Miller: Congressional Democrats Deaf To Voice Of People

December 24, 2010

In his latest newsletter, U.S. Rep. Jeff Miller discusses the 111th Congress.

The following was submitted by Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Chumuckla for

On November 2, the American people spoke loud and clear. Their voices were heard from coast to coast, and the message was an overwhelming repudiation for Democrats’ big spending policies in the 111th Congress. Now as Christmas nears, the Democrat majority is, yet again, proving they are deaf to the voice of the people.

Throughout the 111th Congress, the majority has delayed and has failed to address many of the most pressing concerns of citizens, so much so, that in the final days of the legislative calendar—and in an effort to push through legislation at the buzzer—Democrats adopted a rule that allows for the consideration of legislation, at any time, with little notice. This rule exemplifies the way that the Democratic Party has chosen to do its business.

Circumventing the legislative process to push through unpopular legislation is no way to run Congress. The Founding Fathers created our system to ensure that Congress could not enact unmerited legislation. They intended for all legislation to be subject to a meaningful review process in both chambers; however, in this lame duck session we have been forced to vote on numerous bills that were rushed through the oversight process, leaving Members of Congress without the opportunity to offer amendments or remove unpopular provisions.

Allowing vital legislative business to languish for months without action is worrying. Waiting until the lame duck session to address these concerns is downright irresponsible. We have congressional elections every two years for a very good reason: so that Members of Congress will be held accountable for their voting records. Now, however, we have a large group of outgoing members voting on important pieces of legislation that were put off until the last minute. These outgoing members are no longer accountable for their actions, and yet, thanks to legislative irresponsibility, they are allowed to vote on the future path of our country.

The Democrat majority needed to get their priorities straight well before the close of the 111th Congress. Much like a college freshman, the majority leadership has put off their assigned work until the last minute. Now they are faced with the prospect of failure, and they seek to employ legislative maneuvering to ensure that important measures do not receive a complete evaluation by all Members of Congress, while the American people shoulder the burden. America and its people deserve better, and I look forward to the new Congress ahead of us. The days of the Democrat majority controlling both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are soon to be over.


4 Responses to “Miller: Congressional Democrats Deaf To Voice Of People”

  1. Horrific! on December 26th, 2010 8:49 am

    Where did you come from……the voice of sanity and reason….

    You hit the nail right on the head.
    It amazes me that ppl still think that one side or the other gives a flip nickel

    For everyone in politics these days it is about THEM, THEIRS AND THE


  2. John Payne on December 25th, 2010 10:05 am

    The difference between a liberal and a conservative is a conservative likes to spend his money and a liberal likes to spend ever ones money to buy votes. The Rebublicans have there faults, but they can here the american people or they will be on the side line. What makes it sad is Liberals do not care about there voters. Most of there voters could not tell you who the vice president is. Have you ever recieved a job from a poor person? America is a country where you can make your way are just set in the hand out . This country has generation doing this. Is it a burdon on the people whom do not work are on the tax payer? Drug testing is needed for ever one who recieves a working persons tax money.

  3. David Huie Green on December 24th, 2010 10:36 am

    “The Democrats spend, and the republicans give the tax breaks to big business and the rich. ”

    Half right. Both Democrats and Republicans spend, both Democrats and Republicans give tax breaks to favored groups.

    Elected Democrats and Republicans have discovered they do not have to pay for expenditures as long as they can borrow the money they spend and let other people worry about the bills.

    Every time we talk about some new program, they talk about who all will be helped, we don’t have to talk about who will pay for it because they are already not paying for what they are spending money on.

    Those who actually talk about a relationship between expenditures and taxes are not voted into office because we don’t want to hear it.

    David for honesty

  4. Kevin Bethea on December 24th, 2010 9:44 am

    It was not long ago that the Rebublicans were “Deaf to the voice of the American People”, how else does Mr. Miller think that the Democrats got there! The republicans will do no better, it matters not which side of the fence they are on, the American people will suffer! The Democrats spend, and the republicans give the tax breaks to big business and the rich. Both sides want us in debt and struggling to make ends meet, that keeps us quiet and revenue going their way. Just imagine how bad it would be if the ruling parties did not switch back and forth.