Century Seeks To Shut Down ‘Junkyard’ Business In Residential Neighborhood

January 26, 2011

The Town of Century is still fighting to shut down a “junkyard” operating in a residential neighborhood — six months after denying a rezoning request.

On the advice of the town’s attorney, Mayor Freddie McCall will contact Escambia County Code Enforcement and seek a cease and desist order against George William Philyaw and the “business” he operates from his home at 120 Front Street.

“Code enforcement said that wasn’t their job to do that,” Council President Ann Brooks said. “I understood that that was not part of their duties to shut a business down unless they were violating code.” Brooks was the lone council member voting against McCall pursing a cease and desist order.

“If we have to, we will…go through the courts and get a court order,” McCall said.

It’s not the first time the town has faced-off with Philyaw. In July 2009, the council voted to deny his request to rezone his property from residential to commercial so he could operate what the town’s consultant, Debbie Nickles, called a “junkyard”. During his rezoning hearing, Philyaw told the town council that he simply collects metal for recycling until he has a “load” and then it is sold.

Because that rezoning was denied, McCall maintains that Philyaw is continuing to operate an unlicensed business in a residential neighborhood.

During the June 28 rezoning hearing, numerous residents spoke against business, and the council was presented a petition with signatures from about three dozen residents in opposition.

According to town records, Philyaw applied for a business license to operate over three years ago, but the application was denied because the property was zoned residential.

Pictured top: The street view of the property at 120 Front Street, Century as seen just prior to a rezoning hearing during the summer of 2010. Pictured inset: Every Philyaw addresses the Century Town Council in support of the business during a June, 2010 rezoning hearing. Pictured below: The “junkyard” is located behind this fence on Front Street. NorthEscambia.com file photos, click the enlarge.


24 Responses to “Century Seeks To Shut Down ‘Junkyard’ Business In Residential Neighborhood”

  1. David Huie Green on January 28th, 2011 10:38 am

    “Many people here run businesses out of their homes. I am not sure this is a business. They take what we throw out and go through it and recycle to pay their bills and feed their family. This is actually a “green” way of doing things.”

    If a man says he does it to earn money, that would pretty much be the definition of a business.

    Most businesses perform needed services such as his recycling, for example.

    The problem is obviously that not everybody wants all businesses right beside where they live, or even where they see them when driving by. Some even want all businesses of given types forbidden for moral or safety reasons (think bath salt manufacturing here).

    I’ve never worried about it and his trash would be welcome in parts of Bluff Springs–some would say an improvement. The problem is that some of the people of Century don’t want it where it is and due to zoning ordinances, it is illegal where it is.

    David seeing the beauty in junk
    understanding the ones who can’t

  2. ArmyCptswife on January 27th, 2011 11:43 am

    I’m not mean KillerB, I’m a person who enjoys living in clean, nice ,safe neighborhoods with a HOA, if thats what it takes. I’m a person who wants better for myself and better for my children. These are called aspirations. If you aspire to be nothing thats exactly what you’ll be. It takes nothing (but time) to clean. Rich, poor or middle class anyone can do it!!!!!!!!!!

  3. concerned on January 27th, 2011 11:20 am

    I was by the house in question this morning. It looks quite appropriate at this time. The picture you are showing is old as you say however it does misrepresent the current condition of the property.

    I understand that people think that it looks terrible but they have kids and kids wear the grass off. These are decent folks trying to keep a home of their own and to take of their children. I personally and professionally know that they do not abuse the system as so many in this area do.

    Many people here run businesses out of their homes. I am not sure this is a business. They take what we throw out and go through it and recycle to pay their bills and feed their family. This is actually a “green” way of doing things. Recycling is not always pretty and they have to get dirty to do this. I think they originally applied for a business license and were denied, this does not mean they are running a business from the home. When I take my old cans and get cash for them I do not consider myself running a business.

    Again I could not see anything from the street today . It just looked like a home in the area. We have all shapes, sizes and different conditions of houses in this area. This is by far not worst we have.

    We are in difficult financial times right now, please be kind to each other. Let’s not harangue people who are trying to support themselves.

    Isn’t northescambia.com run out of a home as well? I don’t really know.

    Let’s work together on these issues.
    thank you

  4. Hobo Jr. on January 27th, 2011 10:58 am

    You guys really should let that woman know that you were going to take pictures. She needed a minute to …….. do something.

  5. KillerB on January 27th, 2011 10:42 am

    armycptswife, I grew up right down the road myself. You are just mean. Mr. Philyaw is a nice guy. Please don’t move back to Century. We only want nice people.

  6. no longer in Bratt... on January 27th, 2011 10:29 am

    This reminds me of an old Andy Griffith show…the eyesore of Mayberry, was believed to have come into a large sum of money…everyone helped clean up his yard, paint the house, etc…then when they discovered his old bonds were confederate bonds & he wasn’t a millionaire……

    Perhaps the town of Century could have a help the Philyaw day…help him get his junk yard under control.

    I bet if the tv show “Pickers” decided to feature him on their show…wonder how many people would want to be his friend then?

    Isn’t his yard enclosed in a fence? Can you actually see his mess from driving by—or do you have to look over his fence to see his rubble?

