Church Uses Cardboard Testimonies To Share Stories Of Faith

December 13, 2010

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a few words on piece of plain brown cardboard can tell a life story and story of faith in a way a thousands words could not touch.

The concept is simple. A piece of cardboard.  A permanent marker. On the first side of the cardboard for all to see is the story of a sin, a trial, a struggle or battle. On the flip side is where the person stands today though Christ.

A young woman walks into the spotlight at Highland Baptist Church in Molino with a few simple words written on a piece of cardboard. Words that perhaps would be hard to verbally express about childhood abuse in front of strangers, much less friends, family and neighbors in a rural church.

“Innocence Taken as a Young Girl,” one side of her cardboard says. The other side: “By God’s Grace Finally Healing. One Step Closer to Peace.”

Her “Cardboard Testimony” was one of many shared at a recent service at Highland. The biggest challenges, hurts, prayers  of a lifetime condensed into moments in the spotlight on plain cardboard.

“Told Preacher – Stay On Your Side of the Fence,” one man’s Cardboard Testimony read. The other side: “God Removed the Fences”.

Removing fences –  that’s what Cardboard Testimonies do in a figurative manner , according to Highland Baptist Pastor Brian Calhoun.

“People that might not be able to step up and speak out their testimony in words in front of others can do a cardboard testimony without speaking,” he said. And sometimes the visual is the evidence of the powerful.

“Only child born with severe (heart) defects. 2 cardiac arrests. 4 heart surgeries. Gave Her Back to God,” a mother’s cardboard reads. Her child’s cardboard: “8 Year Old Heart Survivor.  Standing here by God’s grace and love.”

“The point is that even in the darkest hour, there’s a time a strength and God provides,” Calhoun said.

Watch the Highland Baptist Church “Cardboard Testimonies” in the YouTube video at the top of the page. If you don’t see the video, it is because your church, school, home or work firewall is blocking external videos.

Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


28 Responses to “Church Uses Cardboard Testimonies To Share Stories Of Faith”

  1. Amrata on December 16th, 2010 10:25 am

    God is good, all the time
    He put a song of praise in this heart of mine
    God is good, all the time
    through the darkest night, his light will shine.

    “You never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross”

  2. Robert H. on December 15th, 2010 4:57 pm

    Our church(Pace Community Church) did this in 2008 and we are doing it again this year It is taking place this coming Sunday Dec19th as a matter of fact It is always inspirational and very moving, great testimonies on a piece of cardboard. If you have never seen it you should .

  3. Alabama on December 15th, 2010 11:35 am

    Thank you William!! Wonderful story. The world could use more stories such as this on our national and local news broadcast. God Bless.

  4. Sharon on December 15th, 2010 7:45 am

    The cardboard testimonies are so simple, yet so powerful! Telling the simple story of the gospel…”the almost too good to be true news”. Jesus paid the price for our sin, we simply must believe it so we can enjoy the best relationship this life can offer…a relationship with God.

  5. Bama Boy on December 15th, 2010 7:10 am

    wonder-ful sounds like you need to find a church where the preacher and his daddy are not in control and one that Jesus is and that is Highland!

  6. wonder-ful on December 15th, 2010 5:54 am

    Oh how I wish we could do this at my church, BUT not a chance if preacher man and his Daddy don’t approve!

  7. sue on December 14th, 2010 5:03 pm

    I am moved beyond words by this display of faith!! I praise God that everyone was willing to share their testimony so eloquently. So powerful! Blessings to each one who shared.

  8. uninterested on December 14th, 2010 4:45 am


  9. EMD on December 14th, 2010 12:14 am

    People representing several churches were there that night for the community Thanksgiving service. I have been to these services for several years, and this was, by far, the best ever. It was all I could do not to cry (I had no tissues). I had to cry backwards and swallow my tears. Thank you, William for posting this. It gives me a good chance now, to say to these folks at Highland, “Thank you so very much. That was beautiful. So was the courage of those brave folks who blessed us with those testimonies.

  10. Willene Bryan on December 13th, 2010 8:39 pm

    Praise God for all of these Testimonies. May God Bless each and everyone of you.

