Fire Damages Molino Mobile Home; Possible Meth Lab Discovered

January 23, 2011

Part of a possible meth lab was recovered  from a Molino Road mobile home after a Sunday morning blaze.

The exact cause of the fire has not been released, but authorities said the fire may have started with garage-type propane heaters being used in a bedroom in the trailer at 275 Molino Road. The mobile home had no electrical power, but a authorities said a man did appear to be living at the residence at least temporarily. The man, James Norman Brown, 45,  was not injured.

Neighbors reported hearing an explosion as the fire started at about 10:45 a.m. The fire was quickly extinguished by the first firefighters on scene.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit was called to investigate after suspicious items were found in the mobile home. Deputies said a portion of possible meth lab was removed from the trailer and that charges may be pending against a suspect as a result.

According to an offense report, firefighters told deputies they found propane bottles, aluminum foil and an open flame fish cooker along with other items consistent with a meth lab.

“Because of the sensitive nature of narcotics investigations, we are not able to release any more information concerning this case”, said Escambia County Sheriff’s spokesperson Chris Welborn.

Brown detained temporarily and questioned by deputies and a State Fire Marshal officer, but he was not arrested or charged with any crime Sunday.

The Florida State Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating the exact cause of the fire.

The Molino, McDavid, Cantonment, Ensley, Walnut Hill and Century stations of Escambia Fire Rescue were dispatched to the blaze.

For more photos from the scene, click here.

Pictured top: Smoke pours from a Molino Road mobile home Sunday morning. Pictured inset: James Norman Brown, the man inside the home at the time of the fire, is questioned by an officer from the Florida State Fire Marshal’s Office. Pictured below: Firefighters discuss their findings with an Escambia County deputy. photos, click to enlarge.

Top photo credit: photo by Kristi Smith.


31 Responses to “Fire Damages Molino Mobile Home; Possible Meth Lab Discovered”

  1. life in MOLINO on February 23rd, 2011 10:48 pm

    Well SKYE??????????

  2. David Huie Green on January 27th, 2011 2:37 pm

    “along with other items consistent with a meth lab.”

    Of course, he COULD have been frying fish or turkeys inside the house and the other items mentioned but not specified, just happened to be there.

    David cogitating

  3. PolythenePam on January 27th, 2011 7:30 am

    >>>>>You know, now that I really examine this, the only items they have said they found were propane bottles, aluminum foil and a fish cooker. Now, correct me if I’m wrong but if you were living without electricity, aren’t the chances pretty high that you too would have these items in your house

    Hmmm does it count if you have an argon bottle , wax paper and a toaster oven?
    Slim “evidence” if you ask me. Some one down on their luck and things just got worse.

    Some people look for the good some look for the bad……

  4. T on January 25th, 2011 9:30 pm


  5. Skye brown on January 25th, 2011 8:02 pm

    Exactlyy ! I’m tired of yall assuming is was a meth lab when it wasnt . Every single one of yall that keep assuming go live in a mobile trailer without electricity in this weather and see how far you get.. i know for a fact my dad used the propane bottles for a propane powered heater and same for the fish cooker so he didnt freeze is butt off ! So before ya’ll start assuming : get yalls facts straight k

  6. Reading comprehension required on January 25th, 2011 6:16 pm

    You know, now that I really examine this, the only items they have said they found were propane bottles, aluminum foil and a fish cooker. Now, correct me if I’m wrong but if you were living without electricity, aren’t the chances pretty high that you too would have these items in your house?

    Just wonderin’

  7. Very concerned citizen on January 25th, 2011 5:06 pm

    I honestly think this is an awful situation. And I also think he should be put into Jail for this. This could’ve hurt innocent people in the neighborhood. Thank God everyone is okay and was okay including Jim Brown, even though he was the reason for it. This might be a lesson learned and a way to show him he needs help. Not trying to be rude but the truth is the truth!

  8. Skye Brown on January 25th, 2011 2:57 pm

    Uhmmm: “bama fan” i hope that was not directed to me ??
    But thank you Bill .

