Lawmakers Comments On Arizona Shooting

January 9, 2011

Two area members of Congress have issued statements about  the shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords at a Tucson, Arizona, shopping complex on Saturday.

United States Representative Jeff Miller (R-FL)

“We are all shocked and saddened by the news of the attack on my colleague, Gabrielle Giffords, members of her staff, and her constituents at a public event today in Tucson, Arizona. Congresswoman Giffords is a hard working public servant and this senseless act of violence is unconscionable.

This is a sad day for our nation. Violence and threats of violence against citizens are reprehensible and have no place in society.

Vicki and I will be praying for the Giffords family, the friends and family of Judge John Roll, and for all of the victims of this unfathomable attack.”

U.S. Representative Jo Bonner (R-AL)

“This is an absolute tragedy. Gabby and I briefly served together on the House Science Committee where she was always approachable about working on matters of national interest. The wife of an astronaut and a devoted public servant, Gabby has been a tireless advocate for her district and state. All our hearts are heavy today for her, her family, staff and constituents. They are all in our prayers.”


14 Responses to “Lawmakers Comments On Arizona Shooting”

  1. Just An Old Soldier on January 12th, 2011 10:06 am

    While I am a great believer in our God-given rights, those people that have used the suffering of the shooting victims have earned only my complete and utter contempt. Especially the Pima County Sheriff, SPLC’s Mark Potok, and the NYTs Paul Krugman, with their comments within minutes of the shooting that “conservative talk” was to blame for this. What malarkey.

    On hearing the news of the incident and hearing the name of the shooter, it took precisely 5 minutes online to see that this youngman, the shooter, is psychologically disturbed. Those in positions of public trust, like the Sheriff, have a responsibility to the public for an honest evaluation of a crisis – and not fan the flames of heated political rhetoric. And, I suspect that the sheriff needed to deflect possible criticism of his department’s handling of the suspect prior to the shooting.

    As for Krugman, Potok, and their ilk – their utterances are apparently motivated by their own need to foist their lies/opinions/propaganda by any means possible. They are repugnant wretches who are some of the worst of the “blame America first” crowd.

  2. David Huie Green on January 11th, 2011 2:40 pm

    “The diatribes are revolting in their attempts to associate the shooter with any political persuasion.”

    It’s not really unAmerican to look at a tragedy and wonder at steps which might have prevented it or might prevent another one in the future.

    I don’t agree with the folks who think everything would be okay if we just didn’t allow people to air their gripes or with the ones who think the solution to violence is to keep weapons out of the hands of those who obey the law, leaving only the criminals free to break those laws too, but I wouldn’t shut them up. I’d just discuss it until they calmed down.

    Besides, I might be wrong.

    It WOULD be nice if we could pinpoint which of the crazies among us are apt to become violent and protect ourselves from them. I appreciate the ones who stopped him from doing even worse. If would be good if we could figure out how to stop him before he pulls the trigger. Those who knew him had already predicted he would do something similar someday.

    David for discussion
    lots of discussion
    maybe even solutions
    to avoid future mourning

  3. JUDY MASEK on January 11th, 2011 2:34 pm

    just an old soldier…i soooo agree w/EVERYTHING you said!….this mentally ill man was a registered independent and did not even vote in the last election…i have such mixed emotions directed towards his parents…altho, we dont know what went on behind closed doors, it just seems as though they should have known that their son was a psychoic time-bomb and intervened somehow, some way…on the other hand, i feel saddend that these parents not only are loosing their “child”, but have to live w/the guilt of what their son has done to dramatically change history in such a profoundly sorrowful, heartless way.

  4. Just An Old Soldier on January 11th, 2011 10:44 am

    This is unspeakably tragic. My prayers go out to the victims and families of the Tucson rampage, and my gratitude to those people that placed themselves in Harm’s Way to save others.

    Shame on all those that are trying to score political points on the pain and suffering of the victims in Tucson. The diatribes are revolting in their attempts to associate the shooter with any political persuasion. Shame! What ever happened to common decency and the idea that we’re all Americans first?

  5. David Huie Green on January 10th, 2011 11:05 pm

    “Freedom of speech should have limits.”

    Fine by me, just as long as I get to decide where the limits are. If the only permitted words are those which do not offend, there is no reason to protect the right to speak.

    David wondering who I should stifle first

  6. David Huie Green on January 10th, 2011 11:02 pm

    “people are getting fed up with the corrupted Government we have. Its all about them and nothing for us. New taxes, regulations and laws that seem to be hurting the working man/woman”

    So we go shoot little girls named Green and everybody else in sight?
    Me not think so.

