Audits Find Constitutional Violation At Bratt, Minor Problem At Tate

December 17, 2010

Internal audits conducted at Bratt Elementary and Tate High found that all of the audited accounts balanced. But the audits on internal accounts showed Bratt Elementary violated the Florida Constitution with improper donation letters, and both schools spent internal account funds when school district monies should have been used.

Each year, the Escambia County School District conducts limited audits on the internal accounts at each school in the county, while a percentage of schools receive full audits on internal accounts. The internal accounts represent monies that are controlled and dispersed at the school level.

Tate High and Bratt Elementary were the only North Escambia area schools to receive full internal fund audits for the last fiscal year.

Bratt Elementary

At Bratt Elementary School, an audit of an account with a $39,807.85 at the end of the last fiscal year was found to balance with no discrepancies, but the audit found that proper procedures were not followed regarding the utilization of budgeted funds and regarding donation letters.

The Bratt internal fund audit found that donation letters sent home to parents violated state and county policy. Under the Florida Constitution, the school is not allowed to assess fees to students as part of their free public eduction.

The Bratt secretary told auditors all donation letters during the last school year were approved by the principal, who has since retired. The new principal, Karen Hall, is aware of the requirement and will only approved donation letters that contain the proper language.

Since public schools are not allowed to assess any fees for consumable materials, workbooks, or activities for participation in any class, auditors recommended that donation letters contain language such as “If you are unable to pay, your child will not be prevented from attended next week’s outing” or “We want you to know that if for any reason you are unable to contribute, your child will not be discriminated against and still will participate in the class”.

The audit found that $1,017.20 in expenses were paid from the Bratt internal account when school district funds were available.  The school is working to ensure that budgeted district funds are used when available instead of internal fund monies.

Tate High

At Tate High School, an audit of an account with a $291,389.03 at the end of the last fiscal year was found to balance with no discrepancies, but the audit found that proper procedures were not followed regarding the utilization of budgeted funds.

The audit found that $5,900.04 in expenses were paid from the Tate internal account when school district funds were available. The school is working to ensure that budgeted district funds are used when available instead of internal fund monies.


22 Responses to “Audits Find Constitutional Violation At Bratt, Minor Problem At Tate”

  1. Disabled and struggling parent on December 18th, 2010 4:02 pm

    I have been fighting for almost four years now to get my disability. Social Security has agreed that I am disabled, but they haven’t approved me yet. I am still waiting for a hearing……. I am told that it could take another year. In the meantime, I am stuck. If I was able to work, I would gladly do so. I worked from the time I was 14 until 3 years ago when MS knocked me on my butt.
    Once my disability is approved, my children will receive benefits also and based on what SS has told me, it will be a sufficient amount to take care of our needs. In the meantime, there is nothing I can do except continue as I have been.

  2. I WONDER on December 18th, 2010 2:38 pm

    Disabled should look into his situation. If the children he or she is supporting
    are legally part of the house hold, social security gives benefits for each of those
    children. been there done that, and just recieved my letter telling the benefits
    should i start drawing my disability.

  3. Ifish4 on December 17th, 2010 5:59 pm

    I’ve never had a child in school in Escambia county. I pay my property tax and don’t mind if a good chunk of it goes to the schools. I figure in the long run the better the education opportunities in this area the better we will all be. BUT…….I always wait until January to pay my taxes, that gives me extra money for Christmas and the 2% more for waiting until January sure beats the interest on all my credit cards.

  4. wondering on December 17th, 2010 4:27 pm

    When NHS had their homecoming parade, that started at Bratt Elementary, we were asked not to throw any candy there. The reason was because if we threw candy, it was dangerous, but the real reason was because some students might be left out. We bagged candy and sent it to them so they could give every student a bag. These teachers did not want any child left out and I can bet the same is true with supplies and field trips. This was a request of both the past and present administration and teachers. They are really great people who have your childrens best interest at heart.

  5. barrineau on December 17th, 2010 4:04 pm

    My interpretation of this story is that everything is on the up and up, no money was stolen or misused. It was a simple mistake ,easy fix. @ Jack you Sir are correct…it is the right thing to do!

  6. David Huie Green on December 17th, 2010 2:12 pm

    “for those who are asking why they should pay for other kid’s expenses; I ask the same thing every time I pay my property taxes. I have no kids in school, and in the last 50 years My answer is, it’s the right thing to do”

    There’s also the fact that we will grow more and more dependent on the next generation as we age. It is best if they know what they are doing. If the gas man doesn’t know what he is doing, buildings blow up. If drivers don’t know what they’re doing, people get run over. If nurses can’t read instructions, people die. Having educated people around us is good for us. Or at least having uneducated people around us is bad for us.