  7. ArmyCptswife on January 27th, 2011 10:16 am

    I grew up just down the street also. This is just a mess,and people do live near enough that it effects them. Why do people feel the need to live in nastiness and think everyone else should have to put up with it or look the other way? He either need to moves his (business) or shut it down. Honestly I can’t believe some of the ignorant comments on here and him being singled out and bullied for not being liked. Ever think it’s the crap he’s putting the people that live around him through. Yes my parents still live a block away and I would cringe every time I had to pass it. You want Century to go and prosper? Clean up!!! You couldn’t pay me enough to move back. It’s the half that don’t care and want everyone to turn a blind eye that ruins it for everyone. As far as the drugs…. Yeah people care and are always… ALWAYS complaining and working to get them out of there too. But some of you would probably say just look the other way if you don’t like it. Doesn’t effect you. Truth is all of these things effect everyone.

  8. Tex-mex on January 27th, 2011 10:10 am

    Do u think that he might have some parts for a huffy 10speed? How do you get to his house from Atmore?

  9. KillerB on January 27th, 2011 9:42 am

    There are two ways to control your nieghbors, you can buy them out or you can move. There are a long list of eyesores in the town of Century. Most of the town could be used in one of those SAVE THE CHILDREN Commercials.This man has been singled out to be bullied.

  10. Aunt B on January 26th, 2011 6:10 pm

    I live next to the junkyard and across the street from the other junky property. I do care how the neighborhood looks. I do not wish the Philyaw family ill, but I do believe that his business should be outside the city limits. Mr. Philyaw has been approached about selling his property, but he is asking more than it is worth.

  11. PSU1Earl on January 26th, 2011 5:05 pm

    Has the town tried to work with this guy to help him store the material in a way that doesn’t look like a pile of trash? It looks like a fairly new fence. That seems to show some effort on his part. The question is, what suggestions does the town have so that he can keep providing for his family? Who’s idea was the fence, his or the town’s? Maybe a large shed? You just can’t say no and not give some guidance in what he can do to fix the problem, or is it just some guessing game for him now?

  12. Bama on January 26th, 2011 3:44 pm

    times are getting tough

  13. Dave on January 26th, 2011 3:38 pm

    Why try to take away a mans sorce of income? If he does”t have a good education or skill,he will have to resort to whatever to get money.If the view of his property is hidden by a privacy fence then leave him alone.

  14. shae on January 26th, 2011 2:51 pm

    Is this a concerned health issue, or do you just not like the man? Maybe asking him nicely to make things “Look” a little neater until he is able to “Take off a load” would get better response. My view on this though, is, if it isn’t a dangerous unhealthy area, leave him be.

  15. needmoremayberryandlessmtv on January 26th, 2011 1:37 pm

    big deal and lets be honest, nobody really lives right there beside or around. let the man provide for his family. 20 years ago people wouldnt have said anything. i dont see yall complaining about all the drugs in century, you dont like it? dont look at it. Why do yall even care? worry about your own back yard. And i grew at 416 front st myself so i believe its no worse than the old spanish tile roofed house that sets behind the philyaws residence that nobody ever cared about all run down, or any of the shanty’s on Pond st. just saying

  16. business owner on January 26th, 2011 12:48 pm

    At least he is trying to make an honest living,not selling drugs to make his money, ruining the lives of our loved ones and the family. Do your work behind the privacy fence and keep the outer appearence neet and clean and make your family an honest living.

  17. friend on January 26th, 2011 12:24 pm


  18. John Bryan on January 26th, 2011 12:06 pm

    What a mess, and the mayor can’t get full support to clean all the messes up. You can’t put junk in your yard and say this is the American way I making a living doing this. Move it out of the neighbor hood and out of site. Imagine the new marque “Welcome to Century”. “We proudly yard sale all year long”. That will bring industry and new business to Century. Not!!
    I will say this Freddie McCall loves Century. He is trying to nail jello to a tree to clean up around there and get new business in town. Very difficult.
    Perservere Freddie.

    John Bryan

  19. molino jim on January 26th, 2011 10:15 am

    Wally–would you want to live next door to this mess? WAY TO GO WILLIAM-TELL IT LIKE IT IS.

  20. William on January 26th, 2011 8:44 am

    Ann Brooks wrote — “This picture of his front yard is about two years old. A current picture of his front yard would be more fair.”

    You are absolutely WRONG Ann. Read the cutline at the bottom of the story:

    “The street view of the property at 120 Front Street, Century as seen just prior to a rezoning hearing in June, 2010.”

    The photo was taken June 26, 2010 at 12:15 p.m.– just prior to the June 28, 2010 zoning hearing.

    I’ve also updated the story to reflect that you were the only council member to vote AGAINST seeking to close the “business” in the residential neighborhood.

  21. Ann Brooks on January 26th, 2011 8:04 am

    This picture of his front yard is about two years old. A current picture of his front yard would be more fair.

  22. Wally on January 26th, 2011 7:24 am

    At least the man is trying to make a living, this is still America, right, the land of opportunity. To own and run YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Ask Him to put up a fence. After all it is his property, if you live next door? buy him out or move. Besides if he put it all on tables and stacked it up a bit. You could call it a year long yard sale!!!!

  23. Angi B. on January 26th, 2011 6:40 am

    WOW! What a mess…

  24. T on January 26th, 2011 6:13 am

    Oh my my my