Deputies Seek Cop Impersonator In Sexual Battery

January 7, 2011

Deputies are looking for a man suspected of impersonating a police officer and sexual battery on a woman in Escambia County.

The incident occurred as the woman waited for a taxi at the Motel 6 on Plantation Road early Friday morning.

Around 4:30 a.m., the woman told deputies that she had been on a night out with friends and it ended at the motel. According to the report, she stated that she had been “smoking weed, crack and drinking alcohol” until she was ready to go home. At that time she called a taxi and walked downstairs to wait for her ride.

Allegedly, as the woman was waiting on the taxi, she began talking to a Hispanic male she did not know. During this conversation the male suspect offered to take the woman home and she agreed, getting into the front passenger seat of his vehicle. She described the vehicle as a silver or gray compact car.

While in the vehicle the suspect allegedly asked the woman to exchange sex for money. She told deputies that when she declined his offer he began talking on a radio and told her he was a cop. He then threatened the victim with jail if she did not do what he asked.

The victim said that she was driven to a wooded area near Creighton Road where she was sexually battered by the suspect.

The suspect is described as a Hispanic male in his mid to late forties and approximately five-foot-seven to five-foot-eight inches tall with short dark hair. He was said to be wearing blue jeans but no other clothing description was provided by the victim.

This incident is being actively investigated by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, and it is requested that anyone with information concerning this case call the Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


33 Responses to “Deputies Seek Cop Impersonator In Sexual Battery”

  1. CreamPuff on January 11th, 2011 9:15 am


    thumbs up

  2. pp on January 10th, 2011 11:06 pm

    At what time does a woman accept the responsibility for her own actions and decisions? She put herself in harms way as well a violated the law and still thought she was in total control and within her rights. Noone should be forced
    to do anything against their will, but apparently her actions, and probably her dress, advertized that force would not be necessary. If she had been home, asleep at 4:30 am, she would probably have avoided this unfortunate cituation.

  3. David Huie Green on January 10th, 2011 10:51 pm

    “Isn’t there a law that when you ask for help from law enforcement if
    you want justice you must first come with clean hands?”

    Certainly not. None of us is perfect. If only the perfect could ask for help, the police would die of boredom. Many people do not seek help because they don’t want their activities made public and because they know help will be limited, but law should protect all of us from all of us.

    David for good laws

  4. CreamPuff on January 10th, 2011 9:16 am

    A. DAVIS.

    STRANGER DANGER is right and this grown woman out at 4:30 A.M.
    doing illegal activities didn’t know what every 6 year old child knows.

    Sorry no pitty here, this just takes our law enforcement away from
    crimes where there are innocent people actually being victimized who
    were in their homes doing what they should be. SLEEPING!

    Isn’t there a law that when you ask for help from law enforcement if
    you want justice you must first come with clean hands? Or is
    that only when you get to court? Just asking.

  5. K Gar on January 9th, 2011 2:14 pm

    1. No means No
    2. Don’t ride with strangers
    3. Don’t trust anyone,even if they say they are a cop
    4. Don’t do drugs
    5. Arm yourself
    This story sux, where was the woman and what was she doing when the real police got involved? Did they go to the motel and investigate/surveil for other drug users? Did the woman go to the hospital? Is she in a shelter now? Receiving counseling? A year from now where is this woman, a victim, of rape, and unequal justice? Did she get help? Did she change her life?
    Just wondering………..

  6. A. Davis on January 9th, 2011 10:31 am


  7. David Huie Green on January 9th, 2011 9:27 am

    ” I just hope this girl is telling the truth..”

    I wish everyone told the truth but in this case HOPING she told the truth is hoping she was raped rather than falsely accusing someone else. Either IS a possibility.

    David hoping the truth is established

  8. Mary on January 9th, 2011 6:39 am

    @ Sandra…the fact is not that I left to do “coke”..the fact is I was RAPED!!! why I was not arrested..there was no coke..I guess..If I was just drinking would that have been published? I just hope this girl is telling the truth..which is 1 reason a lot of women do NOT report this crime..NO IS NO!!!!!!! What would you do w/a knife @ your throat?? Drunk or drugged out…again RAPE IS RAPE! I also hope that these young women out there & realize this. If you are HIGH on anything TRY not to put yourself in the situation!

  9. Tami on January 8th, 2011 10:17 pm

    i agree with jack plus im sure your mom taught u better to get in a car with a stranger…..sorry but dont put yourself in that sitation and no one gets hurt Sorry….

  10. go fly a kite on January 8th, 2011 10:12 pm

    I really hope nothing like rape ever happens to you or your family. But then again, if it did, maybe you wouldn’t be so insensitive! Your comments make you sound ignorant!

  11. Sandra on January 8th, 2011 4:44 pm

    Mary states that she left with a stranger to go snort coke and was raped. Why were you not jailed for an illegal activity as well? If you are raped while in the process of robbing a bank is your crime forgiven in lieu of the fact that you were raped?

  12. David Huie Green on January 8th, 2011 11:53 am

    She’d have a hard time as a witness, her credibility and memory would be too easily challenged. This is yet another reason to avoid mind altering and illegal substances; you’re effectively denied justice and protection under the law when you put yourself outside of the law.

    David for considering the consequences
    while believing every word

  13. go fly a kite on January 8th, 2011 10:06 am

    WOW!!! Some of you people are a real piece of work! Wishing someone harm or rape because she was partying?!? Read Mary’s comment…it will open your eyes! I hope something never happens to you or any of your families. It would be terrible for someone to NOT take you serious because you were partying!

