Escambia Oil Update For Thursday

June 10, 2010

Here is the latest Deepwater Horizon oil spill information specific to Escambia County for Thursday, June 10.

The most recent updates are in yellow.

  • If you see tar or oiled debris on the beach, DO NOT PICK IT UP. Report it to I-877-272-8335, 1-866-448-5816 or #DEP from a cell phone.
  • DO NOT TOUCH oiled or injured wildlife. Report your finding to 1-866-557-1401.
  • The and web site will be down at 9 p.m. on June 9 for several hours for maintenance.
  • A thicker oil product has been reported in Perdido Pass.
  • Escambia County has issued orders for crews to deploy secondary boom in inland areas, beginning in Perdido. This boom will protect environmentally sensitive areas but may impede boating.
  • This boom will be placed in passes at Perdido Key Cove, Kees bayou, Russell Bayou and part of Holiday Harbor. Passes will be open for navigational purposes.
  • All boom has been lighted to be visible to boaters and 24-hour crews will be mobilized to assist boaters tonight.
  • A VHS mariner order will be broadcast on the closing of these passes.
  • All booming will be deployed within the next 72 hours as planned. (See list)
  • According to the NOAA oil plume model, the primary oil plume is now 13 miles from Pensacola.
  • NOAA trajectories show direct on-shore impacts of scattered tarballs and light sheen through Friday, mainly near Pensacola and East Bay.
  • The beaches at Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key remain open.
  • Based on the volume of tar balls washing ashore on Perdido Key and the difficulty in avoiding contact with the tar in the surf, the state health department issued a health advisory yesterday (June 8) from the Florida/Alabama line east to the entrance of Johnson Beach/Gulf Islands National Seashore. The Health Department posted signs at the affected area.
  • This is an advisory, not a ban. People may safely participate in activities that are above the high tide line and can still swim at their own risk. If you experience respiratory problems, leave the area and contact a physician if you deem necessary. Please see the Health Department web site for more information on health safety:
  • The health department will continue to monitor the levels of tar balls and will lift the advisory as conditions improve.
  • 590 members of clean-up crews were deployed in Escambia County on June 9.
  • Light to moderate southeast winds at 5-15 knots are expected today, but will turn more to the south Thursday through the weekend. This wind flow may continue to push portions of the oil plume towards the Florida Panhandle in the next 72 hours; however, near-shore ocean currents are forecast to become more westerly this week which will help limit the eastward movement of the oil plume and windows of sheen.
  • June 7 water quality testing from the University of West Florida came back negative for aliphatic hydrocarbons. This means that no dissolved or dispersed hydrocarbons were found in the water.  Arrival of tar pies represents a different and less toxic form of the oil reaching the beaches.
  • The presence of tar balls continues on Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key. Areas of impact include Perdido Key, Pensacola Beach and Gulf Islands National Seashore. The size of the materials typically range from 1/2 inch to 4 inches in size.
  • Reconnaissance flights and ATV beach patrols are being conducted daily, weather permitting, to monitor Florida’s shoreline for impact.
  • Unified command continues to check, verify the condition and make repairs as needed to currently placed booms. The county will work with Unified Command on any placement of boom within navigable waterways.

British Petroleum (BP)
  • BP claims in Florida: 8,217 with $5,378,781 paid.
  • BP has 360 vessels deployed in Florida for the Vessels of Opportunity Program.
  • There are reports of a scam involving individuals falsely representing themselves as BP employees and offering applicants training and job placement for a fee. BP does not charge to train applicants.  If you or someone you know has been charged for training, please contact law enforcement.
  • BP is providing a $100,000 grant through a Memorandum of Understanding with Volunteer Florida to maintain a database for the regulation of volunteers.
  • BP’s Florida Gulf Response web site:
  • File claims with BP online:
  • BP’s claims office is located at 3960 W. Navy Boulevard, Suite 16 & 17. The office is currently open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., seven days a week, until further notice. BP claims categories. Call 1-800-440-0858 to help expedite the process. If you are not satisfied with BP’s resolution, call 1-800-280-7118.
  • The BP community outreach office is located at 435 East Government Street for questions on volunteering, vessels of opportunity program, or any other questions. Phone: 850-912-8640.
  • To register as a consultant, contractor, vendor or submit information on alternative response technology, services products or suggestions, call BP at 281-366-5511.
  • BP Vessels of Opportunity – see the master vessel charter agreement and vessel requirements checklist online To pick up or deliver completed Vessels of Opportunity packets, visit 435 East Government Street. For information, call 281-366-5511.
  • Do not sign any documents in return from money from BP or anyone else until you know the extent of your loss. BP officials carry proper identification badges or business cards.
  • The Fish and Wildlife Service is working with Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, contracted by BP to provide assistance to oiled wildlife. Specific safety and other requirements must be met before anyone will be allowed on-site for any participation. If you have wildlife training, call 1-866-557-1401.
  • Boaters are requested to report sightings of broken, disconnected or adrift boom and are asked to keep their distance from boom especially at night or in conditions of restricted visibility. Please report damaged, vandalized, adrift or stolen boom to: 1-866-448-5816. See details.

