Deputies, County Agencies Sweep Crime-Ridden Neighborhood

January 13, 2011

The Sheriff’s Office and several county agencies conducted an “Operation Clean Sweep” event on Frontera Circle in Warrington Thursday morning, and a similar sweep is planned for Cantonment.

Dozens of Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies, county workers and volunteers cleaned up the high crime, blighted area off Jackson Street. The Sheriff’s Office, probation officers, Escambia County’s roads and bridges department, the Escambia environmental services department and volunteers from the U.S. Navy  physically worked to clean up the neighborhood, cleaning up and piling up mounds of trash.

There were four arrests during the event, 25 tickets issued and almost 25 tons of trash removed.

The focus of “Operation Clean Sweep” is to clean up neighborhoods and educate citizens on preventive measures that could be implemented to minimize possible crimes.

A similar Operation Clean Sweep event is planned for the Cantonment area on March 24.

Pictured above: Sheriff David Morgan (near horse) and deputies from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office prepare for the clean up of Frontera Circle in Warrington Thursday morning. Pictured below: Volunteers collected mounds of trash from the neighborhood in just a short time. Photos for, click to enlarge.


36 Responses to “Deputies, County Agencies Sweep Crime-Ridden Neighborhood”

  1. Cottage Hill Girl on January 18th, 2011 8:31 pm

    What about those who are disabled and unable to take care of their homes and yards? Why do you think that all who are on “welfare” are lazy bums? There are plenty who are unable to go back to school or get a job. What about those suffering from cancer, etc and not receiving disability yet? Shall we require them to get out there and clean their yards, take care of their homes, go back to school and get a job before we give them a check?

    Not everybody is just too lazy to take care of themselves. There are plenty of reasons to be on welfare and many are through no fault of their own. Why not, instead of sitting here fussing about their yards and homes, form a group to help them get their yards clean and their homes in good repair? Would that not be a much better use of your time?

  2. art on January 17th, 2011 5:07 pm

    everett you have a great idea there!

  3. Everett on January 17th, 2011 5:49 am

    All the real clean up work was done by the volunteers who weren’t paid to be out there. I’m all for this type of stuff and cleaning up the community. That area should not have gotten in that shape to begin with. Give it six months and it will look like it did before. We have plenty of convicted prisoners setting in jail and the road camp that we can utilize to maintain a clean county. Make them earn their three hots and a cot.

  4. Been there on January 17th, 2011 1:09 am

    I’m sure this will be an unpopular opinion, but I’ve been on both sides of the financial spectrum and I’ve been in good health and am now in poor health, so I can see it from both sides.
    First, if you haven’t been in another’s situation, you don’t really have a clue what they suffer. There are many diseases that don’t show any visible signs, but they are no less debilitating. I have two of those and I am unable to clean my yard. I wish I could. However, I have no one who is willing to do it for me so it does not look the way I wish it would.
    Second, I see all these people who get handout after handout and I don’t understand how because I can’t even get help to pay my electric bill despite having an income that is approximately 30% of the poverty level for our family size. Where are these handouts? Where is this help? Please, give me names, addresses and phone numbers so I can get help for my kids.
    I got no help for Christmas. I don’t get free coats. I don’t get free education. I’m trying to get disability but am on appeal now. Social Security thinks that if I am able to do a single duty of any of my previous jobs, then I can still work. They think I can do heavy lifting despite having three missing vertebrae and not being able to sit or stand for more than 20 minutes at a time.
    If you guys know where to get all these freebies, for God’s sake, tell me where because I haven’t found a bit of it yet!!!

  5. AGA on January 16th, 2011 8:29 am

    My yard’s a bit of a mess right now. I wonder if they would come clean up for me?

    I know they are trying to send a message to some of these people, that maybe someone does care enough to clean up for you, but all it takes is ONE of those residents (I’m going to go ahead and say one of the non-druggie residents) to get out there each day and begin to clean up their own area.

    Rats and mice live in their own filth. Even a dog knows, and will try, if not chained or prevented from in some way, go far away from his own sleeping/eating quarters to defecate.

    I’m not too sure about some of these humans.
    I work because I have to. I work because I do not want a handout.
    Stop the handouts and SOME of these people will get out and TRY.

  6. Mark on January 15th, 2011 12:33 pm

    What a waste of taxpayer resources. Solve some murders! Ego Ego Ego

  7. flomaton man on January 15th, 2011 11:45 am

    these people sleep all day and come out at night like roaches,stealing,selling drugs,robbing,fighting.They have free food,medical,cell-phones,housing,christmas,coats,education.You cant fix stupid.We need to drug test everyone who gets anything for free.That will make these losers think twice.

  8. CreamPuff on January 15th, 2011 7:59 am

    Well said CTR and DHG

    You don’t HAVE to live like this. YOU DON’T. Even if your young and POOR
    or OLD AND POOR. There is no excuse. I have been very very poor twice
    in my life and I never ever lived like this. I took two jobs and worked like
    a dog. As for the elderly there is always help if they would look for it.
    BUT these people don’t want it. Thats why we have to run off the prostitutes
    and the pimps from these areas on a daily basis.

