Michael “Hunter” Fromm

December 2, 2010

Michael “Hunter” Fromm, age 11, fell asleep in the Lord on Friday, November 26, 2010 after an accident. Hunter was born to Jay Forrest Fromm and Katherine Scott Fromm on July 18, 1999.

Among his favorite pastimes were baseball, chess, football, swimming, fishing, boating, basketball, going to the movies and video games. He loved to sing and was in the 2010 All County Chorus. He played the bass in the Ransom Orchestra. Hunter was an awesome singer.

Hunter loved to wear a spiked hairstyle and was unique, funny and always happy. Hunter loved Facebook and was a master texter. His love for his family was faithful and sincere. His smile was infectious, unforgettable, and his very presence lit up the room. He was curious and loved to tell jokes. His love was unconditional. No one can remember him ever saying a cross word to anyone. He was a gentle soul and brought joy to the world during his eleven years. Hunter loved spending time with his cousins.

In Hunter’s words on a recent writing assignment in his English class, Hunter wrote the following: “I am a lover of my dog, God, and my family.” Hunter was a gentle lamb.

Jesus said in John 10:27-29 ”I also give them eternal life and they shall not perish at all forever, and no one shall snatch them out of My hand. My Father who gave them to Me is mightier than all and no one can wrest them out of My Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”

He is survived by his father and stepmother, Jay Forrest Fromm and Stacie Meredith Fromm, and his mother, Katherine Scott Fromm; siblings, Tristan Wyatt Fromm 13, Farrah Anniston Fromm 8, Ali Karsten Orlando 4; grandparents, James and Darlene Fromm and John and Athalia Scott (YiaYia); step grandmother, Denise Meredith and stepbrother, Cody Hunter. He is also survived by his paternal aunt and uncle, Jamie Fromm Mickel (Kim Mickel); maternal aunt, Laura Scott Haley and cousins, Morgan Mickel, Brayden Mickel, Christian Haley, Katie-Rose Haley, and numerous other relatives.

The family will receive friends at Marcus Pointe Baptist Church on Friday, December 3, 2010 from 5:00 p.m. till 8:00 p.m.

Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m., Saturday, December 4, 2010 at Marcus Pointe Baptist Church with Reverend Gordon Godfrey officiating. Burial will follow at Holy Cross Cemetery.

Pallbearers will be Tristan Fromm, Christian Haley, Cody Hunter, Kim Mickel, James Fromm, and John Scott and Randall McCrackin.

Trahan Family Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


15 Responses to “Michael “Hunter” Fromm”

  1. Shayna on November 26th, 2016 11:24 am

    I can’t believe it has been six years. We miss you down here. Can’t wait to see you again one day but, in the mean time I hope you are partying it up up there. I love and miss you.

  2. alyssa morris on September 23rd, 2014 8:35 am

    im still thinkin bout you baby boy love ya

  3. alyssa morris on March 13th, 2012 2:23 pm

    hunter you are the best-est friend any one could have. I remember sitting next to you in 3 period in research and we would always talk and i would always ask you for a piece of gum and you would always say, yes sure just go in my book-bag in the front small pocket and get you a piece of gum. I remember the day you got checked out and i said hey hunter and i whispered to my friend Cami Lucius that mrs.Ward was your aunt because i remember you telling me that. I asked where you were going and you said going to feed a horse with mogan. And then you said by Alyssa and i said bye back .Well i guess that was a good bye for ever. I stayed home that next day and when i came back i had got the news that hunter died i busted in to tears and it was so bad i had to go in to mrs kelsons office.I will always remeber your cute little smile . I will always remember the way you did your hair. i used to run my fingers through it and you would say dont tuch my hair ill have to put more jell in it and you would always keep that jell in your book -bag. hunter i will tell you you are the most missed person at ransom middle school. I LOVE YOU SOOOOOO MUCH. i love you to the moon and back. love always alyssa morris.

  4. Christian H on September 23rd, 2011 11:18 am

    This was my cousin, Not even really like a cousin to me but more like a brother. I did everythign wtih Him and tristan. I went on vaction every year , sometimes many times. I can remember countless times that we would all go do something stupid and get in trouble. Or go prank call a girl or talk about girls. He was the little brother i never had, and i want him back so bad. He goes through my mind every day and its approaching a year now since i lost him and it sucks. It really does. Id do anything to hear him laugh again, or smile, or even say shut up. Anything. I loved him so much and he will always be in my hear t i love you hunter

  5. Kamryn M. on June 7th, 2011 11:38 am

    Hunter i love you SOOOOOO muchh!! i miss you,your smile,i miss everything about you!! there is not a day that goes by that i dont think of you!!i wish i could just have one more day with you! i miss you so much!! when i found out what had happend i cried SOOOOO much!!! but i know your in heavan watchin down on all of us! god couldnt have picked a better angel!! hunter you were the sweetest,cutest,nicest guy i have ever mett!! I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH HUNTER!!! I cant wait for the day that i get to see you again!!:) dont forget its only see ya later,NEVER good byee!!:)
    I LOVE YOU!!& Have funn in heavan!!