Federal (NOAA, Coast Guard)
  • The Coast Guard has three 225 foot skimmers in the gulf working both Florida and Alabama.
  • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has opened 339 square miles of previously closed fishing area off the Florida panhandle – the northern boundary now ends at the Florida federal-state water line on the east side of Choctawhatchee Bay. Previous information read that 430 square miles had been opened. See details:

State of Florida (DEP, FWC)
  • A Legal Advisory Council was established to assess the impact the potential disaster could have on the state.
  • For information on the Florida Small Business Development Center’s Mobile Area Command units, visit Programs/bcrm.asp.
  • Additional guidance to help small businesses survive a disaster can be found at or by calling 850-413-3089 or toll-free 1-877-MY-FL-CFO (1-877-693-5236).

Escambia County Board of County Commissioners and Staff
  • The Escambia County Board of County Commissioners will hold a special meeting on Thursday, June 10 at 8:45 followed by a briefing from the Emergency Operations Center and then the regularly scheduled Committe of the Whole meeting.
  • If citizens see anything unusual on the beaches, Escambia County has opened field offices on Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key to assist in answering questions from the public and to also act as staging areas for the county monitoring teams.
    • The Pensacola Beach field office is located at 5 Via Deluna, Suite 8.
    • The Perdido Key field office is located at 13578 Perdido Key Drive.
  • Escambia County received a permit from DEP to use rakes and tractors (mechanical cleaning equipment) on our beaches. We have requested eight pieces of equipment. BP is procuring five now and planning for three more.
  • Escambia County contractors are monitoring the passes for indications of oil during the evening hours.
  • EOC briefings will continue 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., with news conferences at 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
  • County staff continue to monitor and maintain boom. See our Booming Locations and Booming Maps.
  • Escambia County opened field offices on Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key to assist in answering questions from the public and act as staging areas for the county monitoring teams. The Pensacola Beach field office is located at 5 Via Deluna, Suite 8 and the Perdido Key field office is located at 13578 Perdido Key Drive.
  • County officials are meeting with BP and the Coast Guard daily on materials collected and locations of cleanup.
  • SRIA lifeguards continue patrolling beaches for oil from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • In the event beaches are impacted by the oil spill, it may be necessary to issue health advisories to protect health and safety.
    • The Florida Department of Health will issue advisories as they become necessary for the area of affected water and shoreline.
    • Beaches above the high tide line should remain open for sunbathing, walking, shopping and dining. The exact area for the advisories will be determined at the time oil is reported.
  • Escambia County has allocated more than $3 million local dollars to date.
  • Escambia County has received $700,000 in funding for tourism promotion with the Escambia County Tourism Development Council, with another $700,000 to be allocated in 45 days.
  • Hurricane season began June 1. See the Hurricanes and Oil Spill Fact Sheet (PDF)
  • Escambia County is evaluating every viable proposal for coastal protection and recovery, coordinating with Unified Command and will share information as it is approved.
  • Escambia County, in conjunction with the University of West Florida, is collecting gulf water samples from Santa Rosa Island and Perdido Key weekly to indicate any changes in water quality.
  • On inland waters (bays, bayous, estuaries, rivers), private property owners may install oil absorbent material, booms or fences on private property above the mean high waterline (MHWL) only. No material may be installed or sprayed below the MHWL.
  • On gulf-front property, the use of silt fences, obstructions, hay bales, peat, surfactants or other material is not approved. DEP is the permitting agency for beaches and coastal systems. No obstructions to sea turtle nesting behavior is allowed.
  • Residents and business owners with water access on their property should have pre-assessments prepared (photos, video, etc. documenting the current condition of the property).
  • Deflective boom has been deployed in all locations of the Local Action Plan and Addendum One. Staff continues to evaluate areas and is monitoring all deployed boom.
  • To keep waterways open as long as possible, boom is “wet staged” at some locations. When floating petroleum becomes an imminent threat, boom will be fully deployed. “Fully deployed boom” is described as boom anchored into a functional configuration.

City of Pensacola
  • The City of Pensacola continues to coordinate with Escambia County officials.

Volunteer Opportunities
  • The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has determined volunteers cannot be used in any situation where they may come in contact with oiled shorelines or oiled wildlife.
  • To volunteer, visit

Safety Information
  • If you see a tar ball on the beach, DO NOT PICK IT UP. Report it to 1-866-448-5816.


