McDavid Woman Charged With Smuggling Drugs Into Jail

May 14, 2010

A McDavid woman has been charged with smuggling drugs into the Escambia County Jail.

walkervalene.jpgValene Alaine Walker, 24, of Highway 164, was charged with a felony count of possessing a controlled substance without a prescription and one felony count smuggling contraband into a detention facility.

According to and Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report, Walker  was arrested by Deputy Mike Coburn on an outstanding grand theft warrant. An anonymous caller tipped off detention deputies at the jail that Walker was carrying narcotics in her bra. A strip search, according to the arrest report, located one Xanax pill, four Lortab pills and four Xanax bars in the suspect’s bra.

Walker was released from jail on $5,000 bond. She is due to appear in the court on May 27.

Friday’s Escambia Oil Spill Updated Information

May 14, 2010

Here is the latest Deepwater Horizon oil spill information specific to Escambia County for Friday, May 14:

  • According to the NOAA oil plume model, the oil spill is 80 miles southwest of Pensacola.
  • No oil is expected on Escambia County shores within the next 72 hours.
  • The Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center has reported that the half-dozen golf ball size tar balls that washed ashore on Dauphin Island beaches on Saturday, May 8, are believed to be from the Deepwater Horizon spill.
  • No information has been provided on the tar balls reported on Gulf Shores beaches and No tar balls have been reported in Escambia County, Florida.
  • Tar balls are fragments or lumps of oil weathered to a semi-sold or solid consistency, feel sticky, and are difficult to remove from contaminated surfaces. If you observe any evidence of oil on Florida’s coastline, report the incident to 1-866-448-5816.

British Petroleum (BP)

  • To better serve our citizens with their claims, BP has moved the claims office to 3960 W. Navy Boulevard, Suite 16. The office is currently open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., seven days a week, until further notice. Although completely functional, please be patient while the office is being fully developed.
  • BP recommends anyone with a claim call 1-800-440-0858 to help expedite the process. By calling the claims number, adjusters at the claims office will have the information prior to your visit.
  • The BP community outreach office is still open for citizens at 435 East Government Street. Representatives are available to answer any questions on volunteering, vessels of opportunity program, or any other oil spill related questions. The local phone number is (850) 912-5640 and the fax number is (850) 912-8755.
  • The second training class for Vessels of Opportunity was held Tuesday for licensed charter boat captains. To pick up or deliver completed packets, visit BP’s Community Outreach office at 435 East Government Street. For information, call 281-366-5511.
  • BP Vessels of Opportunity – see the master vessel charter agreement and vessel requirements checklist online
  • Approximately 175,950 feet of boom has been placed out of the Pensacola and Panama City staging areas in support of Unified Command.
  • BP officials request residents be wary of scam artists posing as BP contractors. Do not sign any documents in return from money from BP or anyone else until you know the extent of your loss. BP officials carry proper identification badges or business cards.
  • BP does not use contractors to contact or solicit volunteers for cleanup. All training offered by BP is free. There are no fees for classes or registration.
  • The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research who is contracted by BP to provide assistance to oiled wildlife. All rehabilitation efforts must be coordinated through the service and Tri-State. Specific safety and other requirements must be met before anyone will be allowed on-site for any participation. If you already have wildlife training, call BP at 1-866-557-1401.

Federal (NOAA)

  • NOAA modified and expanded the boundaries of the closed fishing area to better reflect the current location of the oil spill, and extended the fishing restriction until May 17.

State of Florida (DEP, FWC)

