Renewed Rivalry: Flomaton Beats Jay 28-7

September 25, 2010

In the revival of an old rivalry, the Flomaton Hurricanes beat the Jay Royals Friday night, 28-7.

Neiko Robinson had touchdown runs of eight and 15 yards to lead the ‘Canes. Ryheem Dixon had 112 yard for Flomaton on seven carries, and he had a 31-yard touchdown run in the fourth. James Jackson added a four-yard touchdown for Flomaton.

The Royals scored just once before the home crowd in Jay — and anyone that headed to their car early missed it. Kevin Smith was in from two-yards out with 14 seconds to go to end a 77-yard drive.

The Flomaton Hurricanes (4-1) will be on the road next Friday night against Cottage Hill Christian, while Jay (0-3, 0-2) will be at home against Sneads.


17 Responses to “Renewed Rivalry: Flomaton Beats Jay 28-7”

  1. Cane Pride! on September 29th, 2010 10:14 am

    Football is football. Flomaton won, Jay lost. Yeah, Jay had heart to get out there and play with only 16 players. But, you can’t blame Flomaton for that. Flomaton is a good football team, and just like Jay, they are young. Only 4 Seniors if I’m not mistaken. And like Team RamRod said, EVERY time Jay loses to Flomaton, someone has an excuse. Flomaton is a 2A school, and they have a very hard schedule. So, these “nobodys” Smitty is talking about? Yeah, I’d personally like to meet them. Flomaton has a good school, good athletic program, good faculty, and great students. The principal and has done A LOT for our school, and he instilled in us to have pride in ourselves NO MATTER what anybody says. So, you can sit their and talk all the crap you want about Flomaton, because we have class. And NO MATTER what, we’ll keep our heads held high. Go Canes!

  2. P R I D E ! on September 28th, 2010 12:49 pm

    Dang. It’s football. Flomaton won. Jay lost. Go Canes.

  3. Flomaton Fan on September 27th, 2010 11:07 am


    I don’t feel sorry for Jay one bit. Jay has around 100 more students enrolled than Flomaton, so they have MORE kids available to play. The 16 players from Jay did impress me with their heart and determination, but Flomaton clearly was the superior team, and definitely showed a lot of class in playing the younger players a lot in that game. As far as Flomaton playing a bunch of “nobodys” as you say, Flomaton’s schedule includes 7 State Champions over the past 12 years, so I think you are a little confused. Seven out of the 10 games are mandatory Region games, the 3 non-region games for Flomaton are all against larger schools, Excel, a 3-A, Neal, a 4-A, and Jay, which would be a 4-A in Alabama’s classification system. Flomaton is class 2-A. Does not sound like a bunch of “nobodys” as you claim?

  4. Toray Hicks on September 27th, 2010 4:43 am

    4 and 1 that is sup Flomaton

  5. Canesfan on September 26th, 2010 10:18 am

    The refs were not from Flomaton. Flomaton uses refs from the Alabama High School Athletic Association ~ Jay CAN NOT use our refs, they must come from the Florida High School Athletic Association.
    Team RamRod said it correctly ~ Jay was loaded with talent in ‘06 & ‘07 and Flomaton still beat ya’ll!! The game at Jay was nothing but cheap shots against our players (Tony Ellis in particular).
    And ALMOST scoring doesn’t put points on the scoreboard.
    Ya’ll lost, plain and simple. 16 players has nothing to do with it. I have seen 1A and 2A schools win state championships with that many players.

  6. Fred on September 26th, 2010 9:31 am

    In response to Smitty: Flomaton would be beaten badly by Freeport or Bonifay.

    I don’t see the canes being beaten badly by any team except for their own self (turnovers). Lets compare some stats with the canes and top higher division teams. The canes handled Mobile Christian with ease in the first half and then let turnovers destroy them in the second half. MC won 21 to 20. It should have been around 35 to 13 in favor of Flomaton. Even with 5 turnovers they only allowed MC 21 points. MC played Bayside Academy friday night which is a tough division 3A team. They scored 40 points on BA but were beaten 60 to 40. This tells us that if the canes were to play BC and didn’t have turnovers it would be a close game. The Leroy Bears played Jackson friday night which is the #1 ranked region 1 division 4a team. Jackson dodged a bullet by defeating Leroy 28 to 24 to remain undefeated. Leroy allowed Southern Choctaw 22 points. The Canes allowed SC only 14 points and 7 of those point were a bad call on a pass that clearly bounced off the ground into the receivers hands for the TD. I don’t see Flomaton being beaten badly by any team. Every one knows that the Royals had 5 key players quit the team and were no match for a powerful Canes team. So why are you resentful. I was told by a close friend from Jay why the 5 players quit. I won’t comment on this but I will say that this problem will need to be resolved before the Royals can build more competitive team.