  • Do not attempt to rescue oiled or injured birds or wildlife as this may cause additional injuries.
  • If oiled, injured or dead wildlife are found, call the Oiled Wildlife Hotline at 1-866-557-1401. Please provide location of where the wildlife was sighted.


  • Boats should keep a safe distance from the booms. Do not drive boats over booms.
  • Do not drive boats through slicks or sheens.

Beaches and Waterways

  • Citizens should take precautions around waterways to avoid contact with oil substances.
  • Officials are closely monitoring potential public health and environmental concerns.

Personal Safety

  • Gulf coast residents may detect an odor because of the oil spill. Some are more sensitive to these odors and may experience nasal irritation and feelings of nausea. In combination with seasonal allergies or pre-existing respiratory conditions, some may experience more severe symptoms. For Air Quality Reports, see
  • Individuals who have pre-existing medical conditions, such as asthma or other respiratory illness should contact their health care provider if feeling symptomatic.
  • If you see or smell oil, leave immediately. Avoid skin contact with oil or oil-contaminated water. Do not swim or ski in areas affected by oil, and if you travel through the area by boat, take care when hoisting the anchor. Restrict pets from entering oil-contaminated areas. If you get oil on your skin, wash it off with soap and water. Young children, pregnant women, people with compromised immune systems, and individuals with underlying respiratory conditions should avoid the area.
  • Do not fish in the oil spill-affected waters. Do not harvest and eat dead fish, fish with oily residue or fish that have a petroleum odor.

Business Information
  • More information about what types of damages are eligible for compensation under the Oil Pollution Act as well as guidance to seek compensation can be found at
  • Florida emergency management and economic development staff are gathering information from businesses impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Please complete their survey and help shape Florida’s response to this event. The survey will be updated periodically.
  • Take detailed records of cancelled reservations. When cancellations occur, ask the party if the cancellation is related the oil spill. Keep the person’s name and contact information, and the revenues lost as a result of the cancellation.
  • Businesses negatively impacted due to the oil spill, are asked to keep detailed profit and loss records should a claim need to be presented. Calculate estimated losses for a six-week period and have records, receipts and documentation to support your claim. Compare business to a five-year average of revenues between May and June, which can offer insight as to the damages incurred.
  • Make a detailed list of assets, including non-structural, and include supportive records. If your hotel or restaurant is within walking distance to the beach, the business’s assets could be damaged even though there is no physical damage to the structure. Please record this depreciation.

Important Phone Numbers For Citizens

    • To report oil on the beach or shoreline:
      • 1-866-448-5816
      • 1-877-2SAVEFL or 1-877-272-8335
      • #DEP from a cell phone
    • To report oiled wildlife:
      • 1-866-557-1401
    • BP Claims:
      • 1-800-440-0858
    • To report damaged, vandalized, adrift or stolen boom:
      • 1-866-448-5816
      • 1-800-320-0519
    • Escambia County Citizen’s Information Line:
      • 471-6600
    • Florida Oil Spill Information Line:
      • 1-888-337-3569

Two North Escambia Teachers Receive Top Reading Awards

June 10, 2010

Two North Escambia area teachers were honored at the recent Second Annual Every Child a Reader in Escambia Apple Seeds program.

“It was a real blessing to see these childcare providers and teachers have an evening devoted specifically to them and be publicly recognized for what they do for our youngest children in regards to early learning and emergent literacy,” said ECARE Executive Director Clairen Reese.

Misty Lambeth (pictured right) of Camp Fire USA Century Learning Youth Center was honored as the second runner-up for Teacher of the Year. Carolyn Butler (pictured left) of Camp Fire USA Century Learning Youth Center was a finalist in the top 11 “Best of the Best”.

Teacher of the Year: Stephanie Collins of Montclair Elementary
First Runner Up: Michelle Smith of Wee Children’s Center / West Pensacola Baptist Church
Second Runner Up: Misty Lambeth of Camp Fire USA Century Learning Youth Center
Third Runner Up: Rachel Leavitt of Malena’s Mini School – Pine Forest
Fourth Runner Up – Corrine Vaughn of Vaughn Family Child Care Home
Christy Stevens of Malena’s Mini School One – Pensacola Blvd.
Tammy Smoot of Childcare Network
Carol Jones of Community Action Program Head Start Pensacola
Jennifer Huffaker of Childcare Network
Lucinda Cresap of Wee Children’s Center / West Pensacola Baptist Church
Carolyn Butler of Camp Fire USA Century Learning Youth Center

The Early Learning Coalition recognized the following individuals:
Outstanding Reading Pals tutor / volunteers Barbara Kelly, Leona Bailey, Judi Patrick and Dottie Patrick.

Parents who have gone above and beyond at their child’s early education and care programs:
Tamara Garrett, Martiza Woodfaulk, Pamela McGhee, Marion Skalicky, Stephanie Coleman, Jennifer LaBorde, Erin Dolan, Lillian Riverre, Terry and Richard Soble (foster parents) and Delores Redmond (foster grandparents).