  14. CreamPuff on January 8th, 2011 9:08 am

    I agree with AL and will add this:

    Both of them should go to jail ( the perpetrator and the victIm).
    What a pair. The question is:


  15. Mary on January 8th, 2011 6:10 am

    I read this yesterday & made a comment..after thinking about it..I thought of this…On March 14,1986 @ a club called 2001, I was drinking & playing a game on a machine, some guy kept “sniffing” I ask WHY & got a response that he was doing coke..I asked if he had any more(Look back to the date) of course he said yes & we left the bar. we got to this place(wont mention where) & he pulled a knife on me & raped me! I talked him into taking me back to the bar..he was thinking I was just letting my brother know I was not going to need a ride home. He took my driver’s lisence to make sure i did what i said. Well I told someone right away what happened & the police were called & as they were talking to me HE trid to leave but I pointed him out. He was arrested on the spot. I went thru the horrible hospital visit for tests & stuff. He did do time! The point is it didnt mater why I left just like this doesnt matter what she was doing..RAPE iS RAPE!!! The newspaper put the fact that I left to do coke..they shouldnt have done that..It didnt matter why i left…IF this girl is telling the truth than good for her for being honest but if she is lying then KARMA will get her. Sorry this was long..Just had to say my peace!

  16. CandysVinceGill-NoMore on January 7th, 2011 9:16 pm

    yall are some hateful people, read what you wrote……

  17. gott2sayit on January 7th, 2011 7:39 pm

    He was not impersonating a cop…he was impersonating a rapist…cant she tell the difference.??…its probably all a lie anyway. it not like she was in church all nite you know ??

  18. A. Davis on January 7th, 2011 7:36 pm

    WoW So now these people smoke crack allnight then someone gets ruff maybe thats what he paid her for.She calls the Cops then they come to the crackheads aid like always. While women are being beat by their husbands/boyfriends and they act like its the womens fault when they are called maybe next time someone is scared and being beat by their spouse they should tell the cops they have been smoking crack all night and now they are being beat. Maybe then they can get HELP then.

  19. Southern Boy on January 7th, 2011 7:04 pm

    I just wonder if he was suppose to get her another crack rock and didn’t and she’s trying to get pay back? I think I would have told the Po Po’s I was out partying and left it at that. But for real if this guy did do this like the DRUGIE said she didn’t deserve to be violated like this and the Bastard needs to be caught before he does it again and it esculates to murder. Come on ECSO do your best to get this sicko off our streets for a little while and the prisons get full and yall have to cut um lose.

  20. Carolyn on January 7th, 2011 6:21 pm

    Someone that is out that time of the A.M. and doing the things she said she was doing and then getting into a car with someone she doesn’t even know deserves just what she gets! She was asking for it and who knows how much is the truth.WHAT A DINGBAT!!!!

  21. molino jim on January 7th, 2011 4:54 pm

    Hope the S.O. took a drug dog and went back to the motel room to see if any of her “party friends” were still there and holding. She had to have been stoned to say she had been doing weed and crack.

  22. Jim W on January 7th, 2011 4:31 pm

    This all sounds way wrong to me. Like some one said if you lay with dogs you get fleas. On the other hand it could have happen but when you have a person telling you what they have cosumed during that period of time it make it hard to beleive. Just saying.

  23. Please on January 7th, 2011 2:35 pm

    If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

  24. forjustice on January 7th, 2011 1:14 pm

    “The suspect is described as a Hispanic male in his mid to late forties and approximately five-foot-seven to five-foot-eight inches tall with short dark hair. He was said to be wearing blue jeans but no other clothing description was provided by the victim”

    wow…quite a description…could it be any more vague? well, regardless, if he acts once, he’s more than likely going to act again, and hopefully he will be caught before then.
    and come on lady! stop your weed, crack and alcohol habit and clear your head! it stated he told her he was a cop AFTER she took the ride offer…DON’T TAKE RIDES FROM STRANGERS!!! PERIOD!! YOU CAN’T TRUST ANYONE, ANYONE, ANYONE!!!!

  25. Woody on January 7th, 2011 12:58 pm

    At a hotel at 430 in the morning, smoking crack and doing drugs. Got hooker wrote all over it, guy must not have paid.

  26. Jack on January 7th, 2011 12:33 pm

    RHONDA.. It’s 4:30 AM, you’re high on drugs and alcohol. A stranger offers a ride. Don’t trust him.
    Better yet, don’t get high and leave yourself vulnerable. Man or Woman.

  27. no longer in Bratt... on January 7th, 2011 12:15 pm

    Is it possible that she was high and imagined all of this?

  28. Mary on January 7th, 2011 11:57 am

    Just keep checking w/the “Crack Motels”..He will be found!

  29. KB on January 7th, 2011 11:18 am

    I agree with Big Al on this one!

  30. Big Al on January 7th, 2011 11:11 am

    “Get a concealed weapons license and buy a gun , NO MEANS NO”

    ‘According to the report, she stated that she had been “smoking weed, crack and drinking alcohol” until she was ready to go home”

    How in the world could a person who admits smoking Weed, Crack and drinking alcohol get a concealed weapon permit. Do you want someone with that pedigree holding a weapon? She could have imagined the entire event.

  31. leggrizer on January 7th, 2011 10:58 am

    Get a concealed weapons license and buy a gun , NO MEANS NO !

  32. RHONDA on January 7th, 2011 10:40 am


  33. art on January 7th, 2011 10:40 am

    maybe they will get this guy…i sure hope so and i wonder if they ever got the guy that was impersonating a cop a couple of years ago…wonder if it is the same guy…