Names Released Of Women Found Dead In Woods

December 1, 2010

The names have been released of two women discovered murdered  in a wooded area of Escambia County.

Wednesday morning investigators identified the women as Debra Ann Jones, 19, and Jamie Broxson (pictured top left), 25.

According to Escambia County Circuit Court records, Broxson was released from the Escambia County Jail last week after being sentenced to probation on possession of drug paraphernalia and trespassing charges.

Jones (pictured bottom left) was arrested November 8 for DUI property damage and driving a motorcycle without a license. She was due to appear in court November 29, but she was not present.

Both bodies were found Monday in a wooded lot near a Gulf Power substation. The Sheriff’s Office was contacted by Gulf Power security personnel around 12:22 pm, shortly after another Gulf Power employee reported finding human remains near the substation.

Sheriff’s investigators and crime scene technicians were immediately dispatched and spent several hours processing the scene for possible evidence. During this time, another body was located by investigators.

Based upon the condition of the bodies it is believed that one has been in the lot for seven to 10 days, the other 72 hours or less, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Details concerning the specific cause of death will not be released, until determined by the Medical Examiner. Investigators, however, suspect foul play.

On Tuesday morning Sheriff’s investigators and members of the Escambia Search and Rescue Team (ESAR) searched the wooded area with cadaver dogs. These specially trained dogs are trained in detecting the odor of decomposing bodies. As of Tuesday afternoon no other remains had been located.

Further details have not been released.

Pictured top left:  Jamie Broxson. Pictured bottom left: Debra Ann Jones.


31 Responses to “Names Released Of Women Found Dead In Woods”

  1. RPANGEL30 on December 5th, 2010 6:15 pm


  2. T on December 4th, 2010 12:46 pm

    just reading the two comments below , seems like doofis and loves teaching should switch names

  3. Loves Teaching on December 3rd, 2010 5:29 pm

    Oh, Doofus. That is a true Christian attitude. Thank you for that bit of wisdom.

  4. doofus on December 2nd, 2010 3:36 pm

    Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future…

  5. David Huie Green on December 2nd, 2010 1:35 pm

    “One has to wonder what is wrong with a community that has so little regard for the lives of young women. ”

    If you can put victims into some group to which you don’t belong, you can assume only people in that group will become victims. It helps you feel safer.

    That said, there is some truth to the thought that staying out of some groups reduces the likelihood such things will happen to you. If serial killers are killing blondes, it is wise to be brunette. If serial killers are killing people walking the streets at 3:15 am, it is wise to be off the streets then. If people are being killed in one part of town, it is wise to not be in that part of town.

    This is said not to condemn, even though it is clear they did some things they shouldn’t have, but to warn others the price they may have to pay for certain actions.

    David hoping the killer is stopped

  6. pm on December 2nd, 2010 11:41 am

    Mike – Thank you for stepping up to the plate. It is refreshing to know that some men in this county still have the intestinal fortitude to defy the traditional response of villifying the victim and marginalizing these victims’ lives. One has to wonder what is wrong with a community that has so little regard for the lives of young women. People need to understand that all human life has value and that by denigrating these girls they only show their lack of comapssion. Further, when these murders go unsolved it gives our neighbors a reason to easily forget and dismiss what has happened. Thank you again for proving that some men do really care.

  7. mike on December 2nd, 2010 10:53 am

    This was a horriable thing to happen in our community instead of posting these young ladies arrest records and missed court dates why dont they ask about info on the girls . This community should be up in arms instead of worried about what they were arrested for. Why would any community try to belittle these girls for being arrested and take the time to try to help find who did this instead of worring about there past history. Who would want there daughter,sister or mothers history posted and distract from helping try to find there killer

  8. HB on December 2nd, 2010 10:02 am

    I have some thought s concerning the recent deaths of Jaime Broxson and Debra Jones. These two young women had made some mistakes, and being constantly reminded of those mistakes, as I watch the news, I just can’t help but get angry. Two women, murdered and dumped like trash. Would our community be more angry if two women with children, and husbands, and no criminal background s were murdered and dumped. I think they would and SHAME on our community for that. These two young women with sketchy backgrounds are now dead and our local community has to remind us daily that Jamie and Debra had been arrested. These women deserve more respect than they are receiving.

    We all should be demanding the ECSO find out who did this and make that person pay. As a woman I am sick and tired of other women always being killed and dumped like they are nothing. Why don’t the men in our society stand up and say stop killing our daughters, our mothers and our wives. Every woman is someone’s daughter. I wish people would think about that instead of “oh she was on drugs” or “well, she ran around with the wrong people.” Also, think if you or someone you knew were found murdered, would you want a sketchy past to be the only thing the news talked about, or would you want the news to focus on finding who killed you.