Childcare providers who have gone above and beyond in helping a child create a more effective learning environment
Ashley Benjamin – Alice Williams Child Care
Sabrina Hunter – Alice Williams Child Care
La Margie Allen – Childcare Netowrk (Michigan Ave.)
Teresa Baker – Malean’s Mini School (Pine Forest)
Lillie Thomas – Malena’s Mini School – (Pine Forest)
Dan Mendoza – Jubilee Christian
Cynthia Cash – Malena’s Mini School (Pensacola Blvd.)
Debra Presley – Cokesbury Untied Methodist Preschool
Lasonia Hale – Childcare Netowrk (MIchigan Ave.)
Euwanna Brown – Little Whispers Preschool
Brenda Watkins – Blue Angel Early Learning
Jessica Antoine – Blessed Star
and Jennet Zaborny – Carden Christian Academy

Honorees in the early education field for:
15 years or more:
Judi Schultz – Blessed Star
Annie Mack – First Presbyterian
Pat Crosby – First Presbyterian
17 years or more:
Karen Radford – Blue Angel Early Learning
20 years or more:
Olivia Chen – Blessed Star (20 years)
Cathy Odom – Jubilee Christian (20 years)
Cynthia McPherson – Little Whispers Preschool (21 years)
Margie Anderson – First Presbyterian (22 years)
Georgia Robbins – First Presbyterian (23 years)
Dorothy Kitt – First Presbyterian (23 years)
Yolander Williams – First Presbyterian (24 years)
Merri Jo Owen – Cokesbury (25 years)
Wanda Lett – Alice Williams Day Care (29 years)
Emma Jean Brantley – First Presbyterian (32 years)

Both ECARE and ELCE also honored a wide range of community partners. Both organizations have a mission to help prepare children to enter school ready to learn.

Community Partners recognized by ECARE:
Gulf Power; Regions Bank; Downtown Rotary; International Paper; Barnes and Noble; Leadership Penacola; United Way of Escambia; Wal-Mart,;Baptist Heatlh Care; E.W. Bullock Associates; Avalex Technologies; Landrum Human Resources,;Clark, Partington, Hart, Larry, Bond, and Stackhouse; Kerrigan, Estess, Rankin, McLeod; and McDonald’s.

Community Partners recognized by ELCE:
Michael Johnson State Farm, Joe Leonard State Farm, Downtown Rotary, Kohl’s, Stanley Walker – Postmaster; Gulf Breeze Rotary; International Paper; Escambia County Landfill and Recycle; Wal-Mart Navy Boulevard; and Roxanne Baker – Escambia County School District.

ECARE partnered with The Early Learning Coalition of Escambia for this year’s ceremony at the Crowne Plaza in Pensacola. The theme was “Bee READy to Learn!” . Guest speaker was Pamela Broughton of Malena’s Mini School Pensacola Blvd., the 2009 Apple Seeds Teacher of the Year.

Eugenia Ann Gentry

June 9, 2010

Eugenia Ann Gentry, age 37 of Milton, FL, passed away Wednesday, June 2, 2010.

She is preceded in death by her parents, Johnny J. Penton and Annie Regina Walker and her brother, Thomas ‘Tommy” Walter Penton.

She is survived by her brother, William “Bill” Penton; sister, Joyce Marie Knight; uncles, Gerald Walker (Jennifer), Curtis Walker, Randy Walker and Ronnie Walker; aunts, Barbara Jean Woodcock, Willie Lee Hawk (Wayne Almond) and Elmira Calvin (Wayne).

Funeral Services will be held at 11:00 a.m., Sunday, June 13, 2010 at Faith Chapel Funeral Home with Pastor Mike Perkins officiating. Interment will follow at Enon Cemetery, Walnut Hill, FL.

The family will receive friends at the funeral home one hour prior to the funeral service.

FAITH CHAPEL FUNERAL HOME, 100 Beverly Pkwy, is handling arrangements.

Molino Park’s Karen Hall To Be Named Bratt Principal

June 9, 2010

It’s official — Molino Park Elementary School Curriculum Coordinator Karen Hall has been recommended for the job of principal at Bratt Elementary School.

Escambia County School District Superintendent Malcolm Thomas will make the promotion recommendation at the  next meeting of the school board on Monday, June 14. Hall will replace Sheryl Pomeroy who will retire effective June 30.

Two other new principals are expected to be named at that school board meeting: Lesa Morgan will move from principal at West Florida High School to the position of director of workforce education for the county, and Holly Wilkins will be promoted from assistant principal at Scenic Heights Elementary to principal at Bellview Elementary.

Transportation Plan Includes $48 Million In North Escambia Improvements

June 9, 2010

A five-year transportation improvement plan includes four new bridges, a major resurfacing project, widened shoulders and a rail safety project in the North Escambia area — over $48 million in construction.

