Tonight’s Century Council Meeting Rescheduled

January 18, 2010

The normal third Monday night meeting of the Century Town Council has been rescheduled due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

The meeting will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, January 19, at 5 p.m. at the Century Town Hall. All meetings are open to the public.

Local Girls Take Top Honors In Twirling Competition

January 18, 2010


Two North Escambia girls brought home top honors from a weekend twirling competition.

Raychell Baker of Byrneville and Colbi Kendall of Flomaton took part in the National Baton Twirling Association International Twirltacular Extravaganza in Defuniak Springs. Baker is a member of the TwirlTime twirlers under the instruction of Angie Shelly of Atmore, and Kendall is a member of the Santa Rosa and Escambia Twirlers under the instruction of Melissa Majors of Pensacola.

Kendall placed as follows:

  • 1st place in the Challenger Cup, age division (9-12)
  • 3rd place in the Open solo 1 baton, under (NBTA division) age division (10-12) group.
  • 1st place in the 2 baton, under (NBTA Grand Championship Division) age division (9-11)

Baker placed as follows:

  • 1st place in the Open Solo 1 baton, under (other division) age division (10-12) group
  • 2nd place in the State of Florida Solo 1 baton, under (other division) age division (10-12) group.

Pictured above: Colbi Kendall (left) and Raychell Baker completed in a weekend twirling competition. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.

MLK: The Drum Major Instinct

January 18, 2010

Across North Escambia and our nation, Americans will celebrate and remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today.

King’s efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. There, he raised public consciousness of the civil rights movement and established himself as one of the greatest orators in U.S. history.

Another lesser known but powerful speech entitled “The Drum Major Instinct” was delivered by Dr. King on February 4, 1968, as sermon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. In “The Drum Major Instinct,” King said everyone can be great because everyone can serve. King clearly understood the joy of service to others, and his words have never been truer or more important than they are today.

It was King’s last sermon at Ebenezer Baptist, and the audio was replayed at his funeral.

“The Drum Major Instinct” is reprinted below in its entirety.

This morning I would like to use as a subject from which to preach: “The Drum Major Instinct.” “The Drum Major Instinct.” And our text for the morning is taken from a very familiar passage in the tenth chapter as recorded by Saint Mark. Beginning with the thirty-fifth verse of that chapter, we read these words: “And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came unto him saying, ‘Master, we would that thou shouldest do for us whatsoever we shall desire.’ And he said unto them, ‘What would ye that I should do for you?’ And they said unto him, ‘Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory.’ But Jesus said unto them, ‘Ye know not what ye ask: Can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?’ And they said unto him, ‘We can.’ And Jesus said unto them, ‘Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of, and with the baptism that I am baptized withal shall ye be baptized: but to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give; but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared.’” And then Jesus goes on toward the end of that passage to say, “But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your servant: and whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.”

The setting is clear. James and John are making a specific request of the master. They had dreamed, as most of the Hebrews dreamed, of a coming king of Israel who would set Jerusalem free and establish his kingdom on Mount Zion, and in righteousness rule the world. And they thought of Jesus as this kind of king. And they were thinking of that day when Jesus would reign supreme as this new king of Israel. And they were saying, “Now when you establish your kingdom, let one of us sit on the right hand and the other on the left hand of your throne.”

Now very quickly, we would automatically condemn James and John, and we would say they were selfish. Why would they make such a selfish request? But before we condemn them too quickly, let us look calmly and honestly at ourselves, and we will discover that we too have those same basic desires for recognition, for importance. That same desire for attention, that same desire to be first. Of course, the other disciples got mad with James and John, and you could understand why, but we must understand that we have some of the same James and John qualities. And there is deep down within all of us an instinct. It’s a kind of drum major instinct-a desire to be out front, a desire to lead the parade, a desire to be first. And it is something that runs the whole gamut of life.

And so before we condemn them, let us see that we all have the drum major instinct. We all want to be important, to surpass others, to achieve distinction, to lead the parade. Alfred Adler, the great psychoanalyst, contends that this is the dominant impulse. Sigmund Freud used to contend that sex was the dominant impulse, and Adler came with a new argument saying that this quest for recognition, this desire for attention, this desire for distinction is the basic impulse, the basic drive of human life, this drum major instinct.

And you know, we begin early to ask life to put us first. Our first cry as a baby was a bid for attention. And all through childhood the drum major impulse or instinct is a major obsession. Children ask life to grant them first place. They are a little bundle of ego. And they have innately the drum major impulse or the drum major instinct.

Now in adult life, we still have it, and we really never get by it. We like to do something good. And you know, we like to be praised for it. Now if you don’t believe that, you just go on living life, and you will discover very soon that you like to be praised. Everybody likes it, as a matter of fact. And somehow this warm glow we feel when we are praised or when our name is in print is something of the vitamin A to our ego. Nobody is unhappy when they are praised, even if they know they don’t deserve it and even if they don’t believe it. The only unhappy people about praise is when that praise is going too much toward somebody else. (That’s right) But everybody likes to be praised because of this real drum major instinct.

Now the presence of the drum major instinct is why so many people are “joiners.” You know, there are some people who just join everything. And it’s really a quest for attention and recognition and importance. And they get names that give them that impression. So you get your groups, and they become the “Grand Patron,” and the little fellow who is henpecked at home needs a chance to be the “Most Worthy of the Most Worthy” of something. It is the drum major impulse and longing that runs the gamut of human life. And so we see it everywhere, this quest for recognition. And we join things, overjoin really, that we think that we will find that recognition in.

Now the presence of this instinct explains why we are so often taken by advertisers. You know, those gentlemen of massive verbal persuasion. And they have a way of saying things to you that kind of gets you into buying. In order to be a man of distinction, you must drink this whiskey. In order to make your neighbors envious, you must drive this type of car. (Make it plain) In order to be lovely to love you must wear this kind of lipstick or this kind of perfume. And you know, before you know it, you’re just buying that stuff. (Yes) That’s the way the advertisers do it.

I got a letter the other day, and it was a new magazine coming out. And it opened up, “Dear Dr. King: As you know, you are on many mailing lists. And you are categorized as highly intelligent, progressive, a lover of the arts and the sciences, and I know you will want to read what I have to say.” Of course I did. After you said all of that and explained me so exactly, of course I wanted to read it. [laughter]

But very seriously, it goes through life; the drum major instinct is real. (Yes) And you know what else it causes to happen? It often causes us to live above our means. (Make it plain) It’s nothing but the drum major instinct. Do you ever see people buy cars that they can’t even begin to buy in terms of their income? (Amen) [laughter] You’ve seen people riding around in Cadillacs and Chryslers who don’t earn enough to have a good T-Model Ford. (Make it plain) But it feeds a repressed ego.

You know, economists tell us that your automobile should not cost more than half of your annual income. So if you make an income of five thousand dollars, your car shouldn’t cost more than about twenty-five hundred. That’s just good economics. And if it’s a family of two, and both members of the family make ten thousand dollars, they would have to make out with one car. That would be good economics, although it’s often inconvenient. But so often, haven’t you seen people making five thousand dollars a year and driving a car that costs six thousand? And they wonder why their ends never meet. [laughter] That’s a fact.

Now the economists also say that your house shouldn’t cost-if you’re buying a house, it shouldn’t cost more than twice your income. That’s based on the economy and how you would make ends meet. So, if you have an income of five thousand dollars, it’s kind of difficult in this society. But say it’s a family with an income of ten thousand dollars, the house shouldn’t cost much more than twenty thousand. Well, I’ve seen folk making ten thousand dollars, living in a forty- and fifty-thousand-dollar house. And you know they just barely make it. They get a check every month somewhere, and they owe all of that out before it comes in. Never have anything to put away for rainy days.

But now the problem is, it is the drum major instinct. And you know, you see people over and over again with the drum major instinct taking them over. And they just live their lives trying to outdo the Joneses. (Amen) They got to get this coat because this particular coat is a little better and a little better-looking than Mary’s coat. And I got to drive this car because it’s something about this car that makes my car a little better than my neighbor’s car. (Amen) I know a man who used to live in a thirty-five-thousand-dollar house. And other people started building thirty-five-thousand-dollar houses, so he built a seventy-five-thousand-dollar house. And then somebody else built a seventy-five-thousand-dollar house, and he built a hundred-thousand-dollar house. And I don’t know where he’s going to end up if he’s going to live his life trying to keep up with the Joneses.

There comes a time that the drum major instinct can become destructive. (Make it plain) And that’s where I want to move now. I want to move to the point of saying that if this instinct is not harnessed, it becomes a very dangerous, pernicious instinct. For instance, if it isn’t harnessed, it causes one’s personality to become distorted. I guess that’s the most damaging aspect of it: what it does to the personality. If it isn’t harnessed, you will end up day in and day out trying to deal with your ego problem by boasting. Have you ever heard people that-you know, and I’m sure you’ve met them-that really become sickening because they just sit up all the time talking about themselves. (Amen) And they just boast and boast and boast, and that’s the person who has not harnessed the drum major instinct.