    Women are one of the most preyed upon group of people. I think if men stood up more and said STOP THIS that maybe it would change. But I guess women will have to get the ball rolling and fight for themselves. Has anyone held a vigil for these two women? If not maybe we should, we need to let everyone know we are not going to stand by and watch all this violence against women. Even though bad choices were made these women were loved by someone and therefore we should all love them. If we all took more time to really love our neighbor the world would be a better a place. Let us show everyone that there are no throwaways in our community.

  9. it's me on December 2nd, 2010 8:20 am

    This is a horrible thing that has been done. I am praying for the family to have closure and justice for these 2 young women. no one deserves this even if they did have a small record. They still had many years to change there lives, and it wasnt someone place to take that from them. and I think I read that 1 of them has kids, now these kids are devistated beacause of 1 HEARTLESS ACT. To the family: We are praying for you and the community will help the law enforcement to find this MONSTER and bring HIM OR HER to justice. I have kids of my own and have a little sister that hasnt figured out her place in life yet, and hoping that something bad like this doesn’t happen to her. I was raised in church every sunday, sunday night & wednesday . Both parents in the home that loved one another. A very christian home and she’s is still having problems in society, and seem to keep choosing the wrong men to love and be with. just dont point fingers at the family or the 2 beautiful women, but at the MONSTER that took their lives and devistated all of ours. WE ARE PRAYING FOR JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Just Sherlockin on December 2nd, 2010 2:44 am

    curious wrote: i was just thinking the motive could have been to conceal, recent arrest, somebody could have thought they talked. ? But, there sure are alot of dead people turning up down there. Something is happening….

    My thinking would also go in this direction, if both of the victims had a past record in the manor of Ms Broxson. Ratting out kingpin criminals is usually a hope for getting out of Jail, when there’s no hope of getting out.

    Ms Jones didn’t have this kind of record, and her bond was only 2,000 dollars. Her Stepfather stated that she was born with a heart defect, and her Mother was a severe Alcoholic, which explains how she could be missing for a week or so without being missed.

    Another classic case of a Parent setting a fine example for their children. Don’t let this disturb you Mom, it’s nothing that another good stiff drink won’t solve, right.

    My thinking is that someone they both conversed with in Jail was gathering a list of post Jail contacts with a promise of free drugs maybe. In other words, a female version of John Wayne Gaycee.

  11. curious.... on December 1st, 2010 9:53 pm

    i was just thinking the motive could have been to conceal, recent arrest, somebody could have thought they talked. ? But, there sure are alot of dead people turning up down there. Something is happening….

  12. molino jim on December 1st, 2010 8:19 pm

    “QUESTION”—Ms Jones was 19 and had been in jail once that we know of—maybe more. At 19 we do not know what kind of life she lived so maybe the family was use to not hearing from her for a week or two at a time. NATIVE- I recall seeing the story Tue a/m on ch. 3 (true not as good as William) SHERLOCKIN–Good work—except you left out the idea of hiding a S.O. in the woods—you know—the part about “they always return to the scene of the crime” and then they could arrest the killer or killers. I am sorry for the families and the three children of Ms Jones.

  13. Just Sherlockin on December 1st, 2010 7:04 pm

    curious wrote: how sad and how weird they both had recently been arrested and released. not too much of a believer in coinsidences either…uhm………

    Lets try to figure this one out. Two young ladies, two different sides of town, both recently in and out of Jail.

    When young females are found murdered, as these two obviously were, folks seem to take it for granted that it was a male ( which is what the Murderer wants us to think ). My best speculation is that the murderer was a female.

    Okay, Broxson was arrested Oct. 9th and was released on probation about a week ago. She had been dead around 72 hrs. ( 3 days ) as of Monday.

    Jones was arrested Nov. 8th, and I don’t know when she was released, and to solve these murders we need to know this. She had been dead around 7 to 10 days as of Monday.

    These two girls, might or might not have met each other in Jail. This doesn’t matter. What does matter is who they both met and gave either their address or telephone numbers to.

    Okay, Hopefully the first victim, bonded out of Jail fairly quickly, which would mean the murderer was likely released shortly before her Murder. But if Jones was released shortly before her Murder, then the Murderer could have been released anytime after Nov. 8th or after she exchanged info with Jones and this would make for a longer time frame.

    Since the Murderer knew of this secluded spot to dump their Murdered victims, they most likely live near the area. So we need to compare the address of the Inmates released during the right time frame and Investigate the nearest to that area first.

    We have to figure this on out Quick or many more will go down. The found victims won’t stop this Mentally disturbed person, they’ll just find a new place to dump the bodies.

    I’m sure the Investigators are already all over this theory, but I’m posting this here to make sure they are.

    The Murderer thinks their smart, but their actually dumber than dumb.