  • Governor Crist announced today the activation of the Florida Oil Spill Information line which will serve as another resource to provide Florida residents and visitors with up-to-date information on Florida’s response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The line will operate from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., seven days a week until further notice.
  • Florida Oil Spill Information Line – 888-337-3569
  • Governor Charlie Crist has issued an executive order creation an Economic Recovery Task Force to facilitate efforts by Florida businesses and industries in recovering from the loss of business and revenues due to the Deepwater Horizon incident.
  • A Legal Advisory Council has been established to assess the impact the potential disaster could have on the state.
  • DEP Guidelines for Protecting Shoreline from Oil Spill Impacts
  • Homeowners may be able to help prevent oil from reaching private property or damaging sensitive vegetation by utilizing sorbent booms.
  • Booming and alternative absorption measures should be coordinated through Escambia County as incorrect boom placement in navigable waterways can create a serious hazard.
  • Coordination with state and local entities is important to ensure that booming or alternative measures being used do not impede navigation and are not more harmful to the natural environment in the long-run.
  • If a boom is placed by a private citizen, that individual assumes responsibility for the boom, including the chance it could dislodge into the water or be harmful to wildlife.
  • Booms placed by private citizens that become impacted by oil are the responsibility of that individual and require special authorization for removal and proper disposal.
  • Do not place hay bales, sandbags or other unapproved devices along the shoreline, as the overall debris from disposal of such methods would increase and could cause serious long-term damage.
  • Do not attempt to clean impacted beaches or attempt to rescue oiled wildlife. Touching oil is a health risk and disposing of it improperly could cause additional environmental damage.
  • Authorized protective measures should be conducted in a manner that provides protection to, and does not disturb, native vegetation, species and their habitat.
  • Taking or capturing any species, nests or eggs listed as an endangered species is not permitted.
  • For more information on types of protective measures, contact BP’s community information line, 1-866-448-5816.
  • The Florida Small Business Development Center Network is part of the state’s EOC Emergency Support Function as a responder for assistance in business recovery. The Mobile Area Commands are fully self-contained and staffed by SBDC Certified Business Analysts experienced in assisting businesses impacted by disasters, including assistance with federal and state disaster loan programs. MACs have been deployed in Escambia County. SBDC staff are meeting with area business leaders and available to provide technical assistance to local businesses. For more information, please visit Programs/bcrm.asp
  • The seafood off Florida’s coast in state waters are safe. There are no health alerts at this time.
  • The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has temporarily suspended the restriction on use of purse seines landward of the COLRGEGS demarcation line in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.
  • Affected businesses should file a claim with BP via the hotline number, 800-440-0858. Additional guidance to help small businesses survive a disaster can be found at or by calling 850-413-3089 or toll-free 1-877-MY-FL-CFO (1-877-693-5236).
  • The state emergency operations center remains at a level 2 activation.
  • Escambia County Board of County Commissioners and Staff
  • On inland waters (bays, bayous, estuaries, rivers), private property owners may install oil absorbent material, booms or fences on private property above the mean high waterline (MHWL) only. No material may be installed or sprayed below the MHWL.
  • On gulf-front property, the use of silt fences, obstructions, hay bales, peat, surfactants or other material is not approved. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) is the permitting agency for beaches and coastal systems. No obstructions to sea turtle nesting behavior is allowed.
  • If citizens see anything unusual on the beaches they feel needs to be reported:
  • Contact the Perdido Key Chamber of Commerce at 850-492-4660 on Perdido Key
  • Report to the lifeguards on duty on Pensacola Beach
  • Deflective boom – large floating barriers that help contain floating oil – has been deployed around sensitive shorelines.
  • Boom has been deployed in all locations of the Local Action Plan and Addendum One. Staff continues to evaluate areas and is monitoring all deployed boom.
  • To keep waterways open as long as possible, boom will be “wet staged” at some locations. When floating petroleum becomes an imminent threat, boom will be fully deployed. “Fully deployed boom” is described as boom anchored into a functional configuration.
  • Environmental staff completed collecting sediment, water and oyster tissue samples and have sent them to a lab for analysis. Staff also completed pre-assessments on air quality.
  • Escambia County is evaluating several operational options from contractors for coastal protection and recovery. The county is considering every viable proposal, coordinating with Unified Command and will share information as it is approved.
  • A PowerPoint of oil spill response strategies is posted at
  • Pteropods, also known as the sea butterfly, have been reported washing ashore on gulf beaches. Pteropods are small, basically clear and sharply pointed larval snails. Although they are fairly sharp, they do not pose a threat to people. They are naturally occurring and not washing ashore due to anything oil-related.
  • Residents and business owners with water access on their property should have pre-assessments prepared (photos, video, etc. documenting the current condition of the property).
  • The brown foam seen on the beaches recently is not associated with the oil spill. This is a common natural occurrence, especially in the spring, when fish are spawning and there are hard winds, rain, and wave action.
  • The EOC remains at level 2 activation. This is a minimal activation with only specifically involved agencies. Meetings of all essential local emergency support agencies are held daily.

