Ernest Ward Students Explore Past With National History Day Projects

January 21, 2011

History came alive through the eyes of students at Ernest Ward Middle School Thursday evening as they displayed weeks of work on projects for National History Day.

The History Fair in the school’s gym capped off a project in which EWMS students were required to do research into a topic. The research was presented in exhibit form, much like the typical science fair, or as a drama or web presentation. Students complete projects either individually or in teams.

For a photo gallery of projects, click here.

This was the second year Ernest Ward has participated in the national program, with the top projects from Ernest Ward headed next to a district competition.  Those winners were:


  • Samantha Sharpless and Tamara Wise — Women’s Rights
  • Hannah Gibson and Morgan Ward — Poarch Creek Indians
  • Jason Perritt and Tyler Houston — Atomic Bomb
  • Amy Murph and Jessica McCullough — 9/11 Debate


  • Tristan Barrett — Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Ben Linam — Iran Hostages
  • Logan Lee — Atomic Bomb
  • Tristan Brown — Ping-Pong Diplomacy


  • Abbie Johnson, Harmoni Till and Brittney Ward — Holocaust Drama


  • Kelton Wooten and Jaylen Parker — Iran Hostage Crisis
  • Shania Ward and Julie Hester — Women’s Suffrage
  • Danielle Suggs and Penny Banda — Lincoln-Douglas Debates
  • Joshua Borrelli and Murphy Bryan — Atomic Bomb


4 Responses to “Ernest Ward Students Explore Past With National History Day Projects”

  1. grandjoy on January 21st, 2011 5:13 pm

    You did a great job Ben! We love you!

  2. ProudArmyParent on January 21st, 2011 4:04 pm

    Oh how I remember History Fair days. The parents learn as much as the children do!

  3. EWMS student on January 21st, 2011 9:30 am

    YAY!!! GO DANIELLE AND PENNY!!! ily <3

  4. EWMS parent on January 21st, 2011 7:37 am

    Great work on all!
    Glad to see they’ve come up with a way to make learning more about history more fun for the kids!!! ;)