  6. Allison on May 28th, 2011 9:21 pm

    I didn’t really know hunter well. But he was so sweet!!!! :(

  7. mackenzie m. on May 10th, 2011 8:25 pm

    hunter was my best friend i loved him soo much he was like a brther to me i sat next to him in science and in math we would always get in trouble for talking he had the prettiest smile and greatest laugh he would always sing a reaaly funny song in math and it went like zoom zoom or something anyway i jus wanted to say that its already been 6 months and ive thought about him every day i think about how happy he must b up there in heaven he was always a free spirited person he didnt care about wat anybody thought about him our insider was for men that was just our thing i dont no y but it was hunter im crying as i write this i just wanted to say that there wont b a day in my life time that i wont think about u. i miss u soooooo much every day i pray for ur family. i remeber how we always had a competiton to c who wud get to mr jacksons class firsr i miss that hunter ive never been that sad in my whole intire life u remeber that song if i die young wellll im singing it in the talent show for u i really want to deticate it to u but i dont no if theyll let me every time i here that song i think about u i guess that god really need an angle and he picked u welll i bet that god picked the perfect angle cuz u r perfect i remeber the first day that i found out i cried my self to sleep that nite i just counldnt stop thinking about u if i cud of said one last word to u it wud of bee i love u soooooo much hunter to me ur a hero and i cant wait for the day i get to c u in heaven god is soo lucky to have an angle like u all these [eople r saying rest in peace im sayin have fun in heaven i just really want u back hunter cuz i miss u sooo much i no that ur looking down on me and smiling as i write this u always always b in my heart forever and always u changed my life completlely as i live my life and move on i never forget u u walk the hallls of ransom middle skooll with a smile on ur face and no uve inspired me tooo that these r my final words i lov u soooooooooo much ave fun in heaven and be ready because wen i get up there im givin u a big ole hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

  8. Kayla Holt on March 26th, 2011 4:13 pm

    Hunter Fromm was an amazing young man . He was smart , Funny , Cute , Joyful , Always Happy , A good person , An a AMAZiiNG bestfriend . Hunter was in my 6th peroid orchastra class . Everyday before class me and hunter would just talk , and laugh . Even during class we would talk , and sometimes just burst out laughing at the silliest things . After class we would always walk together and if one of us was feeling down or just needed to talk to someone I would always turn to him , He just new what to say ! Hunter an I were extreamly close , He would talk to me about his problems at home , And I was always their with a welcomeing hug , Or I would just talk him through his troubles . And he would always do the same with me . I remember the last day I hugged him . It was before homeroom on a friday , We walked up to each other , Hugged , Our simple ” I love you ” , And then just walk off . But the one thing I always catch myself thinking about was the day he died ! I remember it like it was yesterday . I woke up and had two text messages from him , One said ” Goodmorning ” , And the other said ” watcha up too ” . Our conversation carried from their . And at that point in time their was a Forward going around that said ” what would you do if I died ” . Well the last text message that Hunter sent to me was one that said ” Kayla I have to go im gonna go feed a horse with Morgan . But what would you do if I died ” ? Well I wrote himm back , and told him I loved himm and so on . But I did not talk to him anymore after that . I remember me and My stepmom walking into Publix and me gitting a phone call , Well the phone call was from one of my good friends Shayna Niedlinger . She told me Hunter was in the hospital , And he was uncontious , I told her that everything was gonna be okay and to keep me posted . Well When we got home from Publix i sat down for about ten minutes and then got another phone call from Shayna . When I answerd she was crying . She told me that Hunter had passed away , I didnt believe her , And after I new she wasnt lying I just hung up and busted into tears . I couldnt believe that my bestfriend had died . Finally after about four hours of nonstop crying I found out how he had passed , It was an accident and he didnt mean to do it , But it was sudden , As soon as he hit the tractor he was gone , Their was no gitting him back . One of my very good close friends was his girlfriend , Her name was Kayla Olsen . I know Shayna told me not to tell anyone but this I couldnt keep from her , It was really important for her to know . I liked Hunter , Alot , But I know Kayla Liked him also , So one day after sixth peroid , Hunter , Kayla , Caleb Beaver , And I were walking together . And I todl hunter to ask Kayla Olsen out and he did , I kinda felt a little down , But I was happy for him And Kayla . Yeah I still hugged him and talked to him about everything , And Kayla didnt care because she new what Hunter ment to me . Hunter is now in a better place , But is missed and loved by AL0T of people here on earth . Yes Hunter is still my bestfriend , And I still think about him all the time , I even had text messages saved into my phone that he sent me . But Hunter Just remember this is NEVER a goodbye , Only Ill see you later ! I Love And Miss You With All Of My Heart ! <3
    – Kayla Holt <3

  9. jett on January 15th, 2011 8:24 pm

    i went to school with him
    one good friend
    R.I.P hunter

  10. taylor on January 12th, 2011 8:47 am

    hunter was a funny kid and i know how much you miss him

    r.i.p. hunter

  11. Tierra on December 19th, 2010 7:55 am

    Death at Such a young age i pray for the family and Friends R.I.P

  12. Deanna Hathaway on December 5th, 2010 7:10 pm

    Hunter was a loving boy he was very sweet to everyone at Ransom Middle School I was in his class for fouth grade at Beulah Elementary school so I knew him pretty well I wish he was still here so I could see him smile again it hurt me when I heard he died I cried for a really long time but god couldnt have chosen anyone better to be by his side . we all love you Hunter… miss you much …R.I.P. HUNTER FROMM NOV/26/2010

  13. Julia Dryfuss on December 4th, 2010 10:49 am

    I am so sorry for you loss…you are in my thoughts. What a beautiful child.

  14. Jay momma on December 3rd, 2010 7:29 am

    I am so sorry for your loss. Your family is in my thoughts.

  15. Just My 2 Cents on December 2nd, 2010 11:13 pm

    This must hurt parents more than any other thing.

    To Hunter’s parents;
    Look to the Lord for comfort. I am so sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.