And then it does other things to the personality. It causes you to lie about who you know sometimes. (Amen, Make it plain) There are some people who are influence peddlers. And in their attempt to deal with the drum major instinct, they have to try to identify with the so-called big-name people. (Yeah, Make it plain) And if you’re not careful, they will make you think they know somebody that they don’t really know. (Amen) They know them well, they sip tea with them, and they this-and-that. That happens to people.

And the other thing is that it causes one to engage ultimately in activities that are merely used to get attention. Criminologists tell us that some people are driven to crime because of this drum major instinct. They don’t feel that they are getting enough attention through the normal channels of social behavior, and so they turn to anti-social behavior in order to get attention, in order to feel important. (Yeah) And so they get that gun, and before they know it they robbed a bank in a quest for recognition, in a quest for importance.

And then the final great tragedy of the distorted personality is the fact that when one fails to harness this instinct, (Glory to God) he ends up trying to push others down in order to push himself up. (Amen) And whenever you do that, you engage in some of the most vicious activities. You will spread evil, vicious, lying gossip on people, because you are trying to pull them down in order to push yourself up. (Make it plain) And the great issue of life is to harness the drum major instinct.

Now the other problem is, when you don’t harness the drum major instinct-this uncontrolled aspect of it-is that it leads to snobbish exclusivism. It leads to snobbish exclusivism. (Make it plain) And you know, this is the danger of social clubs and fraternities-I’m in a fraternity; I’m in two or three-for sororities and all of these, I’m not talking against them. I’m saying it’s the danger. The danger is that they can become forces of classism and exclusivism where somehow you get a degree of satisfaction because you are in something exclusive. And that’s fulfilling something, you know-that I’m in this fraternity, and it’s the best fraternity in the world, and everybody can’t get in this fraternity. So it ends up, you know, a very exclusive kind of thing.

And you know, that can happen with the church; I know churches get in that bind sometimes. (Amen, Make it plain) I’ve been to churches, you know, and they say, “We have so many doctors, and so many school teachers, and so many lawyers, and so many businessmen in our church.” And that’s fine, because doctors need to go to church, and lawyers, and businessmen, teachers-they ought to be in church. But they say that-even the preacher sometimes will go all through that-they say that as if the other people don’t count. (Amen)

And the church is the one place where a doctor ought to forget that he’s a doctor. The church is the one place where a Ph.D. ought to forget that he’s a Ph.D. (Yes) The church is the one place that the school teacher ought to forget the degree she has behind her name. The church is the one place where the lawyer ought to forget that he’s a lawyer. And any church that violates the “whosoever will, let him come” doctrine is a dead, cold church, (Yes) and nothing but a little social club with a thin veneer of religiosity.

When the church is true to its nature, (Whoo) it says, “Whosoever will, let him come.” (Yes) And it does not supposed to satisfy the perverted uses of the drum major instinct. It’s the one place where everybody should be the same, standing before a common master and savior. (Yes, sir) And a recognition grows out of this-that all men are brothers because they are children (Yes) of a common father.

The drum major instinct can lead to exclusivism in one’s thinking and can lead one to feel that because he has some training, he’s a little better than that person who doesn’t have it. Or because he has some economic security, that he’s a little better than that person who doesn’t have it. And that’s the uncontrolled, perverted use of the drum major instinct.

Now the other thing is, that it leads to tragic-and we’ve seen it happen so often-tragic race prejudice. Many who have written about this problem-Lillian Smith used to say it beautifully in some of her books. And she would say it to the point of getting men and women to see the source of the problem. Do you know that a lot of the race problem grows out of the drum major instinct? A need that some people have to feel superior. A need that some people have to feel that they are first, and to feel that their white skin ordained them to be first. (Make it plain, today, ‘cause I’m against it, so help me God) And they have said over and over again in ways that we see with our own eyes. In fact, not too long ago, a man down in Mississippi said that God was a charter member of the White Citizens Council. And so God being the charter member means that everybody who’s in that has a kind of divinity, a kind of superiority. And think of what has happened in history as a result of this perverted use of the drum major instinct. It has led to the most tragic prejudice, the most tragic expressions of man’s inhumanity to man.

The other day I was saying, I always try to do a little converting when I’m in jail. And when we were in jail in Birmingham the other day, the white wardens and all enjoyed coming around the cell to talk about the race problem. And they were showing us where we were so wrong demonstrating. And they were showing us where segregation was so right. And they were showing us where intermarriage was so wrong. So I would get to preaching, and we would get to talking-calmly, because they wanted to talk about it. And then we got down one day to the point-that was the second or third day-to talk about where they lived, and how much they were earning. And when those brothers told me what they were earning, I said, “Now, you know what? You ought to be marching with us. [laughter] You’re just as poor as Negroes.” And I said, “You are put in the position of supporting your oppressor, because through prejudice and blindness, you fail to see that the same forces that oppress Negroes in American society oppress poor white people. (Yes) And all you are living on is the satisfaction of your skin being white, and the drum major instinct of thinking that you are somebody big because you are white. And you’re so poor you can’t send your children to school. You ought to be out here marching with every one of us every time we have a march.”

Now that’s a fact. That the poor white has been put into this position, where through blindness and prejudice, (Make it plain) he is forced to support his oppressors. And the only thing he has going for him is the false feeling that he’s superior because his skin is white-and can’t hardly eat and make his ends meet week in and week out. (Amen)

And not only does this thing go into the racial struggle, it goes into the struggle between nations. And I would submit to you this morning that what is wrong in the world today is that the nations of the world are engaged in a bitter, colossal contest for supremacy. And if something doesn’t happen to stop this trend, I’m sorely afraid that we won’t be here to talk about Jesus Christ and about God and about brotherhood too many more years. (Yeah) If somebody doesn’t bring an end to this suicidal thrust that we see in the world today, none of us are going to be around, because somebody’s going to make the mistake through our senseless blunderings of dropping a nuclear bomb somewhere. And then another one is going to drop. And don’t let anybody fool you, this can happen within a matter of seconds. (Amen) They have twenty-megaton bombs in Russia right now that can destroy a city as big as New York in three seconds, with everybody wiped away, and every building. And we can do the same thing to Russia and China.

But this is why we are drifting. And we are drifting there because nations are caught up with the drum major instinct. “I must be first.” “I must be supreme.” “Our nation must rule the world.” (Preach it) And I am sad to say that the nation in which we live is the supreme culprit. And I’m going to continue to say it to America, because I love this country too much to see the drift that it has taken.

God didn’t call America to do what she’s doing in the world now. (Preach it, preach it) God didn’t call America to engage in a senseless, unjust war as the war in Vietnam. And we are criminals in that war. We’ve committed more war crimes almost than any nation in the world, and I’m going to continue to say it. And we won’t stop it because of our pride and our arrogance as a nation.

But God has a way of even putting nations in their place. (Amen) The God that I worship has a way of saying, “Don’t play with me.” (Yes) He has a way of saying, as the God of the Old Testament used to say to the Hebrews, “Don’t play with me, Israel. Don’t play with me, Babylon. (Yes) Be still and know that I’m God. And if you don’t stop your reckless course, I’ll rise up and break the backbone of your power.” (Yes) And that can happen to America. (Yes) Every now and then I go back and read Gibbons’ Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. And when I come and look at America, I say to myself, the parallels are frightening. And we have perverted the drum major instinct.

But let me rush on to my conclusion, because I want you to see what Jesus was really saying. What was the answer that Jesus gave these men? It’s very interesting. One would have thought that Jesus would have condemned them. One would have thought that Jesus would have said, “You are out of your place. You are selfish. Why would you raise such a question?”

But that isn’t what Jesus did; he did something altogether different. He said in substance, “Oh, I see, you want to be first. You want to be great. You want to be important. You want to be significant. Well, you ought to be. If you’re going to be my disciple, you must be.” But he reordered priorities. And he said, “Yes, don’t give up this instinct. It’s a good instinct if you use it right. (Yes) It’s a good instinct if you don’t distort it and pervert it. Don’t give it up. Keep feeling the need for being important. Keep feeling the need for being first. But I want you to be first in love. (Amen) I want you to be first in moral excellence. I want you to be first in generosity. That is what I want you to do.”

And he transformed the situation by giving a new definition of greatness. And you know how he said it? He said, “Now brethren, I can’t give you greatness. And really, I can’t make you first.” This is what Jesus said to James and John. “You must earn it. True greatness comes not by favoritism, but by fitness. And the right hand and the left are not mine to give, they belong to those who are prepared.” (Amen)

And so Jesus gave us a new norm of greatness. If you want to be important-wonderful. If you want to be recognized-wonderful. If you want to be great-wonderful. But recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. (Amen) That’s a new definition of greatness.

