Pace’s Smith To Lead Jay Royal Football; Youngblood Athletic Director

December 16, 2010

Kent Smith was named the Royal’s new head coach Thursday, and Lance Youngblood will be the school’s new athletic director while remaining boys basketball coach.

Smith has 23 years of coaching experience, including the 22 years at Pace High School where most recently he was defensive coordinator and linebacker coach. The Pace Patriots finished this season at 7-3, just short of a playoff appearance.

The Royals finished their last season under Head Coach Elijah Bell at 0-10. Bell led the Royals for 21 years, with a 108-95 record.  Jay  made the state playoff series seven times under Bell’s leadership, most recently the quarterfinals in 2007.

Bell was a major player in the formation of a new rural school classification for small schools like Jay in an effort to make the chances at a state playoff more equitable for smaller schools like Jay. He advocated such a plan since about 1990.

Next season, under Smith’s leadership, the Jay Royals will join Baker, Freeport and Northview in the first year of District 1 of the new Rural Division.

Smith holds a B.S. in business administration from Auburn University.


32 Responses to “Pace’s Smith To Lead Jay Royal Football; Youngblood Athletic Director”

  1. mike on December 20th, 2010 3:24 pm

    Come on people grow up! Why all the negative remarks, this is good for Jay. The guy went to school here but has coached away foe many years. Give him a chance and then you can run your mouths. Grow up and stop acting like a bunch of Drama Queens…. If the shoe fits wear it…..

  2. Ochocinco on December 20th, 2010 12:08 pm

    Good! End it now before you make yourself look even more foolish!

  3. Concerned Mom on December 20th, 2010 8:40 am

    2 words; CONCERNED MOM!! Im a mom and i dont like anyone downgrading any kid. That is why it is my concern. I am a MOM! I dont have to be from Jay to stand up to someone who puts them down. i do know kids who are in Jay right now and they are some of the most polite kids i have ever met. So yes i dont like what you are saying.
    I will be the better person and end this now.

  4. Bob on December 20th, 2010 12:09 am

    Let’s be real ppl if you complain your fball coach is too mean them you need to just stay home with your mommy…..enough said.

  5. Jay Mom on December 19th, 2010 11:22 pm

    So excited about this change in our football program. I hope that Coach Smith can be a positive role model for our students at JHS. I can not wait to see our Royals put their hearts back into the game. It will only take a few kind words of encouragement (something that they have not received in a long time by Bell)! Lets Go Royals!!!

  6. Ochocinco on December 19th, 2010 11:02 pm

    Alright “Concerned Mom” the only thing I bashed was your spelling. Who have I judged? I mean I might of said that other schools have more desire, but I mean that’s stating the obvious when a team has players quitting because they are having a poor season. That’s not the coaches fault, that’s just a lack of desire to win, better yet a lack of character. Your suppose to be able to run through a wall for your teammates. It is not a bash to say that the level of athletes at Jay is not up to par with the other schools. That in my opinion is just the honest truth. I would love to hear about what makes Jay as a town so great? Please explain further. And for future reference you start a sentence with a capital letter! One last piece of advice because I can see that you need some, YOU make YOURSELF look foolish. Oh and why are you so concerned if you “aren’t from Jay”.

  7. Concerned Mom on December 19th, 2010 2:44 pm

    ATTN: Ochocinco
    An opinion is a form of expression. All you are doing is bashing. I wish i was as perfect as you and never in my life made a mistake at spelling. VOICE YOUR OPINION IN A WAY THAT DOESNT MAKE YOU LOOK SO STUPID. IF YOU HAVE TO PUT SOMEONE DOWN WITHOUT KNOWING TRUTH. YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM. Im not FROM Jay. if you would have read fully you would know that. If you want the truth im from Northview. I just wish people would stop being so stupid. I do not judge any inocent person. LAY OFF THEM!!!!!!!!!
    I have not put anyone down. You bashed the kids at Jay. Im glad you have such high standards for yourself but if you look at the community in Jay you would see it is a good one. THE KIDS have nothing in your fight. SO lay off them and stop putting them down. From what i have read from you. i can drive in that town and find numerous better than you. You are in for a fall in life if you keep thinking you are better than everyone around you. WISH YOU THE BEST. Maby someone from Jay will be by your side when you fall, and you will see just how wonderful they are.!!!!! Enough said you make yourself look like a fool, so just shut you mouth. I will defend anyone anywhere. I dont have to be from the town to know right from wrong. It is better to keep your mouth shut and just appear stupid than open your mouth and reveal all doubt. Words to live by.

