School Grades Released: Celebration At Northview; Good News For Tate, Jay

December 7, 2010

School accountability grades were released this morning, and there was cause for celebration at Northview High School.

Northview’s school grade from the Florida Department of Education jumped from a D last year to an B this year. The news was also good for the other two high schools in the North Escambia area. Jay High School maintained their A grade, while Tate High School held at a B.

Both Pine Forest and Escambia High Schools fell from a C to become the only two D schools in Escambia County. Washington and Pensacola were ranked at B, and West Florida was the county’s only A school

In Santa Rosa County, four of five high school were graded A — Jay, Milton, Pace and Gulf Breeze. Navarre High slipped from an A to an B.

In addition to FCAT results as in years past, school grades at the high school level this year included other factors such as graduation rates, accelerated courses and college readiness.

For more on Northview’s improvement, click here.


10 Responses to “School Grades Released: Celebration At Northview; Good News For Tate, Jay”

  1. Mike on December 8th, 2010 10:32 am

    In responce to Just Saying… Come on give credit where credit is due. These kids have proven that they want to be champions at everything. Moving from a D school to a B school is a big deal. So now maybe people want refer to Northview as the forgotten school of Escambia County…. GO CHEIFS!!!!!

  2. Wondering on December 8th, 2010 7:45 am

    If they padded NHS grades, maybe they also padded WFHS grades. Just wondering how you would do that. Maybe you could explain your remark.

  3. Oversight on December 8th, 2010 5:59 am

    West Florida should never be anything but an “A” school every year, so congratulating them on what is expected is like giving a trophy to the first place finisher in a one person race. The school skims the best students from around the district and therefore WF doesn’t take lower performing students (bottom 30% of the FCAT) or those who have discipline problems.

  4. NHS mom on December 7th, 2010 10:16 pm

    Just wish more of the people who make negative comments about our school truly understood the way the grading system works. Northview is a good school. Students get out what they put into any school /education, and a child determined not to get properly educated can do poorly at the best school.

  5. Big D on December 7th, 2010 7:40 pm

    No matter what grade Northview earns, the bottom line is that Northview is a great high school. We had 3 children graduate from Northview. All 3 of them did excellentIt in college. They received a great education at Northview. I suspect that Northview is like a lot of schools, not perfect but a lot depends on what kind of effort the child puts forth. I feel like the faculty and staff at Northview overall do an excellent job. It does not get said enough but Thanks For All You Do!!!!!!

  6. Just saying on December 7th, 2010 4:49 pm

    Sandra that was true, either you were related to the teachers or you were good at sports. You can’t tell me that NONE of the students grades were padded, Good job WFHS :) .

  7. royal fan on December 7th, 2010 2:27 pm


  8. YELLER HAMMER on December 7th, 2010 1:43 pm


  9. Student of NHS on December 7th, 2010 1:17 pm

    I completely agree with Sandra on that one.

  10. Sandra on December 7th, 2010 11:23 am

    To the person that commented last week that Northview puts more emphasis on sports than they do academics, all I can say is BOOYAAAAAA!!!!!!!