Cold Weather Delays Hwy 99 Bridge Reopening For Another Week

January 14, 2011

Our cold weather has delayed the reopening of a bridge on North Highway 99 by at least a week.

Today was the target  reopening date for the bridge over North Pine  Barren Creek, just north of the Oak Grove Park. But now contractors are hoping to be able to open the bridge by next Friday, January 21.

The project was delayed because it has been too cold for the contractor to pour concrete and too cold to apply the necessary joint sealants to the 55-year old bridge, according to Sonya Daniel, spokesperson for Escambia County. Next Friday’s reopening is dependent upon a forecast for warmer weather holding true.

The wood and concrete bridge was closed to traffic December 9 after a routine inspection revealed a deterioration of concrete at the southern end of the bridge. That end of the bridge is being totally reconstructed.

The repairs are  being done by DKE Marine under an emergency Escambia County purchase order not to exceed $100,000.

The roadway is heavily traveled and is a primary route for school traffic to and from Bratt Elementary, Ernest Ward Middle and Northview High schools. Escambia County’s recommended north/south detour for the bridge  is Gobbler Road and Still Road.

Pictured above: Looking under the North Highway 99 bridge over Pine Barren Creek. Pictured below: The bridge was closed December 9. photo, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Cold Weather Delays Hwy 99 Bridge Reopening For Another Week”

  1. BrattBrat on January 14th, 2011 3:34 pm

    What’s wrong with today? Nobody working on it today as far as I could see. I rode my Harley today, surely they can work on a bridge! If the county is working on it we may as well count on another 3-4 months!

  2. robert on January 14th, 2011 2:30 pm

    as a teenager i used to swing from those pilings to snatchhook red horse suckers they weren’t much good to eat but they were sure good to catfish with not to mention all the fun my brother and i had snatching them with fishing was one heck of a fight to get them up out of the water especially the ones that weighed 2 to 3 pounds. Now i work to much to even go fishing but it is fun to remeber the good ole days!!!!

  3. Beegee on January 14th, 2011 10:50 am

    Awww man !!! I was getting accustomed to living in a cul-de-sac !!!!!!! Sure has been quiet for 4 weeks !!!!!! :-)

  4. me on January 14th, 2011 7:17 am

    heck they didnt start on the project for 2 weeks after it was closed. lol

  5. county citizen on January 14th, 2011 6:10 am

    Extending each end of concrete 20 feet upon solid ground, would that have HELPED eliminated some of the problems in future years due to erosion/usage????

    ALSO, maintenance on N. Hwy. 99 is VERY POOR for the number of SCHOOL BUSES, DUMP TRUCKS, CARS and TRUCKS traveling that road DAILY. For the SAFTETY of HUNDREDS of CHILDREN and HUNDREDS of ADULTS, one would think that the COUNTY OFFICIALS would have started preparing a source of funds to cover the cost of RE-SURFACING N. HWY. 99 several years ago.

  6. Woody on January 14th, 2011 5:14 am

    Sounds like it was just to cold for them to work. Wish I had it like that.