  11. Ricky G on December 13th, 2010 8:22 pm

    Very moving. I’ve slobbered all over my keyboard. Praise God for this ministry.

  12. Mr. Burkett on December 13th, 2010 6:04 pm

    I was there that night and I found it to be a very inspirational performance. Thank you, William, for posting a story about this event.

  13. Bright Sandollar on December 13th, 2010 4:49 pm

    Praise God !!!

  14. Dr. Kevin R. Linam on December 13th, 2010 4:05 pm

    Jesus is Lord and coming Soon, whether you believe it or not!!!

  15. Grateful Whitfield on December 13th, 2010 3:01 pm

    Im so glad can post this kind of article. Im so glad God hasn’t changed at all, He is still the Savior of the World, sent to this earth by our Loving Father, Lived a sinless life, was sacrificed for all our sins. Then he ROSE from the dead and is Alive Today still changing folks lives!! Just like he did 2000 years ago!!

  16. Ray's Chapel-er on December 13th, 2010 12:59 pm

    This is so amazing! How can one deny God when he has proven himself time and time again!

    Thank you for being so bold and sharing your stories.

  17. keith on December 13th, 2010 12:49 pm

    To all at Highland babtist,
    THANKYOU!! This was very good. I have watched it several times now and it is awsome what God can do through a cardboard box and a willing person.Since i work in the molino area i know many of you and your stories that makes it even more special to me. HE trully loves us “oh how he loves us”

    William, thanks for putting this on here, try to leave it as long as you can, i want to show other people.

  18. D Coburn on December 13th, 2010 12:43 pm

    WOW!!! Go and Tell the Good News…

  19. Samantha on December 13th, 2010 12:08 pm

    Love, Love, Love this! GOD is powerful and awesome! Thank you, JESUS, for answered prayers and always being by our sides! In JESUS name please continue to bless these individuals! AMEN! (:

  20. .::BLESSED::. on December 13th, 2010 11:54 am

    This was beautiful! It’s amazing how other people’s testimonies can affect someone by reading a messge on a piece of cardboard. Praise God for all of these wonderful people. & Thanks for sharing! This has definitely brightened my day!

  21. AL on December 13th, 2010 11:40 am


    Powerful stuff.

  22. Oldman on December 13th, 2010 11:16 am

    Some things are better read than said, test drive this idea in your own home with your family and see the results.

  23. hmm... on December 13th, 2010 11:15 am

    This is awesome!!! You can also see other churches doing this by going to and searching for cardboard testimonies. While you are on searching for Louie Giglio’s Laminin. It is a little lengthy but it is awesome!!! It will take your breath away!

  24. Name (required) on December 13th, 2010 10:00 am


    Thank you for bringing this wonderful story. The big PC news would never DARE to run something so wonderful.

    I truly do give thanks for this site, and for what the Lord has done in my own life!


  25. interested reader on December 13th, 2010 8:06 am

    Awesome, Awesome night at Highland! This was several weeks ago and it has been shared on Facebook as well. Thank you William for putting “our” story out there for others to see – do not be ahamed. God is good all the time and all the time God is good! To God be the Glory!

  26. Bama Boy on December 13th, 2010 7:12 am

    I was apart of this night!! God is at work at Highland Baptist Church and for the last month God has been stirring my soul for something great happening at Highland Baptist Church in 2011 that will change the destination of many souls in Molino Florida. I ask that Christians be praying and getting hearts prepared for what God is going to do!!

  27. Terry on December 13th, 2010 7:01 am

    Beautiful…God is good. “Nothing is to hard for God.” Here is the proof on cardboard. Thank you for sharing this on this Monday morning.

  28. terri sanders on December 13th, 2010 6:40 am

    All the people who shared will now be able to continue with their healing.They are no longer bound by shame they have lived with alone in siience.The Bible says bear one anothers burdens.Talking to someone sets us free.Satan wants to keep us bound in our prisons of silence.Praise God for this pastor and this service! Stories of physical healing bring hope to others.For some of these people the next hardest part will be coming back to church next week.Church family,love on these and welcome them,let them know there is no condemnation or judgement against them.