Atmore Police Investigate Overnight Armed Robbery

January 12, 2011

Atmore Police were on the scene of anĀ  early morning armed robbery of a convenience store in less than a minute, but the suspects managed to escape.

“Two black males, both wearing masks, entered the store and robbed the clerk on duty at gunpoint of an undisclosed amount of money while another remained outside,” according to Atmore Police Investigator Robby Williams. “All three fled on foot and were not on scene when police arrived within the same minute of the call.”

The robbery was reported at 3:25 a.m. Wednesday. Responding officers worked to establish a perimeter around the Kangaroo Express on West Nashville Avenue and tracking dogs were called from Fountain Correctional Facility. The K-9 unit was able to track the suspects to the Rocky Ridge Apartment Complex, according to Williams.

Williams said the Atmore Police Department is “actively investigating the case and will withhold further information pending the outcome of that investigation”. photo.


11 Responses to “Atmore Police Investigate Overnight Armed Robbery”

  1. gott2sayit on January 14th, 2011 8:01 pm

    All this will stop when we become a cashless society….what will they steal…who will they rob…when will they show up…why would they bother..guess they could steal debit cards huh ? We will see i am sure 0f that..thieves dont change nothing but their M O

  2. NONE on January 13th, 2011 8:31 am

    the people doing the robbing need to quit wanting something for nothing and get their sorry good for nothing selves a J-O-B. Stop stealing from those who do work you sorry pieces of trash!!!!!!!!!! They work and you take away from not only them, but their kids too. There ARE jobs out there, you just HAVE to want to work. You will be judged one day by GOD and you will pay then if you don’t pay before then….

  3. tennis girl on January 13th, 2011 7:04 am

    some people in this world have to take any job they can get. They can not pick and choose. They have to feed, clothe and put a roof over their families. I am so thankful that My God has looked out for me all these 66 years. I have been blessed and undeserving at times. But as I look back I know He has always been there

  4. Harry Callahan on January 13th, 2011 2:23 am

    Some of these kind of stores up north have drive in service only after about 10 in the evening. You drive up to the window, tell the clerk what you want, hand her/him the money, the clerk goes and gets it, rings it up, bags it, and passes the merchandise and change back thru the “bullet proof” window. I think they may be some in Pensacola.

  5. C W on January 12th, 2011 10:01 pm

    I was robbed in this same store in 1998. It does happen quickly, the guy that robbed me parked his car about a mile away at the end of Rockaway Creek Rd and ran all that way.

  6. Concerned on January 12th, 2011 9:55 pm

    That store has been robbed in the past so that’s not it’s first rodeo for being robbed. The clerk was very lucky that she did not get hurt or worse. I think that store and the one on north main should close at a certain time at night and open at a certain time in the morning. Because even if the clerk did not get hurt whose to say it won’t happen in the future. And if it does their blood is on the that Companies hands………just saying!!! That company needs to think about that and not the ALL AMERICAN DOLLAR!!!!!!!!!! cause you can not bring back a Loved One if anything happens to them.

  7. CandysVinceGill-NoMore on January 12th, 2011 6:28 pm

    NONE is right, i agree with him-her completely, and that time of night or morning is one of the most dangerous, crooks think everyone is asleep including the police, when they probably have the least amount of police patroling the city… they figure they can get away with it, and guess what, they usually do….

  8. Serious on January 12th, 2011 3:52 pm

    Atmore is Atmore and the whole city has gotten dangerous.There is no such thing as this side or that side.This actually happen acrossed the track and black and whites live near the store.Crime is happening every where and it is with all races.I hope they catch these people because we all should be able to leave our homes and go to work and feel safe.There is no need to argue over which side is doing what because again i say crime is every where.My prayers goes out to the person whom they robbed because i know he or she is very upset and scared.I do think more security should be around the stores or more clerks.I suggest more men at night than women.Sometimes people need more than just gas at stores.If your child is running a fever late at night you are able to get meds until you are able to reach the doctor the next morning.That is just one reason ,im sure there are plenty more,but i can understand why they would close at a certain time as well.Im sure some one is going to give these 3 characters up .I just hope they are given time behind bars and dont be repeaters.

  9. Bob on January 12th, 2011 3:39 pm

    Beg your pardon disgusted, Pray tell which side is the safe side?

  10. DISGUSTED! on January 12th, 2011 3:00 pm

    I completely agree! They don’t pay enough for someone to work that late, especially on that side of Atmore! If I had to work a job like that at night, I would definitely have my own protection within arms reach! I use to work in Atmore and I was scared every time I was at work, especially at night! We had shoplifters sometimes 3-4 times a night, just on my shift! & that doesn’t include the ones that we couldn’t catch! There are some crazy people in Atmore!

  11. NONE on January 12th, 2011 2:23 pm

    I don’t understand why these stores must stay open all night. I wouldn’t work at one of them for all the money in the world, that clerk could have been killed. let them pump their gas at the pump if they need gas that late and pay with a card…anything else they need, they can come back at daylight!