Escambia EMS Worker Shot

January 29, 2011

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a Friday night shooting that left an Escambia County EMS medic wounded.

The incident occurred just after 9 p.m. at 1125 Hayes Street in Pensacola — about a block from the Escambia County Jail. Deputies discovered that the EMT had been shot in the shoulder.

The medic told deputies that he was retrieving an item from a bag located inside the ambulance when someone tapped him on the back.  As he turned around, he was shot. One of the responding deputies drove the injured medic to the emergency room at nearby Baptist Hospital.

The incident occurred at an Escambia County EMS staging post where ambulance crews park and wait, ready to respond to their next call. The male EMT was alone in the ambulance at the time of the shooting; the other EMS worker in the crew was inside the substation.

The medic’s identity has not yet been released. He was reported to be in stable condition.

According to the EMT, the suspect was a either a light skinned black male or a white male wearing a lime green jacket. The jacket may have NASCAR type patches sewn onto it. Several dozen law enforcement officers from multiple agencies surrounded the scene and searched for the suspect into the early morning hours Saturday, essentially putting a large area around the county jail on lockdown.

“We wish the very best for the injured medic and our thoughts are with his family, friends and co-workers,” said Sheriff’s spokesperson Deputy Chris Welborn.

Anyone with information concerning the identity of the shooter is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.

Pictured above and below: An Escambia County EMS medic was shot Friday night at 1125 Hayes Street in Pensacola. Photos courtesy WEAR 3 for, click to enlarge.


28 Responses to “Escambia EMS Worker Shot”

  1. FED UP on February 1st, 2011 8:33 am

    No it’s not that bad, at least not for people who are willing to work.
    Sometimes you have to get three jobs. Sometimes you have rent
    a room from someone in twon and get three jobs. Sometimes you
    have to go the red cross and ask for help.



    IT HAS TO DO WITH LAZY x@oi^yu@toi@u$^t

  2. Medic on February 1st, 2011 8:26 am


    If I’ am attacked by a person that has distinguishing characteristics or clothes or scars or tatoos or gee I don’t know (skin color) that is different from my own or others in the entire world. That is racist? I know just look for the person who shot me…. Because I don’t want to be a racist I cannot describe the color of the person’s clothes or the fact that he yelled Allah be praised or was sporting his colors and that the person appeared to be white or some other non race rage creating color ??? Good luck with finding the non descript person of non distinction with the non distinct gun that descriminately shot a Medic just because he may have been a Medic. DUH=do not under estimate human stupidity. PC is going to get all shot.

  3. Mike on January 31st, 2011 12:11 pm

    The reality is race should NOT be a consideration . . . in an ideal world, but guess what, it was a consideration! Cops were given a description of a suspect that included his skin color and the type of clothes that he wore. The moments after the incident occured, the police were stopping cars looking for a light skinned black man and i’m sure there were many light skinned black men who were stopped, questioned, searched and inconvenienced. Conversely there were probably a lot of white men who were stopped and allowed to go about their business including possibly the suspect. The consideration of race was a reality for those people stopped and detained even if it didn’t affect YOU, so don’t ignore its existence!

  4. Tina on January 31st, 2011 11:58 am

    Go Figure, I am glad to apologize for where I am WRONG. I’m Sorry, I did not see the ORIGINAL… So I thought your comment appeared bizarrely rude and unnecessary…. my perception was altered. Thank u for clearing that up for me. Sorry, for not having all the facts.


    But anyways I’m wondering why u didn’t mention anything else. The EMT could have been any color, we all thought of this guy & his family, job and public safety, etc.etc … i didn’t stop and think, ‘Oh, wait, is he white?’, first !!! .
    You should never ASS-U-ME…. you know what it makes, right?!
    Have a better day dear.

  5. gosh on January 30th, 2011 3:06 pm

    in regards to ok? :”The economy has NOTHING to do with what happened. I’m so sick and tired of hearing people say that. ITS NOT THAT BAD PEOPLE!!”