And this morning, the thing that I like about it: by giving that definition of greatness, it means that everybody can be great, (Everybody) because everybody can serve. (Amen) You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. (All right) You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You don’t have to know Einstein’s theory of relativity to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. (Amen) You only need a heart full of grace, (Yes, sir, Amen) a soul generated by love. (Yes) And you can be that servant.

I know a man-and I just want to talk about him a minute, and maybe you will discover who I’m talking about as I go down the way (Yeah) because he was a great one. And he just went about serving. He was born in an obscure village, (Yes, sir) the child of a poor peasant woman. And then he grew up in still another obscure village, where he worked as a carpenter until he was thirty years old. (Amen) Then for three years, he just got on his feet, and he was an itinerant preacher. And he went about doing some things. He didn’t have much. He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never had a family. (Yes) He never owned a house. He never went to college. He never visited a big city. He never went two hundred miles from where he was born. He did none of the usual things that the world would associate with greatness. He had no credentials but himself.

He was only thirty-three when the tide of public opinion turned against him. They called him a rabble-rouser. They called him a troublemaker. They said he was an agitator. (Glory to God) He practiced civil disobedience; he broke injunctions. And so he was turned over to his enemies and went through the mockery of a trial. And the irony of it all is that his friends turned him over to them. (Amen) One of his closest friends denied him. Another of his friends turned him over to his enemies. And while he was dying, the people who killed him gambled for his clothing, the only possession that he had in the world. (Lord help him) When he was dead he was buried in a borrowed tomb, through the pity of a friend.

Nineteen centuries have come and gone and today he stands as the most influential figure that ever entered human history. All of the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, and all the kings that ever reigned put together (Yes) have not affected the life of man on this earth (Amen) as much as that one solitary life. His name may be a familiar one. (Jesus) But today I can hear them talking about him. Every now and then somebody says, “He’s King of Kings.” (Yes) And again I can hear somebody saying, “He’s Lord of Lords.” Somewhere else I can hear somebody saying, “In Christ there is no East nor West.” (Yes) And then they go on and talk about, “In Him there’s no North and South, but one great Fellowship of Love throughout the whole wide world.” He didn’t have anything. (Amen) He just went around serving and doing good.

This morning, you can be on his right hand and his left hand if you serve. (Amen) It’s the only way in.

Every now and then I guess we all think realistically (Yes, sir) about that day when we will be victimized with what is life’s final common denominator-that something that we call death. We all think about it. And every now and then I think about my own death and I think about my own funeral. And I don’t think of it in a morbid sense. And every now and then I ask myself, “What is it that I would want said?” And I leave the word to you this morning.

If any of you are around when I have to meet my day, I don’t want a long funeral. And if you get somebody to deliver the eulogy, tell them not to talk too long. (Yes) And every now and then I wonder what I want them to say. Tell them not to mention that I have a Nobel Peace Prize-that isn’t important. Tell them not to mention that I have three or four hundred other awards-that’s not important. Tell them not to mention where I went to school. (Yes)

I’d like somebody to mention that day that Martin Luther King, Jr., tried to give his life serving others. (Yes)

I’d like for somebody to say that day that Martin Luther King, Jr., tried to love somebody.

I want you to say that day that I tried to be right on the war question. (Amen)

I want you to be able to say that day that I did try to feed the hungry. (Yes)

And I want you to be able to say that day that I did try in my life to clothe those who were naked. (Yes)

I want you to say on that day that I did try in my life to visit those who were in prison. (Lord)

I want you to say that I tried to love and serve humanity. (Yes)

Yes, if you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice. (Amen) Say that I was a drum major for peace. (Yes) I was a drum major for righteousness. And all of the other shallow things will not matter. (Yes) I won’t have any money to leave behind. I won’t have the fine and luxurious things of life to leave behind. But I just want to leave a committed life behind. (Amen) And that’s all I want to say.

If I can help somebody as I pass along,

If I can cheer somebody with a word or song,

If I can show somebody he’s traveling wrong,

Then my living will not be in vain.

If I can do my duty as a Christian ought,

If I can bring salvation to a world once wrought,

If I can spread the message as the master taught,

Then my living will not be in vain.

Yes, Jesus, I want to be on your right or your left side, (Yes) not for any selfish reason. I want to be on your right or your left side, not in terms of some political kingdom or ambition. But I just want to be there in love and in justice and in truth and in commitment to others, so that we can make of this old world a new world.

Century & Molino To Pensacola Bus Is ECAT’s Most Expensive

January 18, 2010

The Escambia County Area Transit bus that runs from Century and Molino to Pensacola is the most expensive bus per person and the most expensive bus per hour in the entire public transportation system in the county. But to those that ride it, the “Route 60″ bus in the one of the most important buses in the ECAT network.

The “Route 60″ bus makes three weekday trips between Century and the ECAT transfer center where it allows riders to connect to the rest of the ECAT network. It makes the run twice on Saturdays.

The bus costs $11.15 per passenger to operate, according to ECAT numbers from the last fiscal year — a decrease from $16.27 the previous year. That’s the most expensive cost per passenger by far over any other bus in the system, with every other route falling below $8 per person (except for a free tourist route). The next most expensive route per person is a crosstown/airport route that costs ECAT $7.82 per person. The Century and Molino to Pensacola bus is also the most expensive per hour to operate in the ECAT system, at $60.67, down from $78.29 per hour the previous year.


The bus provides transportation to and from Pensacola for Century and Molino residents that otherwise might not have a way to get to and from Pensacola, according to several riders.

A total of 9 ,430 riders took the Route 60 bus over a one year period, up from 7,819 the previous year. That compares to 162,403 on a Davis Highway area bus.

In order to reduce, ECAT has purchased two smaller, more fuel efficient buses to use on the Century to Pensacola route.

For a printable pdf Route 60 map, schedule and rate information, click here.

Pictured above middle: The “Route 60″ Century and Molino to Pensacola ECAT route map. Pictured below: A timetable for the bus. Click to enlarge.


Sunny And Nice, Then Rain

January 18, 2010

Rain will return to the area by mid-week after a couple of days under sunny skies.

Here is your offical North Escambia area forecast:

  • M.L.King Day: Sunny, with a high near 65. North wind around 5 mph.
  • Monday Night: Clear, with a low around 40. Calm wind.
  • Tuesday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 70. Calm wind becoming south around 5 mph.
  • Tuesday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 47. South wind around 5 mph becoming calm.
  • Wednesday: A chance of showers, with thunderstorms also possible after noon. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 69. Calm wind becoming south between 5 and 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 50%.
  • Wednesday Night: Showers and thunderstorms likely. Cloudy, with a low around 54. Breezy, with a south wind between 10 and 20 mph, with gusts as high as 25 mph. Chance of precipitation is 70%.
  • Thursday: A 20 percent chance of showers. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 67. Southwest wind between 10 and 15 mph.
  • Thursday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 49. West wind between 5 and 10 mph.
  • Friday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 63.
  • Friday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 43.
  • Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 64.
  • Saturday Night: A 30 percent chance of rain. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 47.
  • Sunday: A 30 percent chance of showers. Cloudy, with a high near 67.

ECUA Director: Water Not Nation’s Worst

January 18, 2010

The executive director of the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority recently met with the Pensacola City Council this week to assure city leaders that the utility’s water supply is safe. The meeting was in response to a report from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) that says Pensacola has the nation’s worst water among 100 cities surveyed.

ecuawater.jpgSteve Sorrell told the council that ECUA’s water is safe.

“Water at ECUA’s 32 wells meets or exceeds all primary and secondary drinking water standards, and continues to be safe and of the highest quality,” Sorrell’s presentation said.

According to Sorrell’s ECUA presentation:

  • EWG’s conclusions were based upon the total number of chemicals that appeared at anytime during a five year period, not on Environmental Protection Agency or Florida Department of Evironmental drinking water standards.
  • EWG’s motives including selling home water filtration systems to maximize kickbacks to EWG, and elevating the public debate about Federal Drinking Water Standards and pressure EPA to expand list of regulated contaminants.

To view Sorrell’s presentation in pdf format, click here.

Escambia Fire Chief: Volunteers Remain Important, New Deputy Chief Hired

January 17, 2010

The county’s top fireman says that volunteers are in the long-term future of Escambia Fire Rescue, and he announced that has hired a new deputy fire chief.

“What we do here is the heart of America — volunteers make things happen, especially when you have dedicated folks like these,” Escambia County Fire Chief Frank Edwards said Saturday night at the annual appreciation dinner held by the Walnut Hill Volunteer Fire Department. “We will have volunteers; we will not be going all-paid in my lifetime, not in the life of these volunteers.”

Escambia County has paid fire crews stationed at several departments in the county — including a paid crew each weekday in Molino and Century. But Edwards said the north part of Escambia County has quality fire protection from well-trained volunteers, and he expects that to continue to be the case. “The volunteer system works well up here,” he said. “I am very happy with the north end.”

