1165th Military Police Company Deploys For Afghanistan

January 4, 2011

Monday was an emotional day as family members of the 1165th Military Police Company said farewell to their soldiers as they headed to war in Afghanistan, the second deployment for the group in five years.

“You’ve given your service member to us. Your sacrifice is appreciated and is not forgotten. You are our heroes also,”  Brigadier General Charles Gailes told the soldiers during a deployment ceremony held in Fairhope.

“I order you to return safely,” Lt. Col. James McLong told the unit during official orders.

After the ceremony, the soldiers — based in Fairhope and Brewton — were given 20 minutes say their goodbyes to family members. Afterwards, their convey of buses left with a Patriot Guard escort along the flag-lined streets of Fairhope on their way for about a month of training in H attiesburg, Mississippi before deploying to Camp Eggars in Kabul Afghanistan to provide security. Camp Eggers is near the Presidential Palace and the U.S. Embassy.

The members of the 1165th are expected to be in Afghanistan for 12 to 18 months.

Pictured above and below: Deployment ceremony for the 1165th Military Police Company held Monday afternoon in Fairhope. Courtesy photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “1165th Military Police Company Deploys For Afghanistan”

  1. TriedKeepingQuiet on January 7th, 2011 3:07 pm

    God Bless all the troops leaving with the 1165th, and Bless all of those who have already been deployed and who are currently serving. Thanks to all you do! Looking forward to your safe return!

  2. Julie on January 4th, 2011 8:37 pm

    Thank you to the City of Fairhope and the Patriot Guard. The ceremony was more than we families imagined it could be. Thank you.

  3. Jim W on January 4th, 2011 2:41 pm

    I know some of the people from Brewton who are in this unit. So, to them and the entire unit “God Speed” and return to us safely. God Bless our troops.

  4. Just An Old Soldier on January 4th, 2011 12:08 pm

    Posting the individuals names from the unit would be a violation of Operational Security.

    To the Unit: Good Luck, and Stay Safe! Godspeed!

  5. curious on January 4th, 2011 8:30 am

    Is there any way to get the names of this deployment group?