A recently released Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization  report identifies the projects to be completed, project phasing, estimated costs and funding sources. Inclusion in the report does not guarantee that a project will be funded.

North Escambia area projects included in the five-year plan include:

  • Resurfacing Highway 29 from north of Pine Barren Road through Century to the  Alabama state line. Preliminary engineering would take place in fiscal year 2010-2011 at a cost of $3,816,010. The bulk of the construction would take place in 2013-2014. The total cost for the 15.585 mile project is estimated at $29,431,725.
  • Bridge replacement on Highway 97 in Walnut Hill over Little Pine Barren Creek (near Wiggins Lake Road). The total cost to replace the bridge, which was constructed in 1941, is estimated at $4,373,469 with the work to take place in 2014-2015.
  • Bridge replacement on Fannie Road over Dead Lake in Century would take place in 2013-2014 under the plan. The project has an estimated total price tag of $4,710,503.
  • Bridge replacement on Highway 97A over the west fork of Boggy Creek (near Dan Hall Road) would take place is 2012-2013 for $4,635,910.
  • Shoulders would be paved on Crabtree Church Road from Sunshine Hill Road to Highway 97 in Molino. The 2.59 mile project would take place in 2014-2015 for $1,527,068.
  • The Brushy Creek Bridge on South Pineville Road would be replaced in 2013-2014 at a cost of $4,611,309.
  • A railroad crossing signal would be installed in fiscal year 2010-2011 at the crossing on Athur Brown Road near Corley Road in Walnut Hill. Total cost would be $251,000.

The Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization was created by the governors in Alabama and Florida to oversee the transportation planning process in the Florida-Alabama TPO Planning Area.

Pictured top: The Little Pine Barren Creek Bridge on Highway 97 is tentatively set for replacement in fiscal year 2014-2015. Pictured inset: The bridge was constructed in 1941. photos, click to enlarge.

Century To Take Low Interest Loan For General Fund

June 9, 2010

The Town of Century will borrow about $150,000 on a low-interest loan in order to free up general fund monies for another purposes.

The 2.6 percent, 20 year note will come from the state’s revolving fund to reimburse the town’s general fund for engineering services related to a water improvement project. Since the town has already paid for the engineering, the funds can be used for any purpose.

“I think it would be a good financially sound way to pay the town back, said Robert Hudson, Century’s accountant.

Council President Ann Brooks said she thought the money would be wisely invested in street paving.

But council member Henry Hawkins, the lone vote against the loan, said he did not believe borrowing money was a good move. “We are leaving debt for our children to pay, and I don’t like it.”

In September, the town voted to accept a low interest loan from the state for water improvements that will automatically forgive $1.4 million in payments — with Hawkins voting against.  On the approximately $1.6 million loan, Century would be responsible for repaying only about $250,000. Payments on the revolving loan will cost the town about $12,400 annually.

W.D. Childers Conviction Tossed Out

June 9, 2010

W.D. Childer’s bribery conviction was overturned in a federal appeals court on Tuesday, with the judge ruling that testimony that was disallowed in the original trial could have led to a different outcome.

Childers, who once served as President of the Florida Senate, was convicted of bribery and accepting unlawful compensation for official acts in connection with a Highway 29 soccer complex scandal in 2002 while he served as an Escambia County Commissioner.

The soccer complex scandal eventually landed four Escambia Commissioners in jail on charges that included Childers, Willie Junior, Terry Smith and Mike Bass.  Junior was later found dead under a house, committing suicide the day before he was to be sentenced.

Childers, once known as “The Banty Rooster” for bringing home the bacon for Northwest Florida, was released from state prison on June 17, 2009, having served almost three years of a 42-month sentence on the charges related to the $3.9 million soccer complex purchase. Junior testified that he received a collard green pot full of cash in exchange for his vote to purchase the soccer complex.

Childers was also the first man in Florida jailed for violating the open-meeting portion of the Sunshine Law for a phone call he and Smith made to then Supervisor of Elections Bonnie Jones. Childers served about a month in jail before being released.

Most notably for North Escambia, Childers was the man responsible for the funding to four-lane Highway 29 to the Alabama state line.

Former Tate Star Selected By Mets In MLB Draft

June 9, 2010

Former Tate High School baseball player Brandon Brown of Cantonment was selected by the New York Mets in the 22nd round of the Major League Baseball draft. He was the the 662th draft pick overall.

As a senior at South Alabama this past season, Brown, 22, started all 59 of the Jaguar’s games at shortstop. He batted .265, had three home runs, 30 RBI and three home runs for the Jags. As a junior at USA, he hit .319 with one home run, five doubles, 10 RBI and scored nine runs over 20 games – 13 of which were starts.