“We have made good strides since consolidation,” he said.  The county’s paid firefighters and 15 volunteer departments were all brought together with one unified leadership back in September, 2008. “I am every optimistic about the future.”

Edwards, who became Escambia’s fire chief about four months ago, said he has hired a new deputy chief for his department. Richard Stover will start the position February 7. Stover is a former division chief  for Hallandale Beach Fire Rescue, a suburb of Miami.

“He comes from departments that rely on volunteers,” Edwards said of his new deputy chief. “He is also very training oriented.”

Stover received his associates in science degree from Broward Community College, where he is also an adjunct instructor for fire science programs. Stover also holds a bachelors in science degree from Nova Southeastern University and is pursuing a master’s in public administration. He is a graduate of the United States Department of Homeland Security, National Fire Academy’s prestigious Executive Fire Officer Program. Stover has over thirty years of Fire Rescue experience in all aspects of administration, operations, and instruction.

North Escambia Area Residents Place In Pensacola Beach Runs

January 17, 2010

Several North Escambia area residents placed in the Pensacola Beach 5K, 10K and half-marathon on Saturday.

North Escambia area participants are listed below, followed by complete results in all categories.


23 Brandon Chambless M 16 Walnut Hill FL 24:54 8:01
70 2/4 Brian Cavanna M 29 Cantonment FL 29:32 9:31
108 5/8 Natalie Nall F 41 Atmore AL 33:40 10:50
110 7/8 David Frederick M 52 Cantonment FL 34:21 11:04
146 12/14 Barbara Luker F 36 Atmore AL 41:58 13:31
156 4/4 Rusty Branch M 30 Cantonment FL 44:51 14:26


19 1/12 Lisa Jacobi F 40 Cantonment FL 47:31 7:39
76 3/5 Sue James F 53 Cantonment FL 58:49 9:28
82 6/12 Kim Chambless F 41 Walnut Hill FL 59:51 9:38
99 1/1 Dan Keely M 71 Cantonment FL 1:02:45 10:06
127 8/11 Scott Wilford M 37 Cantonment FL 1:17:01 12:24
144 11/11 Jeff James M 55 Cantonment FL 2:05:29 20:12
151 14/14 Melissa Nobles F 26 Molino FL 2:23:49 23:09

Half Marathon

32 4/6 Hank Colburn M 43 Cantonment FL 1:50:40 8:27
78 7/7 Mark Gibson M 53 Cantonment FL 2:09:13 9:52

5K Walk
8 6/13 Sandy Russell F 51 Cantonment FL 43:27 14:00
14 12/13 Amy Cavanna F 28 Cantonment FL 49:06 15:49