    The economy could have had something to do with it, we do not know..YOU do not know…if they happened to be in a bad way, their motives could have been to rob the medic of the medication and sell it for $$…who knows…but regardless, it should not have happened.
    And uh, yes, it is that bad! Maybe not for you, but ask the recently homeless whom have lost their homes because of the economic situation. So, go thank your lucky stars that YOU are okay during hard times for OTHERS

  6. Just An Old Soldier on January 30th, 2011 2:48 pm

    This is appalliing. Shooting an unarmed medic? The depths to which these thugs will go knows no boundaries. Was this a robbery or just some twisted gang ritual?

    My prayers are with the medic and his family. And with the Deputies to bring this thug to swift justice.

  7. SW on January 30th, 2011 8:01 am

    A couple of folks were wondering about the wearing of NASCAR jackets but thugs. It has become very popular for some gangs to wear sports logo apparel as a sign of membership, i.e., a group called Tango Blasters in Houston.

    I hope incidents like this don’t cause the EMS people to wait for police to respond and ensure the scene is safe before they roll in; that, while possibly necessary for the safety of the emergency responders, is not good for us civilian folks. I do know that this practice is in place in many areas of towns where safety of responders is in question.

    This is not good.

  8. WORRIED RESIDENT on January 30th, 2011 1:57 am

    Hawghead, I couldn’t have said it better! All I can say is DITTO!!!

  9. C W on January 29th, 2011 10:54 pm

    It’s possible the medic was involved in some bad things too. I know several medics, and while most are good people, they aren’t all little angels. There just seems to be some parts of this story that are missing.

  10. William on January 29th, 2011 10:52 pm

    “go figure” wrote >>>The quote I posted was copied and pasted from the ORIGINAL article. What your reading now is the updated. In the ORIGINAL article the report was exactly what i posted

    The story did evolve after being originally posted as the suspect description changed from authorities. That’s the nature of “live” breaking news…what is 100% accurate information at one point may be different hours later.

  11. dick tracy on January 29th, 2011 10:51 pm

    It don’t matter what frickin color the suspect is…….in my mind, he’s STILL AN IDIOT!!!!! and needs his tail end beat!!!!!! You can’t fix STUPID!

  12. go figure on January 29th, 2011 10:47 pm

    The quote I posted was copied and pasted from the ORIGINAL article. What your reading now is the updated. In the ORIGINAL article the report was exactly what i posted. In the updated one it says it could have been a black or white guy so Im still not wrong. As for everyone being tired of the race card, WRONG! Race is still at the fore front in just about everything. Anybody who knows that area,which I do because my job takes me there, knows that what I posted is accurate. A spade is a spade and the truth hurts!

  13. ok? on January 29th, 2011 6:27 pm

    The economy has NOTHING to do with what happened. I’m so sick and tired of hearing people say that. ITS NOT THAT BAD PEOPLE!! Give me a break. Let’s start blaming the actual person for being a no-good member of society (aka TRASH)!!!

  14. hawghead on January 29th, 2011 4:13 pm

    Until all the facts are no one knows for sure what the motive was behind this shooting. Could be robbery? Could it stem from an earlier incident involving this EMT? Could he have been the target of a jealous boyfriend or husband? Could he have just been a random target of a thug? So let’s all stop guessing and wait and see as more information becomes available.
    As far as the race of the individual who fired the shot, why does that matter? My thoughts and prayers go out to the EMT and his family for a speedy recovery.

  15. Mary on January 29th, 2011 3:56 pm

    wonder if Escambia’s finest realize that that area is a major drug area..yes i know from PAST expierence..& am so glad I “kicked the habit” before all the shootings & etc.. are going on!!!! The dead body on Young & R a “tox” on him..S & Younge is a very bad corner also….

  16. Idiots on January 29th, 2011 12:27 pm

    I’m so glad MOST people think like I do. No one cares about race anymore because that’s not what is about! It’s about ANYONE being able to injure someone so we all need to be careful. If you are still obsessed with race you might as well die in hell because that’s where you will be. ALL people are created equal.