At Tate High School, Brown pitched and played third base for coach Todd Boyd. He helped Tate to the 2005 state championship, playing alongside fellow Jag David Doss. Brown was named a 2006 Puma All-American and ranked as the No 1. Top Prospect by Baseball Factory.

Brown was selected in 47th round of 2006 Major League Baseball First-Year Player Draft by the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.

Brown is the son of Terry and Jan Brown. His older brother Bo played four seasons for the Atlanta Braves organization.

Latest Escambia Oil Update (With Map)

June 9, 2010


Here is the latest Deepwater Horizon oil spill information specific to Escambia County for Wednesday, June 9.

The most recent updates are in yellow.

  • If you see tar or oiled debris on the beach, DO NOT PICK IT UP. Report it to I-877-272-8335, #DEP from a cell phone or 1-866-448-5816.
  • If you find oiled or injured wildlife. DO NOT TOUCH. Report it to 1-866-557-1401.
  • According to the NOAA oil plume model, the primary oil plume remains less than 5 miles from Pensacola
  • The beaches at Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key remain open.
  • Late this afternoon, reports of an oily substance washing ashore on Perdido Key were received. The Health Department has issued advisory for the beach from the Florida/Alabama line to the entrance of the Gulf Islands National Seashore (Johnson Beach). The Health Department is posting signs at the affected area. Residents can participate in activities that are above the high tide line.  If you experience respiratory problems, leave the area and contact a physician if you deem necessary. Please see the Health Department web site for more information on health safety:
  • June 7 water quality testing from the University of West Florida came back negative for aliphatic hydrocarbons. This means that no dissolved or dispersed hydrocarbons were found in the water.  Arrival of tar pies represents a different and less toxic form of the oil reaching the beaches.
  • See Florida Department of Health information and alerts about the health effects from oil.
  • The presence of tar balls continues on Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key. Areas of impact include Perdido Key, Pensacola Beach and Gulf Islands National Seashore. The size of the materials typically range from 1/2 inch to 4 inches in size.
  • Currently 420 members of clean-up crews were deployed in Escambia County.
  • A light to moderate easterly flow of five to 15 knots this morning shifts to the south-southeast this afternoon and will slightly lessen. This wind flow pattern will persist through the end of the week and currents will become more westward for the next few days. These two factors will combine to inhibit further eastward movement of the oil plume along the Florida Panhandle. Weather will be favorable for recovery operations this week as shower chances remain below 10 percent and seas remain calm at one to three feet.
  • Reconnaissance flights and ATV beach patrols are being conducted daily, weather permitting, to monitor Florida’s shoreline for impact.
  • Escambia County Board of County Commissioners renewed the Local State of Emergency on Thursday, June 3 at the BOCC meeting.
  • Unified command continues to check, verify the condition and make repairs as needed to currently placed booms. The county will work with Unified Command on any placement of boom within navigable waterways.

British Petroleum (BP)
  • BP claims in Florida: 8,252 with $5,378,781 paid.
  • BP has 312 vessels deployed in Florida for the Vessels of Opportunity Program.
  • There are reports of a scam involving individuals falsely representing themselves as BP employees and offering applicants training and promising job placement for a fee.  BP does not charge to train and hire applicants.  If you or someone you know has been charged for training, please contact law enforcement.
  • BP is providing a $100,000 grant through a Memorandum of Understanding with Volunteer Florida to maintain a database for the regulation of volunteers. BP’s Florida Gulf Response web site:
  • File claims with BP online:
  • BP’s claims office is located at 3960 W. Navy Boulevard, Suite 16 & 17. The office is currently open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., seven days a week, until further notice. BP claims categories.
  • BP recommends anyone with a claim call 1-800-440-0858 to help expedite the process. By calling the claims number, adjusters at the claims office will have the information prior to your visit.
  • If you are not satisfied with BP’s resolution, call the Coast Guard at 1-800-280-7118.
  • The BP community outreach office is open for citizens at 435 East Government Street. Representatives are available to answer any questions on volunteering, vessels of opportunity program, or any other oil spill related questions. Phone: (850) 912-8640, fax: (850) 912-8755.
  • To register as a consultant, contractor, vendor or submit information on alternative response technology, services products or suggestions, call BP at 281-366-5511.
  • BP Vessels of Opportunity – see the master vessel charter agreement and vessel requirements checklist online
  • To pick up or deliver completed Vessels of Opportunity packets, visit BP’s Community Outreach office at 435 East Government Street. For information, call 281-366-5511.
  • Do not sign any documents in return from money from BP or anyone else until you know the extent of your loss. BP officials carry proper identification badges or business cards.
  • The Fish and Wildlife Service is working with Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, contracted by BP to provide assistance to oiled wildlife. Specific safety and other requirements must be met before anyone will be allowed on-site for any participation. If you have wildlife training, call 1-866-557-1401.
  • Boaters are requested to report sightings of broken, disconnected or adrift boom and are asked to keep their distance from boom especially at night or in conditions of restricted visibility. Please report damaged, vandalized, adrift or stolen boom to: 1-866-448-5816. See details.