5K run results

Place Div/Tot Name S Age City St Finish Pace
===== ======== ======================= = === ================ == ======= =====
1 1/6 Mitchell Mason M 22 Pensacola FL 18:24 5:56
2 1/4 Cody Hoden M 16 Pensacola FL 19:02 6:08
3 1/12 David Shearon M 40 Panama City FL 20:08 6:29
4 1/13 Hadley Nyquist F 33 Panama City Beac FL 20:28 6:36
5 1/9 Steve Ortiz M 49 Gulf Breeze FL 20:41 6:40
6 1/8 Shannon Kohler F 43 Pensacola FL 21:22 6:53
7 2/9 Jeff Harris M 46 Gulf Breeze FL 22:06 7:07
8 2/6 Rylan Kabanuck M 22 Pensacola FL 22:13 7:09
9 1/4 Kyle Griffin M 33 Navarre FL 22:19 7:11
10 2/12 Ted Roy M 43 Pensacola FL 22:50 7:21
11 1/9 Sharon Myers-Mongue F 51 Milton FL 23:05 7:26
12 1/10 Jehan Clark M 39 Pensacola FL 23:22 7:32
13 1/16 Jerry Armstrong M 62 Dothan AL 23:30 7:34
14 1/8 Bill Dempsey M 52 Gulf Breeze FL 23:37 7:36
15 2/10 Jonathan Knotts M 36 Goodyear AZ 23:45 7:39
16 2/13 Mary Bozlee F 32 Pensacola FL 23:45 7:39
17 1/6 Randy Maygarden M 57 Pensacola FL 23:56 7:43
18 2/16 James Wasson M 62 Huntsville AL 24:22 7:51
19 3/9 Dion Scaglione M 45 Niceville FL 24:23 7:51
20 2/8 Dave Durbin M 50 Dothan AL 24:32 7:54
21 3/10 North Davis M 39 Gulf Breeze FL 24:44 7:58
22 1/4 Ferrell Mc Dougald M 76 Samson AL 24:51 8:00
23 2/4 Brandon Chambless M 16 Walnut Hill FL 24:54 8:01
24 3/13 Diane Hall F 31 Navarre FL 25:16 8:08
25 3/6 Jonathan Petska M 22 Pensacola FL 25:20 8:10
26 3/8 Pete Bruno M 53 Pensacola FL 25:28 8:12
27 3/12 Anthony Giangiulio M 43 Navarre FL 25:29 8:13
28 2/8 Kimberly Webb F 43 Crestview FL 25:33 8:14
29 4/9 Ken Moore M 45 Navarre FL 25:50 8:19
30 2/4 Andrew Lind M 34 San Angelo TX 25:53 8:20
31 4/13 Tricia Pharr F 32 Pensacola FL 26:04 8:24
32 5/9 Rob Barnas M 45 26:11 8:26
33 4/10 Wes Brazwell M 36 Alburtis PA 26:14 8:27
34 2/6 Brad Bynum M 55 Shalimar FL 26:23 8:30
35 3/16 John O’Donnell M 61 Pensacola FL 26:37 8:34
36 3/4 Doug Caldwell M 19 Pensacola FL 26:40 8:35
37 5/13 Becky Summers F 32 Pensacola FL 26:49 8:38
38 6/13 Carla Genin F 33 Montgomery AL 26:52 8:39
39 4/16 Ronnie Durkes M 64 Ponchatoula LA 27:00 8:42
40 7/13 Chrissy Delameter F 34 Marianna FL 27:05 8:43
41 1/3 Melia Tibbs F 21 Gulf Breeze FL 27:06 8:44
42 3/6 Carlos Robles M 59 Ocean Springs MS 27:07 8:44
43 5/16 Cecil St Clair M 62 Metairie LA 27:12 8:45
44 5/10 David Gregory M 38 Pensacola FL 27:22 8:49
45 1/6 Maureen Higgins F 55 Leeds AL 27:26 8:50
46 2/9 Teri Perez F 50 Pensacola FL 27:27 8:51
47 3/9 Sandra Davis F 53 Pensacola FL 27:29 8:51
48 4/6 Ron Bowman M 58 Pensacola FL 27:46 8:56
49 1/9 Renee McMillian-Cox F 49 Mobile AL 27:49 8:57
50 2/9 Nancy Rhodes F 48 Pensacola FL 27:50 8:58
51 6/16 Randy Oxenham M 63 Gulf Breeze FL 27:59 9:01
52 4/12 Tom Priest M 42 Pensacola FL 28:07 9:03
53 1/14 Frances Priest F 39 Pensacola FL 28:07 9:03
54 1/5 Ann Regan F 61 Pensacola FL 28:12 9:05
55 4/9 Jean Forbus F 51 Montgomery AL 28:14 9:05
56 1/5 Kristina Dean F 25 28:17 9:07
57 7/16 Gary Beeler M 62 Semmes AL 28:46 9:16
58 2/14 Meredith Yeager F 37 Pensacola FL 28:48 9:17
59 2/5 Jackie Cummings F 26 Ponte Vedra Beac FL 28:59 9:20
60 8/16 Jim Frydrychowicz M 64 Gulf Breeze FL 29:02 9:21
61 6/10 Kevin Hall M 37 Opp AL 29:09 9:23
62 3/14 Tammi Litvak F 37 29:13 9:24
63 5/12 Michael Percy M 42 29:13 9:25
64 2/5 Nancy Mann F 64 Destin FL 29:13 9:25
65 4/8 Dale Eiriksson M 53 Valparaiso FL 29:13 9:25
66 2/3 Kimberly Gross F 23 Pensacola FL 29:16 9:26
67 1/4 Joshua Herm M 27 Pensacola FL 29:16 9:26
68 3/8 Kimbra Halter F 44 29:18 9:26
69 6/9 Raya Cocuy M 47 Pensacola FL 29:20 9:27
70 2/4 Brian Cavanna M 29 Cantonment FL 29:32 9:31
71 5/9 Cindy Leonard F 54 Mobile AL 29:40 9:33
72 1/2 Dick Gray M 67 Franklin NC 29:58 9:39
73 6/9 Debbie Simmons F 52 Niceville FL 30:07 9:42
74 5/6 Gary Steirkland M 56 Opp AL 30:11 9:43
75 8/13 Becky Land F 30 Pensacola FL 30:11 9:43
76 4/6 Zach Steier M 21 Ft Walton Beach FL 30:16 9:45
77 2/6 Phyllis Carr F 56 Pensacola FL 30:16 9:45
78 3/4 Christopher Woods M 26 30:26 9:48
79 3/5 Allison Campbell F 28 30:26 9:48
80 6/12 John Collier M 41 30:38 9:52
81 4/5 Jennifer Hertzler F 29 30:52 9:57
82 4/4 Kevin Hertzler M 29 30:53 9:57
83 1/4 Joan Forman F 68 Destin FL 31:05 10:01
84 7/9 Lori Royce F 52 Pensacola FL 31:10 10:02
85 9/16 Buzz Ritchie M 62 Pace FL 31:28 10:08
86 3/5 Mary Ellen Wiggins F 60 Pensacola FL 31:29 10:08
87 7/10 Jay Mitchell M 38 Navarre FL 31:38 10:11
88 10/16 Michael Wiggins M 64 Pensacola FL 31:39 10:12
89 5/8 Mark Hales M 52 Birmingham AL 31:41 10:12
90 8/10 Todd Davis M 39 Unaka NC 31:42 10:13
91 9/13 Sandra Winter F 33 Navarre FL 31:48 10:15
92 5/6 Keli Garrett M 23 31:52 10:16
93 5/5 Brandi Mitchell F 28 Navarre FL 31:59 10:18
94 3/9 Cindy Sims F 45 Navarre FL 31:59 10:18
95 4/8 Sharon Belew F 44 Foley AL 32:02 10:19
96 2/4 Al Pruden M 75 Pensacola FL 32:08 10:21
97 3/4 Ed Hill M 76 Orange Beach AL 32:10 10:21
98 6/8 Dennis Samac M 50 Valparaiso FL 32:15 10:23
99 3/3 Jessica Jantzen F 22 Pensacola FL 32:28 10:27
100 1/1 David Arnott M 70 Gulf Breeze FL 32:44 10:33
101 10/13 Selena Gabel F 34 Summerdale AL 32:59 10:37
102 8/9 Nancy Cantrell F 51 Baker FL 32:59 10:37
103 7/12 Diam Gilliam M 43 Foley AL 33:02 10:38
104 11/16 Bobby Linville M 61 Gulf Breeze FL 33:05 10:39
105 4/14 Lucinda Taylor F 39 Foley AL 33:24 10:45
106 12/16 Chuck Hoskin M 60 Pensacola FL 33:24 10:45
107 1/3 Aimee Gerold F 13 Pensacola FL 33:26 10:46
108 5/8 Natalie Nall F 41 Atmore AL 33:40 10:50
109 4/4 David Pruden M 18 Pensacola FL 34:12 11:01
110 7/8 David Frederick M 52 Cantonment FL 34:21 11:04
111 7/9 Tim Born M 48 Milton FL 34:38 11:09
112 5/14 Belinda Herring F 39 Gulf Breeze FL 34:40 11:10
113 11/13 Stephanie Hansen F 32 Acworth GA 35:12 11:20
114 4/5 Rosemary Laporta F 64 Gulf Breeze FL 35:46 11:31
115 13/16 Robert Straw M 62 Gulf Breeze FL 36:16 11:41
116 4/9 Kendra Thompson F 45 Pensacola FL 36:34 11:47
117 6/14 Theresa Houck F 35 Navarre FL 36:40 11:49
118 9/9 Kelly Gordon F 54 Pensacola FL 36:41 11:49
119 7/14 Jennifer Hill F 36 Pensacola FL 36:46 11:50
120 12/13 Michaela Benjamin F 30 36:50 11:52
121 8/14 Tiampei Bai F 39 Huntsville AL 36:54 11:53
122 9/14 Cheryl Gregory F 38 Pensacola FL 37:03 11:56
123 2/2 Jack Cerone M 66 Gulf Breeze FL 37:04 11:56
124 1/1 Carole Wright F 73 Navarre FL 37:13 11:59
125 4/4 Leon Boyd M 77 Savannah TN 37:20 12:01
126 6/8 Janet Nestilerode F 40 Pensacola FL 37:23 12:02
127 9/10 Kevin Wittkowski M 38 37:41 12:08
128 6/6 Dominick Vaccaro, Jr M 58 Metairie LA 37:45 12:09
129 3/6 Rita McGartland F 57 37:57 12:13
130 8/8 Mark Cole M 51 Greenville MI 37:59 12:14
131 2/4 Judy Turner F 66 Gulf Breeze FL 38:02 12:15
132 5/9 Katherine Nelson-Born F 49 Milton FL 38:38 12:26
133 10/14 Melissa Purvis F 37 Pensacola FL 38:57 12:33
134 4/6 Monica Moore F 56 Pensacola FL 39:48 12:49
135 6/9 Lori Wittrowski F 46 Greenville MI 39:57 12:52
136 7/8 Tammy Walter F 40 Gulf Breeze FL 40:03 12:54
137 3/4 Linda Carlson F 68 Gulf Breeze FL 40:06 12:55
138 14/16 Terry Pape M 60 40:14 12:57
139 15/16 Glenn Windham M 61 Gulf Breeze FL 40:14 12:57
140 5/6 Julie Debardelaben F 58 Wetumpka AL 40:29 13:02
141 16/16 James Bowman M 62 Pace FL 41:08 13:15
142 11/14 Candace Edwards F 36 Pace FL 41:12 13:16
143 7/9 Susan Beck F 49 Mary Esther FL 41:34 13:23
144 3/4 Chadwick Sterr M 33 41:44 13:26
145 6/6 Bryce Longq M 24 Gulf Breeze FL 41:50 13:28
146 12/14 Barbara Luker F 36 Atmore AL 41:58 13:31
147 4/4 Norma Boyd F 69 Savannah TN 41:58 13:31
148 8/12 Jeff Patton M 42 Baton Rouge LA 43:07 13:53
149 13/14 Valerie Hatfield F 37 Ft Walton Beach FL 43:38 14:03
150 2/3 Tanner Wilson F 11 Fairhope AL 43:58 14:10
151 8/9 Kiefer Wilson M 45 Fairhope AL 43:59 14:10
152 9/12 Chris Zajac M 44 Pace FL 44:04 14:11
153 10/12 Bruce Barillas M 43 Pensacola FL 44:15 14:15
154 5/5 Cheryl Durkes F 64 Ponchatoula LA 44:19 14:16
155 8/9 Cheryl Butler F 49 Pensacola FL 44:37 14:22
156 4/4 Rusty Branch M 30 Cantonment FL 44:51 14:26
157 9/9 Lori Comer F 48 46:57 15:07
158 1/1 Billie Madero F 78 Ft Walton Beach FL 48:24 15:35
159 11/12 Todd Leonard M 40 Pensacola FL 48:35 15:39
160 8/8 Katlin Darbin F 40 Milton FL 48:42 15:41
161 6/6 Diane Kelley F 58 Gulf Breeze FL 49:50 16:03
162 3/3 Tyler Wilson F 12 Fairhope AL 50:10 16:09
163 14/14 Deanna Nygren F 38 Powder Sprngs GA 50:46 16:21
164 1/1 Amelia Gassen, Jr F 82 Luling LA 54:09 17:26
165 10/10 Thomas Leach M 39 Milton FL 54:48 17:39
166 12/12 Darren Welsh M 43 Las Vegas NV 59:27 19:08
167 13/13 Sarah Mullins F 31 Dallas TX 59:33 19:10
168 9/9 Todd Stalnaker M 48 Pensacola FL 1:13:44 23:44

