2010 Persons Of The Year: Nadine McCaw

January 3, 2011

NorthEscambia.com is naming Persons of the Year for 2010 each day this week. Click here for previous recipients.

Nadine McCaw of Century has been named one of our North Escambia Persons of the Year for 2010.

http://www.northescambia.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/nadine11.jpgPublicly, Nadine is known because she currently serves as a member of the Century Town Council. And she’s worked tirelessly to support the Century Relay for Life. And she is active in the Century Chamber of Commerce, and her church, the First Baptist Church of Century. And she was one of those helpful ladies checking out our books at the Century Branch Library. And the list goes on of the public things Nadine is seen doing for the town she loves.

But perhaps Nadine is most deserving of being a North Escambia Person of the Year for being the person that most people never see.

Like any grandparent, Nadine loves her grandchildren and cherishes every moment with them. When Rebecca Jones, 4, was born,  it was grandchild number eight for Nadine and Eddie, her husband of 39 years. It was a happy time with a new life in the world. But within a matter of days, Nadine was told that her life was about to be over.

While visiting with Rebecca, Nadine got sick. Five doctors and two weeks later, she had been told five times that she was not likely to survive the invasive cervical cancer that doctors found. She even saw one of the top cancer doctors in the South at the University of Alabama Birmingham.

Lead specialist at UAB told Nadine that if she survived the surgery, she might have six months to live.

Nadine knew the possibility of dying from cancer was very real. When Nadine was three, her mother died from cancer at age 21.  Her brother-in-law died from colon cancer. The list of relatives in her family that died from cancer is a long one.

Her family, her friends, her church…they all prayed. And prayed.

Prayer worked.

She went from doctors telling her she had six months to live, to being one of the most important words in the world of cancer — survivor.

Fast forward to 2010. Nadine was diagnosed with renal caner. She had one of her kidneys and several lymph nodes removed in October and continues to recover at home.

The Century community rallied behind Nadine as she was faced with inadequate insurance and mounting medical bills. Hundreds of fish plates were sold, walkers braved frigid temps and other events worked to raise funds for Nadine. Community members posted purple bows to show their support for the lady that helped Century in so many ways.

Many of those ways Nadine helped Century were very quiet — those that know Nadine know that she likes to stay far from the spotlight. Humble does not begin to explain Nadine.

Most never knew about the times she dug into her own pocket to buy items for the library, plants to decorate city hall, plants for a local park or Christmas decorations for all. Most never knew while bedridden with renal cancer, she participated in a town council meeting.

Most never knew about the friends and relatives she worked to care for. Most never knew of the times she and husband Eddie would walk the town and pick up trash.

Most never knew the Nadine McCaw for which we name her a North Escambia Person of the Year.


23 Responses to “2010 Persons Of The Year: Nadine McCaw”

  1. Thank you, William. on January 4th, 2011 3:15 pm

    I’m sure I wasn’t the only person who nominated Nadine because she’s just that kind of person, but I am SOOO glad that William and his staff chose her. It always warms the heart when someone you know deserves some recognition actually receives it!

    Congratulations, Nadine. We’re all praying for you and your family. God bless.

  2. Trish on January 4th, 2011 2:49 pm

    It is nice to see in print what I have known for several years now. Love you Nadine and we truly miss you at the library.

  3. Dianne Simmons on January 4th, 2011 12:04 pm

    Congratulations to Nadine. She has been an inspiration to many people. She has worked so hard to make sure Century is a better place to live. It has not been easy over the years,but she continues on. This award is only a small prize for all she has done for her city and the people in it. Thank you Nadine for being my friend. Love you and you are always in my prayers. Get well soon.

  4. Beau & Sylvia on January 3rd, 2011 10:24 pm

    Congratulation Nadine. You deserved this award. You have worked hard to make Century a better place to live. We are so proud of you. We love you very much!

  5. Beau & Sylvia on January 3rd, 2011 10:20 pm

    Congratulations Nadine. You so deserve this honor. We so proud of you I don’t know of anyone who has tried any harder than you have to make our town a better place to live.You have always put everyone ahead of yourself, because that is just the kind of person you are. We love you and appreciate you so much!

  6. Rose Wilson on January 3rd, 2011 10:08 pm

    congratulations your # 1God Bless you . your the best one for this you deserve this . get well we need you love ya

  7. Cesar Gonzalez on January 3rd, 2011 9:20 pm

    I meet her a year ago, and I remember when I went to the library for the first time, she was a sweet lady. When I returned home, I asked my inlaws who she was, and everybody at home told me great stories about her. When I saw her again, I understood what my family was talking about. She is a precious lady. I miss you in the council meetings and at church. We love you Nadine, God Bless you. Cesar G.