Federal (NOAA, Coast Guard)
  • The Coast Guard has three 225 foot skimmers in the gulf working both Florida and Alabama.
  • CORRECTION: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has opened 339 square miles of previously closed fishing area off the Florida panhandle – the northern boundary now ends at the Florida federal-state water line on the east side of Choctawhatchee Bay. Previous information read that 430 square miles had been opened. See details:

State of Florida (DEP, FWC)
  • A Legal Advisory Council was established to assess the impact the potential disaster could have on the state.
  • For information on the Florida Small Business Development Center’s Mobile Area Command units, visit Programs/bcrm.asp.
  • Additional guidance to help small businesses survive a disaster can be found at or by calling 850-413-3089 or toll-free 1-877-MY-FL-CFO (1-877-693-5236).

Escambia County Board of County Commissioners and Staff
  • Escambia County is received a permit from DEP to use rakes and tractors (mechanical cleaning equipment) on Escambia County beaches.
  • Escambia County contractors are monitoring the passes for indications of oil during the evening hours.
  • EOC briefings will continue 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., with news conferences are held at 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. until further notice.
  • County staff continue to monitor and maintain boom. For details, see our Booming Locations and Booming Maps.
  • Escambia County opened field offices on Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key to assist in answering questions from the public and act as staging areas for the county monitoring teams. The Pensacola Beach field office is located at 5 Via Deluna, Suite 8 and the Perdido Key field office is located at 13578 Perdido Key Drive.
  • County officials are meeting with BP and the Coast Guard daily on materials collected and locations of cleanup.
  • SRIA lifeguards continue patrolling beaches for oil from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • In the event beaches are impacted by the oil spill, it may be necessary to issue health advisories to protect health and safety.
    • The Florida Department of Health will issue advisories as they become necessary for the area of affected water and shoreline.
    • Beaches above the high tide line should remain open for sunbathing, walking, shopping and dining. The exact area for the advisories will be determined at the time oil is reported.
  • Escambia County has allocated over $3 million local dollars to date.
  • Escambia County has received $700,000 in funding for tourism promotion with the Escambia County Tourism Development Council, with another $700,000 to be allocated in 45 days.
  • Hurricane season began June 1. See the Hurricanes and Oil Spill Fact Sheet (PDF)
  • Escambia County is evaluating every viable proposal for coastal protection and recovery, coordinating with Unified Command and will share information as it is approved.
  • Escambia County, in conjunction with the University of West Florida, is collecting gulf water samples from Santa Rosa Island and Perdido Key weekly to indicate any changes in water quality.
  • On inland waters (bays, bayous, estuaries, rivers), private property owners may install oil absorbent material, booms or fences on private property above the mean high waterline (MHWL) only. No material may be installed or sprayed below the MHWL.
  • On gulf-front property, the use of silt fences, obstructions, hay bales, peat, surfactants or other material is not approved. DEP is the permitting agency for beaches and coastal systems. No obstructions to sea turtle nesting behavior is allowed.
  • Residents and business owners with water access on their property should have pre-assessments prepared (photos, video, etc. documenting the current condition of the property).
  • If citizens see anything unusual on the beaches they feel needs to be reported:
    • Contact the Perdido Key Chamber of Commerce at 850-492-4660 on Perdido Key
    • Report to the lifeguards on duty on Pensacola Beach
  • Deflective boom has been deployed in all locations of the Local Action Plan and Addendum One. Staff continues to evaluate areas and is monitoring all deployed boom.
  • To keep waterways open as long as possible, boom is “wet staged” at some locations. When floating petroleum becomes an imminent threat, boom will be fully deployed. “Fully deployed boom” is described as boom anchored into a functional configuration.

City of Pensacola
  • The City of Pensacola continues to coordinate with Escambia County officials.

Volunteer Opportunities
  • The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has determined volunteers cannot be used in any situation where they may come in contact with oiled shorelines or oiled wildlife.
  • To volunteer, visit

Safety Information
  • If you see a tar ball on the beach, DO NOT PICK IT UP. Report it to 1-866-448-5816.


  • Do not attempt to rescue oiled or injured birds or wildlife as this may cause additional injuries.
  • If oiled, injured or dead wildlife are found, call the Oiled Wildlife Hotline at 1-866-557-1401. Please provide location of where the wildlife was sighted.


  • Boats should keep a safe distance from the booms. Do not drive boats over booms.
  • Boat owners are urged to dry-dock boats. Do not drive boats through slicks or sheens.

Beaches and Waterways

  • Citizens should take precautions around waterways to avoid contact with oil substances.
  • Officials are closely monitoring potential public health and environmental concerns.