    CONGRATS. MR. SMITH. Look forward to making it up there to see your work.

  8. Ochocinco on December 18th, 2010 4:23 pm

    To concerned mom:

    First of all that’s not how you spell “DISGRACE”! I can tell you got your education from Jay! But anyways I’m not trying to “DISGRACE” any of the kids at Jay, I’m just putting my opinion out there like everyone else! And my opinion is that Jay isn’t on the same level as Northview and Freeport! No matter who the coach is! Those schools just have more talent and desire! I mean just look at all the kids that quit last year for Jay! All because they were having a bad year. Winners don’t quit when it gets hard, they push through it! And the coach can only coach the players that he has, he can’t go get athletes or put desire in the players hearts! Again this is my opinion!

  9. another concerned mother on December 18th, 2010 2:33 am

    Listen here people…..Everyone needs to just get a grip! Good for this new guy coming! I have nothing but well wishes for him! As for the Bell haters you should really just get off the man, just because you didn’t agree with his tactics doesn’t mean that he is a bad person…….Because he, in fact has spent most of his life molding kids,helping them, and teaching them. For all the parents who raise their children in a glass bubble…wake up you are the ones sheltering your kids. If they can’t handle a football coach they probably will never go in the military and make it. He did a good job for the boys. The parents that let their children quit in the middle of a team sport are the ones letting the team down, and are the ones that should hang those heads in shame …NOT Bell! Quit raising softies, and get off his back!

  10. Bamagirl on December 17th, 2010 8:02 pm

    Kent Smith will be a good coach because he is a good person and yes he has character! Something our last coach seemed to forget. Treat people right and they will do the same. Congrats to Lance! maybe you can find the money that the athletic department never seems to have for sports other than footbal.

  11. clint on December 17th, 2010 7:23 pm

    congatulations flash. you da man..

  12. Bully on December 17th, 2010 6:32 pm

    What most do not understand is that winning in high school football is secondary to building character and preparing young men to take on life in adulthood. One must have character in order to build it in others. I only hope this new coach has this character and understands his mission.

  13. Royal Fan on December 17th, 2010 2:43 pm

    Jay will not be at northviews level because they have over 500 kids and jay has over 200 so yes they can pick and choose who plays ball there.And we have played at Freeports level and BEAT them.Well said concerned mom.

  14. Concerned Mom on December 17th, 2010 9:08 am

    I may have strong feelings of what has been said but HOW DARE ANYONE DISCRASE KIDS OR PUT THEM DOWN IN ANY WAY. I am not from Jay BUT i would never discrase any kid who is trying to make use of there time playing sports instead of egging, vandalising or just flat out causing trouble. That is what afterschool activities are all about you know. How dare you. Hang your head in shame!!!!!!
    YOU MUST BE ONE IN YOUR OWN OF A BALL OF TROUBLE WITH NOTHING GOING FOR YOU. You know what they say. Misery loves Company.
    I jsut wish people would learn from there mistakes instead of repeating them and complaining about it all the time.

  15. Vicki Gandy Baggett on December 17th, 2010 7:57 am

    Kent graduated before I did, but I remember what a great player and leader he was in high school, both on and off the field. Congratulations, Kent. You will be such an addition to the already-great staff at Jay. You have some marvelous kids to work with who have tremendous potential and capabilities. Best wishes!

  16. John G on December 16th, 2010 7:34 pm

    Congrats Kent!!! Looking forward to your tenure at the ol’ alma mater. ROLL TI…. Oh wrong school….. Go Royals!!!

  17. Ochocinco on December 16th, 2010 6:52 pm

    Honestly in my opinion it doesn’t matter who the coach is. Nick Saban could be the coach and Jay still won’t be on the same level Northview and Freeport are on! You have to have good players to have a good program, no matter who the coach is! I’m looking for another 0-10 season from Jay.. Sorry guys, it’s the TRUTH!