  9. David Huie Green on January 25th, 2011 12:25 pm

    “‘Hood” is neighborhood. There are many kinds of ‘hoods. It can be a really nice neighborhood but still have a few addicts in it. Many think of a ‘hood as a place in which the vast majority has gone to sorriness. No agreement on the definition among all people at this time.

    The high cost of clean up cited makes me appreciate those who keep their meth labs in their cars. In these cases they can clean up simply by driving or towing away. It won’t be clean where it winds up, but at least not in living quarters–unless they have taken to living in the car, too, as a cousin of mine did once.

    I regret the child was embarrassed by public disclosure of her father’s activities. That is one of the costs of doing that which is disapproved and being found out. Be good or be careful or at least be discrete.

    David for reputable meth labs only
    (just don’t know of any)

  10. Bill Golden on January 24th, 2011 11:07 pm

    My apologies to the people of Molino,
    I did not intend to say that this is a bad neighborhood. I think that is a very nice neighborhood. I mean to say that there is crime everywhere. Besides, I live right down the road.
    My condolences to Skye Brown,
    True, drugs are part of the everyday life of many people. However, drugs are not part of my life, nor of any of my household. Drugs, such as meth, are not used by my employees, associates or friends. Nothing good ever comes of it. I have seen too much for anyone to argue that it is the norm. It ruins lives, marriages and families. I urge you to stay away from it.

  11. Bama fan on January 24th, 2011 6:36 pm

    Do drugs affect your spelling capabilities or possibly cause you to forget who your best friend is? If so people really needa quit abusing them, yall know what I mean? SPELL CHECK PEOPLE!!! If a red line appears under a word that means it’s not spelled correctly……Use it! If not for yourself, do it for us!!

  12. Skye brown on January 24th, 2011 6:31 pm

    Okay : figured out cwb was .. Thank you btww : atleast someone understands ! Ily (:

  13. Skye Brown on January 24th, 2011 4:56 pm

    Listen here : that is my dad ! Ya’ll needa just stop , i mean you act like drugs arent used in everydays lives !! Yall should care that my dad is alive as well as his animalss ! Drugs okay yeah there bad but guess what kids/teens/and adults use them in their everyday lives !! and who is cwb ?

  14. son of a meth head on January 24th, 2011 3:00 pm

    wake up and realize that meth addicts make money off the meth and dont spend it the power or water bill….They use everydime they have to makemore meth to feed their addiction…Ask our wonderful tball coach, Ray…oy yeah hes n the pen and hopefully gone forever…So when u buy a home n molino, should we get a meth test done on the structure? worry the house might blow up…………….

  15. WORRIED RESIDENT on January 24th, 2011 1:48 pm

    Six months – a year ago it was on the news that a child (6-7 yrs old) in Mobile found a can that was used in a meth lab, and had been thrown out. The can exploded somehow and the child was burned badly in his face and upper body. That’sa real danger that meth poses.

  16. Chumuckla proud on January 24th, 2011 12:10 pm

    FYI, neighbors, relatives and friends of known methamphetamine producers:
    As “Just An Old Solider” has so aptly described some of the dangers…here is what it does to your neighborhood and your kids!! This stuff can kill you and you don’t even have to use it! I googled and copied this….damned straight there is cause for alarm!

    Dangers of Meth Production:

    Production of meth in a home “laboratory” poses dangers to the producers and the community. Breathing the toxic fumes can cause irreparable harm to nasal passages, lungs and brain. The ingredients can ignite, corrode or react. Producers of homemade meth are typically users themselves and not skilled in chemistry. Cooks may be producing meth while their mental capacities are impaired by the drug. All these factors make meth labs a catastrophe waiting to happen. There have been several explosions and fires across Nebraska as a result of cooking meth.

    Five to seven pounds of toxic waste are produced per pound of meth. These hazardous chemicals may be dumped on the ground or in nearby streams and lakes, buried or simply left behind. Toxic wastes can contaminate drinking water.

