Century Man Arrested On Six Animal Cruelty Charges

January 21, 2011

A Century man was arrested Thursday afternoon on six animal cruelty charges in connection with the December seizure of several malnourished dogs and horses seized from his property in December.

Willie Lee Jones, 54, was charged with three counts of confinement of animals without sufficient food, water or exercise, and three counts of cruelty to animals.  He remained in the Escambia County Jail early Friday morning with bond set at $15,000. Judge John Simon also ordered that he possess no animals if he is released on bond.

On December 22, Escambia County Animal Control, Panhandle Equine Rescue and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office seized at least six dogs and four horses from the home at 6420 North Century Boulevard, just south of Tedder Road.

One of the dogs, a pit bull, was found chained to a piece of post, according to the Sheriff’s Office incident report. Another, also a pit bull, was found in a cage by itself with open sores on its body. A female pit bull was found with three puppies. The puppies were playful and appeared to be of reasonable health, according to the reporting deputy, but the mother’s ribs and hips were clearly visible.

Two of the pit bulls were euthanized due to their poor health, according to Escambia County Animal Control. The other animals are all recovering after receiving veterinary care.

One of the horses was stabled by himself in what deputies described as “an old dilapidated building”.

“The horse was standing on a thick layer of manure that coated the entire floor of the stall,” according to the Sheriff’s Office report.  There was no food or water for the horse.

A man that lives on the property told deputies that he had fed and watered the horses Wednesday morning, but it was the last of the food. He said that Jones was due to purchase more food and hay for the horses the following day.

Deputies found another horse  in small enclosure standing in a pile of manure that was several inches thick. None of the horses on the property had food or hay, and several lacked adequate water, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Pictured above and below: A Century man is facing six animal cruelty charges in connection with these animals seized in December. Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


37 Responses to “Century Man Arrested On Six Animal Cruelty Charges”

  1. Angi B. on January 24th, 2011 7:11 am

    So sad to have so many animals and can’t afford to take care of the correctly, why have them if you can’t? Let others who can provide for them in the way that they need providing for have them… I am sure he wouldn’t want to be treated this way… Take those poor animals away and do not allow him to have anymore…

  2. rachel on January 24th, 2011 6:09 am

    i know this man and he is in bad health to.Yet i know this should have never happened. He has asked shelter to take the animals but no help there. That goes to show when u need help u can’t get it but yet in still when it goes to far that will get u for anything. Thats Florida for u. Or should i say authorities. I know,I have lived in Century for 22 yrs.

  3. rainman on January 24th, 2011 2:49 am

    wrought thats not how you spell wrought rot thats how you spell rot rot yeah thats it

  4. Bill Golden on January 23rd, 2011 5:40 pm

    That is sad.

  5. David Huie Green on January 23rd, 2011 9:48 am

    “Your excuses for Mr. Jones just do not wash. While you doubt his “intent”, it does not abrogate his responsibilities to the animals involved. What you consider to be “hardhearted attitudes expressed” are indignation that some one could be so “hardhearted” to the suffering of these creatures.”

    I didn’t excuse it. I expressed doubt he did it to feel the joy of causing suffering so many wish on him in response.

    Some cause suffering because they wish to watch others suffer. Others do it because they do not realize they are causing suffering. Those who wish to cause suffering just to make them suffer are hardhearted.

    David for a world without cruelty

  6. Cheated Tax Payer on January 23rd, 2011 7:30 am

    “bad that it happened, but doubt the intent was to cause the suffering, wonder at the hardhearted attitudes expressed, hope he does better in the future.”

    Your excuses for Mr. Jones just do not wash. While you doubt his “intent”, it does not abrogate his responsibilities to the animals involved. What you consider to be “hardhearted attitudes expressed” are indignation that some one could be so “hardhearted” to the suffering of these creatures.

    This will be in the hands of the legal system now and I hope at the very least he is not allowed to own animals again.

  7. David Huie Green on January 22nd, 2011 6:49 pm

    bad that it happened, but doubt the intent was to cause the suffering, wonder at the hardhearted attitudes expressed, hope he does better in the future.

    David shortly

  8. EMD on January 22nd, 2011 5:21 pm

    Old Bratt: LOL

  9. Women Of GOD on January 22nd, 2011 9:53 am

    What !! an aweful thing for anyone or any animal to go through. I hope you learn your lesson after the punishment you get for such a bad decession made on your part. I hope you the best. Grow up would you for your family sake, because i’m sure they love you.

  10. PerennialBulldog on January 21st, 2011 9:22 pm

    Just want to add that two of the pups, Jack Black (aka “Buddy”) and Molly are doing great!

    Otherwise, the news of this man’s arrest is some of the best news I’ve received all week.

  11. molino jim on January 21st, 2011 8:41 pm

    BOBBY— there are tons of cases in other counties not just Escambia. Animal control can only be at so many places. IF ANYONE SEE MISTREATMENT LIKE THIS PLEASE–PLEASE CALL IN.

  12. Backwoods barbie on January 21st, 2011 7:41 pm

    He deserves to wrought behind bars for what he did to those poor animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. OldBratt on January 21st, 2011 7:14 pm

    I have had kids,


    I have had animals.

    Trust me when I say……

    animals act a lot bettter,

    listen a lot better

    and always greet you with more love than you deserve!!!

    I love my children but animals are much easier to raise!

    animals rule, kids drool!!!

  14. Jim W on January 21st, 2011 4:49 pm

    Obviously ther are certain elements in our world who do not put any value what so ever in animals. That is a sad state of affairs I tell you. People mistreating the animals that can not fend for themselves is just like mistreating children who can not fend for themselves. People wo do this should be treated just like the people who mistreat children as far as I am concerned. If you can not maintain your animals give or sell them to someone who can. Geez!