  17. JUDY MASEK on January 29th, 2011 12:26 pm

    there is a huge gap (of unreported events) that occured in between the time that the medic was shot in the shoulder and when the first deputy arrived- which leaves me wondering…..firing at close range, did they find the bullet, or casing(s?), or was retrieved at the ER, or found at the scene….how many shots fired?..could the assailant might have been trying to rob the medic of possible drugs inside the amublance?…do they have cameras and adequate lighting in the parking area where this occured? seems like there would/should be (i do see one elevated spotlight in the photo)….was the assailant mute or did he say something before, during or after the attack?…btw, i dont think that you should determine the mans ethnicity based on his jacket….there is a reasonable amount of homeless in the area…ive certainly seen some transient or homeless men wearing some pretty uncharacteristic clothing- i would assume, if theyre cold, theyd be wearing just about anything…unless there is evidenced to the contrary, i would not be just looking for a light-skinned black man, or a white man…..could be any ethnethicty that appears darker in the dimness of light….i think that id checked the bus terminal and homeless shelters, as well… guess , is that he had been watching, from a distance- waiting for the medic to be alone….if nothing was stolen, i also wonder if the medic had any enemies…obviously, this is all speculation…best wishes for a speedy recovery for the medic…hes quite fortunate to be alive today.

  18. FED UP on January 29th, 2011 12:11 pm

    It amazes me too the that people still say so much about race.
    We have so many races in America now I’m not sure how
    anyone can still see color as well as they do and all the hate
    and ignorance just jumps right out at you.
    Some of you people need to get in your vehicles and get out
    of this town for a few years. Leave here and move away from
    Mommy and Daddy and Aunt Loula May and go see the world
    for a few years. Your not the only one in it and the race card
    is so old it has dinosaur crap on it and just shows your simple
    minded ignorance.

  19. shae on January 29th, 2011 11:22 am

    I see news like this and my mind goes to the fact that our new Govenor wants to do cutbacks on our jails and law enforcement. Just think…..WOW

  20. Paul on January 29th, 2011 11:19 am

    NASCAR jackets are the style for thug wear. I don’t know why but it is.

  21. Mike on January 29th, 2011 10:22 am

    Sounds like the white suspect walked right past all the cops while they were searching for a black man! I’m sure there are a few out there, but how many black men do you know that wear NASCAR clothing?

  22. Tina on January 29th, 2011 9:32 am

    Go Figure
    ‘“searching for a suspect described only as a black male in his 30’s wearing a green jacket.”

    ??? How in this lovely world did you get that out of what the article said???

    “According to the EMT, the suspect was a either a light skinned black male or a white male wearing a lime green jacket. The jacket may have NASCAR type patches sewn onto it. ”

    Always playing the race card! Get over it, nobody cares anymore!!!

    I hope the EMT is doing better. Thank God he is not dead. Hope they catch this guy soon.

  23. :) on January 29th, 2011 7:46 am

    I was wondering why all the police were out stopping people last night. Every person that I saw walking down the street the police had them checking them out. It is ashame that someone would do this!!!! I would guess their motive was to get drugs??? Maybe rob the poor guy? who knows? For the earlier comment they said that they were looking for a LIGHT SKINNED BLACK MALE or a WHITE MALE!!! Dont be so quick to judge because all walks of life are cappable of doing this crime!!!

  24. harley1 on January 29th, 2011 6:31 am

    I’m with GRITS. Sadly though these incidents are getting worse as the economy goes down. Many are crackheads and dopers. To bad an armed citizen wasn’t there to shoot this dirtbag dead.

  25. dick tracy on January 29th, 2011 12:05 am

    Yo…….. “Grits”…….DITTO!!!!!!!!!!

  26. go figure on January 28th, 2011 11:56 pm

    “searching for a suspect described only as a black male in his 30’s wearing a green jacket.”

  27. GRITS on January 28th, 2011 10:38 pm

    Of all the things that have happened in the past, this one makes me see blood red and want to grab my gun and go hunting. Our EMS workers get spit on, hit, kicked and cussed out on a daily basis while trying to help people, all for very little pay. And now they’re getting SHOT while trying to do their job????

    When they catch the one that did this, we need to string him up in front of the courthouse and leave him there for the buzzards to pick his bones clean. And if anybody else decides to shoot at a cop or another emergency services worker, we’ll find some more rope!

  28. dick tracy on January 28th, 2011 9:43 pm

    What is wrong with you idiots??????