    We probably have the least corrupt government since before Andrew Jackson. It is more open about its flaws but it isn’t getting worse on the corruption front.

    As to the laws and taxes–they are laws we demand and taxes to pay for what we demand. We aren’t even being taxed enough to cover all our demands, not that I want to be taxed more but we are paying for our spending by borrowing from others. We become slaves to our debts, slaves to our own demands.

    This doesn’t look like a protest against government problems; it looks like a crazy person enjoying killing and becoming infamous.

    David for better government
    without killing kids and old people
    in the process

  7. You Have Got to be Kidding!!!! on January 10th, 2011 3:07 pm

    I never said to assassinate or kill them. There are many pending court cases all the way up to the supreme court that are raining down on their crazy parade. Freedom of speech should have limits.

  8. You Who on January 10th, 2011 10:34 am

    This is just the start I think, people are getting fed up with the corrupted Government we have. Its all about them and nothing for us. New taxes, regulations and laws that seem to be hurting the working man/woman more and more everday while they just keep getting richer and richer setting on their high horse. Greed seems to be taking over and the very people we elect to look out for us are selling us out everday. Just my thought, but I think we will be seeing more of this in the future

  9. David Huie Green on January 9th, 2011 10:42 pm

    “That group needs to be taken out”

    You don’t need to assassinate a bunch of idiots as long as they aren’t violent. It’s a family church, composed of members of a single family and a family member/preacher who is obsessessed with homosexuality. Usually when folks are obsessed with things like that, it is because they feel the desire in themselves and are publicly fighting it. Anything you do against them feeds their martyr complex–the idea that they must be doing God’s will if people don’t like them. So please don’t kill them, it just validates them and hurts innocents in the process.

    David knowing God would have spared all of Sodom
    if it had even had ten righteous people in it

  10. David Huie Green on January 9th, 2011 10:34 pm

    “read the Holy Bible, much of what’s going on in the world now has already been spoken of in biblical prophecy, the U.S. will no longer use cash, ”

    The Bible does not speak of cashless society; it speaks of inability to buy and sell without taking the mark of the beast. That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be using cash, just that they would also have to have the mark. (Think ration stamps in WWII, or ID to get on a plane.)

    Further, it speaks of it happening after the rapture of the church, so unless you and I’ve been left behind, that isn’t a problem.

    Further, the United States of America or anything like it isn’t mentioned anywhere, so that indicates it won’t be our problem. Our whole country’ll be gone before then (according to the interpretation of David–you’re free to come up with your own).

    It even spells out that people won’t gather firewood for several years after the big battle associated with the prophecy because they’ll be burning up the chariots destroyed in the conflict. Assuming that to be accurate, we–they, since we will doubly be gone by then–will have to have converted back to chariots and firewood for them to be useful for firewood.

    Leaving all that behind for the moment, does it really make sense to you to rave about treasurers dispensing money? Isn’t that kind of what they do? And he WAS talking money.

    And this person you consider sane wasn’t talking about cashless society, he was talking about a new money system. There have been plenty of those through the centuries.

    He’s a nutcase. If he sounds sane to you……please follow my suggestion.

    David in an interpretive world

  11. You Have Got to be Kidding!!!! on January 9th, 2011 8:07 pm

    Westboro Baptist Church (The “God Hates F$#@” church) just announced that they will be picketing at the funerals of the murdered. That group needs to be taken out.

  12. JUDY MASEK on January 9th, 2011 5:04 pm

    there was an obvious failure to communication between the community college officials/police/the shooters parents AND the transporting of that information into the background check at that gun store in arizona…he should have never had legal access to purchase a gun, based on his documented psychotic/schitzophrenic type warning signs.

  13. Bianca on January 9th, 2011 5:03 pm

    david huie green,
    before this world ends, there will in fact be a new money system,actually it will happen sooner than later, read the Holy Bible, much of what’s going on in the world now has already been spoken of in biblical prophecy, the U.S. will no longer use cash, we will go to a cashless not speaking of debit cards, etc, but is deeper than the Bible, it’s all there..and it will happen sooner than we that comment this shooter made about the new money system is not at all far fetched…it does make sense to me..

  14. David Huie Green on January 9th, 2011 3:25 pm

    according to reports, one video the shooter released once said:
    ” The current government officials are in power for their currency! If you’re treasurer of a new money system, then you’re responsible for the distributing of a new currency. We now know – the treasurer for a new money system, is the distributor of the new currency. As a result, the people approve a new money system which is promising new information that’s accurate, and we truly believe in a new currency. Above all, have your new currency, listener?”

    If that makes sense to you, please turn yourself into a mental health professional.

    David glad to be in Bluff Springs where we are all sane
    or at least all the others are