    Pigs and Crud thats all that live there.

  9. meemee on January 14th, 2011 6:41 pm

    p.s. not on foodstamps welfare,ssi,are ss okay some peoples is just nasty….

  10. meemee on January 14th, 2011 6:37 pm

    please come to century starting @ramar,jackson,bonwell alley,jefferson st.ivey the list gos on please help century i know excuse is like a but …. everybody has one

  11. David Huie Green on January 14th, 2011 5:38 pm

    They’re being human, therefore what they say is an aspect of humanity. They don’t like those who run down neighborhoods, those who openly commit crimes, those who trash what belongs to others. They don’t like to see wasted efforts, especially at their expense. (It does cost all of us, you know. I don’t mind since I love to see my tax money spent picking up used condoms but others doubt it’ll really help.)

    The concept of people who live in glass houses should not throw stones only applies if those commenting actually are leaving their used condoms and hypodermic needles in the homes of others after ransacking and vandalizing them. If they have done so, then yes, they are throwing stones from withing glass houses.

    If you simply mean we are all flawed and thus should never comment unkindly on flawed behavior of others, then you are in danger of having just done the same thing.

    David for recycled condoms

  12. Mike on January 14th, 2011 4:53 pm

    well humanity is one thing but being formal military myself i feel like it was great waste of not only local but state tax money as well our military as well the military is not here for cleaning up after drug dealers and sorry human beings that wont take care of there own housing is it not enough that these young kids put there lives on the line for this country but to ask them to clean up after something like this is just uncalled for.And to those who feel humanity lets see your humanity when this is down the street from your house.don’t these people get enough “humanity” by getting the resources they get.

  13. art on January 14th, 2011 12:25 pm

    it is a shame people that live in glass houses continue to throw rocks. humanity people, humanity is what makes life tolerable. human kindness is always always always a positive thing and great use of time or resources. living in poverty is a harsh existence and many, many are there because they are elderly or handicapped or very young. nothing wrong with this picture.

  14. my2cents on January 14th, 2011 11:59 am

    I salute anyone trying to clean up our county!! Great Job

  15. CreamPuff on January 14th, 2011 11:19 am

    I’m with you on this.
    The military should be helping during their down time people who deserve
    their help. I do realize this helps the town, but it just won’t last.
    Maybe this would be a good job for drug pushers and addicts who are in
    jail and need something to do rather than sitting around trying to figure
    out how to get drugs in jail or who to start a fight with, next time try taking
    a load of them out sheriff and dropping them off. Let them clean up
    their own messes.


  16. CreamPuff on January 14th, 2011 11:06 am

    I totally agree with tara and pm.

    I too think that welfare recipients should be made to take care of their homes
    and yards before being given their checks.
    They also should have to go back to school or get a job and be off welfare
    in two years. PERIOD

    If the wittle babies can’t figure their own life out by then they should just
    go live under a bridge like someone else suggested.
    Why should MY hard earned tax dollars support them the rest of their
    misserable lives only to have them be a detriment to society and more
    tax dollars for clean ups to say nothing of the ruin of our neighborhood
    and towns.

  17. NONE on January 14th, 2011 11:01 am

    is this the3 sweep that the paper told the areas that would be done and when???? i would have thought they wouldn’t tell when and where they were going because you could have cleaned up a lot more “trash” if they hadnt of known someone was coming. I’m sure seeevvvveral left the area when they knew you were coming………

  18. CTR on January 14th, 2011 10:52 am

    Yes I do believe I know quiet a bit about our military especially with a family full of it. I do not believe that this is acceptable community service work for our young men and women in the military. These young people have worked hard at being upstanding citizens in their communities it is not their responsibility to clean up trash in drug infested neighborhoods. Do you have a child in the military? How would you feel about your child walking into one of these drug infested neighborhoods and coming home with a deadly disease? Thes people are low lifes and this type of community service is unacceptable. Community service work could be at a community center for the elderly or at a school helping a child learn to read. Not picking up tires that are full of water and mosquitoes that carry disease and possibly coming across durg paraphanalia, needles, and used condoms. Maybe you should volunteer yourself for the next one. Mr. or Miss Volunteer.

  19. RE on January 14th, 2011 8:56 am

    I completely agree with CTR’s comments. Pensacola News Journal readers in their comments mostly blamed everybody and everything under the sun for this mess (Sheriffs Department, Code Enforcement, Landlord) with the exception of the real culprits. We are finally politically correct by achieving total lack of personal responsibility.

  20. B.B on January 14th, 2011 7:01 am

    They can pay thousands for their wheels an paint jobs but wont pay their bills or clean up their homes go figure

  21. Oversight on January 14th, 2011 6:37 am

    CTR… You haven’t a clue about what our military actually does here do you? NAS Pensacola and its many tenant commands are in the business of training mostly new personnel. Many of these “students” have down time while waiting classes to start, so they volunteer for public service projects like this one. I salute those who would volunteer their time and are willing to help out the community.

