 5:40 pm

    “Someone also needs to review every single penny of the lottery money that
    was supposed to help fund our schools for the betterment of our children. YOU JUST KNOW THAT MONEY IS TAKING A HIKE TO A BUNCH

    When it was put to a vote by the people of Florida, the uses of the money to be spent for education purposes was very specific. It does indeed go to those expenses–for the most part. The legislature then stopped funding those parts from other sources.

    They didn’t actually lie–exactly–but allowed voters to lie to themselves. One of the fun parts of it is that it funds replacing schools but not repairing them.

    sound familiar?

    David in an interesting world

  2. tbpcola on January 26th, 2011 11:49 am

    Teacher layoffs, cut backs, way to be competitive.

    Just can’t see how the President can require higher educational achievement when the government will not provide the necessary support.

    Hmmm — I’m sure that there are some programs out there that are not necessary. The people in control need to cut the “fat” from those programs that can survey the operation.

  3. CreamPuff on January 26th, 2011 9:06 am

    Northender you are absolutely right.
    It is ALWAYS waste when you can’t make it even in your own household.
    Cut the fat people, as in all the fat cats on the gravy train.

    You tax payers need to get together and demand that they cut in all the right
    places. That doesn’t mean the teachers unless they are lazy and not up to
    par. Then get rid of them because there are plenty of unemployed teachers
    that would take the job.

    Someone also needs to review every single penny of the lottery money that
    was supposed to help fund our schools for the betterment of our children. YOU JUST KNOW THAT MONEY IS TAKING A HIKE TO A BUNCH


  4. gosh on January 26th, 2011 7:23 am

    see, this doesn’t make sense to me. they are pressing for radom drug testing(and it probably will pass) for everyone who parks on campus and is involved with any sports/programs, but they are having to ‘cut back’ because they can’t afford what they did last year. COME ON GUYS!! USE THOSE NOGGINS OF YOURS. PRIORITIES FIRST! GOSH!!!!
    and i agree with northender43…they should offer early retirement to get those ‘just waiting’ guys out of there. and i agree that there is not really much need for so many secretaries, except to make the ‘big guys’ feel important…2 secretaries could handle the office, i’m sure.

  5. northender43 on January 26th, 2011 5:28 am

    If the school districts would look at the top level administrations and cut out the excess weight that they have there then maybe they wouldn’t have such a difficulty in finding the money to fund schools. Our district has so many people that are unnecessary it would make up alot of the shortfall in this county. Why anyone needs 3-4 secretaries or why they are keeping people who are just waiting to retire doesn’t make sense to me. Offer an early retirement incentive to them. Get rid of people who don’t perform up to standards that are set. I work in the district and see all the waste there is. The districts need to review what is going on in their districts.