Cantonment Man Arrested For Bringing Gun Into Escambia Courthouse

December 29, 2010

A 53-year old Cantonment man was arrested Tuesday for allegedly bringing a gun to the Escambia County courthouse.

Employees of Securitas Security were conducting a security check at the M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building Tuesday when they allegedly found Perry Gray Jr., of Cantonment, in possession of a handgun.

Deputies working the courthouse security detail were notified and immediately responded and took Gray into custody.

Deputies said Gray does not have a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

“Even if Gray had a concealed carry permit, it is illegal to carry a firearm into any courthouse,” said Sheriff’s spokesman Chris Welborn.

Gray was not scheduled to appear in court and was there for other legal business.

Gray was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and booked into the Escambia County Jail. He was released on $1,000 bond.


11 Responses to “Cantonment Man Arrested For Bringing Gun Into Escambia Courthouse”

  1. David Huie Green on December 30th, 2010 6:02 pm

    “This poor man probably forgot he had this”

    While everybody should walk around armed, they should not forget they are armed. Guns are intentionally dangerous and should be treated with respect or at least remembered.

    “and had it on him for protection on the streets where the courthouse in located. Should have been built on 9-mile road where all the gov property was sold to realtors to put a subdivision, then it would have been centrally located.

    Let’s see, Nine Mile Road is about nine miles from Pensacola Bay and 35 miles from the top of Century. Yep, that’s centrally located alright. The alternative is to put the courthouse in the county seat like the rest of the country does. Oh wait, that is Pensacola, where it is.

    “Why should he be arrested? ”

    The only reason which comes to mind is that he was breaking the law. People sometimes get disturbed when judges rule against them and are more likely to kill someone in those disturbed moments. He could have avoided the problem by staying out of the courthouse in the first place.

    David for following the law if possible

  2. epps399 on December 30th, 2010 7:16 am

    he must of been under the influence of his maedication and made a bad judgement call or didnt think at all … he will need to see a professionel physcologist and be evaluated ,,,,PS – he prolly carries a pistol because hes tired of people stealing from him simply because hes in a wheel chair and partially handicapped ,,,,GODSPEED

  3. WF on December 30th, 2010 12:58 am

    Seriously? People are actually trying to use the ” he might not have known ” excuse? If you dont know that you have to have a concealed weapons permit to carry a concealed weapon then you need to go to jail for being a damn idiot! I do not have a CWP but I know that if a place has a metal detector at the door you dont need to bring a gun there. Oh and for all the idots out there, You cant take a gun to a bar either. Incase your to stupid to know that also!

  4. molino jim on December 29th, 2010 8:59 pm

    POLLY–think about when the courthouse was built. The middle of the county didn’t have many people because most lived close to Pensacola. The county is starting to move north with a lot of the buildings.

  5. Jim W on December 29th, 2010 3:19 pm

    I do not know his reasoning for carring in a court house when it is illegal but is it possible he just did not know. For those who are quick to jump on security and the police who had nothing to do with it until called. It sounds to me like the system worked just the way it was supposed to. There are a lot of people out there who do not know the laws about weapons he may be one of them. I have a CWP and I also belong to a large gun colectors club so I have to know what is lawful and what is not. On the other hand I see people who want to buy a weapon and do not know the rules and regulations. They are the people who need to go thru the schools offered on safety and the laws governing the carring and ownership of a weapon. Not only for their safety but others as well. Before some of you try to jump me it is my 2nd amendment right to own a weapon and carry if I have passed the back ground check. To me it is a weapon not a gun. Those of us who have served our country knows the differenc for sure. Don’t get wrong I’m not trying to defend the man but it is highly possible he did not know.

  6. polly on December 29th, 2010 3:07 pm

    Everyone that attends OUR COURTHOUSE IN THE MOST SOUTHERN END OF THE COUNTY is treated like criminals when you go the Courthouse and even ask to speak with one of the people WE PUT IN OFFICE at the polls. This poor man probably forgot he had this and had it on him for protection on the streets where the courthouse in located. Should have been built on 9-mile road where all the gov property was sold to realtors to put a subdivision, then it would have been centrally located. Why should he be arrested? Aren’t the jails about full?
    Poor man probably didn’t have anyone to go his bail. Shame on Court House Security whoever it is.

  7. John on December 29th, 2010 12:51 pm

    I’m not sure why you think the LEOs should be embarrassed? First off, LEOs don’t manage the security at the door, a private company does. Secondly, the man was caught AT THE DOOR, just as he should have been. Seems the system worked this time.

  8. Cynical on December 29th, 2010 10:53 am

    The court will fix this and then it will be done.

    They don’t check wheelchairs very thoroughly at the courthouse and this was probably a little embarrassing for LEOs

  9. The Truth on December 29th, 2010 9:39 am

    I have known Perry and his Family about 43 Years, He’s a Good Man, This is Not Like him, I Know he is now in a wheel chair and on a lot of Medication, Just Saying :)

  10. shae on December 29th, 2010 9:33 am

    What reclusive rock has this poor man been living under to ever think that this would be okay?

  11. T on December 29th, 2010 6:47 am

    smart man, we need more like him :)