  22. CTR on January 14th, 2011 12:22 am

    If it looks like a pig and smells like a pig it is a pig and pigs are smart animals but like living in stinky places. Guess these people are kind of like that they live in filth but are smart enough to get someone else to come in and clean up the slop. How about these pigs get up out of the pig pen and clean up their own streets and demand the same from their neigbors. Don’t ask responsibe citizens to go into these kinds of places and expose themselves and their families to the types of disease that one could expect may be lying around in these kinds of places. They deserve hazardous duty pay for this kind of work. Wonder what a full dressed out hazmat team would have cost? More tax dollars passed out to the socially undesirable. Maybe if they were made to be responsible for something more than merely walking to the mailbox for the next freebie. How about some of these bums go into the military instead of being allowed to collect welfare be promiscuis and lay in the bed until all hours of the day. When we clean up behind this scum we are only promoting this continued behavior from the next generation of scum. Let’s face it we may not have a choice in where we live but how we live. Unacceptable is only acceptable when others let it beome that way. We cannot change the values and morals of those that do not choose to change. Rest assured those that want out will surely find a way.

  23. CTR on January 13th, 2011 11:13 pm

    Why wouold we use our military to clean up behind filthy garbage? Our military personnel belong on our bases and defending our country not being asked to clean up garbage. How about the people in these neighborhoods clean up behind themselves. It’s their trash and if they choose to live in it let them live. Let’s just choose not to go their and clean up behind them. It’s just one more thing for the takers to take. Why clean up when someone will come in and do it for you for free. How about pass out the free help to those that are deserving that have worked hard and paid their dues and not those only seeking what is handed to them free of charge.

  24. dick tracy on January 13th, 2011 10:26 pm

    David, thanks for your guess…….however, I’m still in the dark. Why the mounted police in this situation??? William, can u help me out with this?

  25. Lpk on January 13th, 2011 8:51 pm

    Pm I agree with. I didn’t know the people in our military were farmers who cleaned up after pigs.

  26. tara on January 13th, 2011 8:38 pm

    ‘The “poor” people that live in these neighborhoods like to live easy even if they have to live low.’

    Exactly. And no matter if it is cleaned up this time, they are used to living it easy and low that in time the crap will be piled up on the side of the road again. Some people just do not care. If you were to make them keep their yards and houses clean in order to get welfare they may do so, doubting it, but its possible. And also to get rid of all the trash, including cars and buildings that are broke down and unusable. These people evidently were never TAUGHT to do better. Or may need a refresher course in pride.

  27. pm on January 13th, 2011 6:36 pm

    It is shameful that the U.S. Navy would expect our military to go and clean up the trash that is left by trash. The “poor” people that live in these neighborhoods like to live easy even if they have to live low. Our sailors and soldiers have proven time and again that they are willing to lay down their lives for the people of this country (even people that choose to live worse than most of us would let our animals live) — it is just plain wrong to ask the military to clean up these dumps. Militaary families spend their money here and already contribute much to our community. How about code enforcement and the compnies responsible for housing the criminals and deadbeats doing their jobs for a change. If people do not want to keep their community clean then go live under the bridge. Sorry if I sound unsympathic but like a lot of others I am sick of the entitlement programs and special treatment that is given to most unworthy people in this county.

  28. David Huie Green on January 13th, 2011 5:42 pm

    just guessing, but the horse allows rapid movement through varied terrain while allowing the rider to keep his eye on bad guys from a heightened vantage point.

    Not that this will do any good if they leave the areas to the crooks at the end of the sweeps. Frontera Circle has some abandoned buildings. If those were taken by the county as abandoned, I can imagine moving some deputies in, giving a continuing presence.

    Not likely, but more likely to help than simply shifting crooks around.

    David for different results via different approaches

  29. dick tracy on January 13th, 2011 4:59 pm

    Will someone explain the horse duty pls?

  30. OldBratt on January 13th, 2011 4:35 pm

    And for those of you who missed the dog leading the pony around at the show this time, good news, the show is will be coming to a neighborhood near you soon. But get a good look the first time because these shows don’t seem to last long.

    But I guess with 30 plus murders in Escambia County last year, something is better than nothing I suppose…

  31. Name (required) on January 13th, 2011 3:28 pm

    Thanks to all for your efforts.

    Yes, the trash may well (probably will) but the effort is more about sending a message to the few who might be influenced.

    People will always speak against efforts to do good things, I am glad there are still those unwilling to listen to their voice.

    God Bless ECSO.

  32. dad on January 13th, 2011 12:52 pm

    Unless they can get rid of the people that make the area trashy it will just trash right back up.

    A pat on the back for effort though.

  33. Dan on January 13th, 2011 12:25 pm

    Don’t forget Diego Circle / Erress Boulevard too !

  34. Dan on January 13th, 2011 12:24 pm

    Good Job ECSO !!!!

  35. JT on January 13th, 2011 12:09 pm

    If they don’t care before the clean up they won’t care after the clean up. They don’t want to change their area because they make they’re income off of criminal activity and welfare.

  36. C W on January 13th, 2011 11:36 am

    It won’t do any good to clean that up, they’ll put it right back out there. It doesn’t bother some people to live in filth.