Local Beaches

  • Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key remain open. The water is clear and air quality is good.
  • SRIA lifeguards continue patrolling beaches for oil from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • In the event beaches are impacted by the oil spill, it may be necessary to issue health advisories to protect health and safety.
  • The Florida Department of Health will issue advisories as they become necessary for the area of affected water and shoreline.
  • Beaches above the high tide line should remain open for sunbathing, walking, shopping and restaurants.
  • The exact area for the advisories will be determined at the time oil is reported.

City of Pensacola

  • The City of Pensacola continues to coordinate with Escambia County officials.

Training Opportunities

  • PEC Premier, a BP contractor, will begin free six-hour para-professional training classes in Pensacola on May 17. This is not volunteer training. This course is not a guarantee of employment, but provides credentials needed to be hired for spill cleanup work by BP contractors.
  • E-mail to register.
  • The county has offered free volunteer orientation training for more than 900 citizens. If you completed the county’s training, your contact information has forwarded to the appropriate volunteer organizations. As the need for volunteers arises, you will be contacted.
  • If you would like to be considered for future volunteer opportunities, contact the BP volunteer hotline at 1-866-448-5816.
  • The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has determined volunteers cannot be used in any situation where they may come in contact with oiled shorelines or oiled wildlife.

Safety Information

  • If you see a tar ball on the beach, DO NOT PICK IT UP. Report it to 1-866-448-5816.


  • Do not attempt to rescue oiled or injured birds or wildlife. Doing so can cause additional injuries.
  • If oiled, injured or dead wildlife are found, call the Oiled Wildlife Hotline at 1-866-557-1401. Please provide location of where the wildlife was sighted.
  • Remember that May is the hatching season for many birds and reptiles.


  • Boats should keep a safe distance from the booms. Do not drive boats over booms.
  • Boat owners are urged to dry-dock boats.
  • Do not drive your boat through slicks or sheens.

Beaches and Waterways

  • Citizens should take precautions around waterways to avoid contact with oil substances.
    Officials are closely monitoring potential public health and environmental concerns.

Personal Safety (if areas are affected by oil)

  • Avoid areas where oil can be seen or smelled. If you see or smell oil, leave immediately.
  • Avoid direct skin contact with oil, oil-contaminated water and sediments.
  • Do not swim or ski in areas affected by the oil spill, and if you travel through the area by boat, take precautions when hoisting the boat anchor. If you get oil on your skin, wash it off immediately with soap and water.
  • Do not fish in the oil spill-affected waters.
  • Do not harvest and eat dead fish, fish with oily residue or fish that have a petroleum odor.
  • Young children, pregnant women, people with compromised immune systems, and individuals with underlying respiratory conditions should avoid the area.
  • Restrict pets from entering oil-contaminated areas.
  • Those near Florida’s Gulf Coast may detect an odor because of the oil spill. Some people are more sensitive to these odors and may experience nasal irritation and feelings of nausea. In combination with seasonal allergies, such as sensitivity to pollen or pre-existing respiratory conditions such as asthma, some people may experience more severe symptoms.
  • Individuals who have pre-existing medical conditions, such as asthma or other respiratory illness should contact their health care provider if feeling symptomatic.
  • Report oiled shorelines to 1-866-448-5816.

Business Information

  • Florida emergency management and economic development staff are gathering information from businesses impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Please complete their survey and help shape Florida’s response to this event. The survey will be updated periodically, so please check back, as your specific situation and information may change with time.
  • BP has established a claim system and toll free number, 1-800-440-0858. This system will allow people to begin the process to recover lost income or recoup damage-related expenses.
  • If you are not satisfied with BP’s resolution, call the Coast Guard at 1-800-280-7118.
  • More information about what types of damages are eligible for compensation under the Oil Pollution Act as well as guidance on procedures to seek that compensation can be found at
  • Take detailed records of cancelled reservations. It is important that when these cancellations occur, the canceling party is questioned whether the cause is because of the oil spill. If the answer is yes, keep a record of the person’s name and contact information, and also the revenues lost as a result of the cancellation.
  • Businesses, including shops, restaurants, sport fishing charters, watersports rental companies, etc. that may be negatively impacted, are asked to keep detailed profit and loss records should a claim need to be presented.
  • Calculate estimated losses for a six-week period and be able to provide records, sales receipts and documentation to support your claim. One good option is to compare business to a five-year average of revenues between May and June, which can offer insight as to the damages incurred.
  • Make a detailed list of assets, including non-structural, and include appropriate records to support the list. Example: if your hotel or restaurant is within walking distance to the beach and that beach has oil reach its shores, the business’s assets could be damaged even though there is no physical damage to the structure. It is important to record this depreciation.
  • To register as a consultant, contractor, vendor or submit information on alternative response technology, services products or suggestions, call BP at 281-366-5511.