  18. N.H.F. on December 16th, 2010 5:09 pm

    You have to know how to CONTROL the JAY QUATERBACK CLUB then you should be sucessful !

  19. #80 on December 16th, 2010 2:33 pm

    I played football with Kent. He was the captain of the defense and a great leader.
    He could have coached Jay’s team then, at 17 years old. Things are really looking up for Jay’s football program. It all hinges on leadership ability,that’s something Kent was born with.

  20. Jeff on December 16th, 2010 2:12 pm

    Kent will be a great head football coach. It is about time that he gets his chance. He has been on Pace’s staff for many years and the DC for most of that. It doesn’t matter where he graduated from, he will do the job. I know Coach Lindsey at Pace hates to see him leave, but you cant hold a guy like that down. It seems to me that you Jay people would like the idea of a past JHS graduate to becoming back to be the Head Football Coach especially after all the success he has had with his defenses at Pace.CONGRATS KENT!!!!!!!!!

  21. Native Floridian on December 16th, 2010 12:32 pm

    @ concerned mom- Hmmmm. Coach Bell was from Baker/ Milligan. not Jay. Yes some of his underlings are from Jay. However, just because you are from Jay doesn’t make you bad. And before you go and blame the town.. maybe you should take minute,step back and realize ” the town” doesn’t have a say in this.. It is a schoolboard/administration matter. So bitch about Milton, not Jay.

    @ My thoughts, have you ever thought about attending a School Board meeting to ask that or call the superintendent? Secondly, Jay High School has turned out some fantastic educators over the years that teach and lead all over the county in Santa Rosa’s school system. Please don’t bunch all the the teachers in to one batch because of one bad egg or two.

    @ UH, HUH! – check your spelling next time..

    Inclosing, chill out folks. Don’t slam this guy before he even starts. If you really want change, quit sitting behind the computer screen, and judging and get your hiney up to that school and volunteer.Heck, at least let him start the job, then judge and begin pulling out your daggers. He might be the best thing to ever happen to Jay. And the last coach that came to Jay and was not from Jay was Coach Joey Rankin. He was awesome and Fort Walton Beach (read: Big School, big program) lured him away after being here a couple of years.

  22. UH, HUH! on December 16th, 2010 12:21 pm


  23. UH, HUH! on December 16th, 2010 12:18 pm


  24. Mgibbs on December 16th, 2010 11:47 am

    Good grief Mom give him a chance. I for one am excited for our boys! Go Royals!!

  25. Bamagirl on December 16th, 2010 9:30 am

    Congrats to Kent. He will be a great leader for he Royals. He will bring the program to a new level and instill pride back in our school. Good Luck to Kent and the Royals!

  26. ** on December 16th, 2010 9:02 am

    Kent will do an amazing job as head coach for Jay. Congrats!!

  27. DDSMT on December 16th, 2010 8:57 am

    Concerned Mom~Shame on you! If I was a betting person, I would bet that you were probably one of the people leading the charge to get rid of Coach Bell. Well, your “witch hunt” worked, and you are still unhappy!!!! Maybe you should leave Jay instead of running good people off!!

  28. Jay parent on December 16th, 2010 8:55 am

    I am soooooooo happy to hear Kent is coming to Jay. I went to school with him and he is a delightful person. I can hardly wait for my son to play for him.

  29. Frank on December 16th, 2010 7:59 am

    Gongats Kent, Hope to see you bring that winning spirit from Pace to the Home team… God speed!

  30. - on December 16th, 2010 7:56 am

    He may have graduated from Jay but he has been with an AWESOME football program for many years and has the experience needed for Jay’s program!! I think he will do great things for JAY HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL!!

  31. My Thoughts on December 16th, 2010 7:51 am

    Why can’t a coach at Jay be someone that did not graduate from there? EVERY coach there at this time is a Jay Native and/or Graduate unbelievable. Wonder why they are so scared to have someone new come in?

  32. Concerned Mom on December 16th, 2010 6:51 am

    Here we go again another Jay graduate. LEARN people. SAME PATTERN. Doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out how this town works.