10K run results

Place Div/Tot Name S Age City St Finish Pace
===== ======== ======================= = === ================ == ======= =====
1 1/3 Robert Mann I I M 16 Pensacola FL 39:33 6:22
2 1/11 Mark Koch M 49 Hackleburg AL 40:30 6:31
3 1/9 Brian Mc Mahon M 51 Shalimar FL 40:33 6:32
4 2/11 Ronnie Tibbs M 49 Gulf Breeze FL 40:53 6:35
5 1/7 Aaron Runyon M 31 Pace FL 41:13 6:38
6 3/11 Rob Crist M 45 Valparaiso FL 42:08 6:47
7 2/9 Timo Hartigan M 51 Pensacola FL 42:32 6:51
8 3/9 Ron Colyer M 50 Pace FL 42:36 6:52
9 4/9 Drake Shepard M 54 Gulf Breeze FL 42:47 6:54
10 2/7 Tj Whitehouse M 33 Chicago IL 43:54 7:04
11 5/9 Rex Stinnett M 50 Destin FL 44:20 7:09
12 1/6 Trevor Gunderson M 29 44:21 7:09
13 1/1 Thomas Frawley M 24 Pensacola FL 44:30 7:10
14 3/7 Regulo Moy M 31 Mobile AL 45:56 7:24
15 1/11 Stephen Bauer M 55 Pensacola FL 45:58 7:24
16 1/6 James Hagy M 40 Gulf Breeze FL 46:01 7:25
17 1/3 John Woods M 61 Canada CN 46:17 7:27
18 2/3 Nicholas Perkett M 19 Pensacola FL 46:44 7:32
19 1/12 Lisa Jacobi F 40 Cantonment FL 47:31 7:39
20 1/14 Justine Perlberg F 28 48:16 7:47
21 2/11 Norman Thomas M 59 Birmingham AL 48:37 7:50
22 1/5 Lisa Fairbanks F 50 Gulf Breeze FL 49:23 7:57
23 2/6 Todd Taylor M 44 Foley AL 49:25 7:58
24 1/19 Jessica Lett F 33 Pensacola FL 49:30 7:58
25 2/14 Jeannie Runyon F 28 Pace FL 49:38 8:00
26 3/11 Brian Casey M 55 Milton FL 49:54 8:02
27 2/19 Deanna Dugan F 32 Pensacola FL 49:58 8:03
28 1/8 Julie Harrington F 47 Navarre FL 50:06 8:04
29 1/11 Leah Ladd F 39 50:41 8:10
30 2/6 Matt Harrison M 27 Pensacola FL 50:57 8:12
31 1/11 Rob Bohnsack M 39 Mary Esther FL 51:06 8:14
32 4/11 Jonohon Berry M 45 Pensacola FL 51:29 8:17
33 6/9 Michael Mongue M 52 Milton FL 51:32 8:18
34 7/9 Vincent Valdere M 53 Milton FL 51:33 8:18
35 2/8 Lori Mihalcik F 45 Ft Walton Beach FL 51:41 8:19
36 5/11 Daryll Long M 46 Pensacola FL 52:16 8:25
37 2/11 Walter Hamilton M 38 Pensacola FL 52:40 8:29
38 3/6 John Fitzgerald M 42 52:40 8:29
39 2/12 Andrea Moore F 44 Navarre FL 53:02 8:33
40 8/9 Steve Miller M 52 Pace FL 53:15 8:35
41 3/19 Victoria Lanza F 31 53:26 8:36
42 3/11 Jamie Jordan M 39 Valparaiso FL 53:31 8:37
43 3/12 Donna Harris F 40 Gulf Breeze FL 53:35 8:38
44 6/11 Steve Rogers M 49 53:39 8:38
45 3/8 Caroline Levesque F 49 Ft Walton Beach FL 53:48 8:40
46 7/11 Paul Poling M 45 Pensacola FL 53:51 8:40
47 3/6 Matt Yonke M 28 Pensacola FL 54:00 8:42
48 2/3 Bill Christie M 62 Ft Walton Beach FL 54:04 8:43
49 4/6 Ben Storozum M 27 Milton FL 54:09 8:43
50 4/19 Ketie Hopper F 31 Fairhope AL 54:11 8:44
51 3/14 Margaret Sweeny F 27 Boston MA 54:11 8:44
52 5/6 Chistopher Maurer M 25 Ft Walton Beach FL 54:26 8:46
53 4/11 Alvin Montgomery M 37 Destin FL 54:31 8:47
54 4/12 Mindi Straw F 42 Pensacola FL 54:33 8:47
55 5/11 Ben Ernst M 38 54:48 8:49
56 5/19 Megan Smith F 31 Pensacola FL 54:56 8:51
57 3/3 Daniel Samac M 15 Valparaiso FL 55:22 8:55
58 6/11 Timothy Perkett M 39 55:24 8:55
59 1/5 Janice Hochstein F 59 Tallahassee FL 55:40 8:58
60 2/11 Jill Awkerman F 35 Pensacola FL 55:41 8:58
61 4/14 Kathryn Dworak F 28 Pensacola FL 55:55 9:00
62 1/2 Molly Gray F 62 Franklin NC 56:02 9:01
63 4/7 Mike Baker M 34 Daphae AL 56:03 9:02
64 2/5 Alice Gerold F 53 Pensacola FL 56:17 9:04
65 3/11 Jennifer Dutton F 35 Pensacola FL 56:19 9:04
66 6/19 Angelique Cook F 31 Niceville FL 56:21 9:05
67 5/12 Stephanie Duffy F 43 Pensacola FL 56:29 9:06
68 5/7 Anthony Corsen M 31 Gulf Breeze FL 56:44 9:08
69 7/19 Nancy Brashears F 34 Pensacola FL 57:35 9:16
70 8/19 Cheryl McGill F 30 Pensacola FL 57:39 9:17
71 9/19 Tonya Powell F 34 Pensacola FL 58:05 9:21
72 4/11 Bill Evans M 59 Gulf Breeze FL 58:17 9:23
73 4/8 Susan Hales F 45 Birmingham AL 58:35 9:26
74 1/2 Bill Kruczynski M 66 Pensacola FL 58:46 9:28
75 8/11 Don Dufner M 46 Navarre FL 58:46 9:28
76 3/5 Sue James F 53 Cantonment FL 58:49 9:28
77 5/14 Rachel Cook F 27 Mary Esther FL 59:09 9:32
78 1/3 Casondra Murrow F 19 Pensacola FL 59:10 9:32
79 4/11 Lisa Coker F 39 Milton FL 59:19 9:33
80 5/8 Kathi Voytek F 45 Pensacola FL 59:20 9:33
81 10/19 Mandy Beqnette F 34 Gulf Breeze FL 59:49 9:38
82 6/12 Kim Chambless F 41 Walnut Hill FL 59:51 9:38
83 9/11 Scott Jennings M 47 Pensacola FL 1:00:09 9:41
84 2/3 Trina Leonard F 17 Pensacola FL 1:00:15 9:42
85 11/19 Christy Fayard F 33 Pensacola FL 1:00:23 9:44
86 6/14 Allison Reynolds F 28 Pensacola FL 1:00:25 9:44
87 7/14 Katie Hagensick F 26 Pensacola FL 1:00:35 9:45
88 8/14 Ayleah Goodman F 26 Pace FL 1:00:44 9:47
89 6/8 Kim Jones F 46 Valparaiso FL 1:00:52 9:48
90 4/6 Shawn Finley M 41 Pensacola FL 1:01:12 9:51
91 4/5 Vicki Beaugh F 53 Gulf Breeze FL 1:01:24 9:53
92 5/11 Larry Copenhaver M 56 Pensacola FL 1:01:40 9:56
93 9/14 Leah Harrison F 27 Pensacola FL 1:01:55 9:58
94 2/2 Sunshine Lias F 62 Pensacola FL 1:02:09 10:01
95 3/3 Andrew Colee M 63 Pensacola FL 1:02:13 10:01
96 6/7 Sean Malee M 32 Chicago IL 1:02:20 10:02
97 10/14 Lauren Price F 28 Crestview FL 1:02:31 10:04
98 7/12 Sheri Hamilton F 40 Pensacola FL 1:02:36 10:05
99 1/1 Dan Keely M 71 Cantonment FL 1:02:45 10:06
100 2/2 Mike Palmer M 65 Gulf Breeze FL 1:02:51 10:07
101 8/12 Lynnie Hannel F 41 Milton FL 1:03:07 10:10
102 5/6 Rex Debord M 40 Gulf Breeze FL 1:03:29 10:13
103 5/11 Cathy Debord F 38 Gulf Breeze FL 1:03:42 10:15
104 2/5 Irene Tyner F 55 Montgomery AL 1:03:52 10:17
105 1/1 Betty Frydrychowicz F 69 Gulf Breeze FL 1:04:10 10:20
106 9/12 Connie Dermody F 43 Niceville FL 1:04:22 10:22
107 10/11 Robert Sprain M 48 Birmingham AL 1:04:48 10:26
108 12/19 Becky Andvik F 34 Crestview FL 1:05:08 10:29
109 13/19 Amanda Atkinson F 32 Pensacola FL 1:06:17 10:40
110 7/11 Charles Duby M 39 Ft Walton Beach FL 1:07:42 10:54
111 11/14 Marie Ashley F 27 Pensacola FL 1:07:50 10:55
112 3/5 Teresha Thames F 57 Pensacola FL 1:07:52 10:56
113 9/9 Carlos Diaz M 53 Navarre FL 1:07:56 10:56
114 10/12 Jill Grigg F 41 1:08:12 10:59
115 12/14 Lisa Srp F 26 Crestview FL 1:08:17 11:00
116 13/14 Elizabeth Medlock F 29 1:08:23 11:01
117 5/5 Neala Wilkins F 51 Gulf Breeze FL 1:10:10 11:18
118 7/8 Kathy Kosyla F 45 6 FL 1:10:41 11:23
119 6/11 Greg Moore M 56 Pensacola FL 1:10:43 11:23
120 8/8 Jill Prafke F 48 Pensacola FL 1:10:52 11:25
121 6/11 Kelly Sanders F 36 Seagrove Beach FL 1:11:04 11:27
122 11/12 Debbie Hicks F 42 Navarre FL 1:11:26 11:30
123 3/3 Lucy Sprain F 17 Birmingham AL 1:12:03 11:36
124 1/1 Mary Evelyn Sprain F 13 Birmingham AL 1:12:04 11:36
125 7/11 Jacquilyn Stalnaker F 38 Pensacola FL 1:13:44 11:52
126 7/11 Kevin Barger M 56 Woodstock GA 1:13:50 11:53
127 8/11 Scott Wilford M 37 Cantonment FL 1:17:01 12:24
128 14/19 Chrisi McGlone F 31 Pensacola FL 1:17:07 12:25
129 7/7 Kevin McGlone M 30 Pensacola FL 1:17:08 12:25
130 15/19 Becky Miller F 32 Niceville FL 1:17:37 12:30
131 8/11 Mike Feldman M 57 Pensacola FL 1:17:38 12:30
132 4/5 Rhonda Glassburn F 58 Ft Walton Beach FL 1:18:16 12:36
133 9/11 Jeffrey Glassburn M 59 Ft Walton Beach FL 1:18:16 12:36
134 5/5 Rhonda Grosskopf F 59 Pensacola FL 1:20:03 12:53
135 1/3 Jennifer Stewart F 24 Valparaiso FL 1:20:46 13:00
136 2/3 Samantha Staab F 23 Pensacola FL 1:23:51 13:30
137 6/6 Christopher Hicks M 42 Navarre FL 1:34:17 15:11
138 16/19 Olivia Jernigan F 32 Pensacola FL 1:35:13 15:20
139 3/3 Brittany Young F 22 Pensacola FL 1:48:39 17:30
140 10/11 David Bohannon M 55 Gulf Breeze FL 1:55:02 18:31
141 11/11 Mark Duricin M 49 Destin FL 1:58:50 19:08
142 17/19 Kristen Baker F 31 Daphae AL 2:00:39 19:25
143 9/11 Jeremy Jernigan M 35 Pensacola FL 2:04:31 20:03
144 11/11 Jeff James M 55 Cantonment FL 2:05:29 20:12
145 10/11 Nathan Stone M 37 Pensacola FL 2:05:50 20:15
146 8/11 Teresa Berg F 36 Gulf Breeze FL 2:10:48 21:03
147 9/11 Christina Enkey F 35 Pensacola FL 2:11:42 21:12
148 10/11 Trin Ollinger F 39 Fairhope AL 2:12:42 21:22
149 11/11 Kim Gosseen F 36 Pensacola FL 2:13:45 21:32
150 6/6 Michael Posmoga M 29 Fpo San Francisc CA 2:22:14 22:54
151 14/14 Melissa Nobles F 26 Molino FL 2:23:49 23:09
152 18/19 Seana Wade F 32 Prattville AL 2:24:41 23:18
153 11/11 Ian Turoff M 39 Navarre FL 2:33:18 24:41
154 19/19 Samantha O’Malley F 34 Niceville FL 2:36:08 25:08
155 12/12 Christina Horton F 42 Pensacola FL 2:50:41 27:29