    David for competent workers

  7. Jack on December 17th, 2010 11:39 am

    Just a side thought for those who are asking why they should pay for other kid’s expenses; I ask the same thing every time I pay my property taxes. I have no kids in school, and in the last 50 years, I have paid for more than my 12 years of “free” education in the public school system.
    My answer is, it’s the right thing to do.

  8. EMD on December 17th, 2010 11:21 am

    TO: Disabled and struggling parent:

    I do not think that you should be referred to as trash or as any other thing except maybe, “hero,” if what you have stated about your situation is true. It is a crime to make parents pay for what their taxes already paid for. If the govt. does not have the money, they should budget it and stay within their means. Throwing money at the problem has not, and will not fix it. Waste and selfishness is not limited to the individual. It is rampant in government too. I do not mind helping those in your situation. The bad thing is……….is that when one tries to help one they believe is in need, they often “help” a scammer.. I have a tender heart and have been “taken” more than once or twice. If I knew who you were I would try to help you. I wish I had enough money to help everyone who is really trying. And, I wish there was a way to know who they are. I no longer trust most “organizations.” That is a shame. I pray God’ s blessings on you. God can be trusted, and He has said that He would supply our needs when we seek His Kingdom first. And He will. He did say, “needs.”

  9. MOM on December 17th, 2010 11:13 am

    I have three children who are attending Bratt or have attended Bratt. Although a letter may or may not have specifically stated that the child would not be left out, that was ALWAYS the case. Teachers do understand that and so does the school.

    To Disabled:
    I am not sure what school your children attend, but Bratt has NEVER threatened a child with zeros for lack of school supplies. Cram-the-van and other organizations donate to our school and those are passed to the children. The teachers tell the guidance councelor if a student does not have supplies and then those supplies are given to the student. This would include a backpack, if needed. This is done without fanfare or in any way making a child feel bad. Bratt does not need to tell people all the good things they do behind the scenes. Bratt Elementary puts children first!!

    Bratt is an excellent school and had excellent leadership in the past and does today. People need to settle down and not comment on things they really don’t know about or have all the information.

  10. Disabled and struggling parent on December 17th, 2010 10:53 am

    And I can’t win for losing with everybody on this subject because I’m “trash” for not paying for all these things for my kids, but I’m “trash” for not paying my bills on time if I do pay them. Talk about a Catch 22.

  11. Disabled and struggling parent on December 17th, 2010 10:51 am

    I am supporting four children on less than $700 a month. Please tell me where you think I would get the money to pay for the things like gifts for other kids when I can’t afford gifts for my own children? What about the “little extras”? If they are extra, then my child doesn’t need it. I do without already and am always behind on the bills because I don’t get enough to pay them all. Then if I explain at the beginning of the school year that I don’t have money to buy all the supplies and ask for help getting some of it, not all, the teachers always tell me that it will be at my child’s desk on the first day of school. Then my kids come home, upset because they didn’t have their supplies on their desk after all. This has happened every year. Sometimes, teachers have even told my kids that they had to have certain supplies by the following day or they would get zeros each day until they did!
    When letters are sent home concerning field trips, they state that if my child doesn’t pay whatever amount by a certain date, my child will not be allowed to go and will spend that day in the library, the office or in another classroom while their classmates go on the trip. We know other children who have not been allowed to go because of nonpayment. I’ve always managed to come up with field trip money somehow, usually making another bill be even later, because I can’t imagine subjecting my child to that.
    Our free public education is no longer free. We have to pay for it every month with some new thing they have to have, such as a computer with internet access and printer (yes, this is used at least two or three times a week). If you don’t have a printer at home, your child can save the project on a flash drive and take it to school to have the library print it for them at a cost of .25 per page. It’s cheaper to buy your own, especially when some of these projects can be 10 pages or more. In a month’s time, you’ve paid the school enough to buy a cheap printer and a ream of paper. Factor in the cost of going to the library (especially if you live in the middle of the county since there’s no library between Pensacola and Century) and it’s pretty expensive to NOT have a computer, internet and printer. At least the library only charges .10 a page, .15 cheaper than the school. The $15 a month for internet is cheaper than driving to the library several times a week and paying for the printing. That’s crazy.
    We pay for it with our property taxes and that plus the money from the lottery really ought to cover everything. I don’t understand why we still have to pay for paper towels, soap, tissue, hand sanitizer…..i don’t buy paper towels or hand sanitizer for myself, why do I have to buy them for school?