  14. JohnMolino on December 1st, 2010 6:38 pm

    As a former homicide investigator,I can tell you this:
    possible motives for murder are profit, revenge, jealousy, to conceal a crime, to avoid humiliation & disgrace, or plain old homicidal mania. It’s all right there in the manual, on page 1…

    We had a sign up on the wall that read:
    “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is serial murder and over 600 is clearly the work of an ancient Sumerian demon or wicked curse.”

    Requiescat In Pace to the victims. Hope they catch the animals who did this

  15. question on December 1st, 2010 4:17 pm

    Debora Jones did her family not report her missing? If my child at that age had not been seen in 7 to 10 day I would have been asking questions? How sad. I hope that who ever did this did not make them suffer.

  16. Dola on December 1st, 2010 4:15 pm

    in comment to MGO; I would hope and pray that we do not have such an evil and sad type individual roaming among us. However, in the event that does turn out to be the case, God help them, as it only a matter of time before the wrong victim is selected and the tables do turn! From the eldest to the youngest of my household is armed, and they do not miss!

  17. Dola on December 1st, 2010 4:07 pm

    Sad. We may never know the reasons why, but God does. Our thoughts and prayers to the families. God Bless

  18. curious.... on December 1st, 2010 3:46 pm

    how sad and how weird they both had recently been arrested and released. not too much of a believer in coinsidences either…uhm………

  19. Loves Teaching on December 1st, 2010 3:05 pm

    I was one of Debra’s Jones’s teachers in elementary school. She was one of the sweetest, kindest children I ever taught. Please remember her kindly. God greeted her with open arms. Please find the monster who did this to these two young women.

  20. careful observer on December 1st, 2010 1:08 pm

    “These young women have been denied the opportunity to straighten out their lives and possibly help others with what they had experienced.”

    We have been given info on the one girl yes, but then you assume the other had the same lifestyle she could just be a young woman who was walking home from PJC or any care program we have been given no info about her and it is rather upsetting that you automatically lump her in as a wayward person.

    Molino, Gembeaux, and TriedKeepingQuiet Please read the story and refrain from jumping to conclusions

  21. TriedKeepingQuiet on December 1st, 2010 12:29 pm

    This is just terrible. I have a 19 year old daughter who thinks she knows everything and trusts everyone. Please let this open the eyes of young girls to let them know that drugs and the “wrong” crowds will often lead to such situtations as this. God Bless the families of the young women who got caught up in the wrong lifestyle.

  22. Gembeaux on December 1st, 2010 9:42 am

    It’s true that no one deserves this treatment. These young women have been denied the opportunity to straighten out their lives and possibly help others with what they had experienced. When you immerse yourself in that sort of lifestyle, however, you have to know that a tragic end of one sort or another is always just around the corner. Unfortunately, those who are just beginning their forays into “the life” (a sad misnomer) always feel that this sort of thing will never happen to them.

  23. Dan on December 1st, 2010 8:28 am

    Terrible tradgedy!

    Nobody deserves this. The perpetrator(s) will be
    caught and punished. Florida has the Death Penalty
    and uses it!

    Having worked in a Florida prison. It’s no walk in the park !

  24. Molino resident on December 1st, 2010 7:24 am

    This is tragic, but when you live by the gun… die by the gun.

  25. Native on December 1st, 2010 6:59 am

    Wonder why it was not reported in the news until yesterday? Seems odd that they would find 2 bodies on Monday and no mention of it from the ECSO until yesterday. Just seems very strange to me.

  26. dick tracy on November 30th, 2010 11:23 pm

    Attn you dirtbag!!!!!! You messed up here somehow! You Will Get Caught! These girls didn’t deserve this. Keep looking over your dirtbag shoulder.

  27. Someone on November 30th, 2010 7:04 pm

    Sounds like someone is taking out witnesses and leaving a message behind.

  28. Freedom on November 30th, 2010 5:34 pm

    A little too close to home for me. I just made sure all of the doors are locked! May God be with their families.

  29. William on November 30th, 2010 5:11 pm

    >>Wow! Nine Mile and Jernigan Roads, isn’t that near Pen-Air Federal Credit Union?

    Almost. Jernigan runs behind the Scenic Hills Veterinary Clinic and the Tom Thumb.

  30. Oversight on November 30th, 2010 5:09 pm

    Wow! Nine Mile and Jernigan Roads, isn’t that near Pen-Air Federal Credit Union? With the weather like it is today, the crime scene must be a mess. I hope the sheriff’s office can quickly figure out who did this and get ‘em off the streets!

  31. MGO on November 30th, 2010 5:04 pm

    Several days apart? Sounds like a dumping ground for bodies. I’m hoping that the NorthEscambia area doesn’t have a serial killer on the loose.