Citizen Information

  • The Citizen Information Center line remains open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 850-471-6600.
  • Florida Oil Spill Information Line is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., seven days a week, 1-888-337-3569.

Entire Landscaping Business Stolen

May 14, 2010


The owners of a small landscaping business in Cantonment are asking for the public’s help in finding their stolen equipment.

Sometime overnight on April 30,  the company’s entire businesses was stolen when thieves made off with a trailer containing all of their equipment. According an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report a homemade utility trailer with REW Services’ equipment was stolen from a residential address on West Kingsfield Road near Ransom Middle School.

The 1990 six-foot trailer made of solid steel was painted solid black and had Florida tag number A802TY. The left side of the trailer had pipe for tool holders, and in two of the pipes there were pieces of broken wooden handles.

Equipment missing includes a green and black 60-inch cut Lesco Z2 mower; a 36-inch Snapper walk-behind mower; a 21″ Honda mower; a Kawasaki string trimmer; a Shindaiwa edger and a variety of hand tools. The Lesco mower had many deck welds and repairs, according to the owners.

Anyone with information on the thefts is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620.

Pictured above:  A landscaping company’s stolen custom-built trailer. All of the company’s equipment was on the trailer when it was taken. Pictured below: A missing Snapper mower and a missing Lesco mower. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.



Heaton to Make Blue Devils Debut Tonight

May 14, 2010

New Escambia County High School Head Coach Mark Heaton will debut his Blue Devils in a spring football game tonight.

The Blue Devils will be on the road at 7:00 against Robertsdale. The Escambia County Middle School Eagles will play Robertsdale at 5:00.

Heaton is the former Northview High School offensive coordinator. Last season, he was head coach for J.U. Blacksher in Uriah, Alabama.

Tate High AJROTC Places In State Drill Competition

May 14, 2010


The J.M. Tate High School AJROTC Drill Team recently participated in the Florida State Drill Competition in Lakeland, Florida. This year’s competition was one the largest and most competitive with more than 80 teams in attendance.

The Tate “Aggies” placed well in each of their events, and proudly displayed the culmination of their hard work. The Regulation Armed Squad had the top scores for the battalion, placing 9th out of 35 teams. The Male Individual Drill placed 12th, Regulation Armed Platoon and Exhibition Armed Squad both placed 14th, Regulation Unarmed Platoon placed 20th, and Dual Male Drill placed 21st.

The teams competed for trophies and a place in the National Drill Competition. The young men and women were commended for their positive attitudes and unrivaled display of teamwork. Meanwhile, the cadets returning to the AJROTC program are dedicated to improving their skills in hopes of obtaining even higher rankings next year.

For more Tate AJROTC photos from regional and state drill meets, click here.

Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


FSU Receives $2.5 Million Grant To Develop Forecasts For Farmers

May 14, 2010

  Florida State University has received a $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the Southeast Climate Consortium (SECC) to develop improved methods to forecast droughts and other extreme climate events in the southeastern states.

The forecasts will help agricultural, forest and natural resource managers to reduce risks of losses and environmental damage. In addition, the SECC will develop new partnerships and methods for incorporating climate forecasts into agricultural and water policy decisions. The Agricultural Extension Service managed by the University of Florida is a key partner.

“Agriculture is one of Florida’s largest industries, and for more than a decade the Southeastern Climate Consortium has helped strengthen the contributions the agriculture sector makes to our local and national economies,” U.S. Congressman Allen Boyd (D-North Florida)  said. “I commend FSU for their leadership in the Consortium and for the invaluable research they have provided farmers throughout the Southeast region.”

Boyd joined James O’Brien, emeritus Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Meteorology and Oceanography and former director of the FSU Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS), and Raymond Bye, director of federal relations and economic development at FSU, at COAPS to make the announcement.

FSU is the lead institution in the SECC, which also involves researchers from the University of Florida, University of Miami, University of Georgia, Auburn University, the University of Alabama in Huntsville, North Carolina State University and Clemson University. O’Brien is the grant’s principal investigator and leads the FSU team.

