6 More States Joining Health Care Lawsuit

January 19, 2011

Six states are seeking to join Florida and 19 other states as plaintiffs challenging the federal health care law in federal court in Pensacola, Attorney General Pam Bondi announced Tuesday.

Iowa, Ohio, Kansas, Wyoming, Wisconsin and Maine are seeking to join the suit. Ohio and Kansas have newly elected Republican attorneys general, while Wisconsin’s Republican attorney general just won a second term. Iowa’s Attorney General, Tom Miller, is a Democrat, as is Wyoming Attorney General Bruce Salzburg.

The National Federation of Independent Business is also a plaintiff in the lawsuit, which is pending in federal court. The suit challenges the constitutionality of the requirement that individuals purchase health insurance or face a penalty, and the requirement that states pay for expanded coverage through Medicaid.

“The addition of six new states to Florida’s federal healthcare lawsuit speaks volumes about the detrimental impact of ObamaCare at both the state and national level,” Florida Gov. Rick Scott said Tuesday afternoon. “Not only does ObamaCare threaten our freedom, it will mandate an expansion of Medicaid that threatens Florida’s fiscal well-being.”


10 Responses to “6 More States Joining Health Care Lawsuit”

  1. just tired on January 23rd, 2011 8:07 am

    You know, there are so many people who are against this healthcare plan just because it was implemented by Democrats. They haven’t read the bill, probably would not understand most of it if they did read it, so instead, they just jump on the band wagon with everyone else who is against it. I know some people personally, who has already benefitted from the plan, but before they will speak up in favor of it , they just keep quiet because they are Republicans and they have to stick with their party. Regardless, whether or not this bill is repealed, we the American people are still going to have to pay for those who do not have insurance, so why not try and make it possible for everyone to have health care.
    I am just so tired of all the propaganda. At least the Democrats are trying to do something about the Healthcare crisis that our country is in. Like I always say and will continue to say unless I see different, Republicans only care about the rich. So all Republicans who do not meet this criteria should wake up and realize what your representatiives are really all about.

  2. N M on January 23rd, 2011 6:12 am

    why don’t no one look at the postive everyone will be able to have benefits. i work at a hospital and out of 25 ppl 10 don’t have ins. If everybody would just stop thinking about themselves all the time the world would be a better place.

  3. CreamPuff on January 20th, 2011 11:19 am

    yes, they are.

  4. David Huie Green on January 20th, 2011 9:30 am

    as written it’s a form of benevolent slavery, though

  5. sara on January 19th, 2011 6:11 pm

    Are you crazy, this is the best thing that can happen to this country. Everyone de-serves to have basic healthcare in a civilized society. Costs would go down for everyone and people without insurance would not have to go to the ER for pre-ventable illnesses. All the Republican congressmen that want this repealed have the best insurance available. I think they should put their insurance where their mouth is– If we can’t have health coverage for every US citizen, then they should give up their health insurance!

  6. Jane on January 19th, 2011 3:23 pm

    Keep emailing/writing your congressmen/congresswomen! Make them aware of what you want! If they pass laws we don’t want and we keep quiet, we are giving them permission to take away our freedom! make sure any democrats in the senate know what you want regarding the health care repeal. The senate and House CAN override Obama’s veto!!!!

  7. Jim W on January 19th, 2011 2:12 pm

    The momentum is rolling. I hope it keeps going.

  8. aubrey king on January 19th, 2011 8:27 am

    Hope we win it.This health care bill is a joke and so many people still believe in it.Wake up America before the goverment takes over your lives.

  9. JimD on January 19th, 2011 7:04 am

    Everyone should contact their Represenative and let them know how they feel. The only thing that I like about ObamaCare is that my children are not forced off my plan before they finish school…as long as they are in school until age 26 they are covered. Being forced to participate is a form of socialism and a distribution of weath….everyone has seen how much Obama has screwed up the country with wasting last year on passing this into law in the middle of the night and back room deals. The American public removed one person from the devils triangle when the Republicans took back control of the House. Harry Reid was able to win with the Hispanic vote and the lack of interest from the democratic party on immirgration policy…so we have him in office for what 6 more years….The American public can correct the GREAT WRONG that happended two years ago by voting him out in 2012.

    YES America…take back control of our country from the sleeze of Washington…remember…THEY WORK FOR US.

  10. JUDY MASEK on January 19th, 2011 2:22 am