Half-marathon results

Place Div/Tot Name S Age City St Finish Pace
===== ======== ======================= = === ================ == ======= =====
1 1/7 Leonard Vergunst M 54 Ocean Springs MS 1:26:40 6:37
2 1/3 Colin Bowyer M 18 Gulf Gate East FL 1:29:12 6:49
3 1/8 Robert Genin M 32 Montgomery AL 1:29:14 6:49
4 1/8 Chris Neal M 56 Pace FL 1:29:30 6:50
5 1/14 Eric Veditz M 28 Pensacola FL 1:29:38 6:51
6 2/7 Rob Williams M 53 Navarre FL 1:30:09 6:53
7 1/11 Anna Hallex F 32 Gulf Shores AL 1:30:09 6:53
8 1/11 Danny Rominger M 35 Pensacola FL 1:32:35 7:04
9 1/10 Kenny Humphreys M 49 Pensacola FL 1:33:58 7:11
10 2/14 John Locke M 28 Frackville PA 1:34:34 7:13
11 2/8 Evan Malone M 33 Gulf Breeze FL 1:34:46 7:14
12 1/9 Jules Karihe F 40 1:35:48 7:19
13 1/6 Andrew Rothfeder M 41 Gulf Breeze FL 1:37:48 7:28
14 2/6 Ken Lawrence M 42 Ft Walton Beach FL 1:38:04 7:29
15 2/3 Tanner Furr M 17 Navarre FL 1:38:50 7:33
16 2/11 Geoff Holloway M 36 Pensacola FL 1:39:06 7:34
17 3/3 Wayne Glass M 19 1:40:03 7:38
18 3/14 Perry Palmer M 25 Pensacola FL 1:40:21 7:40
19 2/9 Sandy Ebanks F 44 Pace FL 1:40:49 7:42
20 4/14 Justin Ritchie M 27 Pensacola FL 1:41:43 7:46
21 5/14 William Mavity M 28 Crestview FL 1:42:36 7:50
22 6/14 Mitchell Briggs M 28 Houma LA 1:42:39 7:50
23 1/5 Dustin Yonke F 24 Pensacola FL 1:42:39 7:50
24 3/8 Joe Dykes M 30 Pensacola FL 1:44:25 7:58
25 2/10 Todd Staats M 47 Niceville FL 1:44:46 8:00
26 1/10 Marguerite Mogul F 39 Mary Esther FL 1:45:37 8:04
27 3/10 Evan Scott M 49 Elberta AL 1:46:17 8:07
28 3/6 Lester Gable M 44 Leeds AL 1:46:55 8:10
29 7/14 Richard Cardona M 29 Pace FL 1:47:28 8:12
30 2/11 Maresa Jurczynski F 30 Pensacola FL 1:47:49 8:14
31 3/11 Donnelly Miller M 35 Snoqualmie Pass WA 1:50:21 8:25
32 4/6 Hank Colburn M 43 Cantonment FL 1:50:40 8:27
33 1/10 Chloe Elfrink F 29 1:50:50 8:28
34 3/7 Eric Weill M 54 Hattiesburg MS 1:52:21 8:35
35 8/14 Steven Kammer M 29 Pensacola FL 1:52:36 8:36
36 4/10 Jimmy Marshall M 49 Fort Polk LA 1:53:29 8:40
37 4/8 Tien Cao M 31 1:53:41 8:41
38 2/10 Beth Cao F 28 1:53:53 8:42
39 1/3 Richard Lee M 62 Gulf Breeze FL 1:54:17 8:44
40 2/10 Kristina Bennett F 37 Dothan AL 1:54:45 8:46
41 1/2 Linda Fogel F 52 Gulf Breeze FL 1:55:18 8:48
42 2/8 Marc Williams M 55 Evergreen AL 1:55:41 8:50
43 3/10 Jenna Smart F 38 Fairhope AL 1:56:08 8:52
44 3/10 Kimberly Hauck F 27 Pensacola FL 1:56:09 8:52
45 2/5 Jessie Phenning F 23 1:56:45 8:55
46 9/14 Stephen Harris M 29 Pensacola FL 1:57:08 8:57
47 10/14 Bryan Christie M 25 1:57:28 8:58
48 4/10 Jenessa Goeman F 36 Pensacola FL 1:58:10 9:01
49 5/8 Benjamin Ralph M 33 Terre Haute IN 1:58:20 9:02
50 4/7 Robert Simmons M 52 Niceville FL 1:58:23 9:02
51 5/7 Kevin Miller M 52 Pensacola FL 1:59:11 9:06
52 3/8 Dan Schenke M 55 Niceville FL 1:59:12 9:06
53 5/10 Susan Young F 39 Navarre FL 1:59:15 9:06
54 5/10 Lee Hall M 47 Navarre FL 2:00:04 9:10
55 4/11 Marc Young M 39 Navarre FL 2:00:08 9:10
56 3/5 Morgan Tibbs F 20 Gulf Breeze FL 2:00:12 9:11
57 1/1 Thomas Grace M 14 Fairhope AL 2:00:31 9:12
58 5/6 Tim Yahr M 44 Loxley AL 2:00:32 9:12
59 5/11 Manuel Martinez M 39 Niceville FL 2:00:40 9:13
60 6/11 Will Tiller M 37 Niceville FL 2:01:03 9:14
61 1/4 Michelle Smith F 48 Fairhope AL 2:01:04 9:15
62 6/7 Kenneth Mc Daniel, Jr M 52 Millbrook AL 2:03:12 9:24
63 3/11 Lauren Fisher F 32 Fpo San Francisc CA 2:03:12 9:24
64 3/9 Marian Macpherson F 42 Fairhope AL 2:04:17 9:29
65 6/10 Robert Rinke M 48 Gulf Breeze FL 2:04:59 9:32
66 4/10 Hayley Lashure F 28 Fairhope AL 2:05:34 9:35
67 7/10 Alan Dean M 46 Crestview FL 2:05:38 9:35
68 6/10 Cissy Stone F 37 Pensacola FL 2:05:50 9:36
69 7/11 Mike Kirk M 36 Montgomery AL 2:06:26 9:39
70 1/6 Ethan Cole M 20 Greenville MI 2:06:32 9:40
71 2/6 Jordan Brewer M 24 Mobile AL 2:06:43 9:40
72 5/10 Chelsey Brickweg F 26 Biloxi MS 2:06:57 9:42
73 8/10 Guido Dimascio M 49 Clair Mel City FL 2:07:07 9:42
74 4/8 Danny Crowdus M 56 Harahan LA 2:07:20 9:43
75 5/8 Mark De Nunzio M 55 Gulf Breeze FL 2:07:35 9:44
76 4/5 Loretta Sharp F 24 2:08:12 9:47
77 11/14 Benjamin Ferguson M 29 Pensacola FL 2:08:38 9:49
78 7/7 Mark Gibson M 53 Cantonment FL 2:09:13 9:52
79 1/1 Anna Wade F 19 Memphis TN 2:09:25 9:53
80 6/8 Thomas Dunn M 57 Niceville FL 2:09:39 9:54
81 9/10 Mike Vaughn M 46 Pensacola FL 2:10:17 9:57
82 4/11 Tina Smith F 31 Leon Valley TX 2:11:09 10:01
83 8/11 Sean Lebow M 35 Gulf Breeze FL 2:11:23 10:02
84 7/8 Ron Wade M 57 Memphis TN 2:11:35 10:03
85 6/10 Jenna Altherr F 28 Tallahassee FL 2:11:37 10:03
86 5/5 Abby Brown F 22 Pensacola FL 2:12:37 10:07
87 4/9 Vicki O’Neill F 41 Fairhope AL 2:12:42 10:08
88 2/3 Henry Clark M 60 Pensacola FL 2:12:43 10:08
89 5/11 Risa Garner F 31 Crestview FL 2:13:26 10:11
90 2/4 Kammi Tibbs F 48 Gulf Breeze FL 2:13:38 10:12
91 6/8 Justin Smithson M 30 Gilbertsville KY 2:13:56 10:13
92 6/11 Heather Myers F 32 Alburtis PA 2:14:23 10:16
93 10/10 Robert Lynn M 45 Pace FL 2:14:49 10:17
94 7/8 Billy Wilkinson M 33 Daphne AL 2:15:17 10:20
95 9/11 Nyron Alexander M 39 Crestview FL 2:16:34 10:25
96 3/6 Ryan Mc Gonigle M 24 Milton FL 2:17:07 10:28
97 12/14 Clint Morrow M 27 Milton FL 2:18:37 10:35
98 4/6 Donald Smith M 20 Pensacola FL 2:19:26 10:39
99 5/6 Bradley Clinger M 24 Ft Walton Beach FL 2:20:23 10:43
100 7/10 Kristin Josselet F 25 2:20:23 10:43
101 6/6 Keith Lizama M 23 Ft Walton Beach FL 2:20:27 10:43
102 13/14 Rock Rodriguez M 26 Longview TX 2:20:59 10:46
103 8/8 Ingar Nygren M 33 Powder Sprngs GA 2:23:05 10:55
104 1/1 Danny Turner M 65 Gulf Breeze FL 2:23:07 10:55
105 10/11 Jason Franklin M 38 Montgomery AL 2:24:41 11:03
106 7/11 Raya Baker F 34 Navarre FL 2:26:20 11:10
107 5/9 Karin Wilson F 41 Fairhope AL 2:26:58 11:13
108 6/9 Kelley Lyons F 41 Fairhope AL 2:26:58 11:13
109 7/9 Lisa Hughes F 41 Pace FL 2:31:46 11:35
110 7/10 Rachel Everett F 38 Pace FL 2:31:52 11:36
111 8/9 Holli Dennis F 43 Navarre FL 2:33:18 11:42
112 8/8 Jim Guttmann M 58 Pensacola FL 2:34:21 11:47
113 8/11 Lorien Kokenes F 34 Niceville FL 2:36:09 11:55
114 14/14 Chad Martin M 25 Crestview FL 2:37:01 11:59
115 2/2 Alice Bohannon F 51 Gulf Breeze FL 2:37:47 12:03
116 8/10 Kiilani Ennis F 37 2:39:06 12:09
117 8/10 Cristen Smith F 28 2:39:07 12:09
118 9/10 Elizabeth Beckley F 35 2:39:07 12:09
119 9/10 Alice Stoddaard F 27 Pensacola FL 2:39:55 12:12
120 6/6 Bill Westling M 43 Perkinston MS 2:40:01 12:13
121 10/10 Patricia Montalro F 26 Cedar Park TX 2:42:51 12:26
122 9/11 Spring Campbell F 32 Niceville FL 2:44:37 12:34
123 3/3 John Thomas M 60 2:49:21 12:56
124 11/11 James Smith M 38 Pensacola FL 2:49:56 12:58
125 3/4 Jackie Brown F 48 Pensacola FL 2:50:22 13:00
126 10/11 Deborah Kirk F 34 Montgomery AL 2:50:32 13:01
127 4/4 Patricia Taylor F 48 Pensacola FL 2:50:37 13:01
128 Missing Info Contact Us 2:58:18 13:37
129 9/9 Angela Hall F 40 Pensacola FL 3:00:39 13:47
130 10/10 Carla Tillery F 38 Pensacola FL 3:00:39 13:47
131 11/11 Allison Jones F 33 Tallahassee FL 3:04:50 14:06