Personal Safety

  • Gulf coast residents may detect an odor because of the oil spill. Some are more sensitive to these odors and may experience nasal irritation and feelings of nausea. In combination with seasonal allergies or pre-existing respiratory conditions, some may experience more severe symptoms. For Air Quality Reports, see
  • Individuals who have pre-existing medical conditions, such as asthma or other respiratory illness should contact their health care provider if feeling symptomatic.
  • If you see or smell oil, leave immediately. Avoid skin contact with oil or oil-contaminated water.
  • Do not swim or ski in areas affected by oil, and if you travel through the area by boat, take care when hoisting the anchor. Restrict pets from entering oil-contaminated areas.
  • If you get oil on your skin, wash it off with soap and water.
  • Do not fish in the oil spill-affected waters. Do not harvest and eat dead fish, fish with oily residue or fish that have a petroleum odor.
  • Young children, pregnant women, people with compromised immune systems, and individuals with underlying respiratory conditions should avoid the area.
  • Report oiled shorelines to 1-866-448-5816.

Business Information
  • More information about what types of damages are eligible for compensation under the Oil Pollution Act as well as guidance to seek compensation can be found at
  • Florida emergency management and economic development staff are gathering information from businesses impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Please complete their survey and help shape Florida’s response to this event. The survey will be updated periodically.
  • Take detailed records of cancelled reservations. When cancellations occur, ask the party if the cancellation is related the oil spill. Keep the person’s name and contact information, and the revenues lost as a result of the cancellation.
  • Businesses negatively impacted due to the oil spill, are asked to keep detailed profit and loss records should a claim need to be presented. Calculate estimated losses for a six-week period and have records, receipts and documentation to support your claim. Compare business to a five-year average of revenues between May and June, which can offer insight as to the damages incurred.
  • Make a detailed list of assets, including non-structural, and include supportive records. If your hotel or restaurant is within walking distance to the beach, the business’s assets could be damaged even though there is no physical damage to the structure. Please record this depreciation.

Important Phone Numbers For Citizens

    • To report oil on the beach or shoreline:
      • 1-866-448-5816
      • 1-877-2SAVEFL or 1-877-272-8335
      • #DEP from a cell phone.
    • To report oiled wildlife:
      • 1-866-557-1401
    • BP Claims:
      • 1-800-440-0858
    • To report damaged, vandalized, adrift or stolen boom:
      • 1-866-448-5816
      • 1-800-320-0519
    • Escambia County Citizen’s Information Line:
      • 471-6600
    • Florida Oil Spill Information Line:
      • 1-888-337-3569

Signs Warn Escambia Swimmers To Stay Out Of Water

June 9, 2010

The Escambia County Health Department has issued a health advisory for the beaches of Perdido Key following the report of numerous tarballs washing ashore from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.

The advisory includes an area extending from the Florida-Alabama line to the entrance of the Perdido Unit, Gulf Islands National Seashore. The health department issued the  following tips for avoiding negative health impacts from an oiled shoreline:

  • Avoid entering areas where oil can be seen (no wading, swimming or entering the water).
  • Avoid direct skin contact with oil, oil-contaminated water and sediments.
  • Avoid contact with dead or dying fish or other aquatic life.
  • Do not swim or ski in areas affected by the oil spill, and if traveling through the area by boat take precautions when hoisting the boat anchor. If oil makes contact with the skin, wash it off with grease-cutting liquid dishwashing detergent and water.
  • Do not fish in oil spill-affected waters.
  • Do not harvest or eat dead fish, fish with oily residue, or fish that have a petroleum odor.
  • Avoid boating through oil slicks or sheens.
  • Young children, pregnant women, people with compromised immune systems, and individuals with underlying respiratory conditions should avoid the area.
  • Prevent pets from entering oil-contaminated areas.
  • Those near Florida’s Gulf Coast may detect an odor because of the oil spill. Some people are more sensitive to these odors and may experience nasal irritation and feelings of nausea. In combination with seasonal allergies, such as sensitivity to pollen, or pre-existing respiratory conditions such as asthma, some people may experience more severe symptoms.
  • Individuals experiencing respiratory symptoms that are aggravated by the odors from the oil spill should consider:
    • If symptoms do not improve, contact a primary care physician or other health care professional for medical advice
    • Individuals who have pre-existing medical conditions such as asthma or other respiratory illnesses should contact their physician if feeling symptomatic.
    • Staying indoors in air-conditioning and avoiding strenuous outdoor activity.

The health department is posting signs at the affected area. Residents can participate in activities that are above the high tide line.  If they experience respiratory problems, they should leave the area and contact a physician, as they deem necessary.

Pictured: The signs being posted around Perdido Key by the Escambia County Health Department, click to enlarge.

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