Century Woman Busted By U.S. Marshals On Charges From Nebraska

December 15, 2010

A Century woman was arrested by U.S. Marshals Tuesday on outstanding warrants from Nebraska.

The U.S. Marshals Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force in Pensacola and Escambia Warrant Squad Investigators arrested Rena Marie Camerlinck, 40, of 3200 Highway 4A without incident  at her place of employment, the Motel 6 on Pensacola Boulevard. Earlier Tuesday morning, U.S. Marshals and deputies attempted unsuccessfully to locate her at her residence on Highway 4A.

Camerlinck was wanted on outstanding forgery warrants from Cass County, just outside Omaha, Nebraska. According to investigators with the Cass County Sheriff’s Department, Camerlinck is facing multiple charges of second degree forgery from 2004. She was named one of the most wanted fugitives from Cass County.

Details about what led to the charges were not immediately available Tuesday afternoon.

Camerlinck is being held in the Escambia County Jail without bond pending extradition to Nebraska.


9 Responses to “Century Woman Busted By U.S. Marshals On Charges From Nebraska”

  1. David Huie Green on December 17th, 2010 7:37 am

    “This has been part of the problem of people trying to collect “oil money” and having no proof of their lost.”

    Further, if they can prove they lost it, the IRS can say, “Well, in that case you owe US on unreported income.”

    David considering the dangers of criminal life

  2. molino jim on December 16th, 2010 8:50 pm

    I recall a few weeks ago a man was arrested on old federal charges that was “DEAD”. His family had collected insurance and they are surly slow to pay off. If you truly wish to not be found for a while it can be done. There is a world of under the table payments made—it saves everyone money. Maybe free room for working as a house keeper and so on. This has been part of the problem of people trying to collect “oil money” and having no proof of their lost. The other part of this is how many people are wanted in this country—–I would guess many and how many people to look for them?

  3. shae on December 16th, 2010 5:08 pm

    Just a thought, but maybe she was one of those who moved a lot. That would explain having taken this much time to find her.

  4. Jim W on December 16th, 2010 3:10 pm

    David, I think the rules changed after 9/11. They can pretty much do what they want now days. To include violating you at the airport after they have already ran you thru the system for your information. I fly often and trust me they know who yu are and if there is anything in your background that should a concern to them. Just saying I think they are allowed to do that stuff today. Thanks to the idiots who attaced us all on that fateful day.

  5. Jim W on December 16th, 2010 2:56 pm

    It does make one ponder.

  6. David Huie Green on December 15th, 2010 9:06 pm

    “Seems to me that if she was that county’s most wanted they could have contacted the proper state and federal agencies to see if there was taxes being paid by her under her ss number and track her down that way. ”

    Don’t know if it has ever changed but a long time ago, federal law forbade use of social security number and taxes to track people. It was the only way they could get it approved in the first place and still plenty convinced it is the number of the beast.

    Nowadays, there’s so many ways to track people, the beast has to stand in line

  7. E S C A M B I A T E on December 15th, 2010 5:56 pm

    Jim, that is how slow it is. I have seen this play out in another situation where the authorities and medicaid were told of the person’s new location; Still, it took a coulple years before they were hauled in to Santa Rosa County jail to make good on fraud charges. I mean it was on a silver platter just about. They don’t connect the dots very fast it seems.

    Makes me wonder

  8. Are u Kidding on December 15th, 2010 4:55 pm

    well said Jim!

  9. Jim W on December 15th, 2010 3:06 pm

    Hum, let me see if I understand this. She has been wanted since 2004 and they are just now aressting her at her work place. One would think in that period of time she had to exist and work somewhere which means she had to pay her payrole taxes. Seems to me that if she was that county’s most wanted they could have contacted the proper state and federal agencies to see if there was taxes being paid by her under her ss number and track her down that way. Just sayin a little snooping around by police it could have been taken care of a long time ago and just maybe the victims could have already gotten justice.