Northview Reschedules Events Due To Playoff Game; Will Excuse Absences

December 1, 2010

Northview High School has made several schedule changes due to this Friday night’s away playoff football game in Jacksonville, and the school has announced that Friday absences will be excused for students that attend the game.

From Northview Principal Gayle Weaver:

Northview High School has had to make adjustments to the basketball schedule to facilitate needed personnel for the football game this week. The changes are as follows:

  • December 2 home games against Pensacola Christian Academy will be played on January 6, 2011 at Northview.
  • December 3 home games against Baker will be played on December 9, 2010. This is the only date which Baker had open within the two schools’ schedules. This change will necessitate the rescheduling of the senior class’ anticipated Powder Puff Game. Reschedule date will be announced later.
  • Also, the Northview Tribal Beat Band has had to cancel its appearance in the Poarch Band of Creek Indians’ Christmas Parade. Our apologies for this cancellation, but the band will be accompanying the team to Jacksonville.
  • Although great importance is given daily to academics, to each sport, and to each extracurricular activity, the ability to play in the state football playoff series represents a monumental step for a group of young men, their coaches, and their families who have worked so long and so hard to reach this level. The Northview family is asking everyone to get behind our varsity football team and to make this wonderful, positive opportunity the focus of our Chiefs’ Spirit at the moment. Everyone, especially every Northview student, who has the ability to go to the game is encouraged to do so. All academic teachers and sponsors of other events are supporting this playoff series as our number one activity.

Thanks to everyone for their support.

Gayle Weaver
Northview High School


9 Responses to “Northview Reschedules Events Due To Playoff Game; Will Excuse Absences”

  1. Sweetie on December 1st, 2010 2:12 pm

    Wow! I would have thought that everyone would be excited about the kids winning and going for the semi-finals. This is a major undertaking that the players earned. So did the band members, cheerleaders, color guards, and other related to this activity. This will instill a pride that you just can’t get anyplace else. It is extremely important for the kids. Even if they don’t win the State playoffs, getting to the number 2 spot is outstanding! Let the teachers/staff at the school worry about how they will handle it and just let the kids enjoy this! I really hate it when something good happens and you’ve always got that one that wants to spoil it for everyone. GO CHIEFS!!! Good luck this Friday night and may God safely get you there and home again!

  2. ProudArmyParent on December 1st, 2010 1:50 pm

    Bama1, oh but there isn’t. This matter was discussed right after the Freeport win. The calendar was looked at and nothing could be worked out to get the gym for a large block of time and the instructor there at the same time. Things happen! The girls will be coming back on a chartered bus from Jacksonville my advice to them is sleep. It is a 6 possibly 7 hour drive they should take advantage of it.

  3. Bama1 on December 1st, 2010 11:49 am

    Think about that statement NHS (suck it up). If one of theses girls fall a sleep at the wheel after being up all night are you going to tell the parents to “suck it up.” The pageant isn’t untill Jan. There has got to be another day between now and then to make it up.

  4. Nhs on December 1st, 2010 10:03 am

    To Bama.
    THe Ms. NHS sponser, is the cheerleading coach, so I’m sure that she’s aware. There’s no other day to reschedule the Saturday practice. 12/11 Students have the ACT. So suck it up.

  5. Bama1 on December 1st, 2010 8:17 am

    Someone forgot to inform whoever is running the Miss NHS Pageant because the cheerleaders have to be at the school by 8am Sat. morning for practice.

  6. Native on December 1st, 2010 7:38 am

    GOOD LUCK AT STATE!!!!!!!!! And for the observer comments get a life and worry about you and yours and let the rest do the same. As for mine they have straight A’s and participate in athletics, church and anything else that comes along. One day from school is not going to effect the educational outcome of any student. Guess you just needed something to gripe about today. Glad William was able to accomodate you in such a timely manner.

  7. Just Sayin' on December 1st, 2010 7:32 am

    Fortunately for the students at NHS, faculty and administration understand that there is more to life than a school grade. Resident said it well. In the big picture, outside of the State of Florida Department of Education, FCAT scores and school grades mean little or nothing. Colleges are not interested in FCAT scores; they want to see well-rounded students who participate in a wide variety of activities, are academically motivated, and are a service to their communities. ACT/SAT scores are important, and students who are on the path to college recognize this, and work to succeed. Not every student is on that same path, however! Middle schools and high schools (like NHS) are finally encouraging students to participate in career academies that will guide students with the interest and abilities to become those skilled individuals we pay HUGE chunks of money to build, fix and maintain the things we “academians” can’t! Way to go, Chiefs! Let’s ALL go watch them win!

  8. Resident on December 1st, 2010 6:28 am

    To observer:

    Yes, Northview was a D two years ago.. Maybe the ACT scores are lower. And they managed all those great screwups without ever excusing absences for a state playoff football game at a level the school has never managed.

    But get a life! It’s a state football playoff game on the other side of the state. Kids are going to go. So excuse ‘em. There’s pride like never before at Northview High School — and that can only serve to IMPROVE Northview.

    With a 2-8 football team and sucky school pride, the school was a D. With a STATE CHAMPIONSHIP caliber team, moral is up, and I bet school grades will be up. Call it a moral boosting excercise, team building or heck — just real life, but I fully support my Northview Chiefs.

  9. observer on December 1st, 2010 6:10 am

    What was Northview’s Grade? Why does Northview have lower ACT scores than others in the area(read on Northescambia)? – great importance to Academics?… Maybe so after football. I’m behind the boys, and the team, band, cheerleaders. They should be excused to leave early. However, the others -will they have a field trip form, to see if they have the grades or days to be excused? Just a thought before we wonder why this is school is still a “D”.