“This project provides a bridge between our climate researchers and our farmers, leading to larger crops and more productive farms,” said FSU President Eric J. Barron. “We are thankful for Congressman Boyd’s leadership in Washington and his work in securing funding for this very important effort.”

The grant continues work begun in 2003 to develop new methods to predict the consequences of climate variability – including rainfall, temperature and wild fires – for agricultural crops, forests and water resources. This research provides critical and cutting-edge information to farmers that helps them better adapt their crops to drought, hurricanes and other inclement weather systems.

Farmers throughout the region rely on the short-term climate forecasts by the SECC to make decisions on peanuts, cotton, corn and strawberries, among other crops. The SECC has a website,, that provides climate and crop predictions for each county in Florida, Georgia and Alabama.

“The SECC strives to deliver climate forecasts to farmers early enough for decisions to be made,” O’Brien said. “Explanations after an event, like a drought, are knowledge but, in advance, farming practices can be altered and money can be made.”

87-Year Old Caught On Tape Selling Crack Cocaine To Deputies

May 13, 2010

An 87-year old woman was arrested Thursday afternoon after she was caught on video selling crack cocaine to undercover officers.

agee10.jpgOla Mae Agee, 87, of Pensacola, was charged by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office with one felony count of selling cocaine.

Over the past month, the Sheriff’s Office conducted an undercover narcotics investigation in the area of Dr. Martin Luther King Drive and East Desoto Street.

“During the investigation suspect Ola Mae Agee was captured on video selling crack cocaine to undercover deputies. This sale and other narcotic sales at the residence led to a search warrant being executed at Agee’s residence today,” according to a statement release by Sgt. Ted Roy, spokesperson for the Escambia Sheriff’s Office.

Agee was transported to the jail where she turned herself in on an outstanding warrant and was released on her own recognizance, according to Roy.

‘Cornbread’ Named Inspirational Hero

May 13, 2010


cornbread121.jpgCornbread is an inspirational hero — as most everyone around Northview High School knows.

Chris Moorer — also known as Cornbread — was named an inspirational hero by Cox Gulf Coast during their 16th annual Inspirational Student Hero Celebration Tuesday night. The event honors students that have faced significant challenges, including the loss of their parents, physical illness, handicaps and language barriers.

“Chris is the type of student every student and teacher knows at school. He brings smiles, compliments, and cheers to everyone’s day. He is a hard worker in class and takes pride with his job at school. Chris was awarded the Most School Spirit Award for this school year,” Northview reading teacher Natalie Nall said about Chris.

According to the event program, “Chris has brought smiles to the halls of Northview and into the lives of the school personnel and students. His proudest success is being able to complete his assignments. He is also very proud that he has learned not to be easily influenced and to take responsibility for his actions.”

Chris, a senior, was also awarded this year’s Most School Spirit Award at Northview.

Other North Escambia area students that received the Cox Inspirational Hero award were Tashima Talton of Cantonment, Escambia Charter School; Sarah Martin, Jim Allen Elementary; Jon Walker, Ransom Middle School; and Rebeccah Elizabeth Godwin, Tate High School.

Pictured above: Chris Moorer, also known as Cornbread, poses for pictures at the Cox Gulf Coast 16th annual Inspirational Student Hero Celebration. Pictured below: About 40 students were honored at the event. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


Over $300,000 Cash, Boxes Of Documents And A Stuffed Bear Seized From Tax Business

May 13, 2010


tax12.jpgRecently unsealed federal court documents show that FBI and IRS agents seized over $300,000, boxes of tax documents, computers, vehicles and even a stuffed teddy bear when they raided three locations of a tax and check cashing business along with the home of the business owners.

The search warrants were executed the morning of March 4 against Alice Preyear Mobley, Lloyd Preyear and Preyear Tax and Check Cashing Services, LLC. Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service served a federal search warrant at the Preyear’s Tax & Check Cashing, LLC on Ridgely Street in Atmore, as well as locations of the business in Monroeville and Thomasville, Alabama, and the Monroeville home of Alice Preyear Mobley. According to the Alabama Secretary of State’s Office, Mobley is the owner of the tax and check cashing business.

The exact reason the U.S. government sought the search warrants is still secret; a federal judge sealed the search warrant applications and reasons for obtaining them. But other unsealed documents in the case  reveal that the government was seeking “business, bank and accounting records, documents and proceeds related to fraud against the government, tax fraud and money laundering, U.S. currency, property that constitutes evidence of the commission of a criminal offense and contraband, fruits of a crime or other things criminally possessed therein.”