  7. DIVALICIOUS on September 26th, 2010 4:27 am

    SMITTY: Keep in mind that Flomaton is a 2A school and the schools that you are suggesting that we play, are probably 4 & 5A schools. We play them in Basketball and you will get the same results. Flomaton is NOT sorry they are well raised, church going young men, who practice good sportsmanship…I commend Jay on even attempting to play with only 16 players and I must say they played as well as could be expected, but do not talk down on Flomaton a 2A school with talented teenagers.

    GO CANES!!!! GO CANES!!!! GO CANES!!!! RYHEEM< NEIKO< NEINO< AJ< TA TA < ERIC just to name a few…YOU DID THE DANG THANG!!! keep up the good work fellas…

  8. Team RamRod on September 26th, 2010 1:45 am

    Smitty, REALLY????? Are you kidding me? REALLY??? You sound like a typical poor loser. Really poor loser. I mean every time Flomaton beats Jay in any sport, people like you say “aw , we only had 16 players, or if they played Freeport they would get the hell beat out of them or how about the truth. Jay just flat out lost…Thats all nothing more nothing less, you lost, got beat. Be a real man or woman and just admitt it to yourself. WE LOST. Accepting the truth is the first stage of recovery. Come on everybody lets help Smitty along, Jay lost…..By the way when you accuse someone of something, remember there is three more pointing at you. Example, remember just a few years ago how Jay took every cheap shot possible at Tony Ellis. Thats right, that might be kinda vague fr you, let me remind you Flomaton beat Jay that year too…@ Jay…W/ talent like Hendricks, Smith, and Rush. So ill end this w/ a Jay lost and have a nice day:)

  9. millert92 on September 26th, 2010 12:52 am

    HEY!!!!! We almost won that game and our helments were awesome

  10. Smitty on September 25th, 2010 8:51 pm

    Yea good job flomaton yall beat a team that only has 16 players. Flomaton is sorry if they played Freeport, Bonifay, etc they would get beat badly. People did notice that flomaton lost the ball first and jay drove it down the field against their 1st STRING DEFENSE and almost scored. And the officials was fair they did the same for flomaton as they did Jay and should i mention the officials was from flomaton. Flomaton doesn have nothing but a bunch of hot tempered players that does cheap shot on players after the play is over. Most of the players that did play for jay played both offense, defense, and special teams, the reason that the second string for flomaton had to come in is because the first string is heartless and could no longer play so GO ROYALS. flomaton is sorry they play a bunch of nobodys. If they played a team like Northview or South Walton they would get the hell beat out of them. Go Royals yall played way better than flomaton could ever come close to playing and I respect yall for only havin 16 players and goin out there and playin with heart. Jay probably has more heart than any team in florida. sorry this is so long I appreciate yall for reading.

  11. Canesfan on September 25th, 2010 6:16 pm

    Flomaton is a very young team as well; only 4 seniors. We have a lot of 1oth graders playing on our 1st string offense and defense, so yeah, to us it is a big deal!

  12. teri on September 25th, 2010 3:25 pm

    Oh yea good job Flomaton coaches for not running the score up like yall could have.But yall knew we are a very young team.Very proud of the Flomaton coaches for that.Great job ROYALS.

  13. teri on September 25th, 2010 3:22 pm

    Well I was listening to the radio station and they wasnt talking very good things about how Flomaton was playing.And Jay is a very young team so no big deal that Flomaton could have scored that much.

  14. From the old school on September 25th, 2010 1:24 pm

    From a some one who considers theirselves as being open minded about most things, I can honestly say it has been a long time since I have seen a football game that it was so obvious that some of the officials had a preset agenda that was far from calling a fair game. Up and above winning a football game, our kids are there to learn good sportsmanship, honesty, teamwork and the list goes on. When you have people in a position that can affect the thinking of a young person and make him or her think that it is ok to manipulate a situation (football or whatever) to achieve a differant outcome, well I can’t agree with that. These people who are put in a position to be the referees of sporting events have an obligation to show each and every player, winning or losing, fair and unbiased consideration on every play of that game. Anything less is not acceptable. Good luck to the Royals and the Canes in the rest of your seasons. You both deserve better that you got last night.

  15. adam howell on September 25th, 2010 12:33 pm

    go flomaton we can do it go all the way

  16. Canesfan on September 25th, 2010 9:24 am

    If Flomaton wouldn’t of had to play the officials last night as well, they could have easily scored 50 points!!! The touchdown by Jay was against Flomaton’s second and third string defense, and was a culmination of several questionable calls from the officials!!!

  17. Mrs. Lori on September 25th, 2010 9:10 am

    I am proud of the Royals. It was an exciting touchdown. A lot of positives happened in the game. Keep up the hard work.