  12. EMD on December 17th, 2010 10:47 am


    Some of these folks do not seem to know any better. They actually think that God has answered their prayers, and testify how God is supplying all their needs. Well, that is surely what God has promised. However, luxury services and items is not something God has promised, and you are right. Others should not be paying for the needs of those who spend their “needs” money on pedicures, manicures, massages, and trips to Disney World and Parties that they cannot afford. Paper, pencils and other school supplies are a necessity though. I guess the teachers will have to pay. After all, they make more money. And around here, that means that they have an obligation to pay for those who make less, even if those who make less, waste what they have.

  13. truthful on December 17th, 2010 10:38 am

    Seriously…..It doesn’t matter if a parent has the money or not. As long as that child is getting to participate in the activity. I personally could not lay down at night and get a good nights sleep knowing that I didn’t send my childs monies that he/she needed. Now it is on the parents that don’t send for their children. There is TRASH everywhere you go and it isn’t fair that people think they are having to pay for another ones child but come on….they are kids and their parents are SORRY! Just my 2 cents….

  14. Beth on December 17th, 2010 10:02 am

    I know people in this area who never seem to have money for necessities, but seem to find a way to have manicures, pedicures and massages, trips to spas etc. I can afford these things, but do not indulge in them. These things are not necessities. I have had one professional pedicure and about 3 professional manicures in my whole life. The only massages I’ve received were medically necessary, and paid for by insurance that I paid for. There are people who will use “OP’S” (other people’s) every chance they get. They will also allow the one/ones in their family who work the hardest be sucked dry by the rest of the family. Teachers. It is so nice of you to care. Some of the parents love it that you do.

  15. Angie on December 17th, 2010 7:47 am

    If you only knew how much the teachers pay out of their own pockets for so many kids, because their parents NEVER pay for anything. I volenteer at the school my son goes to at least 2 days a week. Those teachers pay so much out of their pockets to make sure the kids have supplies, the little extras, the little gifts at the Christmas exchange that parents will not send. There are so many kids, you would not believe. And some of their parents I KNOW HAVE the money, they just let the teachers pick up the tab. I am telling you, there is no way I could be a teacher….

  16. JUDY MASEK on December 17th, 2010 7:38 am

    in theory, i agree with OMRBKH….regarding people EXPECTING “others to take care of them” if they have been conditioned to having others, like the government, always providing for their needs…but, there are the families that are truely, truely in need of a hand and thats where the generosity of the community should be utilized….we collect school supplies at my job and im happy to contribute…i dont have any children in school now…had 5, at one time, in school and it was expensive…expecially, the extra books and the graphic calculators, for example…..we were blessed with decent jobs and always paid our way…but, not all children have two working parents….i did prioritize though….i never bought a “brand new wardrobe” of school clothes (200-300+) for each kid at the beginning of the year, either…i did alot of their clothes shopping at thrift stores or consignment stores…if they NEEDED new shoes, they got them..i never bought into that “back-to-school” clothes shopping frenzie….maybe thats why we had the $ to pay for their school supplies…..hhmm

  17. Oldman on December 17th, 2010 6:40 am

    Can you remember when you were down there looking up as an elementary student needed something – all you knew then was it came from your parents.

  18. Just Me on December 17th, 2010 5:56 am

    Every letter I have ever gotten from Bratt for a field trip or class project or anything else concerning something the teachers were responsible for asked for a donation to help cover the costs and clearly stated no child would be excluded if they did not pay.

  19. OMRBH on December 17th, 2010 4:33 am

    Just curious, but when has buying your kids pencil and paper become “added expenses”. Do some parents no longer do this for their children?

  20. OMRBKH on December 17th, 2010 2:23 am

    @jimmy……yes times are hard and money is tight. So what? Why should parents NOT pay for pencils, notebooks, crayons for the little ones and their other supplies? That was the normal procedure at one time. I buy supplies for my children, but why should I have to buy for others? Times are hard for me also. People really need to pull their own weight and not expect others to supply their needs.
    The more people can get someone else to provide for them, the more they will EXPECT others to take care of them! For many, that’s just the way they are!

  21. jimmy on December 17th, 2010 1:38 am

    times are hard and money is tight for many. this is good to know as many folks can not afford the “added expenses” of school

  22. Concerned parent on December 17th, 2010 1:25 am

    I wonder why it makes a difference where the money came from as long as the kids get the education they need and they aren’t taking any money they shouldn’t front the school board.