  8. Beasleys of Guntersville, AL on January 3rd, 2011 8:43 pm

    Congratulations Nadine…..met your Daughter, Felicia at Crawmamas in Guntersville this past year….Thanks for your hard work in Century….my home town…….class of 62….Gary

  9. Bob & Jane Howington on January 3rd, 2011 7:08 pm


    We are thankful to
    GOD for all HIS merciful blessings poured on you. You are HIS special child. Many blessings on you and your whole family. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
    Love, Jane & Bob I Corinthians 13

  10. Jessica James on January 3rd, 2011 4:42 pm

    The American Cancer Society loves you, Nadine, and cannot thank you enough for your support and dedication! You are an inspiration to us all!!

  11. Hazel-McCaw-McCoy on January 3rd, 2011 4:25 pm

    Well I’m Nadines sister-in -law, she has been in my life my entire life! I’m 41 and she and my brother have been married for 39 yrs. I spent almost every summer at there house after we moved from Century to Mississippi. I have so many memories there! I to am a cancer survivor! It does run in our family but we are FIGHTERS and most of BELIEVERS iN PRAYER!!! We know GOD is in control. I’m praying daily for you Dean and for Eddie Wayne also. I wish I was closer so I could come more often. I love yall and we are here if yall need us!!

  12. Mike White on January 3rd, 2011 4:14 pm

    Nadine, it couldn’t have been anyone more inspirational, anyone more deserving…I have a feeling you were “person of the year” many years ago….Congratulations, and know that you have MANY friends that love you and pray for your complete recovery.

  13. Lisa on January 3rd, 2011 1:28 pm

    Congratulations – and of course! We love you Nadine!

  14. Sandra Rich on January 3rd, 2011 12:20 pm

    Hi Nadine,

    This could not have gone to a more deserving person. I keep checking on your status on FB. I can’t wait to hear that you have received a clean bill of health again. Keep fighting. You are a survivor. Wish still lived there to come see you & see how I can help, but I have kept you & the whole family in my prayers ever since I heard about your cancer returning. Love ya.

  15. Felicia McCaw Jones on January 3rd, 2011 11:44 am

    My mom has given so much of herself to the town, I am glad to see that it was not all unnoticed. Though she does not care about recognition one bit, I love for people to know what she has done and how much she loves Century.

    Love you mom!

  16. pam wood on January 3rd, 2011 10:02 am

    The most impt words in the article: Prayer worked. We keep your precious family in our prayers all of the time. We love you, Nadine. Congratulations ! Well deserved. What a witness you are to all who will see. God is very pleased with that witness and we all praise Him for the uplifting you give to us all.

  17. Leslie Gonzalez on January 3rd, 2011 9:59 am

    Nadine, I enjoyed reading the story of your history beating this dreadful disease.
    You are a fighter! And a winner!

    Town of Century residents have been delighted to give back just a tiny portion of what you’ve given to so many. I can’t wait to congratulate you when you once again get your clean bill of health!

  18. Willene Bryan on January 3rd, 2011 8:41 am

    Oh my goodness, this is what I wanted to see. Nadine is the most caring loving person I know. She would give you the shirt off her back if you were in need or not. She has done so much for the Town of Century and so many organizations that know one knows about also for friends, family and just anyone that met her that was in need. Nadine and Joann’s mother was my sister. She died young and there Dad was having a hard time coping with it. My mom, there grandmother raise them. I was just two month’s older than Nadine. This is why I call Nadine and Joann my sister’s. We were three years old when there mother died. So we have always been together. And Nadine has always been this type of person, caring, loving and just all around a good person. Congratulations Nadine you deserve this. Love you

  19. Tammy Amison on January 3rd, 2011 8:39 am

    Congratulation’s to a most deserving person.

  20. escambiamom on January 3rd, 2011 7:53 am

    Wonderful! Also inspiring! Congratulations!
    May you have many more opportunities for service.

  21. Angi B. on January 3rd, 2011 7:07 am

    Congratulations Mrs. McCaw for the well deserved Person of the year, You have done so much for this town; may god continue to keep his hands on you and keep healing you from all of your sickness. Bless You…

  22. Julie Booth-Moran on January 3rd, 2011 6:35 am

    Congratations Nadine! Well deserved! Always worked hard to make Century a prettier place, as the first Fl city entered on Hwy 29, such as planting flowers & making sure the flags were looking nice upon entering the city limits north/south bound. Nadine cares about our town and tried to inspire others to take an interest.

    God bless you, Nadine and again congratulations!

  23. ArmyCptswife on January 3rd, 2011 5:47 am

    I love you mom!!!!!!