  15. malle on January 21st, 2011 4:48 pm

    I think that he should be treated at least as well as he treated his animals. I mean it seems only fair, don’t you think?

  16. Concerned parent on January 21st, 2011 4:21 pm

    “That would pretty well be what the first line of the story says”-William

    I realized that but it appeared that others here did not, lol.

  17. William on January 21st, 2011 3:58 pm

    >>Unless I am mistaken, this is not “another” animal cruelty case. This is the same one we discussed on here last month. He has just now been arrested and that is why it is back on here. Am I not correct, William?

    That would pretty well be what the first line of the story says. :-)

    There are some updates within the story (in addition to the arrest Thursday), like the conditions of the animals and two being euthanized.

  18. Concerned parent on January 21st, 2011 3:52 pm

    Unless I am mistaken, this is not “another” animal cruelty case. This is the same one we discussed on here last month. He has just now been arrested and that is why it is back on here. Am I not correct, William?

  19. bgr on January 21st, 2011 3:50 pm

    The truth of the matter is that we can “vent” all we want on this site but unfortunately it will not change a thing….I dare say Mr. Jones will even read, much less care about what’s being said….However, it makes you wonder if he has children and just what type care he has given or is giving to them….neglect is just one more form of abuse……he is disgusting at best!

  20. Justice on January 21st, 2011 2:13 pm

    People have been allowed to get away with this kind of neglect and cruelty for so long, but now the local authorities and Panhandle Equine Rescue have stepped up to the plate and are willing to persue Animal Cruelty charges according to the long since established Florida Statutes. Thank you Animal Control, Escambia Co. Sheriff Dept. and P.E.R.!!! Now people will see that they will be held accountable for their mistreatment to animals. The word will spread . Hopefully, we will start to see less and less of this kind of thing.

  21. CreamPuff on January 21st, 2011 12:49 pm

    You hit the nail right one the head!

  22. hmmm... on January 21st, 2011 12:25 pm

    Terrible and a shame! If you don’t want the animals you have, find someone who does. It is not the animals fault when its owner is a no good, lowdown, lazy, piece of crap!!! I say an “Eye for and Eye” should apply in this situation. Treat that man the way he treated those animals and I bet he will think again. But you just hide and watch, he will get slapped with a fine he will never pay and go on about his business.

  23. Poor thing.. on January 21st, 2011 12:08 pm

    Looks as if in the 2nd photo the large collar and chain weighed more than the poor dog. It’s a damn shame. Thank goodness someone stepped in to help. What is right is right … and THIS way of tending/caring for animals was WRONG!

  24. EMD on January 21st, 2011 12:02 pm


    I wish you could get an interview with several of these animal abusers, and ask them: “What were you thinking?” I would like to know what causes this. I just cannot comprehend this kind of behavior. I’m sure all of us would like to know what possesses these people. Is there something we are missing here?

  25. MQ on January 21st, 2011 11:17 am

    Not saying that all in Century are like this, but when I lived there,several years ago, the attitude was just like BBBRRRR said. It was sad. In the heat of the summer the animals would have no shade, water, and be tied so that if there were any they couldn’t get to it. If you can’t or don’t want to take care of an animal, then DON’T have one. It is that simple. Or if you thought you would like one, and found out it was not to you liking or ability – give it to the humane society – at least the animal won’t suffer.

  26. BBBRRRR on January 21st, 2011 10:47 am

    Bobby, I think it is because a lot of people around here seem to think if you can’t eat it or have it stuffed, mounted and hung on your wall, it doesn’t deserve to be treated in a humane way.

  27. Dan on January 21st, 2011 9:15 am

    It’s a shame that the law restricts the methods you
    can use to punish criminals. He should be treated
    exactly the same way he MIStreated his animals !

  28. Bobby on January 21st, 2011 9:07 am

    Why is there such an unusually large number of animal cruelty problems in North Escambia?

  29. CreamPuff on January 21st, 2011 8:44 am

    I say tie him to a post with no water and food and I’ll go over once a month
    when I get my s.s. check and feed him just a little and the rest of the month oooooh wellllll
    Time some of these sucka’s learn how it feels.

  30. concerned citizen on January 21st, 2011 8:34 am

    Another animal abuse case.. What is wrong with these people that they would watch animals suffer and die right before their eyes!! I wish that they would lock some of them up, and maybe the rest would think twice before allowing these poor animals to suffer!!

  31. Mazelle Lewis on January 21st, 2011 8:17 am


  32. BamaGirl on January 21st, 2011 8:13 am


  33. Queenbee on January 21st, 2011 8:09 am

    Panhandle Equine Rescue is seeking a home for one of the dogs that was seized that day. She doesn’t appear to have much, if any pit in her. She is very sweet, but shy. She just needs lots of love. Go to http://www.panhandleequinerescue.org for more info. Thank you William for doing this story to bring awareness to the community.

  34. Mazelle Lewis on January 21st, 2011 7:59 am

    What A shame ,not to far from me. i”ve tried to rescue pets all my life.i’m tired of seeing the court system not taking it more serious.theres help for animals. Lot of people care.I TRUST HE WILL GET WHAT HE DESERVES.

  35. tara on January 21st, 2011 7:10 am

    Im wondering how he would like not being fed?

  36. LetsGoGreen on January 21st, 2011 4:15 am

    Doesn’t look like he missed any meals – got his and more looks like.
    Poor animals.
    I hope he gets more than a fine!

  37. dick tracy on January 21st, 2011 12:44 am

    What a shame. Looks like he could stand to share some of his food.