Century Man Arrested 15 Times In A Year Found Competent To Stand Trial

December 30, 2010

Ronald Berlin Newton, the Century man arrested about 15 times in a year, has now been judged competent to stand trail on a few of the charges against him.

In October, Newton, 49, was found incompetent to stand trial on a long list of charges from multiple arrests — including aggravated stalking, battery, disorderly conduct, indecent exposure and trespassing. He was remanded into the custody of the Florida Department of Children and Families for evaluation and treatment.

Now, after multiple physiological evaluations, Escambia County Circuit Judge Jan Shackleford has ruled that Newton is competent to stand trial on a March charge of criminal mischief, a May charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without the intent to kill and a June charge of aggravated stalking.

Newton will be back in court in mid-January for a plea hearing.


19 Responses to “Century Man Arrested 15 Times In A Year Found Competent To Stand Trial”

  1. Cottage Hill Girl on January 4th, 2011 7:16 pm

    I’m thinking that maybe the judges who keep letting him out might need to be tested for competency also.

  2. Doug Newton on January 3rd, 2011 12:16 pm

    Judy… Yes, the CMA is part of the Florida Department of Health and they are responsible for inspecting all aspects of the DOC’s medical facilities. From the CMA’s website, I reviewed the mental health section of the last three fiscal year reports (as they review different facilities every year on a three year cycle). One only needs to look at the most recent report to see that many problems exist. There were over 30 findings. Some of them were major and repeat write-ups from previous inspections. In my opinion, this indicates they should be looking at things beyond the surface. An inspector can only see so much in a visit that lasts a few days. Many of the findingss were across the board at every facility inspected – that’s a sign of institutional problems. Just my thoughts.

    At any rate, I agree with you that Ron needs to be removed from the community. I am concerned that he may be worse off when he is released. I also commend your husband for working in the mental health profession. It is a tough, under appreciated field of work.

  3. JUDY MASEK on January 3rd, 2011 11:28 am

    thanks, doug, for the advice- i see that that the correctional medical authority (CMA) is the official oversight group (created in 1997) that monitors the mental health treatments and care of prisoners in our florida prisons…it remains independent of the DOC as it surveys/audits/reviews the prisons mental health treatment programs every three years w/its findings and then submits that report to the governor…see, im educatable!…my husband worked at baker as a mental health specialist, along w/several other florida institutions….so, maybe i have just a limited familiarity with mental health programs in our fla prisons…but, i do have some…nontheless, id prefer to err on the side of community safety, when i comes to mr. newton- and i stand by my comment.

  4. Doug Newton on January 3rd, 2011 8:25 am

    Judy Masek… If Ron ends up in a mental institution, sure his psychiatric needs will be supervised. If he ends up in a prison, I wouldn’t be so sure. I suggest you do some research on the Florida Department of Corrections track record for handling inmates with psychiatric problems – it’s bad, but I don’t have time or enough patience to educate you on that fact. Sorry, but your somewhat manipulative response lacks justifiable common sense and highlights the fact that you are unfamiliar with what you are speaking about.

  5. David Huie Green on January 2nd, 2011 5:41 pm

    maybe previous judges ruled him incompetent to stand trial while off his medications and this one ruled while he was on his meds.

    David for proper treatment

  6. A. Davis on January 2nd, 2011 5:25 pm

    Hahaha I didnt even think about the judge.

  7. Clinton Curly Brooks on January 1st, 2011 10:35 pm

    Hey,don’t worry about Mr.Newton.Anytime
    a person goes before a Judge this many times
    in a year,forget Mr.Newton,lookout for the JUDGE’.

  8. A. Davis on January 1st, 2011 8:27 pm

    funny how some people get chance after chance. It sometimes seem that only old people get to have mental problems. I would think this man is old enough to know what he is doing.

  9. Jim W on December 31st, 2010 2:30 pm

    Doug you must be kin to or know this man. What you are not taking into consideration is the man keeps offending. Where he is or is not taking meds is to be seen. I have followed this story for quite some time and I do understand he needs help. On the other hand it appears the safest thing for him and the public is to be locked up where he has to take medications and be in a controlled enviroment. If that does not occur soon this will keep happening and esculate to worse things.

  10. Jimmy on December 30th, 2010 5:04 pm

    get this man off the streets for good! if he has been ttreated and is ready to stand trial now he can pay for what he did. there is no need for cases like this. it suprises me someone did not pull the trigger on this man already. assult and stalking are pretty scary things. let justice be served as this man has felt above the law for a long time now.

  11. interested reader on December 30th, 2010 3:42 pm

    Thanks to Judge Shackleford for finally starting the process of keeping this dangerous person in jail. He should have been held accountable for all the past offenses. He has worked the system far too long. Please put him in jail or get him help BUT don’t let him out on the streets again.

  12. gott2sayit on December 30th, 2010 12:31 pm

    15 times in one year is ridiculous…its not his fault…its the laws….loch him up after the third…then you dont have to count anymore. Makes a good news story though dont it ??

  13. JUDY MASEK on December 30th, 2010 11:46 am

    doug, if he ends up in prison hell HAVE to take his “treatments”/medications…then, FOR SURE, he wont be a “threat to himself or anyone else” (on the outside)…and, IF hes taking his proper medications/seeing mental health/getting “therapy”, why would he be destined to “kill himself or someone else” in the prison (or a psychiatric institution)?….sorry, but your somewhat manipulative reasoning lacks justifiable common sense…truthfully, its in his best interest, as well, to be in a controlled enviroment where his medical/psychiatric needs are completely supervised.

  14. Doug Newton on December 30th, 2010 10:56 am

    As long as he continues to receive his “treatments”, he will not be a threat to himself or anyone else. If they throw the book at him (like a lot of people want the courts to do), he’ll end up in prison and kill himself or someone else. One way or another – THE GOOD CITIZENS OF THE COUNTY … will get what they want!!! Right?

  15. David Huie Green on December 30th, 2010 10:24 am

    He always looks pleasant and happy in his picture. (I think it’s the same picture, so that make sense too.)

  16. Horrific! on December 30th, 2010 10:15 am

    WELL WELL WELL what have we here.

    About time they took a good hard look at ANY repeat offender.


  17. JUDY MASEK on December 30th, 2010 9:18 am

    i think that public outcry may have cohersed the judicial system take a second look at their absurd actions in allowing this man to repetitively get a free pass on BAD behavior…(there is hope, hopefully)

  18. nudo on December 30th, 2010 5:36 am

    We must have gotten a new judge. Don’t they know he gets a free pass?……..Finally now maybe he gets jail before he kills someone.

  19. Just My 2 Cents on December 30th, 2010 2:34 am

    Fool me once, shame on you……fool me twice, shame on me……..fool me a bunch of times…..well, shame on who? Some people think they can fool the system and continue to get away with breaking the law. I’m glad Judge Shackleford saw through his farce. Finally he will get what he deserves.