Alice Preyear Mobley, Lloyd Preyear and Preyear Tax and Check Cashing Services, LLC have requested that the government return property from the home and business locations in Atmore and Monroeville. The defendants claim that the search warrants were missing a necessary attachment in order to be valid.

Items seized during the execution of the search warrants included $263,000 in $100 bills from the defendants’ house, many boxes of tax records and other documents and even a “stuffed white bear”.

At the time of the search, spokesperson for both the IRS and the FBI would only confirm that they executed the search warrants, with an IRS spokesperson saying “we were there on official business”. Otherwise, the government has not provided any public information about the search warrants.

Some of the items seized during the execution of the search warrants, according to federal court documents, were:

Residence at 2193 Monroe Station Road, Monroeville, AL

  • $263,000 from a safe in the master bedroom at the main house
  • $6,900 in the pool house
  • multiple computers
  • various documents and paperwork
  • cellular telephones
  • one stuffed white bear
  • a Cadillac Escalade
  • a 4×10 trailer

Business at 200 North Main Street, Atmore

  • tax documents
  • tax software
  • cellular phones
  • trash
  • loan applications
  • client tax files
  • tax records
  • CD’s from a Ford Expedition

Business at  1150 West Front Street, Thomasville

  • checks
  • client folders
  • binders and documents
  • boxes of documents
  • papers from trash can
  • information copied from hard drives

Business at  2181 South Highway 21 Bypass, Monroeville

  • $39,141.45 in cash
  • checks
  • boxes of documents
  • sticky notes from toilet
  • deposit records
  • hard drive
  • videotapes

Pictured above: A federal agent enters Preyear’s Tax & Check Cashing, LLC in Atmore March 4. Pictured inset: Agents search a vehicle at the business. Pictured below: A federal agent and Atmore Police officer talk to an employee of the business during the raid. file photos, click to enlarge.


Memorial Held For Pedestrian Killed Last Week

May 13, 2010


Friends and family gathered at his favorite fishing spot on Pensacola Beach Wednesday night to remember Billy G. Beck III.

Beck, 23, was walking on New Chemstrand Road May 6 when he was struck by at least three vehicles. The driver of the first vehicle to strike Beck fled the scene and has not yet been located by the Florida Highway Patrol.

billy-beck-memorial-050.jpgFamily members said that by sharing the photos here on, they hope that it will show that Beck was loved and the amount of pain his death has caused his family. They hope that someone will step forward with information that will lead to the arrest of the unknown driver.

For more photos from the service, click here.

Billy Beck III is survived by his parents, Billy Jr. & Cathy Beck; brothers, Victor (Desiree) and Austin Beck; grandparents, C.A. & Mildred Longo; aunts & uncles, James Beck, Darlene Thompson, Susan Fonté, Anthony Longo and Charles Longo; his girlfriend, Jesseca Madrid; and close friends, Jason Fetters, Clint Wooten & Cami Wooten and a host of other family and friends.

“Superman loved to draw and fish the Bob Sikes Bridge, Ft. Pickens and area ponds and creeks. One can imagine that he’s finally found that perfect fishing hole,” his obituary stated.

The Florida Highway Patrol says Beck was walking northbound on the paved portion of New Chemstrand Road just south of 10 Mile Road when he was struck by a northbound vehicle. That vehicle fled the scene.

Beck was then struck by the front undercarriage of  vehicle driven by Devin J. Poe, 18, of Cantonment. Poe and  passenger in his vehicle, Joshua F. Valentine, 18, of Pensacola, were not injured.

A third vehicle, driven by Julian J. Donato, 24, of Pace, then struck Beck.

Charges are pending the outcome of the investigation, according to the FHP.

The FHP said they have no information or description of the vehicle that fled the scene. Anyone with information about the crash is asked to contact Cpl. Michael J. Tucker at the Florida Highway Patrol Station in Pensacola, (850) 484-5000 ext.331.

Pictured top: A memorial service Billy G. Beck III of Cantonment was held Wednesday night on Pensacola Beach. for Pictured inset: Parents Billy Jr. & Cathy Beck. Pictured below: Brothers Victor and Austin Beck. photos by Kristi Smith, click to enlarge.


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