5k walk results

Place Div/Tot Name S Age City St Finish Pace
===== ======== ======================= = === ================ == ======= =====
1 1/13 Kathy Thorpe F 48 Pensacola FL 37:36 12:06
2 2/13 Anne Marie St Clair F 49 Metairie LA 38:53 12:31
3 1/5 Larry Dykes M 65 Dothan AL 39:29 12:43
4 2/5 Joe Concannon M 67 Gulf Breeze FL 39:52 12:50
5 3/13 Corinne Spence F 49 Baker FL 39:58 12:52
6 4/13 Brooke Saari F 27 Crestview FL 41:04 13:14
7 5/13 Karen Gregg F 55 Jacksonville AL 41:16 13:17
8 6/13 Sandy Russell F 51 Cantonment FL 43:27 14:00
9 7/13 Stacie Prahl F 34 Holt FL 44:01 14:10
10 8/13 Gail Walker F 59 Mobile AL 44:12 14:14
11 9/13 Donna Woerner F 61 Elberta AL 46:32 14:59
12 10/13 Julia Bridge F 47 Navarre FL 48:10 15:30
13 11/13 Mary Kruczynski F 65 Pensacola FL 48:46 15:42
14 12/13 Amy Cavanna F 28 Cantonment FL 49:06 15:49
15 3/5 Terry Puckett M 44 Perkinston MS 50:46 16:21
16 4/5 Gary Bunde M 66 Pensacola FL 51:00 16:25
17 13/13 Ronna Dykes F 60 Dothan AL 51:00 16:25
18 5/5 Robert Grant M 71 Pensacola FL 1:27:54 28:18

10k walk results

Place Div/Tot Name S Age City St Finish Pace
===== ======== ======================= = === ================ == ======= =====
1 1/1 Valerie Shows F 46 Pensacola FL 1:27:53 14:09

Boy Scouts Prep 1,000 Pine Seedlings

January 17, 2010


boy-scout-trees-21.jpgAn area Boy Scout troop spent a rainy Saturday at the Florida Division of Forestry in Molino preparing about 1,000 pine tree seedlings for donation or planting.  The members of Troop 608 planted some of the trees on Molino property. Most will be planted at an Arbor Day observance Tuesday at Benny Russell Elementary in Milton, and others will be planted in various locations in Escambia County. The Scouts were joined by State Rep. Dave Murzin who organized the event. Submitted photos by Russell Merrill for, click to enlarge.



New Boating Safety Requirements For 2010

January 17, 2010

Boating-safety education requirements changed in Florida on January 1.

boatinglaws.jpgBoat operators who were born on or after January 1, 1988, must pass an approved boating-safety course and possess photographic identification and a boating-safety education identification card issued by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) to legally operate a boat with a motor of 10 horsepower or more.

“We want to encourage everyone, regardless of when they were born, to take an approved boating-safety education course, because all of us can learn something new, even if we have been boating all our lives,” said Capt. Carol Keyser of FWC’s boating and waterways section. “For some, it is now required to take the course.”

There are a few exceptions. For instance, a person born on or after January 1, 1988, who operates a boat within 90 days after purchasing it, does not need a boating-safety education identification card if a bill of sale, which meets the requirements of Florida law, is on board. After the 90-day period ends, the boat operator needs to meet the educational requirements. Those who possess a current United States Coast Guard license also are exempt.

For course information and educational requirements, visit For inquiries, contact FWC’s Division of Law Enforcement at 850-488-5600, or e-mail questions to the FWC at

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