    Buildings used to make meth can be a health risk to the next unsuspecting tenants. Toxic vapors may have absorbed into the furniture, flooring, air vents and walls. Harsh liquids dumped or spilled can remain for a long time as residue in bathtubs, toilets, sinks or floors.

    High Cost of Cleanup:

    Meth lab clean up is very expensive. The average cost to clean up one lab can exceed $4,000. Last year, the Nebraska State Patrol dismantled more than 300 labs.

  17. concern&wondering on January 24th, 2011 11:11 am

    Thanks Bill ,I really didn’t know.

  18. Just An Old Soldier on January 24th, 2011 10:36 am

    My fear is that these meth labs continue and spawn as a way for some outlaws to make a fast dollar in a very bad economy.

    These hoodlums not only break the law with impunity, but the toxic material that they are using destroys the environment in the process of making these drugs. Not to mention the volatility of these chemicals – they are physically very dangerous, flammable, and even explosive. They stay up all hours of the night making their garbage too.

    Then on top of all that, these addlepates consume and sell the garbage they are creating in order to foul the minds and lives of themselves and their victims. And the cycle continues.

    Lord, help us all!

  19. crazywhitewomen on January 24th, 2011 9:03 am

    that doesn’t surprise me…this would 1 less concern for the community ;)

  20. Bill Golden on January 24th, 2011 8:25 am

    Definition…. hood (noun) e.g. boys in the hood. A place where they have meth labs.

  21. me :) on January 24th, 2011 8:13 am

    um if it was a methlab which is a HUGE problem here in cantonment/molino well escambia county these days period! i know a lott of people who have meth labs and smoke all the crap up the new bathroom brew is does not make you enough $ if you smoke it!! i know a lot of people who have nothing and have been given chances over and over once that crap grabed them they were just dead geeked up bodies that day on! it rediculous all this meth crap people need to start calling crimestoppers and our ecsd needs to tighten up! our ids are not safe with these peopleout here they are delerious and in complete denial and mentally unstable regardless of what they try and convince you or theirselves , and they do force themselves into believing their own lies!

  22. Meth buster on January 24th, 2011 8:08 am

    This didn’t take place in the “hood”. It was in a nice quiet residential area. I’m sorry for Mr. Brown that his trailer burned, but glad his meth making is over.

  23. T on January 24th, 2011 6:27 am

    CWB sweetheart, uh there was no electric in the place, and it catches on fire?
    Sorry your friends Dad has problems. Maybe this will lead him to getting the help he needs and has needed for a longggggggg time now.

    Meth has become a huge problem, and for the ones running the “meth labs” in the country thinking you are getting away with it, well the smell is gonna give you away everytime as it was about to do in this case! REALLY, you are not fooling your neighbors!!!!!

    Listen people, if we don’t start taking back our community, this is what is taking over, YES right here in the country. If you suspect that a neighbor is running a meth lab, CALL the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. concern&wondering on January 24th, 2011 12:36 am

    Bill what are you trying to say ? Could you define hoods to me.

  25. p on January 23rd, 2011 10:37 pm

    @ amazed. Not sure you can put them being stupid just on the drugs.

  26. cwb on January 23rd, 2011 10:21 pm

    maybe yall should stop assumin this is my bestfriends dad and yall needa chill out yall dont kno the man

  27. terri sanders on January 23rd, 2011 7:51 pm

    you would think if it was a meth lab,he would have had money to get the lights turned on.

  28. Bill Golden on January 23rd, 2011 5:13 pm

    That goes to show you that even the best neighborhoods have hoods.

  29. Sandra on January 23rd, 2011 4:27 pm

    Good stop on the fire MVFD. Trailer fires usually burn to the ground.

  30. Amazed on January 23rd, 2011 3:10 pm

    Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what they were doing. Maybe they will keep making meth until none of them have a home left and they have to move somewhere else! Does this stuff make you stupid or what?

  31. p on January 23rd, 2011 1:35 pm

    Meth lab